Releases: bcgov/mds
Releases · bcgov/mds
What's Changed
- [MDS-5966] Fixing browse text un-clickable issue. by @isuru-aot in #3098
- [MDS-5912]adjusting major projects summary document section to have two file up… by @asinn134 in #3099
- [MDS-5961] Feature/5961 vc doc updates by @Jsyro in #3100
- [MDS-5751] Add environment variable for OIDC test keys by @henryoforeh-dev in #3104
- [MDS-5754] Move dummy OIDC keys to env variables. by @isuru-aot in #3101
- [MDS-5970] Feature/allow multiple orgbook party association by @Jsyro in #3103
- [MDS-5754] - Update check for test jwt secrets in core-api to not crash on NONETYPE by @matbusby-fw in #3105
- [MDS-5947] Added ability to link a CRR to a HSRC code in core by @simensma-fresh in #3106
- [MDS-5964] IRT File Upload 415 Issue by @isuru-aot in #3107
- [Snyk] Security upgrade node from 20.11.0 to 20.13.1 by @simensma-fresh in #3108
- [FIX] update vscode settings by @Jsyro in #3111
- [MDS-5984] Feature/5984 poc public w3c credentials by @Jsyro in #3110
- [Snyk] Fix for 9 vulnerabilities by @simensma-fresh in #3109
- [FIX] W3C Credential needs datetime, not date. by @Jsyro in #3117
- [MDS-5803] Adjustments for Minespace project description UI cleanup by @asinn134 in #3112
- [Snyk] Fix for 4 vulnerabilities by @simensma-fresh in #3116
- [MDS-5910] Summary of authorizations by @henryoforeh-dev in #3114
- [MDS-5938] Regenerated yarn.lock to fix vulnerabilities in
library, upgraded werkzeug to latest version by @simensma-fresh in #3119 - [MDS-5901] Bug fix on summary authorizations by @henryoforeh-dev in #3121
- [MDS-5911] AMS Lookup - Authorization page by @isuru-aot in #3118
- [FIX] - datetime must explicitly include timezone by @Jsyro in #3120
- [MDS-5910] Summary Authorizations by @henryoforeh-dev in #3122
- [MDS-5910] Summary Authorizations by @henryoforeh-dev in #3124
- [MDS-5911] Change the field validation by @isuru-aot in #3125
- [MDS-5972] Update CORE homepage links by @taraepp in #3126
- [MDS-5975] - ams regions by @matbusby-fw in #3113
- [MDS-5752] Move NRIS OIDC test keys by @henryoforeh-dev in #3127
- [MDS-5911] BE validation for Authorization Number by @isuru-aot in #3129
- [MDS-5964] [MDS-5990] Adding IRT Status update resource by @isuru-aot in #3128
- [MDS-5989] Major Project Document uploads not saving all uploaded files by @asinn134 in #3130
- [MDS-5935] UpdatedCore API dependencies and base python image (3.11.9-slim) by @simensma-fresh in #3132
- [MDS-6005] Notify MMO on report submission for 10.4.4(g) by @taraepp in #3131
- [MDS-5935] Fixed core api build error by @simensma-fresh in #3133
- [Snyk] Fix for 5 vulnerabilities by @simensma-fresh in #3135
- [MDS-6004] Data handling on project summary form by @taraepp in #3134
- [MDS-5935] Upgraded permit service python version by @simensma-fresh in #3136
- [MDS-5937] Fix critical NRIS vulnerabilities by @henryoforeh-dev in #3137
- [MDS-5397] update python by @henryoforeh-dev in #3138
- [MDS-5397] Fix vulnerability issues in NRIS API Service by @henryoforeh-dev in #3139
Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.9.05
What's Changed
- [MDS-5561] revoke and reoffer newest amendment by @Jsyro in #3054
- [MDS-5809] IRT table updates by @matbusby-fw in #3062
- [MDS-5809] - Fix loading bug on new IRT/Update IRT Import Form by @matbusby-fw in #3068
- [MDS-5915] Implement saving company org book data multiple times. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3067
- [MDS-5915] Fix company alias bug. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3069
- [MDS-5809] - Fix IRT download by @matbusby-fw in #3071
- [Snyk] Upgrade express from 4.18.3 to 4.19.2 by @taraepp in #3055
- [MDS-5809] - updated error handling flow for incorrect IRT upload by @matbusby-fw in #3074
- [MDS-5915] Fix data retention bug. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3073
- [MDS-5707] Added history view to Tailings Storage Facilities by @simensma-fresh in #3075
- [MDS-5707] Updated tsf history text and format date column to match designs by @simensma-fresh in #3078
- [MDS-5707] Added missing View all role to TSF endpoint by @simensma-fresh in #3079
- [MDS-5809] update irt template filename by @matbusby-fw in #3080
- [MDS-5823] Add orgbook to agent by @henryoforeh-aot in #3077
- [MDS-5707] Added missing generate_history_table_migration make command, ignore guids in history table by @simensma-fresh in #3082
- [MDS-5802] Adding backend validation when updating project summary by @asinn134 in #3072
- [MDS-5823] Update text, add banner. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3083
- [MDS-5809] Uploaded new IRT template with updated lock cells by @matbusby-fw in #3084
- [CHORE] Clean up relationship def warnings + others by @Jsyro in #3070
- [MDS-5491] MineSpace side nav by @taraepp in #3081
- [MDS-5813] File Upload for Purpose and Authorization Page by @isuru-aot in #3085
- [MDS-5491] fix icon align issue, update snapshot test. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3086
- [MDS-5802] Major Projects Summary validation errors by @asinn134 in #3088
- [MDS-5813]-Fixing Draft save Issue by @isuru-aot in #3090
- [MDS-5813] removing authorizationinvolved by @isuru-aot in #3091
- [MDS-5973] Setting up featureflag checks for project summary backend validation by @asinn134 in #3092
- [MDS-5836] trigger notification report requested by @isuru-aot in #3087
- [MDS-5491] Fix side bar by @henryoforeh-aot in #3093
- [MDS-5957] AMS field mapping fix by @henryoforeh-aot in #3089
- [MDS-5791] File Upload Bug fix and some improvements by @isuru-aot in #3094
- [MDS-5491] add padding to side bar. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3096
- [MDS-5491] update padding. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3097
- [MDS-5973] Project Summary backend validation error on older existing projects by @asinn134 in #3095
Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0
What's Changed
- [MDS-5885] - Report submit button set loading indicator by @matbusby-fw in #3042
- [MDS-5872] - get/view cred exch data from traction by @matbusby-fw in #3039
- [Snyk] Upgrade express from 4.18.2 to 4.18.3 by @taraepp in #3023
- [MDS-5899] - now by now numbers by @matbusby-fw in #3043
- [MDS-5872] Cred/Exch Alert View. Alert message update by @matbusby-fw in #3044
- [MDS-5724] AMS field mapping by @henryoforeh-aot in #3041
- [MDS-5724] Refactor AMS error handling. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3045
- [MDS-5686] Remove crash details in error responses in CORE-API by @isuru-aot in #3040
- [MDS-5727] Update url. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3048
- [FIX] - Orgbook Links by @Jsyro in #2805
- [MDS-5291] search by permit number. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3050
- [MDS-5923] Add Missing Author field to edit NoW document form by @taraepp in #3049
- [MDS-5898] Reports Bug fixes by @taraepp in #3051
- [MDS-5724] Fix validation issue. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3053
- [MDS-5844] Declaration page by @taraepp in #3046
- [MDS-5858] Show only currently viewed amendment generated docs by @taraepp in #3052
- [MDS-5745] Minespace: Upgraded axios, express and lodash, removed babel and Jest to fix SNYK vulnerabilities by @simensma-fresh in #3047
- [FIX] BE condition to check AMS terms agreed by @taraepp in #3056
- [MDS-5745] Upgraded node version of minespace and removed imagemin-mozjpeg to resolve CVEs by @simensma-fresh in #3057
- [MDS-3784] capture submitted date VFCBC by @henryoforeh-aot in #3058
- [MDS-5941] Create HSRC API by @henryoforeh-aot in #3061
- [MDS-5878] Fixing download all not working by @isuru-aot in #3059
- [MDS-5933] HSRC Edit FE by @taraepp in #3063
- [MDS-5933] added auth guard and styling to expired codes by @matbusby-fw in #3064
- [MDS-5933] used is_expired field by @matbusby-fw in #3065
- [MDS-5949] New Code Edit error by @taraepp in #3066
Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.8.0
Deploying a missed migration to prod, as well as updates made since that push
What's Changed
- [MDS-5866] CRR/PRR updates by @matbusby-fw in #3029
- [MDS-3770] Change wording - Inspection Fee exemption status by @isuru-aot in #3022
