Covers advanced topics (different config options and scenarios)
The following configuration options are available to control the behaviour of the SDK. You can provide options by passing them in when the client is created e.g.
CfClient.Instance.Initialize(apiKey, Config.Builder()
Name | Config Option | Description | default |
baseUrl | ConfigUrl("") | the URL used to fetch feature flag evaluations. You should change this when using the Feature Flag proxy to http://localhost:7000 | |
eventsUrl | EventUrl("") | the URL used to post metrics data to the feature flag service. You should change this when using the Feature Flag proxy to http://localhost:7000 | |
pollInterval | SetPollingInterval(60) | when running in stream mode, the interval in seconds that we poll for changes. | 60 |
enableStream | SetStreamEnabled(true) | Enable streaming mode. | true |
enableAnalytics | SetAnalyticsEnabled(true) | Enable analytics. Metrics data is posted every 60s | true |
If you do not want a Target
to be sent to Harness servers, you can use the isPrivate
Target target1 = Target.builder()
.Attributes(new Dictionary<string, string>(){{"email", "[email protected]"}})
You can configure the logger using Serilog. Add Serilog to your project with the following commands
dotnet add package Serilog
You can then configure the logger to write to the console with debug using the following
// Logger
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
public bool boolVariation(string key, dto.Target target, bool defaultValue)
public double numberVariation(string key, dto.Target target, double defaultValue)
public string stringVariation(string key, dto.Target target, string defaultValue)
public JObject jsonVariation(string key, dto.Target target, JObject defaultValue)
The user can call WaitForInitialization() to block and wait for the SDK
// Creates instance of a client
var client = new CfClient(API_KEY, Config.Builder().Build());
// Starts authentication and asynchronously wait for initialisation to complete
This feature allows you to create or use other connectors. Connector is just a proxy to your data. Currently supported connectors:
- Harness (Used by default)
- Local (used only in development)
LocalConnector connector = new LocalConnector("local");
client = new CfClient(connector);
For offline support and asynchronous startup of SDK user should use storage interface. When SDK is used without waiting on async methods, and configuration is provided with file storage, then all flags are loaded from last saved configurations. If there is no flag in a storage then they will be evaluated from defaultValue argument.
FileMapStore fileStore = new FileMapStore("Non-Freemium");
LocalConnector connector = new LocalConnector("local");
client = new CfClient(connector, Config.builder().store(fileStore).build());
It is possible to fetch a value for a given evaluation. Evaluation is performed based on a different type. In case there is no evaluation with provided id, the default value is returned.
Use the appropriate method to fetch the desired Evaluation of a certain type.
Library exposes two events for user to subscribe on getting internal notifications.
client.InitializationCompleted += (sender, e) =>
// fired when authentication is completed and recent configuration is fetched from server
Console.WriteLine("Notification Initialization Completed");
client.EvaluationChanged += (sender, identifier) =>
// Fired when flag value changes.
Console.WriteLine($"Flag changed for {identifier}");
Metrics API endpoint can be changed like this:
Otherwise, the default metrics endpoint URL will be used.
When using your Feature Flag SDKs with a Harness Relay Proxy you need to change the default URL. You can pass the URLs in when creating the client. i.e.
CfClient.Instance.Initialize(apikey, Config.Builder()