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bonzaiferroni edited this page Mar 10, 2017 · 26 revisions

This code is still being tested. If you are using it, let me know if you run into any problems.

Traveler is a general-purpose tool for moving your creeps around. Feel free to fork and use in other projects.



  1. Download Traveler.ts or Traveler.js. Semperrabbit has also forked this gist and provided a javascript version with more customization.
  2. Add a require statement to main.js:
  • var Traveler = require('Traveler'); (in the sim or some private servers you might need to use 'Traveler.js')
  1. Check out suggestions in the footer for implementing the functions (e.g., adding to creep prototype).

Performance considerations

  1. travelTo creates a new object in creep memory, _travel, which is analogous to the object used by moveTo() for caching the creeps path. For this reason, it will save memory to use either travelTo() or moveTo() with a given creep, but not both.
  2. As with any algorithm where creeps aren't a consideration for pathing by default, you'll have best results when their path has a low chance of including immobile creeps. My creeps rarely reach the "stuck threshold" because I take extra considerations to keep the roads clear.
  3. My own codebase rarely harvests from rooms at more than a distance of 2. For this reason, my couriers rarely use more than 30 CPU for pathing purposes across their lifespan. I've set REPORT_CPU_THRESHOLD to 50, because if a creep goes above that, I'll want to know about it. If you are harvesting from further away, you might want to set this threshold to a higher value to get fewer false alarms.


travelTo(creep, goal, options?)

Move creep to goal.


argument type description
creep Creep The creep you want to move.
goal Object Object with a property pos: RoomPosition.
options Object Optional object with one or more of properties described below
property type description
ignoreRoads boolean Creeps won't prefer roads above plains (will still prefer them to swamps). Default is false.
ignoreCreeps boolean Will not path around other creeps. Default is true.
ignoreStuck boolean Will not path around other creeps even if stuck. Default is false.
ignoreStructures boolean Will not path around structures. Default is false.
preferHighway boolean Creep prefer to travel along highway (empty rooms in between sectors). Default is false
allowHostile boolean Hostile rooms will be included in path. Default is false.
allowSK boolean SourceKeeper rooms will be included in path. (if false, SK rooms will still be taken if they are they only viable path). Default is false.
range number Range to goal before it is considered reached. The default is 1.
obstacles Object[] Array of objects with property {pos: RoomPosition} that represent positions to avoid.
roomCallback function Callback function that accepts two arguments, roomName (string) and ignoreCreeps (boolean) and returns a CostMatrix or boolean. Used for overriding the default PathFinder callback. If it returns false, that room will be excluded. If it returns a matrix, it will be used in place of the default matrix. If it returns undefined the default matrix will be used instead.
routeCallback function Callback function that accepts one argument, roomName (string) and returns a number representing the foundRoute value that roomName. Used for overriding the findRoute callback. If it returns a number that value will be used to influence the route. If it returns undefined it will use the default value.
returnData Object If an empty object literal is provided, the RoomPosition being moved to will be assigned to returnData.nextPos.
restrictDistance number Limits the range the findRoute will search. Default is 16.
useFindRoute boolean Can be used to force or prohibit the use of findRoute. If undefined it will use findRoute only for paths that span a larger number of rooms (linear distance >2).
maxOps number Limits the ops (CPU) that PathFinder will use. Default is 20000. (~20 CPU)

Upcoming changes

  • The roomCallback option will accept an argument matrix: CostMatrix rather than ignoreCreeps: boolean. This parameter will provide the matrix that would have been used, which you can add to, discard and use a new one, or return false to disqualify that particular room.
  • A function for using the same algorithm with a pre-generated path, and a function to pre-generate paths.
  • A new property, movingTarget, which will check the new position of the destination if it has changed and add to the path rather than generate a whole new path.



  • Fixed a bug where public ramparts were not set as valid positions for pathing in the costmatrix (thanks ricane!)


  • Fixed a bug where pathfinder gets needlessly called when using options.range (thanks helam!)


  • Fixed bug in code that determines whether a room is SK from roomname


  • Eliminated option returnPosition and added returnData
  • Fixed bug where preferHighway would not produce the intended results
  • Fixed bug where ignoreCreep behavior was reversed and creeps could not get unstuck