- [MDS-5870] Create new project bug: Previously viewed project info displayed by @asinn134 in #3030
- [MDS-5897] Fixing article section 18 issue by @isuru-aot in #3031
- [MDS-5860] Fix inconsistent toast error message from api calls by @matbusby-fw in #3032
- [MDS-5811] gis_export_view migration by @matbusby-fw in #3033
- [MDS-5902] update municipality list by @henryoforeh-aot in #3034
- [MDS-5895] Email notifications - View link going to mine's report page, but should go to specific report by @asinn134 in #3035
- [MDS-5860] added detailed message to network error toasts by @matbusby-fw in #3037
- [MDS-5895] Setting report email links with right env by @asinn134 in #3038
- [MDS-5712] AMS Application Purpose by @taraepp in #3036
Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.6.1
What's Changed
- [MDS-5437] keycloak access log fix by @henryoforeh-aot in #2819
- [CHORE] - Developer Documentation for VC Functionality by @Jsyro in #2792
- [MDS-5050] adding active-only filter to the query by @isuru-aot in #2818
- [MDS-5640] ESUP Modal Bugs by @taraepp in #2820
- [MDS-5433] - View esup and history on MS by @matbusby-fw in #2815
- [MDS-4967] party appointment startdate check by @asinn134 in #2821
- [MDS-5620] NoW Signatures fix aspect ratio by @matbusby-fw in #2822
- [FIX] - Allow DB writes without JWT Authentication by @Jsyro in #2823
- [FIX] - attr name typo by @Jsyro in #2825
- Revert "[MDS-5050] adding active-only filter to the query" by @simensma-fresh in #2827
- [MDS-5604] Disable ESUP form submit while uploading documents by @taraepp in #2826
- [MDS-5634] link related projects part 1 by @henryoforeh-aot in #2828
- [MDS-5050] Adding active only status only for EOR and TQP by @isuru-aot in #2829
- [MDS-5648] Minespace homepage pagination on Mines by @taraepp in #2831
- [MDS-5607] - Exception handling + Email Notification by @isuru-aot in #2824
- [MDS-5634] link related projects part 2 by @henryoforeh-aot in #2832
- [MDS-5637] Added initial Permit digitization service by @simensma-fresh in #2834
- [MDS-5664] Fix ESUPs amendment number by @henryoforeh-aot in #2836
- [MDS-5514] - Add fields to NoW application view by @matbusby-fw in #2833
- [MDS-5654] Updated crr table in MS with new columns/design by @matbusby-fw in #2835
- [MDS-5634] Add feature flag. by @henryoforeh-aot in #2837
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1
What's Changed
- [MDS-5538] Bug when opening view permit with no previous amendments by @taraepp in #2736
- [MDS-5530] Automatically close an ESUP if a new amendment is issued by @isuru-aot in #2737
- [MDS-5505] Refactor document upload test by @henryoforeh-aot in #2738
- [MDS-5559] Adding the minespace proponent role by @isuru-aot in #2739
- [MDS-5505] Exclude major projects cypress test by @henryoforeh-aot in #2742
- [MDS-5558]changing email list for nod submission by @asinn134 in #2741
- [MDS-5553] (and 5542) Request a connection invitation for a permitee by @taraepp in #2743
- [MDS-5432] Update UI for ESUP tables by @matbusby-fw in #2740
- [FIX] feature flag condition and typescript conversion (#2745) by @Jsyro in #2746
- [MDS-5508] Fix ESUP edit document modal overlap by @matbusby-fw in #2744
- [FIX] - Webhook debugging, and exclude empty connection state. by @Jsyro in #2748
- [FIX] - Two topics of webhooks are used for connections by @Jsyro in #2749
- [MDS-5432] - made amendment action menu view only by @matbusby-fw in #2750
- [FIX] traction webhook logging by @Jsyro in #2752
- [FIX] missing traction webhook payload. by @Jsyro in #2753
- [MDS-5522] Major project application status only showing SUBMITTED or NOT SUBMITTED by @asinn134 in #2751
- [FIX] - traction webhook body parsing. by @Jsyro in #2754
- [FIX] - row level auth and invitations hybrid property by @Jsyro in #2756
- [FIX] - use connection webhooks, not oob webhooks. by @Jsyro in #2757
- [MDS-5509] Fixing Error: object of type NoneType has no len() on letter_date by @isuru-aot in #2755
- [MDS-3871] - update esup permit template with inspector name by @matbusby-fw in #2758
- [FIX] - Webhook attribute and set/list handling by @Jsyro in #2760
