'X': 0, Empty Space; !0 = Room //undefined-unused
'0': 1, nDoor
'1': 2, wDoor
'2': 4, eDoor
'3': 8, sDoor
'4': 16, nLocked
'5': 32, wLocked
'6': 64, eLocked
'7': 128, sLocked
'8': 256, entranceZone -- start of Level
'9': 512, exitZone -- end of level
'10': 1024, monsterCommon
'11': 2048, monsterUncommon
'12': 4096, monsterRare
'13': 8192, monsterLegendary
'14': 16384, monsterBoss
'15': 32768, chestCommon
'16': 65536, chestUncommon
'17': 131072, chestRare
'18': 262144, startingChest
'19': 524288, chestLegendary
'20': 1048576,DESCRIPTOR 1--SEE BELOW
'21': 2097152,DESCRIPTOR 1--SEE BELOW
'22': 4194304,DESCRIPTOR 1--SEE BELOW
'23': 8388608,DESCRIPTOR 1--SEE BELOW
'24': 16777216,DESCRIPTOR 1--SEE BELOW
'25': 33554432,DESCRIPTOR 2--SEE BELOW
'26': 67108864,DESCRIPTOR 2--SEE BELOW
'27': 134217728,DESCRIPTOR 2--SEE BELOW
'28': 268435456,DESCRIPTOR 2--SEE BELOW
'29': 536870912,DESCRIPTOR 2--SEE BELOW
'30': 1073741824,
'31': 2147483648,
'32': 4294967296,
'33': 8589934592,
'34': 17179869184,
'35': 34359738368,
'36': 68719476736,
'37': 137438953472,
'38': 274877906944,
'39': 549755813888,
'40': 1099511627776,
'41': 2199023255552,
'42': 4398046511104,
'43': 8796093022208,
'44': 17592186044416,
'45': 35184372088832,
'46': 70368744177664,
'47': 140737488355328,
'48': 281474976710656,
'49': 562949953421312,
'50': 1125899906842624,
'51': 2251799813685248,
'52': 4503599627370496,