- XGBClassifier support (from XGBoost package);
- :func:`eli5.explain_weights` support for sklearn OneVsRestClassifier;
- std deviation of feature importances is no longer printed as zero if it is not available.
- packaging fixes: require attrs > 16.0.0, fixed README rendering
- HTML output;
- IPython integration;
- JSON output;
- visualization of scikit-learn text vectorizers;
- sklearn-crfsuite support;
- lightning support;
- :func:`eli5.show_weights` and :func:`eli5.show_prediction` functions;
- :func:`eli5.explain_weights` and :func:`eli5.explain_prediction` functions;
- :ref:`eli5.lime <eli5-lime>` improvements: samplers for non-text data, bug fixes, docs;
- HashingVectorizer is supported for regression tasks;
- performance improvements - feature names are lazy;
- sklearn ElasticNetCV and RidgeCV support;
- it is now possible to customize formatting output - show/hide sections, change layout;
- sklearn OneVsRestClassifier support;
- sklearn DecisionTreeClassifier visualization (text-based or svg-based);
- dropped support for scikit-learn < 0.18;
- basic mypy type annotations;
argument allows to show only a subset of features;target_names
argument allows to change display names of targets/classes;targets
argument allows to show a subset of targets/classes and change their display order;- documentation, more examples.
- Candidate features in eli5.sklearn.InvertableHashingVectorizer are ordered by their frequency, first candidate is always positive.
- HashingVectorizer support in explain_prediction;
- add an option to pass coefficient scaling array; it is useful if you want to compare coefficients for features which scale or sign is different in the input;
- bug fix: classifier weights are no longer changed by eli5 functions.
- eli5.sklearn.InvertableHashingVectorizer and eli5.sklearn.FeatureUnhasher allow to recover feature names for pipelines which use HashingVectorizer or FeatureHasher;
- added support for scikit-learn linear regression models (ElasticNet, Lars, Lasso, LinearRegression, LinearSVR, Ridge, SGDRegressor);
- doc and vec arguments are swapped in explain_prediction function; vec can now be omitted if an example is already vectorized;
- fixed issue with dense feature vectors;
- all class_names arguments are renamed to target_names;
- feature name guessing is fixed for scikit-learn ensemble estimators;
- testing improvements.
- support any black-box classifier using LIME (http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.04938) algorithm; text data support is built-in;
- "vectorized" argument for sklearn.explain_prediction; it allows to pass example which is already vectorized;
- allow to pass feature_names explicitly;
- support classifiers without get_feature_names method using auto-generated feature names.
- 'top' argument of
can be a tuple (num_positive, num_negative); - classifier name is no longer printed by default;
- added eli5.sklearn.explain_prediction to explain individual examples;
- fixed numpy warning.