- [MDS-4990] Fixing broken link to TSF page by @isuru-aot in #2759
- [FIX] - Only update state on connection webhooks, sort does not return by @Jsyro in #2761
- [MDS-5586] - ESUP documents by @matbusby-fw in #2763
- [FIX] - Show invitation state, fix typo in log by @Jsyro in #2762
- [MDS-5546] fix update contact bug by @henryoforeh-aot in #2764
- [MDS-5587] - Fix ESUP amendment document flow by @matbusby-fw in #2765
- [MDS-5580] Feature/update vc connection model text by @Jsyro in #2766
- [MDS-5539] - listen for webhooks and return state with permit_amendments. by @Jsyro in #2769
- [MDS-5540] Feature/show vc connection in core by @Jsyro in #2767
- [FIX] - Handle empty disturbance type detail. by @Jsyro in #2770
- [MDS-5538 Amend ESUPs by @taraepp in
- [FIX] - wrong list indexing by @Jsyro in #2771
- [FIX] - marshal data type and active condition by @Jsyro in #2772
- [FIX] update connection id when invitation is accepted. by @Jsyro in #2773
- [MDS-5539] - logging clean up by @Jsyro in #2775
- [FIX] - fix tsf_operating_count attr name by @Jsyro in #2776
- [MDS-5437] keycloak log client by @henryoforeh-aot in #2777
- [MDS-5591] - ESUP creation application flow enhancement by @matbusby-fw in #2778
- [MDS-5552]replacing now manage doc and admin with zip download by @asinn134 in #2774
- [MDS-5541] Fix for filtering issue in mines search by @isuru-aot in #2779
- [MDS-5437] Fix issue causing log noise. by @henryoforeh-aot in #2781
- [MDS-5505] e2e test major projects refactor by @henryoforeh-aot in #2780
- [MDS-5595] Fixed display of esup documents. by @matbusby-fw in #2783
- [MDS-5592] Verifiable Credentials Minespace FE by @taraepp in #2782
- [MDS-5597] Fix ESUP "Created By" column to show the username by @taraepp in #2784
- [MDS-5571] See mines act permit issue status in Core by @Jsyro in #2785
- [FIX] Bug when creating new ESUP by @taraepp in #2786
- [FIX] - gave Tara the wrong value by @Jsyro in #2787
- [FIX] cred exch states by @Jsyro in #2788
- [MDS-5590] Adjusting esup creation flow for permit and application sections by @asinn134 in #2789
- [CHORE] - update language in VC modals by @Jsyro in #2794
- [FIX] - Minespace VC Feature Flag by @Jsyro in #2793
- [FIX] Do not duplicate VC issuance column on reload by @taraepp in #2795
- [MDS-5562] add required data for revocation by @Jsyro in #2797
- [FIX] - webhook attribute names by @Jsyro in #2798
- [MDS-5622] Adding text for create historic permit modal by @asinn134 in #2801
- [MDS-5598] Fixing edit documents issue by @isuru-aot in #2790
- [FIX] Fix/remove mime type by @Jsyro in #2802
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
What's Changed
- [MDS-5656] Add Report Details - CRR by @isuru-aot in #2851
- [CHORE] Redux Toolkit by @taraepp in #2859
- [MDS-5672] Delete Incident Documents Fix by @matbusby-fw in #2857
- [MDS-5672] -BUGFIX - restored previous incident loading functionality by @matbusby-fw in #2863
- [MDS-5627]fixing now indigenous typo by @asinn134 in #2862
- [MDS-5673]adjustment to crr description comment by @asinn134 in #2861
- [MDS-5582] MS & Core - Allow more file types for report incident by @isuru-aot in #2860
- [MDS-5516] Fixing Error when Uploading a new IRT by @isuru-aot in #2864
- [MDS-5641] Added workflow to build and push permit service to the Openshift Image registry by @simensma-fresh in #2866
- [MDS-5711] Enabled remote desktop to run Cypress in GH codespaces + added default keycloak users for running Cypress tests by @simensma-fresh in #2868
- [MDS-5438] Implement logging information by @henryoforeh-aot in #2867
- [MDS-5438] add logging path by @henryoforeh-aot in #2869
- [MDS-5438] Add missing logging path by @henryoforeh-aot in #2870
- [MDS-5438] Setup user with permission by @henryoforeh-aot in #2872
- [MDS-5641] Added GH Actions to deploy permit service to test and prod, parameterized elasticsearch settings by @simensma-fresh in #2871
- [MDS-5675] Added support for direct S3 multipart file uploads by @simensma-fresh in #2865
- [MDS-5438] Remove file handler. by @henryoforeh-aot in #2874
