Source code for scikits_odes_core

-from . import _version
+from . import _version
 __version__ = _version.get_versions()['version']
[docs] -class DaeBase: +class DaeBase: """ The interface which DAE solvers must implement. @@ -55,12 +55,12 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_core

     integrator_classes = []
-    def __init__(self, Rfn, **options):
+    def __init__(self, Rfn, **options):
         raise NotImplementedError('all DAE solvers must implement this')
[docs] - def set_options(self, **options): + def set_options(self, **options): """ Set specific options for the solver. @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_core

[docs] - def solve(self, tspan, y0, yp0): + def solve(self, tspan, y0, yp0): """ Runs the solver. @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_core

[docs] - def init_step(self, t0, y0, yp0, y_ic0_retn = None, yp_ic0_retn = None): + def init_step(self, t0, y0, yp0, y_ic0_retn = None, yp_ic0_retn = None): """ Initializes the solver and allocates memory. @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_core

[docs] - def step(self, t, y_retn=None, yp_retn=None): + def step(self, t, y_retn=None, yp_retn=None): """ Method for calling successive next step of the IDA solver to allow more precise control over the IDA solver. The 'init_step' method has to @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_core

[docs] -class OdeBase: +class OdeBase: """ The interface which ODE solvers must implement. @@ -249,12 +249,12 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_core

     integrator_classes = []
-    def __init__(self, Rfn, **options):
+    def __init__(self, Rfn, **options):
         raise NotImplementedError('all ODE solvers must implement this')
[docs] - def set_options(self, **options): + def set_options(self, **options): """ Set specific options for the solver. @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_core

[docs] - def solve(self, tspan, y0): + def solve(self, tspan, y0): """ Runs the solver. @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_core

[docs] - def init_step(self, t0, y0): + def init_step(self, t0, y0): """ Initializes the solver and allocates memory. @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_core

[docs] - def step(self, t, y_retn=None): + def step(self, t, y_retn=None): """ Method for calling successive next step of the ODE solver to allow more precise control over the solver. The 'init_step' method has to diff --git a/master/_modules/scikits_odes_sundials.html b/master/_modules/scikits_odes_sundials.html index 90d7192..f683bbf 100644 --- a/master/_modules/scikits_odes_sundials.html +++ b/master/_modules/scikits_odes_sundials.html @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ - scikits_odes_sundials — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + scikits_odes_sundials — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + @@ -39,23 +39,23 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_sundials

 SUNDIALS wrapper
-import inspect
-from . import _version
+import inspect
+from . import _version
 __version__ = _version.get_versions()['version']
[docs] -class CVODESolveException(Exception): +class CVODESolveException(Exception): """Base class for exceptions raised by ``CVODE.validate_flags``.""" - def __init__(self, soln): + def __init__(self, soln): self.soln = soln self.args = (self._message.format(soln),)
[docs] -class CVODESolveFailed(CVODESolveException): +class CVODESolveFailed(CVODESolveException): """``CVODE.solve`` failed to reach endpoint""" _message = ( "Solver failed with flag {0.flag} and finished at {0.errors.t}" @@ -65,30 +65,30 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_sundials

[docs] -class CVODESolveFoundRoot(CVODESolveException): +class CVODESolveFoundRoot(CVODESolveException): """``CVODE.solve`` found a root""" _message = "Solver found a root at {0.roots.t[0]}."
[docs] -class CVODESolveReachedTSTOP(CVODESolveException): +class CVODESolveReachedTSTOP(CVODESolveException): """``CVODE.solve`` reached the endpoint specified by tstop.""" _message = "Solver reached tstop at {0.tstop.t[0]}."
[docs] -class IDASolveException(Exception): +class IDASolveException(Exception): """Base class for exceptions raised by ``IDA.validate_flags``.""" - def __init__(self, soln): + def __init__(self, soln): self.soln = soln self.args = (self._message.format(soln),)
[docs] -class IDASolveFailed(IDASolveException): +class IDASolveFailed(IDASolveException): """``IDA.solve`` failed to reach endpoint""" _message = ( "Solver failed with flag {0.flag} and finished at {0.errors.t}" @@ -98,20 +98,20 @@

