Hey there, We do currently have a pretty specific application in mind and I was wondering if you could point me in the direction for the specific details how best to approach this problem with block2. The bottom line of my question is: What is the easiest/best approach to apply such orbital rotations, for which the logarithm of the single-body rotation contains complex entries, to an MPS? What I can obviously do is to split up the unitary so that we need to find an MPS representation for If there is an easier approach than the one outlined above for our use case, I would obviously also be keen to learn about that. One other potential approach I see is that I could simply use complex parameters for the application of the orbital rotation, allowing us to rotate the MPS into the basis we want even if the full orbital rotation "Hamiltonian" contains complex parameters. However, this seems unnecessarily complicated as, I believe, this would require switching to complex-valued MPS which shouldn't be necessary. Either way, probably you can easily point me towards the most straightforward implementation for our problem. I'd really appreciate your input! Many thanks for your support and best wishes, |
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Hi Yannic, Thanks for your interest in using block2 for your research. Here is an example python script for doing orbital rotation with -1 determinant rotation matrices: from pyscf import gto, scf, lo
import scipy.linalg
import numpy as np
mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1.1', basis='sto3g', symmetry='c1')
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
# localize orbitals
def scdm(coeff, overlap):
aux = lo.orth.lowdin(overlap)
no = coeff.shape[1]
ova = coeff.T @ overlap @ aux
piv = scipy.linalg.qr(ova, pivoting=True)[2]
bc = ova[:, piv[:no]]
ova = np.dot(bc.T, bc)
s12inv = lo.orth.lowdin(ova)
return coeff @ bc @ s12inv
# HF orbitals (old basis)
mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
# Localized orbitals (new basis)
lmo_coeff = scdm(mo_coeff, mol.intor('cint1e_ovlp_sph'))
# orbital transform rot[old, new]
orb_rot = np.linalg.pinv(mo_coeff) @ lmo_coeff
assert np.linalg.norm(orb_rot.T - np.linalg.inv(orb_rot)) < 1E-12
assert np.linalg.norm(lmo_coeff - mo_coeff @ orb_rot) < 1E-12
# whether det(orb_rot) is +1 or -1
neg_det = True
if neg_det:
if np.linalg.det(orb_rot) > 0:
orb_rot[:, 0] = -orb_rot[:, 0]
lmo_coeff = mo_coeff @ orb_rot
# apply orbital sign change at orbital 1
orb_rot[:, 1] = -orb_rot[:, 1]
if np.linalg.det(orb_rot) < 0:
orb_rot[:, 0] = -orb_rot[:, 0]
lmo_coeff = mo_coeff @ orb_rot
kappa = scipy.linalg.logm(orb_rot)
from pyblock2.driver.core import DMRGDriver, SymmetryTypes
from pyblock2._pyscf.ao2mo import integrals as itg
import numpy as np
if kappa.dtype == np.float64:
print('use real')
symm_type = SymmetryTypes.SU2
print('use complex')
symm_type = SymmetryTypes.SU2 | SymmetryTypes.CPX
driver = DMRGDriver(scratch="./tmp", symm_type=symm_type, stack_mem=4 << 30, n_threads=8)
# DMRG to find ground state MPS in the new basis
mf.mo_coeff = lmo_coeff
ncas, n_elec, spin, ecore, h1e, g2e, orb_sym = itg.get_rhf_integrals(mf)
driver.initialize_system(n_sites=ncas, n_elec=n_elec, spin=spin, orb_sym=orb_sym)
mpo = driver.get_qc_mpo(h1e=h1e, g2e=g2e, ecore=ecore, iprint=0)
ket_lo = driver.get_random_mps(tag="KET-LO", bond_dim=500, nroots=1)
energy = driver.dmrg(mpo, ket_lo, n_sweeps=10, bond_dims=[500] * 10, noises=[1e-5] * 4 + [0],
thrds=[1e-9] * 10, tol=1E-12, cutoff=1E-24, iprint=0)
print('DMRG energy (LO) = %20.15f' % energy)
# DMRG to find ground state MPS in the old basis
mf.mo_coeff = mo_coeff
ncas, n_elec, spin, ecore, h1e, g2e, orb_sym = itg.get_rhf_integrals(mf)
driver.initialize_system(n_sites=ncas, n_elec=n_elec, spin=spin, orb_sym=orb_sym)
mpo = driver.get_qc_mpo(h1e=h1e, g2e=g2e, ecore=ecore, iprint=0)
ket_hf = driver.get_random_mps(tag="KET-HF", bond_dim=500, nroots=1)
energy = driver.dmrg(mpo, ket_hf, n_sweeps=10, bond_dims=[500] * 10, noises=[1e-5] * 4 + [0],
thrds=[1e-9] * 10, tol=1E-12, cutoff=1E-24, iprint=0)
print('DMRG energy (HF) = %20.15f' % energy)
# perform orbital rotation (with positive det) from old to new basis
mpo_kappa = driver.get_qc_mpo(h1e=kappa, g2e=None, ecore=0.0, iprint=0)
ket_rot = ket_hf.deep_copy("KET-ROT")
driver.td_dmrg(mpo_kappa, ket_rot, delta_t=0.05, target_t=1.0, final_mps_tag="KET-ROT", iprint=0)
if neg_det:
# apply orbital sign change at orbital 1
orb_idx = 1
if SymmetryTypes.SU2 in driver.symm_type:
b = driver.expr_builder()
b.add_term("((C+(C+D)0)1+D)0", [orb_idx] * 4, 4)
b.add_term("(C+D)0", [orb_idx] * 2, -2 * 2 ** 0.5)
b.add_term("", [], 1)
mpo_flip_sign = driver.get_mpo(b.finalize())
b = driver.expr_builder()
b.add_term("cdCD", [orb_idx] * 4, 4)
b.add_term("cd", [orb_idx] * 2, -2)
b.add_term("CD", [orb_idx] * 2, -2)
b.add_term("", [], 1)
mpo_flip_sign = driver.get_mpo(b.finalize())
ket_s = ket_rot.deep_copy("KET-S")
driver.multiply(ket_s, mpo_flip_sign, ket_rot, iprint=0)
ket_rot = ket_s.deep_copy("KET-ROT")
# test if ket_rot is close to the ground state in the new basis
# the expt can be +1 or -1 because we did two separate DMRG in different basis and there can potentially be a phase difference
impo = driver.get_identity_mpo()
expt = driver.expectation(ket_rot, impo, ket_lo)
print(expt, abs(expt)) A few notes:
Please let me know if you have any further questions. |
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Hi Yannic,
Thanks for your interest in using block2 for your research. Here is an example python script for doing orbital rotation with -1 determinant rotation matrices: