diff --git a/src/pages/send/confirm/confirm.html b/src/pages/send/confirm/confirm.html
index 892374f1512..e257286604e 100644
--- a/src/pages/send/confirm/confirm.html
+++ b/src/pages/send/confirm/confirm.html
@@ -308,6 +308,20 @@
+      <label-tip type="warn" *ngIf="suggestedNonce < customNonce">
+        <span label-tip-title translate>Warning</span>
+        <div label-tip-body translate>
+          Nonce is higher than suggested nonce of {{suggestedNonce}}
+        </div>
+      </label-tip>
+      <label-tip type="warn" *ngIf="pendingTxsNonce && pendingTxsNonce.length > 0 && !isSpeedUpTx">
+        <span label-tip-title translate>Waiting for confirmation</span>
+        <div label-tip-body translate>
+          There is a pending transaction with a lower account nonce. This next transaction can only be executed after confirmation of the earlier transaction.
+        </div>
+      </label-tip>
       <div class="line-divider"></div>
       <button ion-item detail-none (click)="showWallets()" [ngClass]="{'not-clickable': fromWalletDetails || walletConnectRequestId}">
diff --git a/src/pages/send/confirm/confirm.ts b/src/pages/send/confirm/confirm.ts
index a7e4a5f6dac..08ac2a05a59 100644
--- a/src/pages/send/confirm/confirm.ts
+++ b/src/pages/send/confirm/confirm.ts
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ export class ConfirmPage {
   public merchantFeeLabel: string;
   public totalAmountStr: string;
   public totalAmount;
-  public pendingConfirmationEthTxs: number;
+  public pendingTxsNonce: number[];
   public showEnableRBF: boolean;
   public enableRBF: boolean = false;
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ export class ConfirmPage {
   public customGasPrice: number;
   public customGasLimit: number;
   public customNonce: number;
+  public suggestedNonce: number;
   public merchantName: string;
   public itemizedDetails;
@@ -1434,22 +1435,33 @@ export class ConfirmPage {
           txp.chain ? txp.chain.toLowerCase() : txp.coin,
-        this.pendingConfirmationEthTxs = 0;
+        this.pendingTxsNonce = [];
         for (let tx of nonceWallet.completeHistory) {
           if (
             tx.confirmations === 0 &&
-            (tx.action === 'sent' || tx.action === 'moved') &&
-            tx.nonce < nonce // ignore transactions waiting for lower nonce
+            (tx.action === 'sent' || tx.action === 'moved')
           ) {
-            this.pendingConfirmationEthTxs = this.pendingConfirmationEthTxs + 1;
+            this.pendingTxsNonce.push(tx.nonce);
           } else break;
+        if (this.pendingTxsNonce.length > 0) {
+          this.pendingTxsNonce.sort((a, b) => a - b);
+          for (let i = 0; i < this.pendingTxsNonce.length; i++) {
+            if (this.pendingTxsNonce[i] + 1 != this.pendingTxsNonce[i + 1]) {
+              this.suggestedNonce = this.pendingTxsNonce[i] + 1;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        } else this.suggestedNonce = nonce;
-          `Using web3 nonce: ${nonce} - pending txs: ${this.pendingConfirmationEthTxs}`
+          `Using web3 nonce: ${nonce} - Suggested Nonce: ${
+            this.suggestedNonce
+          } - pending txs: ${this.suggestedNonce - nonce}`
-        txp.nonce = this.tx.nonce = nonce + this.pendingConfirmationEthTxs;
+        txp.nonce = this.tx.nonce = this.suggestedNonce;
       const opts = {