Source code for scikits_odes_sundials

[docs] -class IDASolveFoundRoot(IDASolveException): +class IDASolveFoundRoot(IDASolveException): """``IDA.solve`` found a root""" _message = "Solver found a root at {0.roots.t[0]}."
[docs] -class IDASolveReachedTSTOP(IDASolveException): +class IDASolveReachedTSTOP(IDASolveException): """``IDA.solve`` reached the endpoint specified by tstop.""" _message = "Solver reached tstop at {0.tstop.t[0]}."
-def _get_num_args(func): +def _get_num_args(func): """ Python 2/3 compatible method of getting number of args that `func` accepts """ diff --git a/master/_static/documentation_options.js b/master/_static/documentation_options.js index 7ab1064..5e3736c 100644 --- a/master/_static/documentation_options.js +++ b/master/_static/documentation_options.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ const DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS = { - VERSION: '3.1.0+2.g27f9a83', + VERSION: '3.1.0+16.gea608d8', LANGUAGE: 'en', COLLAPSE_INDEX: false, BUILDER: 'html', diff --git a/master/_static/pygments.css b/master/_static/pygments.css index 0d49244..5f2b0a2 100644 --- a/master/_static/pygments.css +++ b/master/_static/pygments.css @@ -6,26 +6,26 @@ span.linenos.special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: .highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } .highlight { background: #eeffcc; } .highlight .c { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* Comment */ -.highlight .err { border: 1px solid #FF0000 } /* Error */ +.highlight .err { border: 1px solid #F00 } /* Error */ .highlight .k { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ -.highlight .o { color: #666666 } /* Operator */ +.highlight .o { color: #666 } /* Operator */ .highlight .ch { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .highlight .cm { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Multiline */ .highlight .cp { color: #007020 } /* Comment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Single */ -.highlight .cs { color: #408090; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */ +.highlight .cs { color: #408090; background-color: #FFF0F0 } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #A00000 } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .ges { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Generic.EmphStrong */ -.highlight .gr { color: #FF0000 } /* Generic.Error */ +.highlight .gr { color: #F00 } /* Generic.Error */ .highlight .gh { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Heading */ .highlight .gi { color: #00A000 } /* Generic.Inserted */ -.highlight .go { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Output */ -.highlight .gp { color: #c65d09; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Prompt */ +.highlight .go { color: #333 } /* Generic.Output */ +.highlight .gp { color: #C65D09; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Prompt */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .highlight .gu { color: #800080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Subheading */ -.highlight .gt { color: #0044DD } /* Generic.Traceback */ +.highlight .gt { color: #04D } /* Generic.Traceback */ .highlight .kc { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ @@ -33,43 +33,43 @@ span.linenos.special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: .highlight .kr { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #902000 } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .m { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number */ -.highlight .s { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String */ -.highlight .na { color: #4070a0 } /* Name.Attribute */ +.highlight .s { color: #4070A0 } /* Literal.String */ +.highlight .na { color: #4070A0 } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #007020 } /* Name.Builtin */ -.highlight .nc { color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ -.highlight .no { color: #60add5 } /* Name.Constant */ -.highlight .nd { color: #555555; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Decorator */ -.highlight .ni { color: #d55537; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Entity */ +.highlight .nc { color: #0E84B5; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ +.highlight .no { color: #60ADD5 } /* Name.Constant */ +.highlight .nd { color: #555; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Decorator */ +.highlight .ni { color: #D55537; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Entity */ .highlight .ne { color: #007020 } /* Name.Exception */ -.highlight .nf { color: #06287e } /* Name.Function */ +.highlight .nf { color: #06287E } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #002070; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Label */ -.highlight .nn { color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ +.highlight .nn { color: #0E84B5; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .nt { color: #062873; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ -.highlight .nv { color: #bb60d5 } /* Name.Variable */ +.highlight .nv { color: #BB60D5 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */ -.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ +.highlight .w { color: #BBB } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ -.highlight .sa { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ -.highlight .sb { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ -.highlight .sc { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ -.highlight .dl { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ -.highlight .sd { color: #4070a0; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Doc */ -.highlight .s2 { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ -.highlight .se { color: #4070a0; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Escape */ -.highlight .sh { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ -.highlight .si { color: #70a0d0; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ -.highlight .sx { color: #c65d09 } /* Literal.String.Other */ +.highlight .sa { color: #4070A0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ +.highlight .sb { color: #4070A0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ +.highlight .sc { color: #4070A0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ +.highlight .dl { color: #4070A0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ +.highlight .sd { color: #4070A0; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Doc */ +.highlight .s2 { color: #4070A0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ +.highlight .se { color: #4070A0; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Escape */ +.highlight .sh { color: #4070A0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ +.highlight .si { color: #70A0D0; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ +.highlight .sx { color: #C65D09 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #235388 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ -.highlight .s1 { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ +.highlight .s1 { color: #4070A0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #517918 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #007020 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ -.highlight .fm { color: #06287e } /* Name.Function.Magic */ -.highlight .vc { color: #bb60d5 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ -.highlight .vg { color: #bb60d5 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ -.highlight .vi { color: #bb60d5 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ -.highlight .vm { color: #bb60d5 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ +.highlight .fm { color: #06287E } /* Name.Function.Magic */ +.highlight .vc { color: #BB60D5 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ +.highlight .vg { color: #BB60D5 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ +.highlight .vi { color: #BB60D5 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ +.highlight .vm { color: #BB60D5 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/api/compat.html b/master/api/compat.html index 3dc4772..e9053b8 100644 --- a/master/api/compat.html +++ b/master/api/compat.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ - scikits.odes — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + scikits.odes — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + diff --git a/master/api/core.html b/master/api/core.html index c73afc3..8be5b52 100644 --- a/master/api/core.html +++ b/master/api/core.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ - scikits-odes-core — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + scikits-odes-core — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + diff --git a/master/api/daepack.html b/master/api/daepack.html index 08bc303..99e9b96 100644 --- a/master/api/daepack.html +++ b/master/api/daepack.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ - scikits-odes-daepack — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + scikits-odes-daepack — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + diff --git a/master/api/index.html b/master/api/index.html index ba0d094..e3c5e17 100644 --- a/master/api/index.html +++ b/master/api/index.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ - Lower Level API — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + Lower Level API — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + diff --git a/master/api/main.html b/master/api/main.html index a5fa4af..3bc3ffe 100644 --- a/master/api/main.html +++ b/master/api/main.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ - scikits-odes — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + scikits-odes — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@

First-order ODE solver

an ODE integrator with a simpler interface


Methods in scipy for ODE integration


Methods in scipy for ODE integration

@@ -123,18 +123,18 @@

First-order ODE solver -
>>> from __future__ import print_function
->>> from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt
>>> from __future__ import print_function
+>>> from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt
 >>> k = 4.0
 >>> m = 1.0
 >>> initx = [1, 0.1]
->>> def rhseqn(t, x, xdot):
+>>> def rhseqn(t, x, xdot):
         # we create rhs equations for the problem
         xdot[0] = x[1]
         xdot[1] = - k/m * x[0]
>>> from scikits_odes import ode
>>> from scikits_odes import ode
 >>> solver = ode('cvode', rhseqn, old_api=False)
 >>> result = solver.solve([0., 1., 2.], initx)
 >>> print('   t        Solution          Exact')
@@ -472,17 +472,17 @@ 

First-order DAE solver -
>>> from __future__ import print_function
->>> from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt
>>> from __future__ import print_function
+>>> from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt
 >>> k = 4.0
 >>> m = 1.0
 >>> initx = [1, 0.1]
 >>> initxp = [initx[1], -k/m*initx[0]]
->>> def reseqn(t, x, xdot, result):
+>>> def reseqn(t, x, xdot, result):
     ... # we create residual equations for the problem
     ... result[0] = m*xdot[1] + k*x[0]
     ... result[1] = xdot[0] - x[1]
->>> from scikits_odes import dae
+>>> from scikits_odes import dae
 >>> solver = dae('ida', reseqn)
 >>> result = solver.solve([0., 1., 2.], initx, initxp)
diff --git a/master/api/sundials.html b/master/api/sundials.html index c8249b6..6f33c1a 100644 --- a/master/api/sundials.html +++ b/master/api/sundials.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ - scikits-odes-sundials — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + scikits-odes-sundials — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + diff --git a/master/dae.html b/master/dae.html index da0c1a3..7301b03 100644 --- a/master/dae.html +++ b/master/dae.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ - DAE Solvers — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + DAE Solvers — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + @@ -93,17 +93,17 @@

DAE Solvers
>>> from __future__ import print_function
->>> from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt
>>> from __future__ import print_function
+>>> from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt
 >>> k = 4.0
 >>> m = 1.0
 >>> initx = [1, 0.1]
 >>> initxp = [initx[1], -k/m*initx[0]]
->>> def reseqn(t, x, xdot, result):
+>>> def reseqn(t, x, xdot, result):
     ... # we create residual equations for the problem
     ... result[0] = m*xdot[1] + k*x[0]
     ... result[1] = xdot[0] - x[1]
->>> from scikits_odes import dae
+>>> from scikits_odes import dae
 >>> solver = dae('ida', reseqn)
 >>> result = solver.solve([0., 1., 2.], initx, initxp)
diff --git a/master/genindex.html b/master/genindex.html index a48be13..8ef3536 100644 --- a/master/genindex.html +++ b/master/genindex.html @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ - Index — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + Index — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + diff --git a/master/index.html b/master/index.html index a9fd63d..3e850e6 100644 --- a/master/index.html +++ b/master/index.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ - Welcome to the ODES scikit API Documentation — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + Welcome to the ODES scikit API Documentation — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@

Welcome to the ODES scikit API Documentation

The ODES scikit provides access to Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) solvers and Differential Algebraic Equation (DAE) solvers.