- [MDS-5641] Updated permit service build scripts to use docker buildx by @simensma-fresh in #2875
- [MDS-5638] Permits service auth setup by @matbusby-fw in #2873
- [MDS-5641] Fixed docman deployment issue by @simensma-fresh in #2876
- [MDS-5638] - Permit Service auth by @matbusby-fw in #2877
- [MDS-5644]updating test enviornment banner and adding core home page link by @asinn134 in #2878
- [MDS-5666] Adding download all as a zip by @isuru-aot in #2879
- [MDS-5657] CRR Forms by @taraepp in #2880
- [MDS-5720] Order file upload parts ascending, fix errors when uploading multiple files by @simensma-fresh in #2881
- [MDS-5660] - CRR contacts by @matbusby-fw in #2882
- [MDS-5684] Configured Minespace security headers using helmet.js by @simensma-fresh in #2883
- [MDS-5709] Fixing MS Page fonts by @isuru-aot in #2884
- [MDS-5729] BUG FIX: Multiselect width by @taraepp in #2887
- [MDS-5583] View Report by @taraepp in #2885
- [MDS-5660] - added link in contact_us on crr page by @matbusby-fw in #2888
- [MDS-5684] Removed extract css webpack plugin by @simensma-fresh in #2886
- [MDS-5660] - removed mailto link and replaced with text by @matbusby-fw in #2889
- [MDS-5684] Move keycloak sso notification logic into separate file by @simensma-fresh in #2890
- [MDS-5732] Report Contacts Bug by @taraepp in #2892
- [FIX] Enabled S3 uploads by default for local development by @simensma-fresh in #2891
- [MDS-5662]Update report selection and submission flow by @matbusby-fw in #2893
- [MDS-5737] Fixed opening of document viewer from action menu and other Document Viewer issues by @simensma-fresh in #2895
- [MDS-5666] Fixing zipping failure due to duplicated files by @isuru-aot in #2894
- [FIX] - VC Doc Refs Fixes by @Jsyro in #2897
- [MDS-5737] Fixed incosistent path on new file uploads by @simensma-fresh in #2898
- [MDS-5678] ESUP map pin fix by @matbusby-fw in #2896
- [MDS-5689] Updated architecture diagram to include ArgoCD, Github, and SNYK by @simensma-fresh in #2899
- [MDS-5725] Add submission report by @henryoforeh-aot in #2900
- [MDS-5746] Fix issue when uploading multiple files in parallel by @simensma-fresh in #2902
- [MDS-5298] ministry follow up user flow by @henryoforeh-aot in #2903
Full Changelog: v1.51...v1.60
What's Changed
- [MDS-5437] keycloak access log fix by @henryoforeh-aot in #2819
- [CHORE] - Developer Documentation for VC Functionality by @Jsyro in #2792
- [MDS-5050] adding active-only filter to the query by @isuru-aot in #2818
- [MDS-5640] ESUP Modal Bugs by @taraepp in #2820
- [MDS-5433] - View esup and history on MS by @matbusby-fw in #2815
- [MDS-4967] party appointment startdate check by @asinn134 in #2821
- [MDS-5620] NoW Signatures fix aspect ratio by @matbusby-fw in #2822
- [FIX] - Allow DB writes without JWT Authentication by @Jsyro in #2823
- [FIX] - attr name typo by @Jsyro in #2825
- Revert "[MDS-5050] adding active-only filter to the query" by @simensma-fresh in #2827
- [MDS-5604] Disable ESUP form submit while uploading documents by @taraepp in #2826
- [MDS-5634] link related projects part 1 by @henryoforeh-aot in #2828
- [MDS-5050] Adding active only status only for EOR and TQP by @isuru-aot in #2829
- [MDS-5648] Minespace homepage pagination on Mines by @taraepp in #2831
- [MDS-5607] - Exception handling + Email Notification by @isuru-aot in #2824
- [MDS-5634] link related projects part 2 by @henryoforeh-aot in #2832
- [MDS-5637] Added initial Permit digitization service by @simensma-fresh in #2834
- [MDS-5664] Fix ESUPs amendment number by @henryoforeh-aot in #2836
- [MDS-5514] - Add fields to NoW application view by @matbusby-fw in #2833
- [MDS-5654] Updated crr table in MS with new columns/design by @matbusby-fw in #2835
- [MDS-5634] Add feature flag. by @henryoforeh-aot in #2837
- [MDS-5049] TSF view and edit by roles by @asinn134 in #2830
- [MDS-5049]fix tsf mapping null error by @asinn134 in #2839
- [MDS-5654] - fixed typo in CRR table by @matbusby-fw in #2840
- [MDS-5637] Added volume mount for file uploads by @simensma-fresh in #2842
- [MDS-5676] Updated webpack config to speed up loading of core by @simensma-fresh in #2843
