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82 lines (64 loc) · 2.59 KB

Simple HTML Build with Gulp Tasks

This template contains sample routines to build a simple app. It uses Nunjucks templates from Mozilla and Sass.

Included Packages & Related Tasks


Connect server with livereload


Two concat routines, one for your library files e.g. jQuery plugins, Modal, Animation libraries mostly the bower components, and one for your own Application javascripts in source/scripts folder.


Minifying your concatenated script files.


To increase your code quality and having a standard coding styles across the projects, JSHint and Sass Lint


Caffeine & Melange Scss frameworks preinstalled as bower components . However it is easy to change Sass framework dependencies.

Icon Font

Easily transform your SVG files to iconfont. Task routines, watches the source/svg folder's file changes and generate and _icons.scss file with style definitions.

Image optimization

Optimizes your image files for the production.

Template Rendering

With the usega of tpl files, Nuncjucks renders HTML files.


You can configure your library files, output folders and signature/banner texts in minifed files with config.js in source folder.

Also all additional tasks routines that are placed in source/tasks folder will be available in Gulp tasks

// source and output paths
config.paths = {
    app:     'app/',
    fonts:   'app/assets/fonts/',
    images:  'app/assets/images/',
    scripts: 'app/assets/scripts/',
    styles:  'app/assets/styles/',
    js:      'source/scripts/',
    scss:    'source/styles/',
    tpl:     'source/templates/',
    svg:     'source/svg/',
    data:    'source/data/'

// banner text for minified files
config.banner = [
    '/*! <%= %> \n' +
    ' *  <%= pkg.description %> \n' +
    ' *  @author <%= %> \n' +
    '<% if (typeof pkg.contributors !== "undefined") { %>' +
    '<% pkg.contributors.forEach(function(contributor) { %>' +
    ' *          <%= %> << %>> (<%=contributor.url %>)\n' +
    '<% }) %>' +
    '<% } %>' +
    ' *  @version <%= pkg.version %> \n' +
    ' *  @build <%= date %> \n' +
    ' */\n'

// library scripts 
config.libscripts = [

// your application scripts
config.scripts = [
    config.paths.js + '**/*.js'