This is the generated API documentation for version 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83, see for the main documentation and user guide.


This is the generated API documentation for version 3.1.0+16.gea608d8, see for the main documentation and user guide.

For other versions of the API documentation, see


diff --git a/master/objects.inv b/master/objects.inv index c18aff0..81d4b52 100644 Binary files a/master/objects.inv and b/master/objects.inv differ diff --git a/master/ode.html b/master/ode.html index 120f471..a88b645 100644 --- a/master/ode.html +++ b/master/ode.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ - ODE Solvers — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation - + ODE Solvers — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation + - + @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@

ODE Solversscikits_odes.dae.dae

a solver for differential-algebraic equations


for finding the area under a curve


for finding the area under a curve

@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@

ODE Solvers
>>> def pend(t, y, out):
>>> def pend(t, y, out):
  ...     theta, omega = y
  ...     out[:] = [omega, -b*omega - c*np.sin(theta)]
@@ -241,14 +241,14 @@ 

ODE Solvers
>>> from scikits_odes.odeint import odeint
>>> from scikits_odes.odeint import odeint
 >>> sol = odeint(pend, t, y0)

The solution is a named tuple sol. sol.values.y is an array with shape (101, 2). The first column is theta(t), and the second is omega(t). The following code plots both components.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
@@ -314,18 +314,18 @@