- [MDS-5655] - CRR getting started page by @matbusby-fw in #2841
- [MDS-5676] Added missing dependencies + regenerate yarn.lock to fix build errors by @simensma-fresh in #2844
- [MDS-5397] cypress major projects description by @henryoforeh-aot in #2846
- [MDS-5599] incidents ohsc contact bug by @asinn134 in #2845
- [MDS-5646] Minespace project coordinated review radio button error by @asinn134 in #2849
- [MDS-5388] Add page size option by @henryoforeh-aot in #2852
- [MDS-5672] Delete incident document by @matbusby-fw in #2854
- [MDS-5672] Fixed non re-rendering of documents section in incidents form by @matbusby-fw in #2855
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.51
What's Changed
- [MDS-5538] Bug when opening view permit with no previous amendments by @taraepp in #2736
- [MDS-5530] Automatically close an ESUP if a new amendment is issued by @isuru-aot in #2737
- [MDS-5505] Refactor document upload test by @henryoforeh-aot in #2738
- [MDS-5559] Adding the minespace proponent role by @isuru-aot in #2739
- [MDS-5558]changing email list for nod submission by @asinn134 in #2741
- [MDS-5553] (and 5542) Request a connection invitation for a permitee by @taraepp in #2743
- [MDS-5432] Update UI for ESUP tables by @matbusby-fw in #2740
- [MDS-5508] Fix ESUP edit document modal overlap by @matbusby-fw in #2744
- [FIX] - Two topics of webhooks are used for connections by @Jsyro in #2749
- [MDS-5432] - made amendment action menu view only by @matbusby-fw in #2750
- [MDS-5522] Major project application status only showing SUBMITTED or NOT SUBMITTED by @asinn134 in #2751
- [FIX] - row level auth and invitations hybrid property by @Jsyro in #2756
- [MDS-5509] Fixing Error: object of type NoneType has no len() on letter_date by @isuru-aot in #2755
- [MDS-3871] - update esup permit template with inspector name by @matbusby-fw in #2758
- [FIX] - Webhook attribute and set/list handling by @Jsyro in #2760
- [MDS-4990] Fixing broken link to TSF page by @isuru-aot in #2759
- [MDS-5586] - ESUP documents by @matbusby-fw in #2763
- [MDS-5546] fix update contact bug by @henryoforeh-aot in #2764
- [MDS-5587] - Fix ESUP amendment document flow by @matbusby-fw in #2765
- [MDS-5580] Feature/update vc connection model text by @Jsyro in #2766
- [MDS-5539] - listen for webhooks and return state with permit_amendments. by @Jsyro in #2769
- [MDS-5540] Feature/show vc connection in core by @Jsyro in #2767
- [FIX] - Handle empty disturbance type detail. by @Jsyro in #2770
- [MDS-5538 Amend ESUPs by @taraepp in
- [FIX] - marshal data type and active condition by @Jsyro in #2772
- [FIX] update connection id when invitation is accepted. by @Jsyro in #2773
- [MDS-5539] - logging clean up by @Jsyro in #2775
- [FIX] - fix tsf_operating_count attr name by @Jsyro in #2776
- [MDS-5437] keycloak log client by @henryoforeh-aot in #2777
- [MDS-5591] - ESUP creation application flow enhancement by @matbusby-fw in #2778
- [MDS-5552]replacing now manage doc and admin with zip download by @asinn134 in #2774
- [MDS-5541] Fix for filtering issue in mines search by @isuru-aot in #2779
- [MDS-5437] Fix issue causing log noise. by @henryoforeh-aot in #2781
- [MDS-5505] e2e test major projects refactor by @henryoforeh-aot in #2780
- [MDS-5595] Fixed display of esup documents. by @matbusby-fw in #2783
- [MDS-5592] Verifiable Credentials Minespace FE by @taraepp in #2782
- [MDS-5597] Fix ESUP "Created By" column to show the username by @taraepp in #2784
- [MDS-5571] See mines act permit issue status in Core by @Jsyro in #2785
- [FIX] Bug when creating new ESUP by @taraepp in #2786
- [FIX] cred exch states by @Jsyro in #2788
- [MDS-5590] Adjusting esup creation flow for permit and application sections by @asinn134 in #2789
- [CHORE] - update language in VC modals by @Jsyro in #2794
- [FIX] - Minespace VC Feature Flag by @Jsyro in #2793
- [FIX] Do not duplicate VC issuance column on reload by @taraepp in #2795
- [MDS-5562] add required data for revocation by @Jsyro in #2797
- [FIX] - webhook attribute names by @Jsyro in #2798
- [MDS-5622] Adding text for create historic permit modal by @asinn134 in #2801
