All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed a bug when the IPN/webhook is received with "complete" status
- Add Unit & End2End tests
- Updated SDK
- Added Platform Info
- Verifies Webhooks
- Fixed issue with payment logo url
- Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.5.2
- Improved webhook validation to improve timing issues
- Added compatibility with Checkout Blocks
- Fixed Checkout Flow (BitPay Modal)
- Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.4.2
- Fixed issue with exception for missing DB data for plugin in admin panel
- Improved logging IPN requests
- Improved webhook handling to prevent an issue where Order IPN's could update a refunded Order's status to a processable Order status
- Fix typo "completed" for BitPay available statuses
- Checking if there is a cart before triggering empty_cart() method
- Deploy to WooCommerce when released
- Removed dead code that caused notice
- Downgrade & adapt php-scoper for PHP 8.0
- Add admin option to allow users to select their BitPay button
- log create invoice issues
- Generate vendors to avoid potential conflicts between plugins (inconsistent version of same vendor)
- Fix support for PHP 8.0
- Improve code quality
- Use BitPay SDK
- Corrected the cancel invoice flow
- Logo update
- Moved to new VCS
- Added Declined state
- Added response code for IPN notifications
- Updated Confirmed/Completed options with WooCommerce functionality to complete an order in the system (if set)
- PHP notice cleanup
- Route fixes
- Added option for custom redirect page
- Added option for custom redirect page
- Formatting Fix
- Updated order status mapping for Confirmed and Completed (please review your settings in the configuration)
- Added default mapping for confirmed/completed orders if one isnt set in the plugin configuration
- UX updates
- Limit the time a user has to complete a purchase
- IPN Updates
- Bug fixes and code cleanup
- Updated config to allow merchants to map order states. You will need to save your BitPay Checkout settings
- Fixed issue where BitPay may stay persistent as a payment method
- Fixed issue where VIEW CART returned an null url after using the AJAX add-to-cart
- Added an ERROR redirection if there is an issue creating a new invoice. Merchants will need to setup an ERROR page and add the page slug to the configuration
- Fixed WooCommerce notices
- Removed unused code
- Allow merchants to disable the BitPay logo in the mini cart
- Added support for future release of BitPay Chrome extension
- Fixed issue where cart might not be restored after canceling the payment invoice
- Fixed button issue clickability on pages with configurable options
- Let the user decide to hide or show the logo on checkout
- Added option to show BitPay on product pages for faster checkout
- Add option for merchant to set their order as Complete when the invoice has been confirmed
- Updated IPN messaging
- Allow users to optionally map IPN status updates for Expired invoices
- Loads different bitpay.js files based on dev or production setting
- Performance updates
- Removed old code that was unneded
- Fixed issue with IPN setting orders to "on-hold"
- Fixed issue with IPN updates
- Fixed issue with IPN deleting orders
- Added more descriptive label for Order Status mapping
- Fixed issue with IPN deleting orders
- Changed branding to default icon, updated IPN changes
- bug cleanup
- bug cleanup
- bug cleanup
- fixed undefined errors in logs
- Added redirect to cart if order becomes invalid when a user hasn't completed a purchase
- Added redirect to cart if order becomes invalid when a user hasn't completed a purchase
- Changed speed setting so users can defined in BitPay dashboard
- Added API token validation
- Fixed issue where BitPay logo was causing other logos to be hidden. Add / modify the "bitpay_logo" CSS class in your theme if needed.
- Added optional BitPay logo on checkout page with a css class "bitpay_logo". Adjust the "max-height" in your css to resize as needed
- Code cleanup
- Code cleanup
- Admin updates
- Added information and links to Tier settings
- Added transaction and error logging
- Code cleanup
- Allow overrides in IPN messages for order statuses
- IPN Updates
- Bug squashing
- Updated to check for server requirements. To verify, deactivate then reactivate the plugin (your settings will be saved)
- Added option to have no image on checkout page
- Hotfix to support WooCommerce 3.6.x update
- Added option to override the "checkout" slug and add your own if needed
- Token verification update
- Security update for issues where API could be called repeatedly
- Changed loading of bitpay.min.js library
- Fixed issue where some users are experience errors on the modal invoice
- Fixed error log warnings
- Fixed issue where the BitPay checkout message would appear with other payment methods
- IPN Updates
- Added IPN security updates to verify order verification originates from IPN