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Bazel for iOS Developers

This document is an introduction to Bazel for iOS developers. While there's been many docs written about Bazel, the existing material can be overwhelming for a line engineer looking to get started. This document is geared towards an iOS developer coming from Xcode and intends to be a lightweight and therefore incomplete introduction to Bazel.

It supplements canonical Bazel resources, linked in the conclusion.

Table of contents

Build systems for iOS developers

First, let's address the definiton of a "Build system". According to Stack overflow:

Build tools are programs that automate the creation of executable applications from source code (e.g., .apk for an Android app). Building incorporates compiling,linking and packaging the code into a usable or executable form.

In iOS development, Apple encapsulates build systems inside of Xcode. Xcode is both the IDE and build system. For many developers, Xcode just works. To have a good experience, most developers don't need to worry about implementing build systems, IDEs, or compilers. When the project scales, developer experience drops off. Tasks like building, indexing, or merging a change that adds a new file can become painful.

Bazel can fix many problems with iOS builds when done well. First, Bazel is strict about inputs and outputs - they must be declared. This property, known as "hermetic" builds, makes builds reproducible and well-suited for distributed cloud builds and caching. For developers, this means better performance due to cache hitting and not constantly removing derived data. Clean builds become incremental, decades of CPU cycles saved.

Bazel puts the user in full control over the build. First, it's extensibility model allows the user to implement build system logic: for example the business logic of bundling an iOS application external to the core. Bazel is also on GitHub and open source. For developers, this means full control over the build, visibility into changes, visibility into how it works, and empowerment to fix issues and report bugs. These notions are contrary to the Xcode model which works as Apple intended and optimized for.

Bazel also makes it easy to automate other kinds tasks: for example, code generating a thrift schema, generating an Xcode project, or pushing a Docker container. Starlark (Bazel's built-in, deterministic, Python-like programming language) allows developers to implement custom build logic. For developers this means better performance and pulling in out-of-band ad-hoc build scripts into a directed build graph that builds as a unit.

To learn about how Bazel compares to other build systems, Microsoft's paper Build Systems à la Carte, compares popular build systems.

Bazel projects

The root of a Bazel project contains two human-readable files:

The BUILD file: defines what targets are inside of a project. Applications, extensions, static libraries, and frameworks are all declared in BUILD files.

The WORKSPACE file: references files and dependencies from the outside world into Bazel. Simply put, external-to-the-repository dependencies are put here.

In the Xcode world, build configuration is governed by the Xcode GUI and stored in the machine readable xcodeproj files.

Setting up a WORKSPACE

For building iOS applications, most iOS developers use the rule set rules_apple. rules_apple contains key rules for iOS development which include rules to build applications, unit tests, and more.

Head to rules_apple and follow the latest instructions to get setup. rules_apple provides instructions to add dependencies into the WORKSPACE file. Simply paste the lines from rules_apple's README into the WORKSPACE file

# /path/to/myproject/WORKSPACE
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")

    name = "build_bazel_rules_apple",
    remote = "",
    commit = "[SOME_HASH_VALUE]",

The first line of code calls the function, load. The load function imports symbols from a .bzl file. It's like importing a header file in Objective-C or Swift. Note: Bazel_tools is a repository shipped with Bazel and commonly used in the WORKSPACE

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")

load git_repository from the internal bazel tools repository

The next line of code calls git_repository and defines the repository build_bazel_rules_apple from the git repository, for a given commit.

Adding an iOS application with BUILD files

BUILD files are where all the targets are defined. For Apple developers, this often includes apps: ios_application's, tests: ios_unit_test/ios_ui_test, app extensions: ios_extension, frameworks: ios_framework, and libraries: objc_library, swift_library.

First, let's walk through creating a basic iOS application. In the root of the project, let's create the BUILD file. First, a library for the iOS application sources. The following code defines an objc_library, sources.

# /path/to/myproject/BUILD

Next, create the application target with rules_apple's ios_application rule.