- [MDS-5598] Fixing edit documents issue by @isuru-aot in #2790
- [FIX] Fix/remove mime type by @Jsyro in #2802
- [MDS-5605] - migrate common folders into the common package by @matbusby-fw in #2800
- [MDS-5601] - add security for traction webhook endpoint by @Jsyro in #2791
- [MDS-5589] Adjustment to have same order in esup history and esup table by @asinn134 in #2803
- [MDS-5473] ESUP amendment letter by @henryoforeh-aot in #2804
- [MDS-5437] Implement KeyCloak logging by @henryoforeh-aot in #2806
- [MDS-5609] Minespace Loading 🚄🏍🏎️💨🏁⚡ by @simensma-fresh in #2799
- [MDS-5445] Minespace - include ESUPs on permit table by @taraepp in #2807
- [CHORE] - Update MAP Permit to 1.1.1 by @Jsyro in #2809
- [MDS-5437] Keycloak refactor by @henryoforeh-aot in #2812
- [MDS-5629] Triaging File duplication intermittent issue by @isuru-aot in #2813
- [FIX] - Update invitation alias to not include suffix in prod by @Jsyro in #2814
- [MDS-5473] Fix esup amendment letter by @henryoforeh-aot in #2810
- [MDS-5606] Typescript conversions within Summary and Variance sections by @asinn134 in #2808
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
What's Changed
- [MDS-5328] db migration to add text and change to permit enclosed letter by @asinn134 in #2585
- [MDS-5271] Adding function to view past versions of a file on front end by @asinn134 in #2576
- [MDS-5367] Notice of Work Search by @taraepp in #2586
- [MDS-5343] adjusting permit enclosed letter doc by @asinn134 in #2587
- [MDS-5365] updated update_timestamp to return strings in JSON by @matbusby-fw in #2589
- [MDS-5338] Cypress GitHub workflow setup by @henryoforeh-aot in #2588
- [MDS-5268] Added backend support for document version management by @simensma-fresh in #2582
- [MDS-5098] More Accurate Arch Diagram - v2 by @vyasworks in #2470
- [MDS-5361] Clean Up Console Logs by @sjudzentis in #2590
- [MDS-5337] Setup Cypress for MineSpace by @henryoforeh-aot in #2591
- [MDS-5366] fix for major projects bug where same file keeps getting uploaded by @asinn134 in #2592
- [MDS-5385] document data missing from document table by @asinn134 in #2595
- [MDS-5379] db error in final application page by @asinn134 in #2593
- [MDS-5380] fix project status by @henryoforeh-aot in #2597
- [MDS-5272] bulk file zipping by @matbusby-fw in #2594
- [MDS-5383] Added missing doc helper upload by @simensma-fresh in #2601
- [MDS-5383] Core: Webpack cpu and build speed improvements by @simensma-fresh in #2600
- [MDS-5272] Removed duplicate response creation when uploading new file by @simensma-fresh in #2602
- Revert "[MDS-5383] Core: Webpack cpu and build speed improvements" by @simensma-fresh in #2603
- [MDS-5383] Core: Webpack cpu and build speed improvements by @simensma-fresh in #2604
- [MDS-5273] MS - Warn of similar file name as replacement by @isuru-aot in #2598
- [MDS-5400] Fix bug on radio button by @henryoforeh-aot in #2609
- [MDS-5394] Upgraded docman python version to 3.11 by @simensma-fresh in #2610
- [MDS-5383] Minespace & Common package Webpack upgrades by @simensma-fresh in #2608
- [MDS-5363] Core: Fixed file upload 401 error for large files by @simensma-fresh in #2614
- [MDS-4153] Added missing VFCBC fields to NoW by @matbusby-fw in #2611
- [MDS-5405] Minespace: Fixed file upload 401 error for large files by @simensma-fresh in #2615
- [MDS-5060] Switch to argocd cli to Force Sync Apps Upon Image Promotion by @sjudzentis in #2612
- [MDS-5356] Implement actions drop down by @henryoforeh-aot in #2616
- [MDS-4153]-Revert Added missing VFCBC fields to NoW (#2611)" by @matbusby-fw in #2618
- [MDS-4153] - Reinstate vfcbc fields ticket by @matbusby-fw in #2619
- [MDS-5273] fixing import issue by @isuru-aot in #2620
- [MDS-5273] Fixing import issue by @isuru-aot in #2621
- [MDS-5414] Removed support for silver keycloak instance by @simensma-fresh in #2626
- [MDS-5414] Fixed auth issue with some integrations in test env by @simensma-fresh in #2628
- [MDS-5403] BE API to Get all Mine Alerts by @isuru-aot in #2617
- [MDS-5417] Fix Document Archive Modal Action (#2624) by @taraepp in #2625
