All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.0 (2024-03-15)
- add basic filtering from/to (794fd2a)
- add consensus and timestamp info to details (8404062)
- add delivery status in details (6e438a8)
- add Envelope filters (d7ba6e5)
- add fetch revalidation (0a8557a)
- add filtering by payloadId and proposalId (e051b67)
- add new filter layout (cf81448)
- add placeholder to Consensus (a4d98d7)
- debounce values (8f501f8)
- handle input change (ca4b624)
- store proposal/payload info in DB (0110ad4)
- truncate to two significant digits (69cc45c)
- update skeleton (52f2ae1)
- don't add a placeholder on event detail (d52171b)
- ensure IDs are numbers (419df41)
- fix linting errors (806efb4)
- print error (3a47694)
- use supabaseAdmin (f46db8f)
- wrap costs calc in try/catch (23a8b0e)
- add "tiny" variation of ExplorerLink (d9e350d)
- add Bridge explorer links (8738cfa)
- add celo icon (e9e65e5)
- add coingecko attribution (85a038d)
- add cron for tx costs checking (ff7019c)
- add new env varss (cfea685)
- add preprod label (25de0f1)
- add priority to the logo (edc0b61)
- add transactions endpoint (e8c2039)
- add transactions endpoint to router (07916a0)
- add unused tx endpoint (076ad53)
- address case-insensitive select (d6c999f)
- collect cost data for events (7a29f65)
- collect tx costs info (53e7dda)
- display tx costs associated with Envelope (0249635)
- increase timeout for "Skipped" status (a08b863)
- show LINK balance (2fd711e)
- show native token balances (3140db4)
- show token symbol instead of name (7399ee1)
- update balance display (8c72173)
- update database schema (88953b8)
- update slack urls for preprod (f7cbe89)