Using git bash, navigate to the location you wish to create your repo. This can be done using:
cd path\to\folder\
Set up a new local repository from something exisiting on GitHub:
git clone <URL>
The URL is copied from the GitHub repo you are wishing to create.
Create a new branch. You will typically always want to do this, try to never work directly on the
branch.git checkout -b <branchname>
Make your changes as needed to the code.
Commit all changes to branch:
git add <filenames>
git commit -m "Descriptive comment of what I changed/updated"
Push branch with changes back to the remote (origin):
git push -u origin <branchname>
or for subsequent changes to the pull request, setting up the origin to track this branch is not neccessary:
git push
On GitHub:
Compare & Pull Request
Request a reviewer (someone else on the team)
request changes or approve.
in order to look at someone elses pull request on your local machine (to test the code, make sure it runs smoothly, view notebook changes, etc.), run:
git checkout <pull-request-branch-name>
Once approved: Original author merges into the
branch and deletes the extra branch. -
Get local repo back up-to-date on the
branch:git checkout main
git pull
Delete the old local branch you were working on:
git branch -d <branchname>