From 799ee02ff15e303f8aedf0017e7e674fd8eca705 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Redwane <> Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2024 18:33:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Correct comments in units tests --- api/res | 655 ----------------------- api/test/api/RouteChangeUserData.test.js | 4 +- api/test/api/RouteUser.test.js | 4 +- 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 659 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 api/res diff --git a/api/res b/api/res deleted file mode 100644 index 074d817d7..000000000 --- a/api/res +++ /dev/null @@ -1,655 +0,0 @@ - -> a-just-api@0.0.1 test -> NODE_ENV=test node_modules/.bin/nyc --reporter=lcov node_modules/.bin/mocha - -[Mount route] get /logs/system -[Mount route] post /api/activities/update-by -[Mount route] post /api/activities/get-by-month -[Mount route] post /api/activities/get-last-month -[Mount route] post /api/activities/get-last-human-activities -[Mount route] post /api/activities/get-not-complete-activities -[Mount route] get /api/auths/auto-login -[Mount route] get /api/auths/auto-login-admin -[Mount route] get /api/auths/logout -[Mount route] post /api/auths/login -[Mount route] post /api/auths/login-admin -[Mount route] post /api/calculator/filter-list -[Mount route] get /api/contentieux-options/get-all-admin -[Mount route] get /api/contentieux-options/get-backup-details/:backupId -[Mount route] post /api/contentieux-options/get-all -[Mount route] post /api/contentieux-options/duplicate-backup -[Mount route] post /api/contentieux-options/save-backup -[Mount route] post /api/contentieux-options/rename-backup -[Mount route] post /api/contentieux-options/update-backup -[Mount route] post /api/contentieux-options/get-last-update -[Mount route] delete /api/contentieux-options/remove-backup/:backupId -[Mount route] get /api/contentieux-referentiels/get-referentiels -[Mount route] post /api/csp/report -[Mount route] post /api/extractor/filter-list -[Mount route] post /api/extractor/juridiction-ajusted-data-list -[Mount route] post /api/extractor/filter-list-act -[Mount route] get /api/hr-categories/get-all -[Mount route] post /api/hr-comment/get-hr-comment -[Mount route] post /api/hr-comment/update-hr-comment -[Mount route] get /api/hr-fonctions/get-all -[Mount route] post /api/centre-d-aide/log-documentation-recherche -[Mount route] post /api/centre-d-aide/log-documentation-link -[Mount route] post /api/centre-d-aide/log-documentation -[Mount route] post /api/centre-d-aide/post-form-hubspot -[Mount route] get /api/human-resources/get-backup-list -[Mount route] get /api/human-resources/read-hr/:hrId -[Mount route] post /api/human-resources/get-current-hr -[Mount route] post /api/human-resources/duplicate-backup -[Mount route] post /api/human-resources/update-hr -[Mount route] post /api/human-resources/filter-list -[Mount route] delete /api/human-resources/remove-backup/:backupId -[Mount route] delete /api/human-resources/remove-hr/:hrId -[Mount route] delete /api/human-resources/remove-hr-test/:hrId -[Mount route] delete /api/human-resources/remove-situation/:situationId -[Mount route] delete /api/human-resources/remove-situation-test/:situationId -[Mount route] post /api/imports/import-hr -[Mount route] post /api/imports/import-referentiel -[Mount route] post /api/imports/import-activities -[Mount route] post /api/imports/import-all-activities -[Mount route] get /api -[Mount route] get /api/news/last -[Mount route] get /api/news/get-all -[Mount route] post /api/news/on-close -[Mount route] post /api/news/update-create -[Mount route] post /api/news/remove -[Mount route] get /api/public/* -[Mount route] post /api/reaffectator/filter-list -[Mount route] post /api/simulator/get-situation -[Mount route] post /api/simulator/to-simulate -[Mount route] post /api/simulator/log-launch-white-simulation -[Mount route] post /api/simulator/log-launch-simulation -[Mount route] post /api/simulator/log-white-simulation -[Mount route] post /api/simulator/log-simulation -[Mount route] get /api/juridictions/get-all-visibles -[Mount route] get /api/juridictions/get-all -[Mount route] get /api/juridictions/get-all-ielst -[Mount route] put /api/juridictions/update-juridiction -[Mount route] post /api/juridictions-details/get-cle -[Mount route] put /api/juridictions-details/update-cle -[Mount route] get /api/users/me -[Mount route] get /api/users/interface-type -[Mount route] get /api/users/get-all -[Mount route] get /api/users/get-user-datas -[Mount route] post /api/users/create-account -[Mount route] post /api/users/update-account -[Mount route] post /api/users/forgot-password -[Mount route] post /api/users/change-password -[Mount route] delete /api/users/remove-account-test/:id -[Mount route] delete /api/users/remove-account/:id -[Mount route] get /admin/* -[Mount route] get /* - - - Test server is ready -BEFORE WAITING SERVER ---- IS READY --- -config Config { - envName: '[TEST] ', - displayEnvName: '', - serverUrl: 'http://localhost:8081/api', - frontUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - corsUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - port: 8081, - database: { - url: 'postgres://ajust-user:ajust-pass@', - logging: false, - dialect: 'postgres', - host: '', - port: '5436', - dialectOptions: [Object: null prototype] { - user: 'ajust-user', - password: 'ajust-pass', - host: '', - port: '5436', - database: 'ajust' - } - }, - jsonwebtoken: { private_key: '123456789' }, - consoleLog: true, - sendinblue: '123456', - logsPassword: undefined, - contactEmail: '', - supportEmail: '', - preloadHumanResourcesDatas: false, - nbDaysByMagistrat: 208, - nbDaysByFonctionnaire: 229.57, - nbHoursPerDayAndMagistrat: 8, - nbHoursPerDayAndFonctionnaire: 7, - sendingBlue: { usersListId: 6 }, - nbMaxDayCanBeInactive: 30, - sentryApi: '', - sentEmail: false, - juridictionType: 0, - nbMinDayTokenLife: 7, - forceSSL: false, - securities: { - users: { - nbMaxTryConnection: 5, - nbMaxDelayAboutTryConnection: 10, - delaiAboutLockConnection: 5 - } - }, - maxQueryLimit: 1000, - formatLogs: false, - hubspotToken: undefined, - preLoad: false -} -104 2 { userId: 2 } -info: POST /api/auths/login-admin 201 96ms -  ✓ Login - Login admin (133ms) -IS ADMIN 2 true -200 2 { userId: 2 } -info: POST /api/users/update-account 200 56ms -info: GET /api/users/get-user-datas 200 29ms -  ✓ Give all accesses to Admin (102ms) - Users tests -  ✓ Sign up - Missing email, should return 400 -  ✓ Sign up - Missing password, should return 400 -  ✓ Sign up - Missing email and password, should return 400 -  ✓ Sign up - Password is not long enough, should return 401 -  ✓ Sign up - Password is not strong enough, should return 401 -  ✓ Sign up - Password is a word in dictionary, should return 401 -{ message: 'Key not found', code: 'unauthorized' } -TEST Mail sent { - to: [ { email: '' } ], - templateId: 5, - params: { - email: '', - serverUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - tj: undefined, - fonction: 'Vacataire', - envName: '' - } -} -TEST Mail sent { - to: [ { email: '' } ], - templateId: 3, - params: { serverUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', envName: '' } -} -100 null { - email: '', - firstName: 'userTest', - lastName: 