# /path/to/myproject/BUILD
load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:ios.bzl", "ios_application")
    name = "ios-app",
    bundle_id = "com.bazel-bootcamp.some",
    families = ["iphone"],
    infoplists = ["Info.plist"],
    minimum_os_version = "[MINIMUM VERSION]",
    # Add `sources` as a dependency
    deps = [ ":sources" ],

In Xcode this is similar to navigating in the GUI and hitting File -> New Target. Together, the ios_application and objc_library targets would be represented in Xcode as:


Bazel command line

In Xcode, command line builds are achieved through the command line interface xcodebuild. To build the scheme ios-app from MyProject.xcworkspace, xcodebuild, would be invoked as:

xcodebuild -workspace MyProject.xcworkspace -scheme ios-app

Bazel exposes a command line which can also do builds. In Bazel, every target is in the global WORKSPACE and there is no notion of schemes.

bazel build ios-app

The Bazel command line has hundreds of options, which can be found in the Bazel documentation. For iOS developers, a set of useful flags is available at bazel-ios-users.

Configurable build attributes

In addition to the default Bazel options, it's common to create custom configuration settings to customize builds. Together, select and config_setting yield configurable build attributes.

For example, unavoidable requirements could require an objc_library to be compiled differently when building for the App Store. The following build file has conditional copts on :app_store.

   name = "some",
   srcs = ["some.m"],
   copts = select({
      # For app_store we need to build `some.m` with a special copt
      ":app_store": ["-DAPPSTORE=1"],
      "//conditions:default": [],
    name = "app_store",
    values = { "app_store" : "true" }

This can be set as a define and passed to Bazel on the command line. Other variables in the build may also switch on app_store.

bazel build ios-app --define app_store=true

config_setting may hinge on other settings as well. For example, in PodToBUILD, we set the config_setting, release.

When the users passes opt to the compiler, it implicates that DNS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS=1 and -POD_CONFIGURATION_RELEASE=1 are set.

  name = "release",
  values = {
    "compilation_mode": "opt"
  copts = [...
  ] + select(
      "//conditions:default": [
      ":release": [

For more information about select and config_setting, please see the Bazel documentation.

Compiler configuration

In Xcode there are a plethora of configuration options, known as xcconfig, that implicate different compiler flags. xcconfigs are a makefile like syntax to configure Xcode build behavior. Xcode evalutes xcconfigs to peform actions in a way that is unmodifiable by the user. Bazel doesn't have xcconfigs and puts the user in full control of the build through settings, rules, aspects, toolchains and open source code.

In Bazel, toolchains, objc_library, swift_library, and bazelrc all configure flags.

Library Level

The parameter copts passes flags directly to the compiler. This parameter is useful for the per-rule configuration. Simply put, it's useful for when copts should apply to a single target but not all targets. Many projects use macros and other layers of abstraction to unify library level configuration for subsets of targets.

This parameter is prominit in the native C++ rules, for example the objc_library rule. Please find canonical documentation on copts on the Bazel docs.

In the rule set, rules_swift, the parameter copts is also available. The behavior is similar to the native C++ rules copts parameter in that it passes the variables directly to swiftc For more information about swift_library please see the rules_swift documentation.

Bazelrc level

Useful to set global defaults, The bazelrc file format allows setting compiler flags through the flags, copt for all c language compilation, swiftcopt for swift compilation, and linkopt for linker actions. Please see the Bazel documentation for more information.

Toolchain level

The local_config_cc toolchain enables architecture specific and global flag setting. This is useful when flags should apply at a per-architecture level. Note: Bazel uses this to set default flags globally. Most iOS applications won't need a toolchain, but this is a way to achieve it.

The local_config_cc is also a useful place to pass additonal files to the compiler like example clang plugins. This is ideal, as specifying the plugin argument in .bazelrc without adding the file as an input would result in an non-hermetic build.

Extending Bazel


Bazel provides the python-like programming language, Starlark. Starlark is used to implement build system logic and establish norms. Generally, Starlark calls into functionality that's implemented within Bazel. The coming segments rules, macros, and aspects cover several examples.

