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Design and Features of the Polkadot API Server

This page will present the inner workings of the API Server as well as the features that one is able to interact with and how. The following points will be presented and discussed:


The components involved in the API Server are the following:

  • The Polkadot Nodes from which the API retrieves information
  • This API Server which uses the @polkadot/api JavaScript package to retrieve data from the Polkadot Nodes
  • The User/Program which sends GET Requests to the API Server as per the defined Endpoints, and receives JSON formatted responses from the API Server

The diagram below gives an idea of the various components at play when the API Server is running, and how they interact with each other and the user/program:


The API Server works as follows:

  • The API Server connects to each of these nodes one by one, as specified in the config/user_config_nodes.ini file.
  • The API connections to each node exist within JS as promise objects.
  • The API Server opens a port, as specified in the config/user_config_main.ini file.
  • By communicating through this port, the API Server receives the endpoints specified in the Complete List of Endpoints section below, and requests information from the nodes it is connected to accordingly.
  • Once the requested information is received from the node, it is formatted as a JSON, and returned.

Complete List of Endpoints

API Endpoint Required Inputs Optional Inputs Output
/api/pingApi None None pong if the API is accessible
/api/pingNode websocket None pong if the API could access the Node
/api/getConnectionsList None None List of nodes (websocket_ips) the API is connected to
/api/rpc/chain/getBlockHash websocket block_number block hash of the specified block, or of the latest block if one is not specified
/api/rpc/chain/getFinalizedHead websocket None block hash
/api/rpc/chain/getHeader websocket hash header of the specified block hash, or of the latest block if the hash is not specified
/api/rpc/rpc/methods websocket None version and methods, a list of RPC methods that are exposed by the node
/api/rpc/system/chain websocket None system chain
/api/rpc/system/health websocket None system health - peers, isSyncing
/api/rpc/system/networkState websocket None peerId, listenedAddresses, externalAddresses and connectedPeers for the specified node. The current state of the network
/api/rpc/system/properties websocket None ss58Format, tokenDecimals and tokenSymbol for the network of the specified node. Properties defined in the chain spec
/api/query/balances/totalIssuance websocket None The total amount of units issued in the chain. Value may be in Hex
/api/query/council/members websocket None List of council members
/api/query/council/proposalCount websocket None Number of proposals
/api/query/council/proposalOf websocket, hash None proposal info - end, proposalHash, treshold, delay
/api/query/council/proposals websocket None List of proposals
/api/query/democracy/publicPropCount websocket None Number of public proposals
/api/query/democracy/referendumCount websocket None Number of referendums
/api/query/democracy/referendumInfoOf websocket, referendum_index None referendum info - end, proposalHash, treshold, delay
/api/query/imOnline/authoredBlocks websocket, session_index, validator_id None Number of blocks authored by the specified validatorId in the specified sessionIndex
/api/query/imOnline/receivedHeartbeats websocket, session_index, auth_index None Any data which shows that it is still online, despite not having signed any blocks
/api/query/session/currentIndex websocket None current index
/api/query/session/disabledValidators websocket None List of disabled validators
/api/query/session/validators websocket None List of validators
/api/query/staking/activeEra websocket None index and start of the active era
/api/query/staking/bonded websocket, account_id None Controller account assigned to the stash account with the specified account_id. Will return null if the stash doesn't have a controller assigned.
/api/query/staking/erasRewardPoints websocket era_index The total and individual rewards in the specified era index, or in the active one if it is not specified
/api/query/staking/erasStakers websocket, account_id era_index stakers info - total balance nominated, balance nominated belonging to the owner, List of stakers who have nominated and how much they have nominated in the specified era index, or in the active one if it is not specified
/api/query/staking/erasTotalStake websocket era_index The total amount staked in the specified era index, or in the active one if it is not specified. Value may be in Hex
/api/query/staking/erasValidatorReward websocket era_index The total validator era payout in the specified era index, or in the last finished era (active era - 1) if it is not specified
/api/query/staking/payee websocket, account_id None Reward destination address assigned to the stash with the specified account_id. Returns json with different keys depending on the type of reward destination: staked: null - when reward destination is a stash, controller: addr - when reward destination is a controller, and result: addr when reward destination is any other address.
/api/query/staking/unappliedSlashes websocket era_index List of slashed validators (unapplied) in the specified era, or the current era if an era index is not specified.
/api/query/staking/validators websocket, account_id Preferences of the validator whose stash is the specified account_id (validator commission and blocked status).
/api/query/system/account websocket, account_id None The full account information for the specified account_id.
/api/query/system/events websocket block_hash events that happened in the specified block hash, or in the latest block if the block hash is not specified
/api/custom/getSlashAmount websocket, account_address block_hash The balance slashed (if any) of the specified account address in the specified block hash, or in the latest block if the block hash is not specified
/api/derive/staking/validators websocket None nextElected - List of validators which will be active in the next session and validators - List of validators which are currently active

Using the API

For example, the endpoint /api/rpc/system/health can be called as follows: http://localhost:3000/api/rpc/system/health?websocket=ws:// If successful, this will return:

    "result": {
        "peers": 92,
        "isSyncing": false,
        "shouldHavePeers": true

If an API connection for the node specified in the websocket field is not set up, this will return:

    "error": "An API for ws:// needs to be setup before it can be queried"

If an API call without all the required fields is sent, such as http://localhost:3000/api/query/imOnline/authoredBlocks?websocket=ws://, this will return:

    "error": "You did not enter the stash account address of the validator that needs to be queried"

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