'userTest', - tj: undefined, - fonction: 'Vacataire' -} -info: POST /api/users/create-account 201 79ms -  ✓ Sign up - Correct inputs, should return 200 (81ms) -  ✓ Forgot password - Bad email, should return 401 -TEST Mail sent { - to: [ { email: '' } ], - templateId: 1, - params: { - code: '357855', - serverUrl: 'http://localhost:4200/nouveau-mot-de-passe?p=357855', - envName: '' - } -} -101 null { email: '' } -info: POST /api/users/forgot-password 200 5ms -  ✓ Forgot password - Good email, should return 200 -  ✓ Login - Bad password, should return 401 (134ms) -  ✓ Login - Bad email, should return 401 -  ✓ Login - Bad email AND bad password, should return 401 -104 469 { userId: 469 } -info: POST /api/auths/login 201 78ms -  ✓ Login - Login should succeed and return 201 with user token (79ms) -info: GET /api/users/me 200 6ms -  ✓ Get my infos as a user. Should return 200 -info: GET /api/users/get-user-datas 200 9ms -  ✓ Get my datas as a connected user. Should return 200 -IS ADMIN null false -  ✓ User list - Normal user do not have access. Should return 403 -IS ADMIN 2 true -info: GET /api/users/get-all 200 119ms -  ✓ User list - Admin should have access. Should return 200 (123ms) -info: GET /api/auths/logout 200 4ms -  ✓ Logout - Logout should return 200 -104 469 { userId: 469 } -info: POST /api/auths/login 201 73ms -  ✓ Re Login - Login should succeed and return 201 (75ms) - Change User data test -info: POST /api/human-resources/update-hr 200 708ms -  ✓ Create new hr (711ms) -info: POST /api/human-resources/update-hr 200 503ms -  ✓ Change new hr firstname (507ms) -info: POST /api/human-resources/update-hr 200 496ms -  ✓ Change new hr lastname (500ms) -info: POST /api/human-resources/update-hr 200 487ms -  ✓ Add new hr situation (490ms) -info: POST /api/human-resources/update-hr 200 26ms -  ✓ Add a second hr situation -info: POST /api/human-resources/update-hr 200 26ms -  ✓ Add new hr unavailability  -info: POST /api/human-resources/update-hr 200 25ms -  ✓ Correct a situation - Change agent's Fonction only -info: POST /api/human-resources/update-hr 200 25ms -  ✓ Correct a situation - Change agent's Category and Fonction -info: POST /api/human-resources/update-hr 200 26ms -  ✓ Correct a situation - Change one situation etp -info: POST /api/human-resources/update-hr 200 27ms -  ✓ Add an End Date to newly created agent -info: DELETE /api/human-resources/remove-situation-test/17337 200 10ms -info: DELETE /api/human-resources/remove-situation-test/17338 200 8ms -  ✓ Remove created situation -info: DELETE /api/human-resources/remove-hr-test/14326 200 7ms -  ✓ Remove created hr - Calculator Page - Check calcul  -IS ADMIN 2 true -TEST Mail sent { - to: [ { email: '' } ], - templateId: 8, - params: { - user: 'Redwane Zafari', - juridictionsList: 'TJ DE DEMO', - envName: '' - } -} -200 2 { userId: 2 } -info: POST /api/users/update-account 200 11ms -  ✓ Add admin to a tj -info: POST /api/activities/get-last-month 200 3ms -  ✓ Get last month -301 2 {} -3011 2 {} -calculator-1: 0.069ms -calculator-2: 1.196ms -calculator-3: 0.183ms -calculator-4: 0.029ms -calculator-5: 0.311ms -{ message: 'Key not found', code: 'unauthorized' } -calculator-6: 2.090s -calculator-6-2: 9.732ms -calculator-7: 11.112ms -Calc=> 0.16 Config { - envName: '[TEST] ', - displayEnvName: '', - serverUrl: 'http://localhost:8081/api', - frontUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - corsUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - port: 8081, - database: { - url: 'postgres://ajust-user:ajust-pass@', - logging: false, - dialect: 'postgres', - host: '', - port: '5436', - dialectOptions: [Object: null prototype] { - user: 'ajust-user', - password: 'ajust-pass', - host: '', - port: '5436', - database: 'ajust' - } - }, - jsonwebtoken: { private_key: '123456789' }, - consoleLog: true, - sendinblue: '123456', - logsPassword: undefined, - contactEmail: '', - supportEmail: '', - preloadHumanResourcesDatas: false, - nbDaysByMagistrat: 208, - nbDaysByFonctionnaire: 229.57, - nbHoursPerDayAndMagistrat: 8, - nbHoursPerDayAndFonctionnaire: 7, - sendingBlue: { usersListId: 6 }, - nbMaxDayCanBeInactive: 30, - sentryApi: '', - sentEmail: false, - juridictionType: 0, - nbMinDayTokenLife: 7, - forceSSL: false, - securities: { - users: { - nbMaxTryConnection: 5, - nbMaxDelayAboutTryConnection: 10, - delaiAboutLockConnection: 5 - } - }, - maxQueryLimit: 1000, - formatLogs: false, - hubspotToken: undefined, - preLoad: false -} 5.788 -Calc=> 0.12 Config { - envName: '[TEST] ', - displayEnvName: '', - serverUrl: 'http://localhost:8081/api', - frontUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - corsUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - port: 8081, - database: { - url: 'postgres://ajust-user:ajust-pass@', - logging: false, - dialect: 'postgres', - host: '', - port: '5436', - dialectOptions: [Object: null prototype] { - user: 'ajust-user', - password: 'ajust-pass', - host: '', - port: '5436', - database: 'ajust' - } - }, - jsonwebtoken: { private_key: '123456789' }, - consoleLog: true, - sendinblue: '123456', - logsPassword: undefined, - contactEmail: '', - supportEmail: '', - preloadHumanResourcesDatas: false, - nbDaysByMagistrat: 208, - nbDaysByFonctionnaire: 229.57, - nbHoursPerDayAndMagistrat: 8, - nbHoursPerDayAndFonctionnaire: 7, - sendingBlue: { usersListId: 6 }, - nbMaxDayCanBeInactive: 30, - sentryApi: '', - sentEmail: false, - juridictionType: 0, - nbMinDayTokenLife: 7, - forceSSL: false, - securities: { - users: { - nbMaxTryConnection: 5, - nbMaxDelayAboutTryConnection: 10, - delaiAboutLockConnection: 5 - } - }, - maxQueryLimit: 1000, - formatLogs: false, - hubspotToken: undefined, - preLoad: false -} 0.04 -Calc=> 0.04 Config { - envName: '[TEST] ', - displayEnvName: '', - serverUrl: 'http://localhost:8081/api', - frontUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - corsUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - port: 8081, - database: { - url: 'postgres://ajust-user:ajust-pass@', - logging: false, - dialect: 'postgres', - host: '', - port: '5436', - dialectOptions: [Object: null prototype] { - user: 'ajust-user', - password: 'ajust-pass', - host: '', - port: '5436', - database: 'ajust' - } - }, - jsonwebtoken: { private_key: '123456789' }, - consoleLog: true, - sendinblue: '123456', - logsPassword: undefined, - contactEmail: '', - supportEmail: '', - preloadHumanResourcesDatas: false, - nbDaysByMagistrat: 208, - nbDaysByFonctionnaire: 229.57, - nbHoursPerDayAndMagistrat: 8, - nbHoursPerDayAndFonctionnaire: 7, - sendingBlue: { usersListId: 6 }, - nbMaxDayCanBeInactive: 30, - sentryApi: '', - sentEmail: false, - juridictionType: 0, - nbMinDayTokenLife: 7, - forceSSL: false, - securities: { - users: { - nbMaxTryConnection: 5, - nbMaxDelayAboutTryConnection: 10, - delaiAboutLockConnection: 5 - } - }, - maxQueryLimit: 1000, - formatLogs: false, - hubspotToken: undefined, - preLoad: false -} 6.656 -Calc=> 8.94 Config { - envName: '[TEST] ', - displayEnvName: '', - serverUrl: 'http://localhost:8081/api', - frontUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - corsUrl: 'http://localhost:4200', - port: 8081, - database: { - url: 'postgres://ajust-user:ajust-pass@', - logging: false, - dialect: 'postgres', - host: '', - port: '5436', - dialectOptions: [Object: null prototype] { - user: 'ajust-user', - password: 'ajust-pass', - host: '', - port: '5436', - database: 'ajust' - } - }, - jsonwebtoken: { private_key: '123456789' }, - consoleLog: true, - sendinblue: '123456', - logsPassword: undefined, - contactEmail: '', - supportEmail: '', - preloadHumanResourcesDatas: false, - nbDaysByMagistrat: 208, - nbDaysByFonctionnaire: 229.57, - nbHoursPerDayAndMagistrat: 8, - nbHoursPerDayAndFonctionnaire: 7, - sendingBlue: { usersListId: 6 }, - nbMaxDayCanBeInactive: 30, - sentryApi: '', - sentEmail: false, - juridictionType: 0, - nbMinDayTokenLife: 7, - forceSSL: false, - securities: { - users: { - nbMaxTryConnection: 5, - nbMaxDelayAboutTryConnection: 10, - delaiAboutLockConnection: 5 - } - }, - maxQueryLimit: 1000, - formatLogs: false, - hubspotToken: undefined, - preLoad: false -} 2.825 -calculator-8: 18.838ms -info: POST /api/calculator/filter-list 200 2138ms -Data: { - totalIn: 98, - totalOut: 306, - lastStock: 9064, - etpMag: 8.94, - magRealTimePerCase: 4.051, - magCalculateTimePerCase: 2.825, - magCalculateOut: 438, - magCalculateCoverage: 4.469, - magCalculateDTESInMonths: 20.69, - etpFon: 14.9, - fonRealTimePerCase: 6.521, - fonCalculateTimePerCase: 4.908, - fonCalculateOut: 406, - fonCalculateCoverage: 4.143, - fonCalculateDTESInMonths: 22.33, - etpCont: 0.32, - realCoverage: 3.12, - realDTESInMonths: 29.62, - etpAffected: [ - { name: 'Magistrat', totalEtp: 8.940000000000001, rank: 1 }, - { name: 'Greffe', totalEtp: 14.9, rank: 2 }, - { name: 'Autour du magistrat', totalEtp: 0.317, rank: 3 } - ], - childrens: [ - { - totalIn: 5, - totalOut: 8, - lastStock: 27, - etpMag: 0.16, - magRealTimePerCase: 2.773, - magCalculateTimePerCase: 5.788, - magCalculateOut: 3, - magCalculateCoverage: 0.6, - magCalculateDTESInMonths: 9, - etpFon: 2, - fonRealTimePerCase: 33.479, - fonCalculateTimePerCase: 17.467, - fonCalculateOut: 15, - fonCalculateCoverage: 3, - fonCalculateDTESInMonths: 1.8, - etpCont: 0, - realCoverage: 1.6, - realDTESInMonths: 3.38, - etpAffected: [Array], - childrens: [], - contentieux: [Object], - nbMonth: 1 - }, - { - totalIn: 93, - totalOut: 298, - lastStock: 9030, - etpMag: 0.12, - magRealTimePerCase: 0.056, - magCalculateTimePerCase: 0.04, - magCalculateOut: 400, - magCalculateCoverage: 4.301, - magCalculateDTESInMonths: 22.58, - etpFon: 0, - fonRealTimePerCase: 0, - fonCalculateTimePerCase: 0.325, - fonCalculateOut: 0, - fonCalculateCoverage: 0, - fonCalculateDTESInMonths: null, - etpCont: 0.32, - realCoverage: 3.2, - realDTESInMonths: 30.3, - etpAffected: [Array], - childrens: [], - contentieux: [Object], - nbMonth: 1 - }, - { - totalIn: 0, - totalOut: 0, - lastStock: 0, - etpMag: 0.04, - magRealTimePerCase: null, - magCalculateTimePerCase: 6.656, - magCalculateOut: 0, - magCalculateCoverage: null, - magCalculateDTESInMonths: null, - etpFon: 0, - fonRealTimePerCase: null, - fonCalculateTimePerCase: 0, - fonCalculateOut: null, - fonCalculateCoverage: null, - fonCalculateDTESInMonths: null, - etpCont: 0, - realCoverage: null, - realDTESInMonths: null, - etpAffected: [Array], - childrens: [], - contentieux: [Object], - nbMonth: 1 - }, - { - totalIn: 0, - totalOut: 0, - lastStock: 7, - etpMag: 0, - magRealTimePerCase: null, - magCalculateTimePerCase: 0, - magCalculateOut: null, - magCalculateCoverage: null, - magCalculateDTESInMonths: null, - etpFon: 0, - fonRealTimePerCase: null, - fonCalculateTimePerCase: 0, - fonCalculateOut: null, - fonCalculateCoverage: null, - fonCalculateDTESInMonths: null, - etpCont: 0, - realCoverage: null, - realDTESInMonths: null, - etpAffected: [Array], - childrens: [], - contentieux: [Object], - nbMonth: 1 - } - ], - contentieux: { - id: 447, - label: 'Contentieux Social', - code_import: '1.', - rank: 1, - childrens: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] - }, - nbMonth: 1 -} -  ✓ Catch data (2142ms) -step1: 0.02ms -step2: 11.377ms -step3: 1.187ms -contentieuxIds [ 447 ] 3 3 -@@@@@ Magistrats du siège -@@@@@ Greffe -@@@@@ Autour du magistrat -step4: 1.965ms -step5: 0.003ms -info: POST /api/human-resources/filter-list 200 26ms -  ✓ Check ETPT Siege (39ms) -  ✓ Check Obeserved Coverage Rate -  ✓ Theoretical instantaneous stock flow time -  ✓ Observed average time per file -  ✓ Possible folders out Siege -  ✓ Theoretical calculated stock flow time -  ✓ Theoretical calculated coverage rate - Check calcul -- Ventilateur  -IS ADMIN 2 true -200 2 { userId: 2 } -info: POST /api/users/update-account 200 11ms -  ✓ Add admin to a tj -step1: 0.011ms -step2: 4.926ms -step3: 0.28ms -contentieuxIds undefined 3 3 -300 2 {} -@@@@@ Magistrats du siège -@@@@@ Greffe -@@@@@ Autour du magistrat -step4: 2.428ms -step5: 0.001ms -info: POST /api/human-resources/filter-list 200 21ms -  ✓ Check referentiels are all level 1 - Panorama Page -info: PUT /api/juridictions-details/update-cle 200 3ms -  ✓ Save CLE -info: POST /api/juridictions-details/get-cle 200 2ms -  ✓ Get CLE must be equal to saved CLE in test right before -info: PUT /api/juridictions-details/update-cle 200 2ms -  ✓ Save CLE to other category -info: POST /api/juridictions-details/get-cle 200 2ms -  ✓ Check that value in Siege has not changed and that value for Greffier category is the one registered right before -info: PUT /api/juridictions-details/update-cle 200 1ms -info: POST /api/juridictions-details/get-cle 200 1ms -  ✓ Add new CLE value to same category and check that old value is replaced -IS ADMIN 2 true -info: DELETE /api/users/remove-account-test/469 200 3ms ---- DONE --- diff --git a/api/test/api/RouteChangeUserData.test.js b/api/test/api/RouteChangeUserData.test.js index 1b40e6b5f..19bb1a928 100644 --- a/api/test/api/RouteChangeUserData.test.js +++ b/api/test/api/RouteChangeUserData.test.js @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module.exports = function (datas) { }) /** - * Changment du prénom de l'agent + * Changement du prénom de l'agent */ it('Change new hr firstname', async () => { const firstName = 'firstname' @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module.exports = function (datas) { }) /** - * Changment du nom de l'agent + * Changement du nom de l'agent */ it('Change new hr lastname', async () => { const lastName = 'lastname' diff --git a/api/test/api/RouteUser.test.js b/api/test/api/RouteUser.test.js index d56064e66..5821a8c9b 100644 --- a/api/test/api/RouteUser.test.js +++ b/api/test/api/RouteUser.test.js @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module.exports = function (datas) { }) /** - * Inscription - Vérification qu'on ait bien une erreur si le mot de passe n'ait pas assé long' + * Inscription - Vérification qu'on ait bien une erreur si le mot de passe n'est pas assez long */ it('Sign up - Password is not long enough, should return 401', async () => { const response = await onSignUpApi({ @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ module.exports = function (datas) { }) /** - * Inscription - Vérification qu'on ait bien une erreur si le mot de passe n'ait pas assé fort' + * Inscription - Vérification qu'on ait bien une erreur si le mot de passe n'est pas assez fort */ it('Sign up - Password is not strong enough, should return 401', async () => { const response = await onSignUpApi({