.bzl file -> starlark -> bazel functions

Starlark enables extensibility without needing to fork the core build system. This boundary helps the developer to focus on their business logic instead of the core of the build system. For example, the Apple-specific logic of bundling an ios_application is defined outside Bazel's core by rules_apple.

With Starlark, the possibilities are endless. technically they aren't endless as the language is not Turing complete. For more information, please see the Starlark documentation.


Rules implement business logic for how the iOS application is built by creating actions. Actions represent invocations of external command line programs like clang or bash. Instances of rules are targets. Typical projects contain many rules, targets, and BUILD files.

A rule defines a series of actions that Bazel performs on inputs to produce a set of outputs.

- the bazel documentation

In the previous segment, we created an iOS application with a BUILD file. The ios_application rule is implemented by rules_apple and the objc_library is a native rule. Native rules are implemented in Java, have more power and capabilities needed to implement core functionality (like remote execution and C++ compilation), and are generally used as-is.

BUILD file -> rule -> action -> execution

A build file instantiates rules as targets which create actions that are executed by Skyframe

Bazel and open source rules should provide most functionality to build an iOS application. Generally, defining custom rules isn't required but can improve and consolidate functionality. To learn more about how to create custom rules, the document, Bazel extensions contains a comprehensive overview.


Like rules and aspects, macros are defined in .bzl files. A macro is a convenient way to call a rule, and not recognized by Bazel in the same way a rule is. As Bazel builds targets, instantiated by rules, it can't "build" a macro. A macro is evaluated during the evaluation of a BUILD file and instantiates rules. Once the macro is translated into a rule, the macro is irrelevant to the build process. In C++ compilation, this behavior is similar to the pre-processor feature of the compiler. Please see the coming example.

Note: The main distinction between a .bzl and a BUILD file is BUILD files are used to create targets by calling macros and rules. .bzl files define the implementation.

Most users of Bazel implement a higher level system of macros to encapsulate defaults of building libraries and simplify configuration management. To create a wrapper for objc_library, create the file objc_library.bzl. The following macro restricts the customization, and enforces defaults of the native objc_library rule.

def objc_library(name, srcs=[], hdrs=[], deps=[], data=[]):
    An objc_library that turns on pedantic warnings,
    and enables modules

By loading our objc_library into a BUILD file, it will override the native objc_library rule, which is automatically imported. This is ideal because it prevents users from accidentally using native.objc_library when they should be using the one that prevents overriding copts. This pattern is also used in rules_python.

load(":objc_library.bzl", "objc_library")

# This calls the custom objc_library macro. Thankfully, building this with
# Bazel will error out due to the unavailable argument `copts` used here.
objc_library(name="some", copts=["-DSOME"])

The same principles can be applied to many rules: wrapping macros with macros. Please see the objc_library documentation for all possible arguments. Note: Unlike Starlark rules which are easily added on to Bazel, the objc_library is part of the internal Java rules shipped with the Bazel binary.

In the Xcode world, configuration is defined by Xcode projects and proprietary xcconfig. In Bazel it's easy to establish conventions and enforce consistency with abstractions like objc_library, and refactor


Aspects are another extension point in Bazel. Simply put, they allow the developer to traverse the build graph and collect information or generate actions on the way.

Aspects are a feature of Bazel that are basically like fan-fic, if build rules were stories: aspects let you add features that require intimate knowledge of the build graph, but that that the rule maintainer would never want to add.

- Kristina Chodorow, Aspects: the fan-fic of build rules

Combined with rules and the Bazel command line, the user is able to create robust architectures and powerful abstractions. Like rules, generally, defining custom rules isn't required but can improve and consolidate functionality. For more information about aspects, see Aspects the fan-fic of build rules


In addition to configuring the build with rules, Bazel provides an additional primitive: the toolchain. Toolchains provide default compilers and arguments for those compilers. For the native C++ rules, toolchains configure the many flags required for cross compilation.

For most iOS projects, configuring the C++ toolchain isn't required. Defining a custom toolchain gives full control over compiler invocations or to customize the compiler being invoked. Please see the toolchain documentation to learn more.