ODE Solvers
>>> from __future__ import print_function
->>> from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt
>>> from __future__ import print_function
+>>> from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt
 >>> k = 4.0
 >>> m = 1.0
 >>> initx = [1, 0.1]
->>> def rhseqn(t, x, xdot):
+>>> def rhseqn(t, x, xdot):
         # we create rhs equations for the problem
         xdot[0] = x[1]
         xdot[1] = - k/m * x[0]
>>> from scikits_odes import ode
>>> from scikits_odes import ode
 >>> solver = ode('cvode', rhseqn, old_api=False)
 >>> result = solver.solve([0., 1., 2.], initx)
 >>> print('   t        Solution          Exact')
diff --git a/master/py-modindex.html b/master/py-modindex.html
index c5b1bd8..1465467 100644
--- a/master/py-modindex.html
+++ b/master/py-modindex.html
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
-    Python Module Index — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation
+    Python Module Index — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation
diff --git a/master/search.html b/master/search.html
index e9936bb..ed5a6b9 100644
--- a/master/search.html
+++ b/master/search.html
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
-    Search — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation
+    Search — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation
diff --git a/master/searchindex.js b/master/searchindex.js
index dd11bc1..1b96db8 100644
--- a/master/searchindex.js
+++ b/master/searchindex.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"DAE Solvers": [[6, null]], "First-order DAE solver": [[4, "first-order-dae-solver"]], "First-order ODE solver": [[4, "first-order-ode-solver"]], "Indices and tables": [[7, "indices-and-tables"]], "Lower Level API": [[3, null]], "Making scipy ode solvers available via the ode API": [[4, "making-scipy-ode-solvers-available-via-the-ode-api"]], "ODE Solvers": [[8, null]], "Selecting Precision": [[9, "selecting-precision"]], "Sundials Solver Options": [[9, null]], "Welcome to the ODES scikit API Documentation": [[7, null]], "dop853": [[4, "dop853"]], "dopri5": [[4, "dopri5"]], "scikits-odes": [[4, null]], "scikits-odes-core": [[1, null]], "scikits-odes-daepack": [[2, null]], "scikits-odes-sundials": [[5, null]], "scikits.odes": [[0, null], [0, "id1"]], "scikits.odes.dae": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.dae"]], "scikits.odes.ddaspkint": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.ddaspkint"]], "scikits.odes.dopri5": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.dopri5"]], "scikits.odes.lsodiint": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.lsodiint"]], "scikits.odes.ode": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.ode"]], "scikits.odes.sundials": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials"]], "scikits.odes.sundials.cvode": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.cvode"]], "scikits.odes.sundials.ida": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.ida"]], "scikits_odes": [[4, "module-scikits_odes"]], "scikits_odes.dae": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.dae"]], "scikits_odes.dopri5": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.dopri5"]], "scikits_odes.ode": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.ode"]], "scikits_odes_sundials": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.cvode"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.ida"]]}, "docnames": ["api/compat", "api/core", "api/daepack", "api/index", "api/main", "api/sundials", "dae", "index", "ode", "sundials"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 64, "": 3, "": 1, "": 1, "": 9, "": 1, "": 3, "": 2, "": 4, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1}, "filenames": ["api/compat.rst", "api/core.rst", "api/daepack.rst", "api/index.rst", "api/main.rst", "api/sundials.rst", "dae.rst", "index.rst", "ode.rst", "sundials.rst"], "indexentries": {"cv_continuationfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_ContinuationFunction", false]], "cv_jacrhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacRhsFunction", false]], "cv_jactimessetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesSetupFunction", false]], "cv_jactimesvecfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesVecFunction", false]], "cv_precsetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSetupFunction", false]], "cv_precsolvefunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSolveFunction", false]], "cv_rhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RhsFunction", false]], "cv_rootfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RootFunction", false]], "cv_wrapjacrhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacRhsFunction", false]], "cv_wrapjactimessetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction", false]], "cv_wrapjactimesvecfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesVecFunction", false]], "cv_wrapprecsetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSetupFunction", false]], "cv_wrapprecsolvefunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSolveFunction", false]], "cv_wraprhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRhsFunction", false]], "cv_wraprootfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRootFunction", false]], "cvodesolveexception": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.CVODESolveException", false]], "cvodesolvefailed": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.CVODESolveFailed", false]], "cvodesolvefoundroot": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.CVODESolveFoundRoot", false]], "cvodesolvereachedtstop": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.CVODESolveReachedTSTOP", false]], "dae (class in scikits_odes.dae)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dae.dae", false]], "daebase (class in scikits_odes_core)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase", false]], "dop853 (class in scikits_odes.dopri5)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dop853", false]], "dopri5 (class in scikits_odes.dopri5)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5", false]], "dopsolveexception": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.DOPSolveException", false]], "dopsolvefailed": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.DOPSolveFailed", false]], "errors (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.errors", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_continuationfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_ContinuationFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_jacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_jactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_jactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesVecFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_precsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_precsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSolveFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_rhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_rootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RootFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesVecFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapprecsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapprecsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSolveFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wraprhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wraprootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRootFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_continuationfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_ContinuationFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_jacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_jactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacTimesSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_jactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacTimesVecFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_precsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_PrecSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_precsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_PrecSolveFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_rhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_RhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_rootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_RootFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesVecFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapprecsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapprecsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSolveFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wraprhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wraprootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRootFunction.evaluate", false]], "flag (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.flag", false]], "get_info() (scikits_odes.ode.ode method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode.get_info", false]], "ida_continuationfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_ContinuationFunction", false]], "ida_jacrhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacRhsFunction", false]], "ida_jactimessetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacTimesSetupFunction", false]], "ida_jactimesvecfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacTimesVecFunction", false]], "ida_precsetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_PrecSetupFunction", false]], "ida_precsolvefunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_PrecSolveFunction", false]], "ida_rhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_RhsFunction", false]], "ida_rootfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_RootFunction", false]], "ida_wrapjacrhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacRhsFunction", false]], "ida_wrapjactimessetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction", false]], "ida_wrapjactimesvecfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesVecFunction", false]], "ida_wrapprecsetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSetupFunction", false]], "ida_wrapprecsolvefunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSolveFunction", false]], "ida_wraprhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRhsFunction", false]], "ida_wraprootfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRootFunction", false]], "idasolveexception": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.IDASolveException", false]], "idasolvefailed": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.IDASolveFailed", false]], "idasolvefoundroot": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.IDASolveFoundRoot", false]], "idasolvereachedtstop": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.IDASolveReachedTSTOP", false]], "init_step() (scikits_odes.dae.dae method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dae.dae.init_step", false]], "init_step() (scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5 method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5.init_step", false]], "init_step() (scikits_odes.ode.ode method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode.init_step", false]], "init_step() (scikits_odes_core.daebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase.init_step", false]], "init_step() (scikits_odes_core.odebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase.init_step", false]], "message (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.message", false]], "module": [[0, "module-scikits.odes", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.dae", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.ddaspkint", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.dopri5", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.lsodiint", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.ode", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.cvode", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.ida", false], [1, "module-scikits_odes_core", false], [4, "module-scikits_odes", false], [4, "module-scikits_odes.dae", false], [4, "module-scikits_odes.dopri5", false], [4, "module-scikits_odes.ode", false], [5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials", false], [5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.cvode", false], [5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.ida", false]], "no_continue_fn() (in module scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.no_continue_fn", false]], "no_continue_fn() (in module scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.no_continue_fn", false]], "ode (class in scikits_odes.ode)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode", false]], "odebase (class in scikits_odes_core)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase", false]], "roots (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.roots", false]], "scikits.odes": [[0, "module-scikits.odes", false]], "scikits.odes.dae": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.dae", false]], "scikits.odes.ddaspkint": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.ddaspkint", false]], "scikits.odes.dopri5": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.dopri5", false]], "scikits.odes.lsodiint": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.lsodiint", false]], "scikits.odes.ode": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.ode", false]], "scikits.odes.sundials": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials", false]], "scikits.odes.sundials.cvode": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.cvode", false]], "scikits.odes.sundials.ida": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.ida", false]], "scikits_odes": [[4, "module-scikits_odes", false]], "scikits_odes.dae": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.dae", false]], "scikits_odes.dopri5": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.dopri5", false]], "scikits_odes.ode": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.ode", false]], "scikits_odes_core": [[1, "module-scikits_odes_core", false]], "scikits_odes_sundials": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials", false]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.cvode", false]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.ida", false]], "set_jac_times_setupfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction.set_jac_times_setupfn", false]], "set_jac_times_setupfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction.set_jac_times_setupfn", false]], "set_jac_times_vecfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesVecFunction.set_jac_times_vecfn", false]], "set_jac_times_vecfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesVecFunction.set_jac_times_vecfn", false]], "set_jacfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacRhsFunction.set_jacfn", false]], "set_jacfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacRhsFunction.set_jacfn", false]], "set_options() (scikits_odes.dae.dae method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dae.dae.set_options", false]], "set_options() (scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5 method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5.set_options", false]], "set_options() (scikits_odes.ode.ode method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode.set_options", false]], "set_options() (scikits_odes_core.daebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase.set_options", false]], "set_options() (scikits_odes_core.odebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase.set_options", false]], "set_prec_setupfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapprecsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSetupFunction.set_prec_setupfn", false]], "set_prec_setupfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapprecsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSetupFunction.set_prec_setupfn", false]], "set_prec_solvefn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapprecsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSolveFunction.set_prec_solvefn", false]], "set_prec_solvefn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapprecsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSolveFunction.set_prec_solvefn", false]], "set_resfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wraprhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRhsFunction.set_resfn", false]], "set_rhsfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wraprhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRhsFunction.set_rhsfn", false]], "set_rootfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wraprootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRootFunction.set_rootfn", false]], "set_rootfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wraprootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRootFunction.set_rootfn", false]], "set_tstop() (scikits_odes.ode.ode method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode.set_tstop", false]], "solve() (scikits_odes.dae.dae method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dae.dae.solve", false]], "solve() (scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5 method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5.solve", false]], "solve() (scikits_odes.ode.ode method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode.solve", false]], "solve() (scikits_odes_core.daebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase.solve", false]], "solve() (scikits_odes_core.odebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase.solve", false]], "solverreturn (class in scikits_odes.dopri5)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn", false]], "solvervariables (class in scikits_odes.dopri5)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverVariables", false]], "statusenum (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.StatusEnum", false]], "statusenumdop (class in scikits_odes.dopri5)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.StatusEnumDOP", false]], "statusenumida (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.StatusEnumIDA", false]], "step() (scikits_odes.dae.dae method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dae.dae.step", false]], "step() (scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5 method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5.step", false]], "step() (scikits_odes.ode.ode method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode.step", false]], "step() (scikits_odes_core.daebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase.step", false]], "step() (scikits_odes_core.odebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase.step", false]], "t (scikits_odes.dopri5.solvervariables attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverVariables.t", false]], "tstop (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.tstop", false]], "validate_flags() (scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5 method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5.validate_flags", false]], "values (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.values", false]], "with_userdata (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wraprhsfunction attribute)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRhsFunction.with_userdata", false]], "y (scikits_odes.dopri5.solvervariables attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverVariables.y", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[4, 0, 0, "-", "scikits_odes"], [1, 0, 0, "-", "scikits_odes_core"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "scikits_odes_sundials"]], "scikits": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "odes"]], "scikits.odes": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "dae"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "ddaspkint"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "dopri5"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "lsodiint"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "ode"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "sundials"]], "scikits.odes.sundials": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "cvode"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "ida"]], "scikits_odes": [[4, 0, 0, "-", "dae"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "dopri5"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "ode"]], "scikits_odes.dae": [[4, 1, 1, "", "dae"]], "scikits_odes.dae.dae": [[4, 2, 1, "", "init_step"], [4, 2, 1, "", "set_options"], [4, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [4, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "scikits_odes.dopri5": [[4, 3, 1, "", "DOPSolveException"], [4, 3, 1, "", "DOPSolveFailed"], [4, 1, 1, "", "SolverReturn"], [4, 1, 1, "", "SolverVariables"], [4, 1, 1, "", "StatusEnumDOP"], [4, 1, 1, "", "dop853"], [4, 1, 1, "", "dopri5"]], "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn": [[4, 4, 1, "", "errors"], [4, 4, 1, "", "flag"], [4, 4, 1, "", "message"], [4, 4, 1, "", "roots"], [4, 4, 1, "", "tstop"], [4, 4, 1, "", "values"]], "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverVariables": [[4, 4, 1, "", "t"], [4, 4, 1, "", "y"]], "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5": [[4, 2, 1, "", "init_step"], [4, 2, 1, "", "set_options"], [4, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [4, 2, 1, "", "step"], [4, 2, 1, "", "validate_flags"]], "scikits_odes.ode": [[4, 1, 1, "", "ode"]], "scikits_odes.ode.ode": [[4, 2, 1, "", "get_info"], [4, 2, 1, "", "init_step"], [4, 2, 1, "", "set_options"], [4, 2, 1, "", "set_tstop"], [4, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [4, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "scikits_odes_core": [[1, 1, 1, "", "DaeBase"], [1, 1, 1, "", "OdeBase"]], "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase": [[1, 2, 1, "", "init_step"], [1, 2, 1, "", "set_options"], [1, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [1, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase": [[1, 2, 1, "", "init_step"], [1, 2, 1, "", "set_options"], [1, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [1, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "scikits_odes_sundials": [[5, 3, 1, "", "CVODESolveException"], [5, 3, 1, "", "CVODESolveFailed"], [5, 3, 1, "", "CVODESolveFoundRoot"], [5, 3, 1, "", "CVODESolveReachedTSTOP"], [5, 3, 1, "", "IDASolveException"], [5, 3, 1, "", "IDASolveFailed"], [5, 3, 1, "", "IDASolveFoundRoot"], [5, 3, 1, "", "IDASolveReachedTSTOP"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "cvode"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "ida"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode": [[5, 1, 1, "", "CV_ContinuationFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_JacRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_JacTimesSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_JacTimesVecFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_PrecSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_PrecSolveFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_RhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_RootFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapJacRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapJacTimesVecFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapPrecSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapPrecSolveFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapRootFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "StatusEnum"], [5, 