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File metadata and controls

125 lines (86 loc) · 7.09 KB

Class Overview


Database abstracts all Database Information into Constructs of Classes and returns simple configuration values. It also supports special functions for copying new Databases. Supported functions are:

Initialize the Database

The Database must be instantiated first, every Activity should have it's own Database. Each instance of a Database has it's own connection.

Database d = new Database(srcActivity)

Log Foods

Log foods to journal. Either as a convenience function taking the an ArrayList of SelectedFoodItems or simply an ArrayList of Foods. It also takes a LocalDateTime Argument representing when the foods were consumed.

logExistingFoods(ArrayList<SelectedFoodItem>, LocalDateTime)
logExistingFoods(ArrayList<Food>, LocalDateTime)

To update an existing food group you can use:

updateFoodGroup(ArrayList<SelectedFoodItem> updatedListWithAmounts, int groupId)

Delete Logged Foods

Delete logged foods from the Database. The Food to be delete is identified by both, the Time and the Food-Id given. If There are multiple Foods logged at the same Dates, only given are deleted.

deleteLoggedFood(ArrayList<Food> foods, LocalDateTime d)
deleteLoggedFood(Food f, LocalDateTime d)

Get All Foods in a time frame

Returns a HashMap with keys being group-ids (every logging event has an Id for all foods that were logged simultaneously) and ArrayList<Food> as value of all foods that were logged between the given start- and end date.

HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Food>> getLoggedFoodsByDate(LocalDate start, LocalDate end) {

Nutrients for Food

Build a Nutrition-Class for a given Food-Id from the Database.

getNutrientsForFood(String foodId)


Build a Food-Class by it's ID from the supporting Database (not the journal where foods that were eaten are logged to). Takes a Utils.sqliteDatetimeFormat-formatted strings, if you want the "loggedAt"-Parameter of the Food-Class to be set, or null otherwise.

getFoodById(String foodId, String loggedAt)


Function that can be used to search for a Food in the supporting Database by it's name.

getFoodsByPartialName(String substring)

Suggestions for Food Combination

Function to create a list of Foods that are likely to be selected next, based on a given List of SelectedFoodItems. This function is currently only used and made to be used by the selector to add more Stuff in the Food-Journal.

ArrayList<Food> getSuggestionsForCombination(ArrayList<SelectedFoodItem> selectedSoFarItems

Custom Foods

Already Exists/Delete

While the primary key of all foods is 'fdc_id', custom foods must have a globally unique name (column 'description' in table 'food' of the DB). This functions therefore retrieves the food by it's name.

checkCustomFoodExists(String description)
deleteCustomFood(String description)

If a food is still in the journal, deleteCustomFood will deactivate it, removing it from the list of custom foods and from the food selection process. For this process the helper functions markFoodAsDeactivated(int fdcId) and *checkFoodInJournal(fdcId) exist.


Function to create completely new foods from the CreateFood activity, not log them the journal. This function retrieves the highest used Id, of a food, of the type "app_custom" from the 'food'-table, or uses the variable DEFAULT_MIN_CUSTOM_ID if no such food exists yet.

Nutrition Information of the food are written to the nutrition_custom table, after a Food has been accessed it can be used as any other food in the Database and identified by the food/data_type database column.

This function should only invoked after checking if the food (a food with the same name/description, which is the same thing here) already exists.

/* food must have valid nutrition information associated with it  */
/* food id and associatedAmount are ignored in this function      */
createFood(Food f)

Configuration Setters/Getters

Simple Getter and Setter for basic Values that may or may not be actually be saved in the Database itself. All of the Setters may throw an IllegalArgumentException.

public void setPersonAge(int age)
public void setPersonEnergyReq(int energyReq)
public void setPersonHeight(int sizeInCm)
public void setPersonGender(String gender) // "male" or "female"

public int getPersonWeight()
public int getPersonHeight()
public int getPersonAge()
public int getPersonEnergyReq()
public String getPersonGender()

Food Journal Structure

--- ListView mainListOfFoodsWithDayHeaders
--- --- FoodOverviewAdapter
--- --- --- TextView Date -> clickListener -> NutritionOverview (with this day as time frame)
--- --- --- TextView Energy
--- --- --- ListView subList
--- --- --- --- GroupListAdapter
--- --- --- --- --- TextView foods -> clickListener -> AddFoodToJournal (as edit)

Nutrition Analysis

The NutritionAnalysis class provides analysis based on a List of Foods and the users personal settings. Afters instantiation, it provides to following functions:

getTotalEnergy() /* convenience function to get the total energy */
Nutrition getNutritionMissing() /* get the absolute nutrition missing (per day) */
Nutrition getNutritionActual()  /* get the total amount of nutrition collected */
HashMap<NutritionElement, Float> getNutritionPercentage() /* calculate .XX float values from the above information */
ArrayList<NutritionPercentageTuple> getNutritionPercentageSorted() /* get the above information sorted */
ArrayList<NutritionPercentageTuple> getNutritionPercentageSortedFilterZero() /* get the above information without zero-values */

Conversions and Units

The static functions Database::getNutrientNativeUnit(String nutrientID), Conversions::normalize(String unitName, int inputAmount) and Conversions::convert(String from, String to, int presetAmount) can be used to handle different units. Only the result of getNutrientNativeUnit should be used to set any nutrition, energy or fiber value in the Database. Please avoid unessesary conversions.

Handling Date

All date(-time) formats are listed as public static fields in other.Utils, new formats should only be added when absolutely necessary. The dates can be parsed as follows:

LocalDate d = LocalDate.parse(other.Utils.sqliteDateFormat, STRING);
LocalDateTime dt = LocalDate.parse(other.Utils.sqliteDatetimeFormat, STRING);
LocalDateTime dt = LocalDate.parse(other.Utils.sqliteDateZeroPaddedFormat, STRING);

The last one basically replacing the hours, minutes and sections values with zeros to get the start of the day. Formatting works analogous:

String formatted = dt.format(other.Utils.something);

Building the Database

Goto the USDA Website, download the FNDDS data set and the Supporting data for Downloads and unpack it into the "helper_scripts"-directory. Then execute the (sqlite3 + python3 is required for this).

Alternatively, download the prebuilt database.