This section explains how to upgrade Bold Reports to latest version in your Docker. You can refer to the features and enhancements from this Release Notes.
Before upgrading the Bold Reports to latest version, make sure to take the backup of the following items.
Files and folders from the shared location, which you have mounted to the deployments by volume.
Database backup - Take a backup of Database, to restore incase if the upgrade was not successful or if applications are not working properly after the upgrade.
Bold Reports updates the database schema of your current version to the latest version. The upgrade process will retain all the resources and settings from the previous deployment.
If you are using the docker compose yaml file for deployment, You can download the latest docker-compose file from this docker-compose and use the below command to down the containers from where you deploy the docker compose file.
docker-compose down
Copy the latest downloaded files and replace in the exisitng deployed folder then give the values in required fields which is already done for existing Bold Reports Application.
And run the below command to upgrade Bold Reports.
docker-compose up -d
Else, You are using the command to deploy Bold Reports in single container, Please follow the below steps for upgrade and use the below command to get all the containers,
docker ps -a
Now we need to remove the container without deleting the persistant volume which is already mounted with this container You can use the below command to remove the container.
docker rm --force <containername>
Now we need to create a container with same container name and persistant volume path.
docker run --name boldreports -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \ -e APP_URL=<app_base_url> \ -e OPTIONAL_LIBS=<optional_library_names> \ -v <existing_host_path_for_appdata_files>:/application/app_data \ -v <existing_host_path_for_nginx_config>:/etc/nginx/sites-available \ -d syncfusion/boldreports:<tag>
Example: docker run --name boldreports -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -e APP_URL="" -e OPTIONAL_LIBS="mysql,oracle,postgresql,snowflake,googlebigquery" -v "/home/Admin123/upgrade/app_data":/application/app_data -v "/home/Admin123/upgrade/nginx":/etc/nginx/sites-available -d syncfusion/boldreports:7.1.9
Note: When upgrading Bold Reports, ensure that the volume mount remains the same, and only the tag needs to be changed. Once you run the container, please wait a couple of minutes to access the url.
After upgrading the bold reports application.Please refer this documentation for enable puppeteer.
Bold Reports updates the database schema of your current version to the latest version. The upgrade process will retain all the resources and settings from the previous deployment.
You can download the latest docker-compose file and default.conf from this docker-compose default.conf and use the below command to down the containers from where you deploy the docker compose file.
docker-compose down
Copy the latest downloaded files and replace in the exisitng deployed folder then give the values in required fields which is already done for existing Bold Reports Application.
And run the below command to upgrade Bold Reports.
docker-compose up -d
After upgrading the bold reports application.Please refer this documentation for enable puppeteer.