- Add ReadMe section: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/nuget/add-a-readme-to-your-nuget-package/
- Add logo
- ZY0M7<CR>
Set zoom factor to M: Where M can be 0-2 (or 0-7 if zoom is set for 5% steps)
Set output shrink parameters: MMM=top, NNN=left, OOO=bottom, PPP=right edge. Range is 0-255 for each.
- ZQO03
Output shrink: Returns (top,left,bottom,right) 000-255 pixels (decimal)
Set RS232 message command colors and transparency (Radiance Pro only)—C=0,1,2.
A 0=sets background color. 1=sets foreground color. 2=sets blend value.
RRGGBB for foreground, background id RGB color were RR, GG, or BB is hexadecimal 00-ff (0-256) value. When setting blend value, only last B digit is used so range is 000001-00000f where 'f'isopaque messages and '1'is near transparent.
- Use Trace for
- protocol communication
- Use Debug for
- actions NOT taken
- additional details not included in LogInformation
- serialized data structures
- Use Info for
- action taken
- Use Warn for
- incomplete information and recoverable, unexpected situations
- Use Error for
- unexpected situations that cause an operation to fail
- Use Critical for
- unexpected situations that cause the application to exit
Always capitalize messages.