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File metadata and controls

223 lines (146 loc) · 6.66 KB


Table of Contents


The constructor signature is:



  • adContainer: HTMLElement - (required) HTML element of the ad container


import AdsManager from 'ads-manager';

const adContainer = document.getElementById('ad-container');
// Define ads manager
const adsManager = new AdsManager(adContainer);

Public Methods

getVersion(): String

Get the version of AdsManager.


  • String - The current version of AdsManager.

addEventListener(eventName, callback)

Register a listener to a particular event.


  • eventName: String - Event name
  • callback: Function - Callback


Remove a listener for a particular event.


  • eventName: String - Event name

requestAds(vastUrl, options)

Request ads from a server.


  • vastUrl: String - The url of the VAST tag, or VAST XML
  • options: Object - An optional Object to configure the ad request
    • muted: Boolean - A boolean, whether the ad will be played while muted.
    • vastLoadTimeout: Number - VAST document load timeout (default 23000 ms)
    • loadVideoTimeout: Number - VAST media file (assets) load timeout (default 8000 ms)
    • withCredentials: Boolean - A boolean to enable the withCredentials options for the XHR URLHandler (default false)
    • wrapperLimit: Number - A number of Wrapper responses that can be received with no InLine response (default 10)


import AdsManager from 'ads-manager';

const adContainer = document.getElementById('ad-container');
const adsManager = new AdsManager(adContainer);
// ...
let vastUrl = '';
// Request ads without options
// ...
// Request ads with options
adsManager.requestAds(vastUrl, {
  loadVideoTimeout: 18000,
  wrapperLimit: 7

init(width, height, viewMode)

Call init to initialize the ad experience on the ads manager.


  • width: Number - The desired width of the ad.
  • height: Number - The desired height of the ad.
  • viewMode: String - The desired view mode. Value must not be null. Possible values ("normal" or "fullscreen"). Width and height are not required when viewMode is fullscreen.


Start playing the ads.


Pauses the current ad that is playing.


Resumes the current ad that is loaded and paused.


Stop playing the ads. Calling this will get publisher back to the content.


Skips the current ad, after the skip is completed the AdsManager fires an AdSkipped event.

resize(width, height, viewMode)

Resizes the current ad. After the resize is completed the AdsManager fires an AdSizeChange event.


  • width: Number - New ad slot width.
  • height: Number - New ad slot height.
  • viewMode: String - The new view mode. Value must not be null. Possible values ("normal" or "fullscreen"). Width and height are not required when viewMode is fullscreen.

getDuration(): Number

Get the duration of the current ad.

  • Number - The duration of the current ad.

getRemainingTime(): Number

Get the remaining time of the current ad that is playing. If the ad is not loaded yet or has finished playing, the API would return -1.


  • Number - Returns the time remaining for current ad. If the remaining time is undefined for the current ad (for example custom ads), the value returns -1.

getVolume(): Number

Get the volume for the current ad.


  • Number - The volume of the current ad, from 0 (muted) to 1 (loudest).


Set the volume for the current ad.


  • volume: Number - The volume to set, from 0 (muted) to 1 (loudest).


Removes ad assets loaded at runtime that need to be properly removed at the time of ad completion and stops the ad and all tracking.


Cleans up the internal state, abort anything that is currently doing on with the AdsManager and reset to a default state.


Returns true if destroyed.


  • Boolean


Event Description
AdsManagerLoaded Fired when the ads have been loaded and an AdsManager is available.
AdError Fires when an error occurs.
AdLoaded Fired when ad data is available.
AdStarted Fired when the ad starts playing.
AdDurationChange Fired when the ad's duration changes.
AdSizeChange Fired when the ad size has changed.
AdImpression Fired when the impression URL has been pinged.
AdVideoStart Fired when the ad is started.
AdVideoFirstQuartile Fired when the ad playhead crosses first quartile.
AdVideoMidpoint Fired when the ad playhead crosses midpoint.
AdVideoThirdQuartile Fired when the ad playhead crosses third quartile.
AdVideoComplete Fired when the ad completes playing.
AdPaused Fired when the ad is paused.
AdPlaying Fired when the ad is resumed.
AdStopped Fired when the ad is stopped.
AdSkipped Fired when the ad is skipped by the user.
AdClickThru Fired when the ad is clicked.
AdVolumeChange Fired when the ad volume has changed.
AllAdsCompleted Fired when the ads manager is done playing all the valid ads in the ads response, or when the response doesn't return any valid ads.