Name | Type | Description | Notes |
index | Number | [optional] | |
guid | String | [optional] | |
originatingSystem | String | Name of the system in which the viewpoint is originated | [optional] |
authoringToolId | String | System specific identifier of the viewpoint in the originating BIM tool | [optional] |
orthogonalCamera | OrthogonalCameraRequest | [optional] | |
perspectiveCamera | PerspectiveCameraRequest | [optional] | |
lines | [LineRequest] | [optional] | |
clippingPlanes | [ClippingPlaneRequest] | [optional] | |
snapshot | SnapshotRequest | [optional] | |
components | ComponentsParentRequest | [optional] | |
pins | [PinRequest] | Non standard field. Pins (or markers/annotations) are points of interest. When creating a Viewpoint you can create pins with the fields `pins`, but you can't edit pins through here. You must use dedicated pin routes. | [optional] |
tempId | Number | Only used when using POST on the full-topic route to bind viewpoint with comment | [optional] |
models | [Number] | [optional] |