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Releases: blocknative/web3-onboard

MetaMask Update

13 Nov 22:28
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This release has an update to handle breaking changes to the MetaMask provider.

Also included is a new wallet module for TokenPocket. You can include TokenPocket in your project with the following wallet initialization object:

{ walletName: 'tokenpocket' }


  • Remove hard coded style on account select (#443)
  • add TokenPocket wallet (#444)
  • Enhancement: MetaMask update (#446)

Lattice Hardware Wallet

30 Sep 23:28
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This release adds a wallet module for the Lattice Hardware Wallet. To include Lattice in your project, add the following wallet init object in the wallets array when initializing Onboard:

  walletName: 'lattice',
  rpcUrl: '<RPC_URL>',
  appName: '<APP_NAME>' // app name that will be displayed on device

Lattice Hardware Wallet


  • Adds Lattice hardware wallet support (#434)

Provider Engine Fix

29 Sep 05:17
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Just a small release to handle an error when Infura is rate limiting the eth_blocknumber rpc request that is made by the web3-provider-engine polling. Also included is a small improvement to the Trezor module to dynamically import the provider engine dependencies.


  • Handle and log provider engine error (#436)
  • Enhancement: Trezor code split (#437)

Bug Fixes

17 Sep 03:52
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This release has a couple of included bug fixes. The first fixes a bug with Opera Touch wallet, which was preventing Onboard from connecting correctly. The second is a revert of some previous changes to the Ledger transport which lead to reports of instability on some browsers and operating systems.

Also included in this release is a new wallet module for To add to your project just include the following wallet init object in your wallets array when initializing Onboard:

{ walletName: '', rpcUrl: 'RPC_ENDPOINT_URL' }


  • Add support (#428)
  • Fix: Ensure wallet enabled before making rpc requests (#430)
  • Fix: Ledger U2F Revert (#432)

HyperPay Wallet

28 Aug 06:39
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This release adds HyperPay wallet. To add to your project simply add the wallet init object: { walletName: 'hyperpay' } to your wallets array when initializing Onboard.


  • #add hyperpay wallet (#426)

Huobi Wallet

25 Aug 04:05
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This release adds Huobi wallet as an included wallet for mobile devices. To add it to your project add the following init object to the wallets array when initializing Onboard: { walletName: 'huobiwallet', rpcUrl: RPC_URL }. The rpcUrl parameter is optional but needs to be included if you would like the balance subscription to function correctly.

Also included in this release is a change to the Ledger module, adding some logic to determine the best transport to use based on the OS and browser combination that the user is on. If a LedgerTransport is passed in with the init object for Ledger, then Onboard will still use the passed in transport. This change will fix the Ledger module for users on Windows 10.


  • Add huobiwallet support (#423)
  • Enhancement: Ledger Transport (#424)

MYKEY Wallet

18 Aug 01:13
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This release adds MYKEY wallet. It can be included in a project by adding the following initialization object to the wallets array:

{ walletName: 'mykey', rpcUrl: 'RPC_URL' }

The rpcUrl is an optional parameter that will enable the balance subscription to work correctly (like the Trust and imToken modules)

Also included in this release is a fix that adds some fallback fonts so that in the case that Helvetica Neue isn't available, it will fallback to something more suitable than Times New Roman. Thanks to @benjlevesque for the PR on this one!


  • Add fallback fonts (#413)
  • add MYKEY wallet (#414)
  • Fix: Meetone install msg (#417)
  • Fix: Mykey balance (#419)
  • Fix: Trust Provider (#421)


05 Aug 01:33
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This release adds support for the MEETONE mobile wallet. To add to your project simply add: { walletName: 'meetone' } to your wallets array when initializing Onboard.


  • Fix: Add missing Torus init options to validation (#404)
  • Enhancement: Register listener for chainChanged event (#405)
  • feat: Add meetone wallet support (#406)
  • Enhancement: Update dependencies (#407)
  • Fix: HD wallet (#408)
  • Enhancement: Remove unused dep (#410)

Torus Update

31 Jul 07:26
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Just a quick release for an update to the Torus wallet module to update to version 1.8.1 and add additional configuration options.


  • Update torus (#399)

Full reset upon re-intialization

21 Jul 04:36
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Just a small release to address a bug where the Onboard internal state wasn't being fully reset upon re-initialization, leading to subtle bugs if being initialized multiple times.


  • Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 (#395)
  • Fix: Make sure stores are reset correctly (#397)