diff --git a/content.mkd b/content.mkd
index c874b53..006c0bb 100644
--- a/content.mkd
+++ b/content.mkd
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ The `topic` is a globally unique identifier for the collection. A specific colle
- a random UUID for each collection; or
- a salted hash (server-specific salt) of the canonical collection URL, encoded with base64.
+[^todo] The `supported-triggers` element contains supported trigger methods (see {{content-updates}} and {{property-updates}}). Do we even need it? Is it optional? Default value? Specify all depths, max depths?
Clients can use WebDAV `PROPFIND` to retrieve these properties. Example:
@@ -147,6 +149,7 @@ PROPFIND https://example.com/webdav/collection/
@@ -163,18 +166,67 @@ The comment shows how support for some other (not yet defined) transport could b
# Subscription Management
-[^todo] ACL for registering subscriptions?
+[^todo] Permissions / what to report when user is not allowed to register push.
## Subscription Registration
-To subscribe to a collection, the client sends a `POST` request with `Content-Type: application/xml` to the collection it wants to subscribe. The root XML element of the XML body is `push-register` in the WebDAV-Push namespace (`https://bitfire.at/webdav-push`) and can be used to distinguish between a WebDAV-Push and other requests.
+To subscribe to a collection, the client sends a `POST` request with `Content-Type: application/xml` to the collection it wants to subscribe. The root XML element of the XML body is `push-register` and can be used to distinguish between WebDAV-Push and other requests.
+The `push-register` element contains:
-The `push-register` element contains exactly one `subscription` element, which contains all information the server needs to send a push message, plus an optional `expires` element that contains the requested expiration time in the `IMF-fixdate` format (as defined in {{RFC9110}}).
+* exactly one `subscription` element, which contains all information the server needs to send a push message,
+* an optional `trigger` element to specify the types of events the client wants to be notified about, and
+* an optional `expires` element that contains the requested expiration time in the `IMF-fixdate` format (as defined in {{RFC9110}}).
The `subscription` element specifies a subscription that shall be notified on updates and contains exactly one element with details about a specific subscription type. Within the scope of this document, only the `web-push-subscription` child element is defined (see {{transport-web-push}}).
-[^todo] By now, only data updates of the collection itself and in direct members (equals `Depth: 1`) are sent. Maybe it could be specified that servers can send one notification per path segment? Implications?
+To specify which updates the client wants to be notified about, it uses the `trigger` element, which itself can contain:
+* A `content-update` element to indicate the client's interest in notifications when the members of the collection change (_content update_).
+* A `property-update` element to indicate the client's interest in notifications when the WebDAV properties of the collection change (_property update_).
+If the `trigger` element is missing or empty, the following default will be assumed:
+ 1
+ 0
+### Content Updates {#content-updates}
+A _content update_ occurs when a member is changed or removed, as defined in {{RFC6578}} _3.5 Types of Changes Reported on Subsequent Synchronizations_ (typically when a member is added or removed or its contents are modified). If the server supports {{RFC6578}}, a content update implies that the `{DAV:}sync-token` changes.
+The `content` element can contain an optional `{DAV:}sync-level` element (default value when missing: `1`) that specifies whether the client is interested only in changes of internal members or of all members.
+A server MUST support a `{DAV:}sync-level` of `1` and MAY support `infinite`. In case of `infinite`, the limitations described in {{RFC6578}} _3.3 Depth Behavior_ apply: notifications about changes in members which are not supported by the `DAV:sync-collection` report may not be sent. [^todo] XML error when not supported
+### Property Updates {#property-updates}
+A _property update_ occurs when the WebDAV properties of the collection or its members are modified. Notifications about properties update are controlled by two elements within `properties`:
+1. The optional `{DAV:}depth` element (as defined in {{RFC4918}}, value if missing: `0`) specifies the depth:
+ * A depth of `0` means that the client is only interested in property updates of the subscribed collection itself.
+ * A depth of `1` means that the client is interested in property updates of the subscribed collection and its internal members.
+ * A depth of `infinite` means that the client is interested in property updates of the subscribed collection and all its members.
+ A server MUST support a `depth` of 0 and MAY support `1` and `infinite`. In case of `infinite`, the limitations described in {{RFC6578}} _3.3 Depth Behavior_ apply: notifications about changes in members which are not supported by the `DAV:sync-collection` report may not be sent. [^todo] XML error when not supported.
+2. The optional `{DAV:}prop` element (as it may be used in a `PROPFIND` request) specified a list of properties that the client is interested in. The list of properties MUST NOT contain properties that represent a content update, especially `{DAV:}getetag`, `{DAV:}getlastmodified` and `{DAV:}sync-token`. If the `{DAV:}prop` element is not present or empty, the server chooses the properties that it considers to be useful for the client. [^todo] XML error when not supported.
+### Response
Allowed response codes:
@@ -257,12 +309,10 @@ Expired subscriptions MUST NOT be used anymore as chances are high that doing so
A WebDAV-Push server MUST notify registered subscriptions of a subscribed collection:
-- on a _content update_ of the collection: this is when a member is changed or removed, (as explained in {{RFC6578}}), so that the `{DAV:}sync-token` changes;
-- on a _property update_ of the colleciton: this is when
- - certain properties of the collection (like `DAV:{display-name}`) itself change,
- - or the property itself is removed, which changes its `{DAV:status}` to 4xx.
+- on a _content update_ of the collection, if this was requested during subscription registration,
+- on a _property update_ of the collection, if this was requested during subscription registration.
-[^todo] Which properties?
+[^todo] Content/property update changes
## Push Message
@@ -292,7 +342,7 @@ Example 1:
{::include xml/sample-push-message1.xml}
-Here, the contents of the collection with topic `O7M1nQ7cKkKTKsoS_j6Z3w` have changed and the new sync-token (after the change) is `http://example.com/ns/sync/1234`.
