A somewhat optimised interactive tree diagramming library. This library uses SVG and the built in events system at this stage.
To install the package, simply run the following command:
npm install trees.js
- Added setText function
- Fixed deselect function and added node parameter.
- Added removeEventListeners (Only removes global listeners for now, such as on window)
- Added setDeselected
- Reduced number of event listeners.
- Added new setColor function.
- Fixed zooming for an offset element.
- Zooming no longer allows document scrolling.
- SVG width and height values now accept all units, not just pixels. (This includes percentage based width/height).
- Window scaling issue fixed.
- require now exports the trees object.
- More options added to drawTree function.
- Scaling in desktop and mobile added.
- removeNode function added.
- Renamed SVG pointers that are attached to nodes.
Once you have imported the .js file from the dist folder, a tree object will be brought into the global space. It can also be accessed using a require.
Once you have this, create an svg object by doing the following:
var svg = new trees.SVG('mySVG', { width: 1920, height: 980 });
Where 'mySVG' is the id of the svg element on the dom.
Now once you have a tree of the following form...
var root = { contents: "Hello", children: [
{ contents: "Whoa", children: [
{ contents: "Um", children: [] },
{ contents: "Dude", children: [] },
{ contents: "Breadth-First", children: [] }
] },
{ contents: "Another", children: [
{ contents: "Um", children: [] }
] }
] };
... you can draw the tree to the svg by using the following function:
svg.drawTree(root, { lineType: 'bezier' });
These are the options and their defaults.
SVG Instantiation:
var svg = new trees.SVG(id, options)
clear: false // Clears the previous tree if true.
height: '200px' // Sets the height of the svg.
width: '200px' // Sets the width of the svg.
SVG Draw:
svg.drawTree(root, options)
anchor: 'none' // Sets which nodes move with the current node. Options are 'children', 'descendents', 'none'.
cornerRadius: 2 // Sets the corner radius of the nodes in the given tree.
fill: '#BBDDFF' // The fill color of a regular node.
lineStroke: stroke // The edge/line stroke colour.
lineType: 'line' // The type of edge/line. Options are 'bezier', 'line'.
rootFill: '#FF6666' // The fill color of the root node.
rootStroke: '#DD2222' // The stroke color of the root node.
selectedFill: '#33DD33' // The fill color of the selected node.
selectedStroke: '#11BB11' // The stroke color of the selected node.
stroke: '#6688BB' // The stroke color of a regular node.
Set anchor:
Set the selected node's action, where the signature of func is func(node):
Set the deselection action, when a node is deselected, where the signature of func is func(node):
Remove global event listeners
Remove a node from the SVG, and the Tree data structure. The default of maintainChildren is true, if false, it will delete a node and all of its children.
svg.removeNode(node, maintainChildren); // Returns the node if deleted.
Set color of a given node:
svg.setColor(node, options);
fill: tree default // fill color as a string.
stroke: tree default // stroke color as a string.
Set text of a given node, changes the contents of the node:
svg.setText(node, text);
Get the currently selected node: