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Simon Walters edited this page Jul 22, 2021 · 90 revisions


This node allows you to make your own function node using drag and drop Google Blockly blocks instead of having to write code in Javascript.

Follow these instructions to install the node into your palette.

To assist you in learning the Blockly integration for Node-RED, a number of examples have been provided.

Beginners Intermediate Advanced
Hello World Create a list of items Clean up when node closed
Add Text to Message Send a message to an output Clone message
Creating and Using Variables Searching or removing items in a list Create an (Javascript) object
Execute actions based on conditions Send message to an output Object to JSON string and back-...
Show a status text on the node Store data in Node-Red memory Exit blockly processing
Write a text to the Node-RED log [Search-for-Blockly-nodes](Search for Blockly nodes) Add-your-favorite-blocks-to-a-backpack
Create-timers Trigger-a-Complete-node-via-a-Done-block Use-fullscreen-mode