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File metadata and controls

115 lines (103 loc) · 3.84 KB


A simple Python Bottle app that presents Consul nodes and services as RunDeck resource and option models.

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS! Currently I'm only using it internally, and it has not been throughly tested.


  • bottle
  • python-consul


  • /resource - Returns a Rundeck resource-json-v10 formatted resource model of Consul nodes and services.
  • /services - Returns a simple json-formatted list of Consul services for use as a Rundeck option model provider. The following optional parameters are allowed (and multiple can be used together):
    • tag - return services that have a given tag
    • tags - return all services matching (comma-separated) list of tags
    • dc - return services in a given datacenter
    • startswith - return services that start with given string
    • contains - return services that contain the given string
    • endswith - only return services that contain a given string
    • regex - return services matching regex pattern (accepts URL-encoded string)
Project-specific endpoints

Optional projects can be configured (for example multiple consul clusters or environments):

  • /resource/<project>
  • /services/<project>


Run ./, or if using a configuration file (see below), ./ --config /path/to/config.json. How to keep it running is up to you.

Configuration File

The configuration file is optional. If provided it should follow the format indicated below. If not provided the app will listen on and will attempt to connect to consul at

  • host - listen address for server (default:
  • port - listen port for server (default: 8080)
  • consul - dictionary of the following Consul connection parameters:
    • host - consul host (default:
    • port - consul host (default: 8500)
    • token - consul token (default: None)
    • scheme - consul HTTP(S) connection scheme (default: http)
    • verify - whether to verify TLS cert (default: True)
    • cert - consul TLS certificate (default: None)
  • datacenters - only include certain datacenters in resource
  • services - only include certain services in resource
  • exclude - return all services except for these
  • node_attributes - map of additional attributes to map to all nodes returned in the resource model (see below for examples)
  • append_tags - whether to append Consul tags to their respective service, or to associate them directly to the node (default is false). For example, given a Consul node with service mysql & tag master, if append_tags is true the node will have an attribute of mysql:master... or mysql and master if false.

If datacenters, services, and exclude are not provided, queries to /resource (or /resource/<project>) will return all services in all datacenters.

Example (not using multiple "projects"):

  "host": "",
  "port": 8080,
  "consul": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": "8500",
    "token": "optionalsecret"
  "datacenters": ["dc1", "dc2"],
  "services": ["service1", "service2"],
  "exclude": ["excluded_service1"],
  "node_attributes": {
    "username": "ubuntu"
  "append_tags": true

Example (multiple environments/clusters):

  "host": "",
  "port": 8080,
  "projects": {
    "dev": {
      "consul": {
        "host": "",
        "token": "devsecret"
      "node_attributes": {
        "username": "ubuntu",
        "environment": "dev"
    "prod": {
      "consul": {
        "host": "",
        "token": "prodsecret"
      "node_attributes": {
        "username": "ubuntu",
        "environment": "prod"