There are no known IP restrictions. The bulk of the tools that we will be using / testing are released under Free / Open Source software licenses. The best practice in software development dictates that software integrating those components be licensed under a compatible license. This also follows the NZGOAL-SE framework and is regarded as best practice by the NZ central government \cite{NZGOAL-SE_2017}.
We will have to figure out what we can do with the kiwifruit 40 re-sequenced accessions from Paul.
Apple re-sequencing is OK to be shared and published. Same for manuka, we have Maori engagement sorted.
MOU with Elshire Group. -- I'm in favour of putting all this under the NZOSS. Neutral ground and same rules for everyone... (Rob)
Whilst some pipelines are in the public domain they may use tools that can only be used under an academic license (eg GBS-SNP-CROP). It may be that testing/validation of these tools is lower priority.