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Mailing Lists

Greg Troxel edited this page Jan 7, 2021 · 19 revisions

Unison Mailing Lists

There are two mailing lists for unison, for general user discussion, and for development discussion. There is no intent to exclude anyone from the developers list; the point is to allow people who don't want those messages to not get them.

Note also that the github issue tracker is strictly for bugs and feature requests. Questions are off topic and issues that are questions will be summarily closed. If you think there might be a bug and you aren't sure, please ask on unison-hackers if your theory involves reading code, and either on unison-hackers or unison-users if your theory doesn't involve code references.


unison-users is a higher-volume discussion forum for users of unison. It is used for discussions of many sorts --- proposals and designs for new features, installation and configuration questions, usage tips, etc. It is moderated to filter spam, so you should not expect your postings to appear immediately.

This list is hosted by google groups, but does not require a google account to join. To join the list, send an email to [email protected]

To post to the list, send to [email protected]

As of 2020-10, there are roughly 1200 subscribers.

(Note that while there appears to be a unison-users mailman group at, it is not in use; do not try to join it, as this will just result in confusion and non-useful effort.)


unison-hackers is for informal discussion among people seeking to improve Unison. Anyone who wishes to lend a hand with maintaining and improving Unison is welcome to join, and that translates to "anyone would like to join is welcome". Only members can post.

unison-hackers is also a mailman list. To subscribe, see

As of 2020-10 there are roughly 275 subscribers.