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File metadata and controls

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Templates in Bitcart are powered by the Jinja2 templating engine. It means that you have the full flexibility of the templating engine.

There are currently 3 different templates you able to customize in Bitcart: notification, product and shop. Plus you are able to create custom-named templates for use with our future scripting language.

Check the example templates here

For each of the objects, you are able to select a custom template.

The templates for an object are selected as per template selection rules

Store default templates

HTML templates

In some places of Bitcart, it is possible to render templates as html files instead of plain text.

For example, in emails sent to customer on successful checkout, you could use default templates (or customized a bit) which are plain text, or instead, you could enable html template rendering and send your customers a beautiful email.

Currently html template rendering is available only in store emails sent to customer

Note: if you enable html template rendering, default templates or any plain text templates will now render incorrectly, without new lines. So ensure to check that template rendering templates match the templates themselves.

If you have a decimal field that needs to be formatted properly using currency data (e.g. price), you can use the format_decimal filter to format it properly, passing key of field on the model.

{{ invoice | format_decimal("price") }}

You can check html templates examples here.

Available templates


Notification template is used when building the message to be sent via all configured notification providers to the merchant notifying of successful order (to start shipping, for example).

The are two variables passed:

  • store, containing the store this notification belongs to
  • invoice, containing the invoice that has been paid

You can use those two variables to build whatever message that fits the best for you.

The default template is the following:

New order from {{ invoice.buyer_email }} for {{ invoice | format_decimal("price") }} {{ invoice.currency }}!

An up-to-date version can always be found at this link


Shop template is used when building the base message for a successful payment associated with a store. It may optionally include paid invoice products' templates.

The are two variables passed:

  • store is the store the invoice is associated with
  • products is a list of already rendered individual product's templates

You can use this template to provide some design for the order confirmation message sent to the buyer.

The default template is the following:

Welcome to our shop!
Thank you so much for your order!
Your summary is below:
{% raw %}
{% for product in products %}
{% endfor %}
{% endraw %}
If you've got any questions, email us at {{}}.
Best wishes, your {{}}.

An up-to-date version can always be found at this link


Product template is used when building the message for each individual product. Normally it is included as part of the main store message sent to the customer upon successful payment.

There are 3 variables passed:

  • store is the store the product is associated with
  • product is the current product being processed
  • quantity is the quantity the customer has selected to buy

Note that, you can configure different templates for each product, or use the same template for all products.

The default template is the following:

Thanks for buying {{}} x {{quantity|int}}!
{% raw %}
{% if product.download_url %}
Your download link: {{product.download_url}}
{% else %}
It'll ship shortly!
{% endif %}
{% endraw %}

An up-to-date version can always be found at this link