Generated Xcode projects

In an Xcode world, engineers check in a project file, which contains a listing of source files, build settings, and IDE state. As the codebase scales, the project file model breaks down, particularly when auditing and code reviewing config changes. With Bazel, Xcode projects are generated on the developer's machine. By generating transient projects locally, merge conflicts don't slow down development. Generated projects make it easier to review and reason about configuration changes in readable BUILD and .bzl files. With Bazel, human readable BUILD files are the source of truth for build and Xcode configuration.

Tools like XCHammer, and Tulsi use an aspect to traverse the build graph and extract metadata required to generate a project. These tools make it easier to manage the project and generate on demand - not needing to check it in.

XCHammer provides a rule to bazel build Xcode projects. Simply declare the rule with the project and Bazel build the target.

load("@xchammer_resources//:xcodeproject.bzl", "xcode_project")
    name = "MyProject",
    targets = [ "//ios-app:ios-app" ],
    paths = [ "**" ],

Like any other Bazel target, it's built from the command line:

bazel build :MyProject

The rule definition for the xcode_project may be found in the github repository. Simply put, the aspect traverses sources, and invokes the xchammer binary with a JSON file. Internally, XCHammer instantiates XcodeGen types and writes them out to disk with xcodeproj.

Generating an Xcode project with XCHammer:

command line -> bazel -> rule -> xchammer -> xcodegen -> project.xcodeproj

Generators like XCHammer and Tulsi take care of integrating Bazel into the IDE. Bazel builds are invoked a shell script build phase from the IDE. Basically, Xcode shells out to Bazel to produce the application, and then Xcode picks up the product from the derived data path. Lyft's 2020 Bazel Con talk covers how they generate an Xcode project with XcodeGen.

Performing a Bazel build from Xcode:

play button -> shell script build phase -> bazel build ios-app


In the Xcode world, Xcode's internal build systems produce the application.

BUILD file generators

Build file generators are common in Bazel projects. Like macros, BUILD file generators can be used to integrate dependencies and make it easier to upgrade and refactor rules. Like an Xcode project generator, BUILD file generators fits into the larger build system picture through Bazel's unified interface: they generates build files that Bazel reads when invoking the command line program bazel

bazel -> BUILD file generator -> BUILD file

PodToBUILD is a BUILD file generator that makes it easy to build CocoaPods with Bazel. It reads in a Podspec file, pulls source, and generates a BUILD file. In addition to generating build files for CocoaPods, PodTOBUILD provides a functional library to implement BUILD file generators in Swift. Find out more information about PodToBUILD on github.

Gazelle is another example of BUILD file generator and is written in Go.

Putting it all together - build system architecture

This segment puts together topics covered in this document to illustrate how Bazel integrates with a BUILD file generator like PodToBUILD, and an Xcode project generator like XCHammer, to compile an iOS application with clang and swift.

Bazel can be used to create a robust and performant build. Instead of having several out-of-band, ad-hoc, scripts, Bazel provides a unified command like interface to govern all tools and build the application as a unit. The following diagram illustrates building a more involved iOS application with Bazel with rules, aspects, Generated Xcode projects, and BUILD file generators.


In this example, Bazel runs a BUILD file generator, which produces BUILD files. rules and aspects are defined in .bzl files and instantiated inside of BUILD files. rules and aspects create actions which produces ouputs for a set of inputs and run programs like bash, clang, swiftc or xcode project generators.

More information

Gathering information with Bazel query

Bazel query is command line interface that uses a DSL designed to query the build graph and extract information. This can be used for tooling purposes, or to simply answer questions about the build. Here's a few examples:

What extensions does the target pinterest depend upon?

bazel query 'kind(ios_extension, deps(pinterest))'

What are the labels of source files in app-lib?

bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'labels(srcs, app-lib)'

Please see the Bazel query documentation for more information.

Fixing common Bazel errors

This segment indicates how to fix common Bazel errors.