5, 1, "", "no_continue_fn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_ContinuationFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesVecFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSolveFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RootFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jacfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jac_times_setupfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesVecFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jac_times_vecfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_prec_setupfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSolveFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_prec_solvefn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_rhsfn"], [5, 4, 1, "", "with_userdata"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRootFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_rootfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida": [[5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_ContinuationFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_JacRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_JacTimesSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_JacTimesVecFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_PrecSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_PrecSolveFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_RhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_RootFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapJacRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapJacTimesVecFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapPrecSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapPrecSolveFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapRootFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "StatusEnumIDA"], [5, 5, 1, "", "no_continue_fn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_ContinuationFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacTimesSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacTimesVecFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_PrecSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_PrecSolveFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_RhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_RootFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jacfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jac_times_setupfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesVecFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jac_times_vecfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_prec_setupfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSolveFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_prec_solvefn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_resfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRootFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_rootfn"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python 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6, 8, 9], "case": [1, 4, 6, 8], "ch": 4, "chang": [4, 8], "changabl": 8, "chosen": [4, 8], "cj": 5, "class": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "co": [4, 6, 8], "code": [4, 6, 8], "coeffici": 8, "column": 8, "com": [4, 6], "combin": [4, 6, 8], "complet": 8, "compon": 8, "comput": [1, 4, 6, 8], "condit": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "configur": 8, "consid": [4, 6, 8], "consist": [1, 4, 6], "constant": 8, "contain": [1, 4, 6, 8, 9], "content": 7, "control": [1, 4, 6, 8], "conveni": 8, "convert": 8, "core": [3, 7], "correspond": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "creat": [4, 6, 8, 9], "crude": 5, "current": [1, 4, 6, 8, 9], "curv": 8, "cv_continuationfunct": [5, 7], "cv_jacrhsfunct": [5, 7], "cv_jactimessetupfn": 5, "cv_jactimessetupfunct": [5, 7], "cv_jactimesvecfn": 5, "cv_jactimesvecfunct": [5, 7], "cv_precsetupfunct": [5, 7], "cv_precsolvefunct": [5, 7], "cv_rhsfunction": [5, 7], "cv_rootfunct": [5, 7], "cv_wrapjacrhsfunct": [5, 7], "cv_wrapjactimessetupfunct": [5, 7], "cv_wrapjactimesvecfunct": [5, 7], "cv_wrapprecsetupfunct": 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[1, 6, 7, 8], "ordinari": [4, 7, 8], "org": [0, 4], "orient": 8, "oscil": [4, 6, 8], "osdir": [4, 6], "other": [4, 7, 9], "otherwis": 4, "our": 8, "out": 8, "output": [1, 4, 6, 8], "outsid": [0, 4], "over": [1, 4, 6, 8], "own": 8, "p": [4, 5], "packag": [4, 8], "page": 7, "paramet": [1, 4, 6, 8], "particular": 9, "pass": [4, 6, 8], "past": [4, 8], "pde": [4, 6, 8], "pend": 8, "pendulum": 8, "per": [5, 8], "perfom": [4, 8], "perform": [1, 4, 6, 8], "pi": 8, "plot": 8, "plt": 8, "point": [4, 8], "posit": [5, 8], "possibl": [4, 6, 8], "possibli": 4, "prealloc": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "prec_setupfn": 5, "prec_solvefn": 5, "precis": [1, 4, 6, 7, 8], "precondit": 5, "precondition": 5, "preconditit": 5, "prefer": 9, "preprocess": 5, "prescrib": 4, "previou": [1, 4, 6, 8], "prime": 8, "princ": [4, 8], "print": [4, 8], "print_funct": [4, 6, 8], "problem": [4, 5, 6, 8], "product": 5, "prototyp": 5, "provid": 7, "purpos": [5, 8], "py": [4, 8], "pyplot": 8, "python": [4, 6, 8], "quad": [4, 8], "qualnam": [4, 5], "quickli": 8, "r": 5, "rais": [4, 5], "re": [4, 5, 6], "reach": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "readm": [4, 6], "readthedoc": 7, "recover": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "refer": 4, "rel": 4, "relat": 5, "requir": 1, "reseqn": [4, 6], "reset": [1, 4, 6], "resfn": 5, "resfunct": 5, "residu": [1, 4, 5, 6], "rest": 8, "result": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "retri": 5, "return": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "return_residu": [4, 6], "return_rh": [4, 8], "rfn": [1, 4], "rh": [4, 5, 8], "rhseqn": [4, 8], "rhsfn": 5, "rhsfun": 8, "rhsfunction": 5, "right": [4, 5, 8], "rk5": 8, "rk8": 8, "root": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "rootfn": 5, "rootfunct": 5, "routin": 8, "rr": 5, "rtol": [4, 8], "rule": 8, "run": [1, 4, 6, 8], "rung": [4, 8], "runtim": [4, 8], "rvec": 5, "safeti": 4, "same": [4, 8], "sampl": 8, "scalar": 9, "scale": [4, 6], "scheme": 4, "scikit": [3, 9], "scikits_od": [0, 3, 6, 7, 8], "scikits_odes_cor": 1, "scikits_odes_sundi": [3, 4, 7, 8, 9], "scipi": [0, 7, 8], "search": 7, "second": [1, 4, 6, 8], "see": [4, 6, 7, 8, 9], "select": [4, 6, 7, 8], "self": [5, 8], "sequenc": [4, 8], "seri": 4, "set": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9], "set_jac_times_setupfn": 5, "set_jac_times_vecfn": 5, "set_jacfn": 5, "set_opt": [1, 4, 6, 7, 8], "set_prec_setupfn": 5, "set_prec_solvefn": 5, "set_resfn": 5, "set_rhsfn": 5, "set_rootfn": 5, "set_tstop": [4, 8], "setup": 5, "shape": 8, "shorthand": 8, "should": [1, 5, 8, 9], "show": 8, "side": [4, 5, 8], "signatur": [1, 4, 6, 8], "similar": [1, 4, 8], "simpl": [4, 5, 6, 8], "simpler": [4, 6, 8], "sin": [4, 6, 8], "singl": [8, 9], "singular": 4, "size": [4, 5], "so": [0, 4, 6, 8], "sol": 8, "soln": [4, 5], "solut": [4, 5, 6, 8], "solv": [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], "solver": [0, 1, 5, 7], "solverreturn": [4, 7], "solvervari": [4, 7], "some": [0, 4, 5, 6, 8], "sourc": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "space": 8, "specif": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "specifi": 5, "springer": 4, "sqrt": [4, 6, 8], "stabilis": 4, "start": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "state": [4, 8], "statu": [1, 4, 6, 8], "statusenum": [1, 4, 5, 7, 8], "statusenumdop": [4, 7], "statusenumida": [5, 7], "statusenumxxx": [1, 4, 6], "step": [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], "stepsiz": [4, 8], "stiff": 8, "stop": [1, 4, 6, 8], "store": [1, 4, 5, 8, 9], "strict": 8, "string": [1, 4, 6, 8], "subclass": [4, 5], "success": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "sundial": [3, 4, 7, 8], "support": [1, 4, 6, 8, 9], "switch": 4, "switzerland": 4, "system": [4, 5, 6, 8], "t": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "t0": [1, 4, 6, 8], "t_0": 4, "t_err": [1, 4, 6, 8], "t_out": [1, 4, 6, 8], "t_root": 4, "t_stop": 4, "take": [4, 6, 8, 9], "term": 8, "than": [1, 4, 6, 8], "thei": [0, 4], "theta": 8, "thi": [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], "time": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "toler": [4, 8], "tout": 8, "toward": [1, 4, 6, 8], "trapezoid": 8, "trapz": 8, "treat": 9, "true": [1, 4, 6, 8], "tspan": [1, 4, 6, 8], "tstop": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "tt": 5, "tupl": [1, 4, 6, 8], "two": [5, 8], "type": [4, 5, 8], "u": [4, 8], "uk": [4, 6], "undefin": [4, 8], "under": 8, "unig": 4, "universit": 4, "unknown": [4, 6, 8], "unrecover": 5, "until": [1, 4, 6, 8], "updat": [4, 6, 8], "us": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9], "user": [4, 6, 7], "userdata": [4, 5, 6, 8], "v": 5, "valid": 4, "validate_flag": [4, 5], "valu": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "variabl": [4, 5, 6, 8, 9], "variou": 4, "vector": [1, 4, 5, 8], "veloc": 8, "verbos": 4, "verlag": 4, "version": [7, 9], "vertic": 8, "via": [7, 8], "vode": [4, 6], "wanner": 4, "want": 8, "we": [4, 6, 8], "well": [4, 6, 8], "were": [1, 4, 6, 8], "when": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9], "whenev": 9, "where": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "which": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9], "whichev": 9, "with_userdata": 5, "work": [4, 6, 8], "worksheet": [4, 8], "wrapper": [0, 4, 5, 8], "write": [4, 6], "written": 8, "www": [0, 4, 6], "x": [4, 6, 8], "xdot": [4, 6, 8], "xlabel": 8, "y": [1, 4, 5, 6, 8], "y0": [1, 4, 6, 8], "y_0": 4, "y_dot": 1, "y_err": [1, 4, 6, 8], "y_ic0": [1, 4, 6], "y_ic0_retn": [1, 4, 6], "y_retn": [1, 4, 6, 8], "y_root": 4, "y_tstop": 4, "ydot": [1, 4, 5, 6], "you": [4, 5, 6, 8, 9], "your": [4, 8], "yp": [1, 4, 5, 6], "yp0": [1, 4, 6], "yp_err": [1, 4, 6], "yp_ic0": [1, 4, 6], "yp_ic0_retn": [1, 4, 6], "yp_retn": [1, 4, 6], "yprime": [4, 6], "yprime0": 4, "yy": 5, "z": 5, "zero": 5, "zip": [4, 8]}, "titles": ["scikits.odes", "scikits-odes-core", "scikits-odes-daepack", "Lower Level API", "scikits-odes", "scikits-odes-sundials", "DAE Solvers", "Welcome to the ODES scikit API Documentation", "ODE Solvers", "Sundials Solver Options"], "titleterms": {"api": [3, 4, 7], "avail": 4, "core": 1, "cvode": [0, 5], "dae": [0, 4, 6], "daepack": 2, "ddaspkint": 0, "document": 7, "dop853": 4, "dopri5": [0, 4], "first": 4, "ida": [0, 5], "indic": 7, "level": 3, "lower": 3, "lsodiint": 0, "make": 4, "od": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8], "option": 9, "order": 4, "precis": 9, "scikit": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7], "scikits_od": 4, "scikits_odes_sundi": 5, "scipi": 4, "select": 9, "solver": [4, 6, 8, 9], "sundial": [0, 5, 9], "tabl": 7, "via": 4, "welcom": 7}})
\ No newline at end of file
+Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"DAE Solvers": [[6, null]], "First-order DAE solver": [[4, "first-order-dae-solver"]], "First-order ODE solver": [[4, "first-order-ode-solver"]], "Indices and tables": [[7, "indices-and-tables"]], "Lower Level API": [[3, null]], "Making scipy ode solvers available via the ode API": [[4, "making-scipy-ode-solvers-available-via-the-ode-api"]], "ODE Solvers": [[8, null]], "Selecting Precision": [[9, "selecting-precision"]], "Sundials Solver Options": [[9, null]], "Welcome to the ODES scikit API Documentation": [[7, null]], "dop853": [[4, "dop853"]], "dopri5": [[4, "dopri5"]], "scikits-odes": [[4, null]], "scikits-odes-core": [[1, null]], "scikits-odes-daepack": [[2, null]], "scikits-odes-sundials": [[5, null]], "scikits.odes": [[0, null], [0, "id1"]], "scikits.odes.dae": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.dae"]], "scikits.odes.ddaspkint": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.ddaspkint"]], "scikits.odes.dopri5": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.dopri5"]], "scikits.odes.lsodiint": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.lsodiint"]], "scikits.odes.ode": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.ode"]], "scikits.odes.sundials": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials"]], "scikits.odes.sundials.cvode": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.cvode"]], "scikits.odes.sundials.ida": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.ida"]], "scikits_odes": [[4, "module-scikits_odes"]], "scikits_odes.dae": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.dae"]], "scikits_odes.dopri5": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.dopri5"]], "scikits_odes.ode": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.ode"]], "scikits_odes_sundials": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.cvode"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.ida"]]}, "docnames": ["api/compat", "api/core", "api/daepack", "api/index", "api/main", "api/sundials", "dae", "index", "ode", "sundials"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 64, "": 3, "": 1, "": 1, "": 9, "": 1, "": 3, "": 2, "": 4, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1}, "filenames": ["api/compat.rst", "api/core.rst", "api/daepack.rst", "api/index.rst", "api/main.rst", "api/sundials.rst", "dae.rst", "index.rst", "ode.rst", "sundials.rst"], "indexentries": {"cv_continuationfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_ContinuationFunction", false]], "cv_jacrhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacRhsFunction", false]], "cv_jactimessetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesSetupFunction", false]], "cv_jactimesvecfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesVecFunction", false]], "cv_precsetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSetupFunction", false]], "cv_precsolvefunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSolveFunction", false]], "cv_rhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RhsFunction", false]], "cv_rootfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RootFunction", false]], "cv_wrapjacrhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacRhsFunction", false]], "cv_wrapjactimessetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction", false]], "cv_wrapjactimesvecfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesVecFunction", false]], "cv_wrapprecsetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSetupFunction", false]], "cv_wrapprecsolvefunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSolveFunction", false]], "cv_wraprhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRhsFunction", false]], "cv_wraprootfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRootFunction", false]], "cvodesolveexception": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.CVODESolveException", false]], "cvodesolvefailed": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.CVODESolveFailed", false]], "cvodesolvefoundroot": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.CVODESolveFoundRoot", false]], "cvodesolvereachedtstop": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.CVODESolveReachedTSTOP", false]], "dae (class in scikits_odes.dae)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dae.dae", false]], "daebase (class in scikits_odes_core)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase", false]], "dop853 (class in scikits_odes.dopri5)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dop853", false]], "dopri5 (class in scikits_odes.dopri5)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5", false]], "dopsolveexception": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.DOPSolveException", false]], "dopsolvefailed": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.DOPSolveFailed", false]], "errors (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.errors", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_continuationfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_ContinuationFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_jacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_jactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_jactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesVecFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_precsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_precsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSolveFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_rhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_rootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RootFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesVecFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapprecsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapprecsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSolveFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wraprhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wraprootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRootFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_continuationfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_ContinuationFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_jacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_jactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacTimesSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_jactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacTimesVecFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_precsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_PrecSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_precsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_PrecSolveFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_rhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_RhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_rootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_RootFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesVecFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapprecsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSetupFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapprecsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSolveFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wraprhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRhsFunction.evaluate", false]], "evaluate() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wraprootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRootFunction.evaluate", false]], "flag (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.flag", false]], "get_info() (scikits_odes.ode.ode method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode.get_info", false]], "ida_continuationfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_ContinuationFunction", false]], 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false]], "ida_wrapjactimessetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction", false]], "ida_wrapjactimesvecfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesVecFunction", false]], "ida_wrapprecsetupfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSetupFunction", false]], "ida_wrapprecsolvefunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSolveFunction", false]], "ida_wraprhsfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRhsFunction", false]], "ida_wraprootfunction (class in scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRootFunction", false]], "idasolveexception": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.IDASolveException", false]], "idasolvefailed": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.IDASolveFailed", false]], "idasolvefoundroot": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.IDASolveFoundRoot", false]], "idasolvereachedtstop": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.IDASolveReachedTSTOP", false]], "init_step() (scikits_odes.dae.dae method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dae.dae.init_step", false]], "init_step() (scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5 method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5.init_step", false]], "init_step() (scikits_odes.ode.ode method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode.init_step", false]], "init_step() (scikits_odes_core.daebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase.init_step", false]], "init_step() (scikits_odes_core.odebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase.init_step", false]], "message (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.message", false]], "module": [[0, "module-scikits.odes", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.dae", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.ddaspkint", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.dopri5", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.lsodiint", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.ode", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.cvode", false], [0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.ida", false], [1, "module-scikits_odes_core", false], [4, "module-scikits_odes", false], [4, "module-scikits_odes.dae", false], [4, "module-scikits_odes.dopri5", false], [4, "module-scikits_odes.ode", false], [5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials", false], [5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.cvode", false], [5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.ida", false]], "no_continue_fn() (in module scikits_odes_sundials.cvode)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.no_continue_fn", false]], "no_continue_fn() (in module scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.no_continue_fn", false]], "ode (class in scikits_odes.ode)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode", false]], "odebase (class in scikits_odes_core)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase", false]], "roots (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.roots", false]], "scikits.odes": [[0, "module-scikits.odes", false]], "scikits.odes.dae": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.dae", false]], "scikits.odes.ddaspkint": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.ddaspkint", false]], "scikits.odes.dopri5": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.dopri5", false]], "scikits.odes.lsodiint": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.lsodiint", false]], "scikits.odes.ode": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.ode", false]], "scikits.odes.sundials": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials", false]], "scikits.odes.sundials.cvode": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.cvode", false]], "scikits.odes.sundials.ida": [[0, "module-scikits.odes.sundials.ida", false]], "scikits_odes": [[4, "module-scikits_odes", false]], "scikits_odes.dae": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.dae", false]], "scikits_odes.dopri5": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.dopri5", false]], "scikits_odes.ode": [[4, "module-scikits_odes.ode", false]], "scikits_odes_core": [[1, "module-scikits_odes_core", false]], "scikits_odes_sundials": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials", false]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.cvode", false]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida": [[5, "module-scikits_odes_sundials.ida", false]], "set_jac_times_setupfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction.set_jac_times_setupfn", false]], "set_jac_times_setupfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjactimessetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction.set_jac_times_setupfn", false]], "set_jac_times_vecfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesVecFunction.set_jac_times_vecfn", false]], "set_jac_times_vecfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjactimesvecfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesVecFunction.set_jac_times_vecfn", false]], "set_jacfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapjacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacRhsFunction.set_jacfn", false]], "set_jacfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapjacrhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacRhsFunction.set_jacfn", false]], "set_options() (scikits_odes.dae.dae