- [MDS-5410] Minespace Management Button (#2622) by @taraepp in #2623
- [MDS-5393] Convert file zipping to utilize file streaming by @henryoforeh-aot in #2627
- [MDS-5395] Add project document version in project summary by @matbusby-fw in #2629
- [MDS-5427] Fix typo & add feature flag (#2630) by @taraepp in #2631
- [MDS-4153] - vfcbc field update by @matbusby-fw in #2635
- [MDS-5363] file submission frontend by @asinn134 in #2632
- [MDS-5395] view archived doc versions by @henryoforeh-aot in #2634
- [MDS-5363] download all application file button set disable and some css adjustment by @asinn134 in #2636
- [MDS-5452] - Null check in MajorMineApplicationTab by @taraepp in #2637
- [MDS-5446] Fix duplicate upload by @henryoforeh-aot in #2639
- [MDS-5346] - document replace functionality by @matbusby-fw in #2638
- [MDS-5450] Use selectin loader for Incident documents, and TSFs by @simensma-fresh in #2640
- [MDS-5465] Enable Cypress tests and add y-padding style by @matbusby-fw in #2641
- [MDS-5468] - Fix Major Project Documents Tab Loading (MS) by @matbusby-fw in #2643
- [MDS-5453] 404 error when trying to download all application files by @asinn134 in #2642
- [MDS-5467] - Download Document Versions by @matbusby-fw in #2644
- [MDS-5446] Duplicate document upload bug fix by @henryoforeh-aot in #2646
- [MDS-5293] Added feature flag support to Minespace, Core, and Core API using Flagsmith by @simensma-fresh in #2647
- [MDS-5471] - Document Version file display name by @matbusby-fw in #2648
- [MDS-5434] adding text to explain this is viewable to proponents by @isuru-aot in #2650
- [MDS-5319] archive multiple files by @henryoforeh-aot in #2649
- [MDS-5466]archive docs appearing randomly by @asinn134 in #2651
- [MDS-5288] Notify changes in application in activity feed by @isuru-aot in #2633
- [MDS-5482] Hide nested table checkbox by @henryoforeh-aot in #2652
- [MDS-5480] changing project summary email list by @asinn134 in #2653
- [CHORE] Fix cypress authentication in Minespace and Core by @simensma-fresh in #2655
- [MDS-5390] Set up OTEL collector for Docman by @simensma-fresh in #2656
- [CHORE] Updated video output location of Minespace cypress tests by @simensma-fresh in #2659
- [MDS-5487] Introduced checks to ensure the presence of 'projectGuid' and 'projec… by @matbusby-fw in #2658
- [MDS-5484] Fixed js error when creating new IRT by @simensma-fresh in #2657
- [MDS-5487] new application error fix by @matbusby-fw in #2660
- [MDS-5487] Major Mine Application Save Draft Error by @matbusby-fw in #2661
- [MDS-5448] Refactor file upload process for better error handling by @matbusby-fw in #2664
- [MDS-5402] Core Homepage (#2662) by @taraepp in #2663
- Revert "[MDS-5402] Core Homepage (#2662)" by @simensma-fresh in #2665
- Revert "Revert "[MDS-5402] Core Homepage (#2662)"" by @simensma-fresh in #2666
- [MDS-5402] Fixed metabase embeds not showing up on homepage by @simensma-fresh in #2667
- [MDS-5402] Fixed sizing of Metabase embeds on frontpage by @simensma-fresh in #2668
- [MDS-5449] fixing to show 10 subscribed mines by @isuru-aot in #2669
- [MDS-5500] Fixed error when downloading Notice of Work applications by @simensma-fresh in #2670
- [MDS-5470] - Optimized CSV export of Notice of Work details by @matbusby-fw in #2671
- [MDS-5500] Poll for status when uploading generated file to docman by @simensma-fresh in #2672
- [MDS-5402] New homepage banner and tweaks by @simensma-fresh in #2674
- [MDS-5474] create esup amendment by @henryoforeh-aot in #2675
- [MDS-5413] TSF EOR UI fixes by @matbusby-fw in #2677
- [MDS-5477] ESUP Field Validation by @isuru-aot in #2673
- [MDS-5474] create esup amendment by @henryoforeh-aot in #2676
- [MDS-5056] UTC Validation for TSF EOR/QP by @taraepp in #2681
- [MDS-5424] missing esup preamble text by @asinn134 in #2679
- [MDS-5402] Added fontawesome icon to homepage + added utility to fetch and configure fontawesome pro access key by @simensma-fresh in #2678
- [MDS-5507] Set Font awesome token when building core-web by @simensma-fresh in #2683
- [MDS-5495] Remove Actions Men...