+Here, the contents of the collection with topic `O7M1nQ7cKkKTKsoS_j6Z3w` have changed and the new sync-token (after the change) is `http://example.com/ns/sync/1234`. The depth of one indicates that the notification was caused by addition/change/removal of an internal member.
Example 2:
@@ -300,7 +350,15 @@ Example 2:
{::include xml/sample-push-message2.xml}
-Here the server notifies the client that the collection with topic `O7M1nQ7cKkKTKsoS_j6Z3w` is no longer available on the server.
+Here, the contents of the collection with topic `O7M1nQ7cKkKTKsoS_j6Z3w` have changed and the new sync-token (after the change) is `http://example.com/ns/sync/1234`. The infinite depth indicates that the notification was caused by addition/change/removal of a member.
+Example 3:
+{::include xml/sample-push-message3.xml}
+Here the server notifies the client that the collection with topic `O7M1nQ7cKkKTKsoS_j6Z3w` is no longer available on the server. The zero depth indicates that this message is about the collection itself, and not about its members.
## Removal of Invalid Subscriptions
@@ -351,6 +409,7 @@ collection.
[^todo] What happens when some component is hacked
+[^todo] Topic header, don't use insecure hashes
# Web Push Transport {#transport-web-push}
@@ -373,8 +432,6 @@ Usage of message encryption {{RFC8291}} and VAPID {{RFC8292}} is RECOMMENDED. If
Support for the Web Push transport is indicated by the `web-push` element in the `transports` collection property.
-A WebDAV-Push server SHOULD use the collection topic as `Topic` header in push messages to replace previous notifications for the same collection.
## Subscription Registration
@@ -395,30 +452,10 @@ Example:
The push message is delivered via `POST` to the push resource, with `Content-Type: application/xml; charset="UTF-8"`.
-The push topic SHOULD be used to generate the `Topic` header. Since RFC 8030 limits the `Topic` header to 32 characters from the URL and filename-safe Base64 alphabet, it's RECOMMENDED to use a hash of the push topic that meets these requirements as the header value.
-The exact algorithm to derive the `Topic` header from the push topic can be chosen by the server.
+The server MAY send the push message with a `Topic` header so that an undelivered push message can be replaced by an updated one. The server MUST ensure that the meaning doesn't change when a push message is potentially replaced. Usually this means that the value is derived from the collection topic and the information whether the push message indicates a content and/or property update. The `Topic` header is visible to the push service, so its value MUST NOT contain sensitive information.
The server MAY use the `Urgency` header to set the priority of the push message. For instance, a CalDAV server may send push notifications for new/changed events with alarms that are scheduled within the next 15 minutes with `Urgency: high` so that users receive the alarm as soon as possible. Updates that are not that time-critical for the user, for instance in slowly changing collections like a holiday calendar may be sent with `Urgency: low`.
-Push topic: `O7M1nQ7cKkKTKsoS_j6Z3w`
-SHA1(push topic): `47788cfcf010ece3030175b8fa63276bbaea4862`
-As base64url: `R3iM_PAQ7OMDAXW4-mMna7rqSGI`
-(Note that SHA1 doesn't serve a cryptographical purpose here and is just used to generate a fixed-length hash out of the variable-length topic.)
-So push message delivery is requested with this header:
-Content-Type: application/xml; charset="UTF-8"
-Topic: R3iM_PAQ7OMDAXW4-mMna7rqSGI
diff --git a/xml/sample-propfind-multistatus.xml b/xml/sample-propfind-multistatus.xml
index b82c2e0..93946da 100644
--- a/xml/sample-propfind-multistatus.xml
+++ b/xml/sample-propfind-multistatus.xml
@@ -6,12 +6,15 @@
- O7M1nQ7cKkKTKsoS_j6Z3w
+ O7M1nQ7cKkKTKsoS_j6Z3w
diff --git a/xml/sample-push-message1.xml b/xml/sample-push-message1.xml
index 5c7ece9..86b0d36 100644
--- a/xml/sample-push-message1.xml
+++ b/xml/sample-push-message1.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ 1
diff --git a/xml/sample-push-message2.xml b/xml/sample-push-message2.xml
index 8611506..c7e9a55 100644
--- a/xml/sample-push-message2.xml
+++ b/xml/sample-push-message2.xml
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
- 404 Not Found
+ infinity
+ http://example.com/ns/sync/1234
diff --git a/xml/sample-push-message3.xml b/xml/sample-push-message3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..135b307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/sample-push-message3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ 0
+ 404 Not Found
+ O7M1nQ7cKkKTKsoS_j6Z3w
diff --git a/xml/sample-registration.xml b/xml/sample-registration.xml
index 067d04e..3f6d889 100644
--- a/xml/sample-registration.xml
+++ b/xml/sample-registration.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
+ infinite
+ 0
Wed, 20 Dec 2023 10:03:31 GMT
diff --git a/xml/validate-samples.rng b/xml/validate-samples.rng
index 503e220..4b4a7aa 100644
--- a/xml/validate-samples.rng
+++ b/xml/validate-samples.rng
@@ -17,10 +17,17 @@
diff --git a/xml/webdav-push.rng b/xml/webdav-push.rng
index 6630c4a..8d5d373 100644
--- a/xml/webdav-push.rng
+++ b/xml/webdav-push.rng
@@ -20,6 +20,59 @@
+ 1
+ infinite
+ 0
+ 1
+ infinite
@@ -32,6 +85,20 @@
@@ -46,14 +113,22 @@
+ 0
+ 1
+ infinity
@@ -67,7 +142,7 @@