Releases: bcgov/registry-schemas
Releases · bcgov/registry-schemas
Release 1.8.3
- MHR API add transferDocumentType to the transfer schema.
Release 1.8.2
MHR API schema adjust maximum lengths to accommodate manufacturer registrations and post-migration limits.
Set the limits based on the modernized database table column lengths.
Location schema updates
- additionalDescription 80 to 250
- dealerName 60 to 310
- exceptionPlan 80 to 150
- pad 6 to 10
- parkName 40 to 100
Description schema updates
- manufacturer 65 to 310
- engineerName 30 to 150
- rebuiltRemarks 280 to 300
- otherRemarks 140 to 150
Release 1.8.1
MHR API schema qualified supplier updates:
- registrationSummary schema add frozenDocumentType
- registration schema add frozenDocumentType
- Create qualifiedSupplier schema (new dbaName not in common party schema)
- Create termsSummary schema
- Update manufacturerInfo schema add termsAccepted, dbaName
Release 1.8.0
MHR API updates for create manufacturer info:
- manufacturerInfo schema submittingParty not required.
- note schema remarks not required.
- adminRegistration schema add NCAN to documentType list.
- Update manufacturerInfo schema to align with the spec.
Release 1.7.9
MHR API schema updates:
- adminRegistration update schema add note, documentId, documentRegistrationNumber, documentDescription.
- registration, registrationSummarh, searchSummary status update add CANCELLED registration status type
Release 1.7.8
MHR unit note, admin schema updates.
- Update noteRegistration add cancelDocumentId
- Update note add cancelledDocumentType, cancelledDocumentDescription, cancelledDocumentRegistrationNumber
- Update registrationSummary add cancelledDocumentType, cancelledDocumentDescription.
- Update documentType enum add EXRE, NRED, THAW, COUR.
- Add adminRegistration.
Release 1.7.7
MHR schema updates for unit notes:
- Update note schema add effectiveDateTime, documentDescription, status, destroyed. Replace expiryDate with expiryDateTime. Replace contactName, contactAddress, contactPhoneNumber with givingNoticeParty.
- Update transportPermit schema add attentionReference
- Add noteRegistration schema
- Update registrationSummary schema add expireDays, hasCaution
- Update registration schema add hasCaution
- Update attentionReference length from 40 to 50
Release 1.7.6
- MHR add ownLand to the Registration schema definition.
- MHR add and example of a manufacturer registration.
Release 1.7.5
MHR API schema updates:
- Update registrationSummary schema add registrationType
- Update draft schema type enum, add outOfDate
- Update draftSummary schema registrationType enum, add outOfDate
- Update searchQuery.clientReferenceId length from 40 to 50.
- Update searchSummary.status length from 10 to 20.
Release 1.7.4
MHR API schema updates:
- Update registration schema status add FROZEN status type.
- Update registrationSummary schema statusType add FROZEN.
- Update searchSummary schema status add FROZEN remove HISTORIC.
- Update note schema add documentRegistrationNumber.
- Update registration schema registrationType add TRANS_AFFIDAVIT, TRANS_ADMIN, TRANS_WILL (search results).