method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dae.dae.set_options", false]], "set_options() (scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5 method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5.set_options", false]], "set_options() (scikits_odes.ode.ode method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode.set_options", false]], "set_options() (scikits_odes_core.daebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase.set_options", false]], "set_options() (scikits_odes_core.odebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase.set_options", false]], "set_prec_setupfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapprecsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSetupFunction.set_prec_setupfn", false]], "set_prec_setupfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapprecsetupfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSetupFunction.set_prec_setupfn", false]], "set_prec_solvefn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wrapprecsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSolveFunction.set_prec_solvefn", false]], "set_prec_solvefn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wrapprecsolvefunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSolveFunction.set_prec_solvefn", false]], "set_resfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wraprhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRhsFunction.set_resfn", false]], "set_rhsfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wraprhsfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRhsFunction.set_rhsfn", false]], "set_rootfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wraprootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRootFunction.set_rootfn", false]], "set_rootfn() (scikits_odes_sundials.ida.ida_wraprootfunction method)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRootFunction.set_rootfn", 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scikits_odes_sundials.ida)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.StatusEnumIDA", false]], "step() (scikits_odes.dae.dae method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dae.dae.step", false]], "step() (scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5 method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5.step", false]], "step() (scikits_odes.ode.ode method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.ode.ode.step", false]], "step() (scikits_odes_core.daebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase.step", false]], "step() (scikits_odes_core.odebase method)": [[1, "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase.step", false]], "t (scikits_odes.dopri5.solvervariables attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverVariables.t", false]], "tstop (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.tstop", false]], "validate_flags() (scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5 method)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5.validate_flags", false]], "values (scikits_odes.dopri5.solverreturn attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn.values", false]], "with_userdata (scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.cv_wraprhsfunction attribute)": [[5, "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRhsFunction.with_userdata", false]], "y (scikits_odes.dopri5.solvervariables attribute)": [[4, "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverVariables.y", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[4, 0, 0, "-", "scikits_odes"], [1, 0, 0, "-", "scikits_odes_core"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "scikits_odes_sundials"]], "scikits": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "odes"]], "scikits.odes": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "dae"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "ddaspkint"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "dopri5"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "lsodiint"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "ode"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "sundials"]], "scikits.odes.sundials": [[0, 0, 0, "-", "cvode"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "ida"]], "scikits_odes": [[4, 0, 0, "-", "dae"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "dopri5"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "ode"]], "scikits_odes.dae": [[4, 1, 1, "", "dae"]], "scikits_odes.dae.dae": [[4, 2, 1, "", "init_step"], [4, 2, 1, "", "set_options"], [4, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [4, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "scikits_odes.dopri5": [[4, 3, 1, "", "DOPSolveException"], [4, 3, 1, "", "DOPSolveFailed"], [4, 1, 1, "", "SolverReturn"], [4, 1, 1, "", "SolverVariables"], [4, 1, 1, "", "StatusEnumDOP"], [4, 1, 1, "", "dop853"], [4, 1, 1, "", "dopri5"]], "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverReturn": [[4, 4, 1, "", "errors"], [4, 4, 1, "", "flag"], [4, 4, 1, "", "message"], [4, 4, 1, "", "roots"], [4, 4, 1, "", "tstop"], [4, 4, 1, "", "values"]], "scikits_odes.dopri5.SolverVariables": [[4, 4, 1, "", "t"], [4, 4, 1, "", "y"]], "scikits_odes.dopri5.dopri5": [[4, 2, 1, "", "init_step"], [4, 2, 1, "", "set_options"], [4, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [4, 2, 1, "", "step"], [4, 2, 1, "", "validate_flags"]], "scikits_odes.ode": [[4, 1, 1, "", "ode"]], "scikits_odes.ode.ode": [[4, 2, 1, "", "get_info"], [4, 2, 1, "", "init_step"], [4, 2, 1, "", "set_options"], [4, 2, 1, "", "set_tstop"], [4, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [4, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "scikits_odes_core": [[1, 1, 1, "", "DaeBase"], [1, 1, 1, "", "OdeBase"]], "scikits_odes_core.DaeBase": [[1, 2, 1, "", "init_step"], [1, 2, 1, "", "set_options"], [1, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [1, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "scikits_odes_core.OdeBase": [[1, 2, 1, "", "init_step"], [1, 2, 1, "", "set_options"], [1, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [1, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "scikits_odes_sundials": [[5, 3, 1, "", "CVODESolveException"], [5, 3, 1, "", "CVODESolveFailed"], [5, 3, 1, "", "CVODESolveFoundRoot"], [5, 3, 1, "", "CVODESolveReachedTSTOP"], [5, 3, 1, "", "IDASolveException"], [5, 3, 1, "", "IDASolveFailed"], [5, 3, 1, "", "IDASolveFoundRoot"], [5, 3, 1, "", "IDASolveReachedTSTOP"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "cvode"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "ida"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode": [[5, 1, 1, "", "CV_ContinuationFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_JacRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_JacTimesSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_JacTimesVecFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_PrecSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_PrecSolveFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_RhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_RootFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapJacRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapJacTimesVecFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapPrecSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapPrecSolveFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "CV_WrapRootFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "StatusEnum"], [5, 5, 1, "", "no_continue_fn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_ContinuationFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_JacTimesVecFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_PrecSolveFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_RootFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jacfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jac_times_setupfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapJacTimesVecFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jac_times_vecfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_prec_setupfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapPrecSolveFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_prec_solvefn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_rhsfn"], [5, 4, 1, "", "with_userdata"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.cvode.CV_WrapRootFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_rootfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida": [[5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_ContinuationFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_JacRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_JacTimesSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_JacTimesVecFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_PrecSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_PrecSolveFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_RhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_RootFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapJacRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapJacTimesVecFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapPrecSetupFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapPrecSolveFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapRhsFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "IDA_WrapRootFunction"], [5, 1, 1, "", "StatusEnumIDA"], [5, 5, 1, "", "no_continue_fn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_ContinuationFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacTimesSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_JacTimesVecFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_PrecSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_PrecSolveFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_RhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_RootFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jacfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jac_times_setupfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapJacTimesVecFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_jac_times_vecfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSetupFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_prec_setupfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapPrecSolveFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_prec_solvefn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRhsFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_resfn"]], "scikits_odes_sundials.ida.IDA_WrapRootFunction": [[5, 2, 1, "", "evaluate"], [5, 2, 1, "", "set_rootfn"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python 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diff --git a/master/sundials.html b/master/sundials.html
index d670916..9e9e53c 100644
--- a/master/sundials.html
+++ b/master/sundials.html
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-    Sundials Solver Options — Odes 3.1.0+2.g27f9a83 documentation
+    Sundials Solver Options — Odes 3.1.0+16.gea608d8 documentation