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A utility to bootstrap and manage Consul ACLs via AWS SSM parameters.


The goal of consulssm is to simplify and streamline the process of managing Consul ACLs. It allows you to store ACL definitions and their respective token IDs securely out-of-band from Consul in AWS SSM, and simplifies bootstrapping new clusters in highly dynamic, multiple environment scenarios.

More documentation is coming, but here's a couple nuggets to get you started:

The following command would bootstrap Consul ACLs and store the resulting token as an SSM parameter:

export PREFIX="/dev/consul/acl" # set a prefix for brevity in later examples
consulssm bootstrap --consul-token-param "${PREFIX}/master_token"

If bootstrapping is successful, the resulting token is stored in ${PREFIX}/master_token (in this case /dev/consul/acl/master_token). The token can also optionally be captured in standard output.

Then, to create/sync ACLs, the sync command requires JSON-encoded ACL definitions to be stored in SSM. The format is the same as the payload used with the Consul HTTP API (see

For example, assuming the following parameter was written to SSM:

aws ssm put-parameter --name "${PREFIX}/definitions/agent" --type String --value '{
  "Name":"Agent Token",
  "Rules":"node \"\" { policy = \"write\" }\nservice \"\" { policy = \"read\" }\nkey \"_rexec/\" { policy = \"write\" }\n",


consulssm sync \
  --consul-token-param ${PREFIX}/master_token \
  --definition-prefix ${PREFIX}/definitions \
  --id-prefix ${PREFIX}/ids

The above command would write new token IDs for everything defined in ${PREFIX}/definitions/* to ${PREFIX}/ids/* as long as the host running consulssm has read privileges to ${PREFIX}/definitions/* and write permissions to ${PREFIX}/ids/*. It would also update any ACLs whose definition does not match SSM.

In this case it would read ${PREFIX}/definitions/agent, create an ACL with the name Agent Token, then write the token ID to ${PREFIX}/ids/agent.

Since the management token is being read from SSM as well, the host would also need read access to ${PREFIX}/master_token. However, a token could also be supplied via the CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN environment variable.

Finally, the command below could install an acl_agent_token to the local agent where the ACL was described in the parameter defined earlier, then created with the sync command above.

consulssm agent acl_agent_token ${PREFIX}/ids/agent \
  --consul-token-param ${PREFIX}/master_token

In this case, the host would need access to read the management token used to update the agent's ACLs. This requires the token used to have agent:write permissions, so it may not work for your use-case.


  • bootstrap - Bootstrap Consul ACLs and save token to an SSM parameter
  • sync - Synchronize Consul ACLs via SSM parameters
  • agent - Update Consul agent ACL tokens via SSM parameters

Environment Variables and Flags

Every option can be set with an environment variable rather than command-line flags by upper-casing the flag name, substituting - with _, and prefixing the name with SSM_. For example, the flag --consul-token-param can be set with the environment variable SSM_CONSUL_TOKEN_PARAM.

Bootstrap Command

Bootstrap Consul ACLs and save token to an SSM parameter

  consulssm bootstrap [flags]

  -m, --consul-token-param string   SSM parameter name to write Consul bootstrap token ID
  -h, --help                        help for bootstrap
      --hide                        Hide bootstrap token from standard output
  -I, --insecure                    Skip encryption when writing token to SSM
  -k, --kms-key-id string           Optional KMS key ID for encrypting bootstrap token ID
  -o, --overwrite                   Overwrite existing SSM parameter value if it exists

Global Flags:
      --debug   Enable debug logging

Sync Command

Synchronize Consul ACLs via SSM parameters

  consulssm sync [flags]

  -m, --consul-token-param string   SSM parameter name for Consul management token
  -d, --definition-prefix string    SSM heirarchy prefix to read ACL definitions (required)
  -h, --help                        help for sync
  -i, --id-prefix string            SSM heirarchy prefix to read/write ACL token IDs
  -I, --insecure                    Skip encryption when updating SSM with new token IDs
  -k, --kms-key-id string           Optional KMS key ID for encrypting new token IDs
  -l, --leader                      Manage ACLs only if Consul agent is current leader
  -o, --overwrite                   Overwrite existing SSM parameter values if they exist
  -p, --page-size int               Maximum results per SSM query
  -r, --recurring int               Make recurring and wait given number of seconds between syncs

Global Flags:
      --debug   Enable debug logging

Agent Commands

Update Consul agent ACL tokens via SSM parameters

  consulssm agent [command]

Available Commands:
  acl_agent_master_token Set Consul agent acl_agent_master_token
  acl_agent_token        Set Consul agent acl_agent_token
  acl_replication_token  Set Consul agent acl_replication_token
  acl_token              Set Consul agent acl_token

  -m, --consul-token-param string   SSM parameter name for Consul management token
  -h, --help                        help for agent

Global Flags:
      --debug   Enable debug logging

Each agent ACL command has the same arguments and options, for example the agent acl_token sub-command is shown below:

Set Consul agent acl_token

  consulssm agent acl_token TOKEN [flags]

  -h, --help   help for acl_token

Global Flags:
  -m, --consul-token-param string   SSM parameter name for Consul management token
      --debug                       Enable debug logging