Write good Qt code. Avoid the use of problematic Qt APIs.
While Qt prides itself on APIs that are consistent and simple to use - there are pitfalls. Parts of an API might turn out to be dangerous in practice or they may yield suboptimal performance. Clazy is a static code analysis tool built on to of the llvm/clang compiler infrastructure. It issues warnings for Qt specific issues.
See https://github.com/KDE/clazy for details and a list of the kind of warnings reported by clazy.
Either Qt Creator >= 4.6, standalone or upstream clang (note that xcode-clang and android-clang are not supported)
Very minimal (Qt Creator), small when already using upstream clang, potentially high if a project needs to be ported to upstream llvm/clang first.
All projects using C++ Qt.
- Clazy implements several warnings levels. The higher levels can produce false positives.
Usage via Qt Creator is probably the easiest way to get started. Integration into a CI system is probably best done via the standalone version of clazy in combination with a compilation database.