Calculate amount of squares till an edge (edge enum)
Move generation parsing system
King move generation without a stack overflow lol
Integrate Lichess API
UI states
Finish king move generation
Finish move generation
Menu UI
Highlight previous move
System to only allow redrawing the statusline instead of redrawing the whole board
Optional debug info (written to a file)
Read Lichess chat
Time left for each player
Resize board dynamically as the terminal size changes
Check for check
Local game
Update castling to new system
Proper project name lol
Make a local timer for showing players' clocks
Pawn promotions
View board as the other player
Options for seeking games (clock total time and increment, for example)
Send a new message to Lichess chat
Proper UI
Profile page (own profile + other players?)
Current game dashboard
En passant rule
Config option for auto-promotion to queen, UI for selecting which piece to promote a pawn to
Accept and offer draw
Figure out the best way to render the board
Use different config options for piece rendering for big and small boards