- This system combines the ctc-tedlium2 system and the small TED system.
- Languages:
- English-German
- Training: There is no script to train this system directly, but you can train both system individually with the scripts in that folder
- Download: You can download the system with the following script (remember to set the appropriate source and target language to select the correct MT system, if you haven't done that yet):
export sl=en
export tl=de
- For the individual components used in this system refer to the components of the two individual systems
- Testing:
/opt/SLT.KIT/systems/ctc-tedlium2.smallTED/Test.sh ${testset}
- Output of the ASR component: /data/ctc/eval/${testset}.s
- Segmented and punctuated transcript: /data/monoTransPrepro/eval/ctc.${testset}.s
- Translation: /data/mt/eval/ctc.${testset}.t
- Results: /results/ctc-tedlium2.smallTED/ctc.${testset}/Summary.md
- Same as ctc-tedlium2.smallTED except using the midSize system for MT and segmentation/punctuation
- ASR system using the CTC loss trained on Byte Pair Units
- Language: English
- Training: The standard network uses BPE units created with 300 merge operations. You can retrain this model with BPE units created with 10000 merge operations:
# Train 300
# Train 10000
/opt/SLT.KIT/systems/ctc-tedlium2/Train.sh 10000
- Download: You can download the models (both 300 and 10000) using the following script:
- Testing (10000 model):
/opt/SLT.KIT/systems/ctc-tedlium2/Test.sh ${testset}
- Data
- Model: /model/ctc/bpe${bpe_steps}.mdl, /model/ctc/bpe${bpe_steps}.log, /model/ctc/units${bpe_steps}.json
- Test Output: /data/ctc/eval/${testset}.s, /data/ctc/eval/${testset}.logits
- ASR system using listen-attend-spell architecture
- Language: English
- Training: You can train the system with the scripts
- Download: You can download the system with the scripts
/opt/SLT.KIT/systems/las-tedlium2/Test.sh ${testset}
- MT and sentence segmentation trained on the TED corpus
- Languages:
- German-English
- English-German
- English-French
- Components:
- prepro: Preprocessing of the data; Tokenization, true casing
- monoTransPrepro: Preprocessing for the training of the monolingual translation system. Removing of case and puncuation information, target representation by labels. For details [1]
- monTrans: NMT-based monolingual translations system to predict punctuation using OpenNMT-py
- mt: OpenNMT-py based NMT system
- Training: You can train the system with the scripts
- Download: You can download the system with the scripts
- Testing:
/opt/SLT.KIT/systems/smallTED/Test.sh ${testset}
- Segmented and punctuated transcript of the provided ASR output in test data: /data/monoTransPrepro/eval/${testset}.s
- Translation: /data/mt/eval/${testset}.t
- Translation of the manual transcript: /data/mt/eval/manualTranscript.${testset}.t
- Results /results/smallTED/${setset}/Summary.md
- MT and sentence segmentation trained on the TED corpus and the EPPS corpus
[1] Cho, E., Niehues, J., Waibel, A. (2017). NMT-based Segmentation and Punctuation Insertion for Real-time Spoken Language Translation. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2017). Stockholm, Sweden.