Bazel has a few levels of validation which often occur at BUILD time. Note: Since Bazel doesn't type check all files in the WORKSPACE on every build it's possible to have an error in one target, while other targets still work. Bazel's diagnostic convention is similar to how clang and Swift errors appear in Xcode.

got unexpected keyword argument

ERROR: /path/to/myproject/BUILD:4:13:
objc_library() got unexpected keyword argument: copts

In the hypothetical file /path/to/myproject/BUILD, at the line 4:13 got an unexpected keyword argument, copts to the macro objc_library. The erroneous code resides in the example in the macros segment, which calls a custom objc_library macro. The macro only exposes the parameters name, srcs, hdrs, deps, and data. By attempting to pass copts and deviate from the default copts, Bazel triggered an error.

If needed, Bazel generally will indicate the .bzl file where the issue occurred and BUILD file that created the error in a call stack like fashion.

To actually fix this error, simply remove the unsupported argument copts.

incorrect use of load statements

In this error condition, a BUILD file change has been introduced that called a load statement prior to instantiating a rule. At one point, Bazel required that all load statements to be placed before rule instantiation. Simply move the load statement to the top. All symbols besides for the native ones must be imported. This notion is similar to importing a module in swift: e.g. import UIKit

passing the wrong type to a parameter

ERROR: /path/to/xchammer/BazelExtensions/xchammerconfig.bzl:22:9: Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/path/to/xchammer/BUILD.bazel", line 151
                gen_xchammer_config(<2 more arguments>)
        File "/path/to/xchammer/BazelExtensions/xchammerconfig.bzl", line 26, in gen_xchammer_config
                gen_dsl(name = name, <1 more arguments>)
        File "/path/to/xchammer/BazelExtensions/xchammerconfig.bzl", line 22, in gen_dsl

In this error condition, the user has incorrectly used a rule and Bazel is failing at runtime. Like python, type errors happen at runtime.

In the following error, a user inadvertently made a change to XCHammer's BUILD file that passed the wrong data type to the rule, gen_xchammer_config:

Bazel's stacktrace indicates it failed in the file /path/to/xchammer/BazelExtensions/xchammerconfig.bzl at line 22. The original callsite resides in the file /path/to/xchammer/BUILD.bazel at line 151. To remediate this issue, generally refer to the rule documentation or source code and do what the rule was expecting. There is no universal prescription to fix this error: there infinite possibilities of incorrect data type permutations.

target '$dep_target' is not visible from target '$target'

ERROR: /path/to/myproject/BUILD.bazel:47:1: in _xcode_project rule
//:XcodeBazel_impl: target '//ios-app:ios-app' is not visible from target
'//:XcodeBazel_impl'. Check the visibility declaration of the former target if
you think the dependency is legitimate

In this example, a target $target has added a dependecy on a private target, $dep_target and it failed in the implementation. The callsite for the erroneous rule resides in the file, /path/to/myproject/BUILD.bazel at line 47. This is caused by an improper application of rule visibility.

To remediate, fix visibiilty of the rule at line 47:

# All Bazel rules have this argument available.
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

Otherwise, consider making the entire package public if appropriate:

package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])

Installing Bazel

Bazel is commonly invoked via a wrapper script to handle downloading and installing Bazel binaries at the correct version. To implement reproducible builds, every dependency should be pinned at a commit, including Bazel. BUILD files, rules, and protocol buffers, are often tied to a certain release of Bazel. An popular example of a wrapper script is Bazelisk. Bazelisk allows the user to specify a .bazelversion file at the root of the project and easily update. To work across many Bazel projects, it's convenient to install Bazelisk onto the path, and invoke it as bazel.

Note: In order for Bazel's shell completion to work, the wrapper script must be named bazel.


This concludes the iOS flavored introduction to Bazel. For more information, the Bazel documentation contains up-to-date tutorials, in-depth knowledge, and more.

The community maintains repos and documentation

iOS Bazel con talks

Finally, this document is meant to be updated. If there are additional bullet points useful for iOS developer onboarding, please send a pull request.


This document was originally reviewed and revised by several people from across the industry. Many thanks owed to @raul-malik, jszumski, BalestraPatrick, and garrettmoon. Additional thanks to Mattmlm, joemantey and woshimaliang.