requires both
packages installedpip install build twine
Update version number in pyproject.toml.
Check and update other sections of pyproject.toml if needed (dependencies, metadata etc.).
Build the package locally:
python -m build
Test the package built locally:
pip install dist/biothings_client-0.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
And run any local test as needed.
Prepare github repo for the release:
Create a tag for each released version (with "v" prefix):
git tag -a "v0.3.0" -m "tagging v0.3.0 for release"
If everything looks good, push to the remote:
git push --tags
Upload to PyPI:
twine upload dist/*
Note: this step needs to be done by @newgene under "newgene" PyPI account or any authorized PyPI user.