If you have ideas on how to improve maintenance or improve its performance, do not hesitate to fork and send pull requests.
- Check that the issue has not already been reported.
- Check that the issue has not already been fixed in the latest code.
- Open an issue with a clear title and description.
- Use a topic branch to easily amend a pull request later, if necessary.
- Write good commit messages.
- Use the same coding style and spacing.
- Keep pull requests to one feature and include a clear title and description.
This project follows the Google Shell Style Guide when possible. However, there are a number of additional things to keep in mind.
- Local variables should be used whenever possible.
- Prefer (( ... )) over [[ ... ]] for arithmetic expression.
- Use the function keyword to define functions.
- The 80 character hard limit can be waived for readability.
- Large functions must be placed in a functions directory
- All plugins and features must be documented in PLUGINS.md (this means they need to be simple enough to explain in a sentence or two)
- Plugins must be in the oh-my-zsh format
) for compatibility reasons
Each plugin can have multiple sections and must be in the proper order.
- Requirements - checks for any environment requirements
- Options - any options which need to be configured using setopt
- Styles - any options which need to be configured using zstyle
- Variables - any options which need to be configured using envars
- Init - any code that needs to be run for the module to work
- Aliases - any shell aliases
- Cleanup - unset/remove any temporary variables, functions, files, etc