First off, thanks for your interest in contributing to this project.
This guide assumes that you have a github account and a basic understanding of how Git works. If not, I'd recommend that you go thru this guide first
We have a list of open issues that we require help with in our issue tracker in GitHub. Select one of the tasks there to start with.
If you have not contributed to an GitHub project yet, this page will help you get you up to speed.
First, fork the project to your personal account.
How to Fork?
Go to the github page for this project and click on the Fork button to the top right cornor. This will create a copy of the repository in your personal account.
Now clone the forked project to your system...
git clone [email protected]:<your github username>/gatsby-garden.git
Install libraries using NPM
cd gatsby-garden
npm install
Create a branch that you will have your changes
git checkout -b "*<branch name>*"
Make all the changes you want to that branch. And commit the changes. PS: This will also run the linting tool to make sure your code is formated correctly.
git commit -am "*<description of the changes you made>*"
Push the code to your remote repository as and when needed
git push
Note: You might have to do this when pushing the branch for the first time...
git push --set-upstream origin *<branch name>*
Once all the changes are made and you can create a pull request. This will notify the admin of the project to merge your code in with the master branch. You can do this by going to the project page on your account(eg. github username/gatsby-garden.git). There should be a 'Compare & pull request' button at the top - click on that. Write a few comments on what the feature is about and submit the request.
Now the admin of the main repository will review your code and merge your feature branch into the main branch.
You'll need to sync your local repository with the main online repository. This will get you the code that other people are commiting to the repository. You do this by adding the main repository as an 'upstream' branch.
git remote add upstream [email protected]:binnyva/gatsby-garden.git
You can pull from the upsteam using these commands...
git fetch upstream
git merge --ff-only upstream/master
If you still have doubts, check out one of the following resources...