- Add compatibility with Dart 3
- Initial version, created by Darel Bitsy.
- updated description.
- Added new rules: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member as error avoid_slow_async_io as warning invalid_use_of_protected_member as error unawaited_futures as warning
- excluded files generated by the code generator.
- fixed glob pattern for excluded files generated by the code generator.
- removed prefer_double_quotes rule because it's should not be imposed on client of this package.
- update the severity of lint rule type_annotate_public_apis to error so that dev won't forget to specify type for important method return type.
- added lint rule must_call_super and set the severity to error so that dev won't forget to call it.
- added unused_field and set the severity to error so that unused_field won't be forgotten.
- Added exclude the following files and directories: lib/.g.dart, test/.g.dart, flutter_test/.g.dart, build/
- Added rules for dart 2.11
- Substituted prefer double quote rule to prefer single quote rules, because there's currently no way to edit Intellij/VSCode dart code style to change the default behavior for imports.
- Made missing_required_param as an error so code place that don't provide require argument will be flagged as error.
- Upgrade package to null safe and dart 2.12.0.
- Removed avoid_as rule as it's now deprecated.
- Changed rule diagnostic_describe_all_properties level from warning to info.
- Change rule public_member_api_docs level from warning to info.
- Change rule public_member_api_docs level from warning to info.