Fullstack d3 is an informative book from Amelia Wattenberger devoted to the D3.js library. The goal of this repository is to replicate the examples provided in the book and annotate the lessons learned in the process.
Introductory notes:
the repository includes the library in version
; differences in the code are highlighted as they occur -
the script begins by listing the modules used in the rest of the code
const { json, timeParse, extent } = d3;
This helps to provide an overview of the parts of the library actually being used, but is also important to stress the structure of D3. In production it may be preferable to include only the necessary modules instead of the entire library.
at least for the first few visualizations, data is retrieved from a file in
formatTo bypass the CORS safety restriction set up a server;
might be the quickest solution if installed globallypnpm add -g live-server live-server # visit http://localhost:8080/
The book begins immediately with a line chart. It is useful to introduce D3, but also the sequence used to build a robust data visualization.
The script calls an async
function to create the visualization.
async function drawLineChart() {}
Having a dedicated function allows to create a new scope for the variables. Most importantly, the async
function helps to await
the data from methods like d3.json
, which return a promise.
async function drawLineChart() {
const dataset = await json("../nyc_weather_data.json");
In nyc_weather_data.json
dates are strings, like "2018-01-02". Since the D3 library is able to work with date objects convert the value with the d3-time-format
module and the helper function d3.timeParse
const dateParser = timeParse("%Y-%m-%d");
The function receives as input a string detailing the format of the date. In this instance the full year followed by the month followed by the day, all separated with a hyphen.
For a list of directives refer to D3's own documentation,
Accessor functions are useful to retrieve specific values from the input data.
const yAccessor = (d) => d.temperatureMax;
The construct is useful to access the data throughout the visualization. Consider for instance:
the domain for the scales, like
const yScale = d3 .scaleLinear() // .domain(d3.extent(dataset, d => d.temperatureMax)) .domain(d3.extent(dataset, yAccessor));
the coordinates for the line generator function
const lineGenerator = d3 .line() // .y((d) => yScale(d.temperatureMax)) .y((d) => yScale(yAccessor(d)));
Included at the top of the script, accessor functions are also useful to provide a hint as to the topic of the visualization.
The line chart is included in an SVG element <svg>
and it is furthermore nested in a group element <g>
<!-- wrapper -->
<!-- bounds -->
This layered structure is useful to safely draw the visualization and peripherals (axis, labels) without fear of cropping the visuals.
The wrapper has an arbitrary width, height and margin.
const dimensions = {
width: 600,
height: 400,
margin: {
top: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 50,
left: 80,
The dimensions of the bounds are determined by the margin introduced on either side.
dimensions.boundedWidth =
dimensions.width - (dimensions.margin.left + dimensions.margin.right);
dimensions.boundedHeight =
dimensions.height - (dimensions.margin.top + dimensions.margin.bottom);
allows to retrieve a reference to an element in the DOM with regular CSS selectors.
const wrapper = select("#wrapper");
The library returns a selection object which is a particular type of array with several methods. One of the most useful methods is .append
, to include HTML elements.
const wrapper = select("#wrapper");
Conveniently, it is possible to chain methods on the selection object. The practice becomes more and more useful the more methods modify the selection. One of these methods, .attr
, allows to modify the attributes.
const wrapper = select("#wrapper")
.attr("width", dimensions.width)
.attr("height", dimensions.height);
Scales map a domain to a range. In the project at hand they map the temperature to a y
coordinate, the date to a x
provides different methods suited for different types of scales. For the temperature, where both the domain and the range describe a continuous metric, the relevant function is d3.scaleLinear
const yScale = scaleLinear();
For the date, where the domain describes a series of date objects, the most appropriate method is d3.scaleTime
const xScale = scaleTime();
In both instances the domain describes the extremes of the respective metric.
const yScale = scaleLinear().domain([0, 100]);
In place of a hard-coded variable, however, d3-array
provides a helper method d3.extent
to extract the information with an accessor function.
const yScale = scaleLinear().domain(extent(dataset, yAccessor));
The d3-shape
module provides d3.line()
as a generator function. The goal is to create the syntax for the d
attribute of <path>
The x
and y
methods allow to decipher the exact coordinates on the basis of the input data.
function lineGenerator = d3.line()
.x(d => xScale(xAccessor(d)))
.y(d => yScale(yAccessor(d)))
To include an axis you first create the peripheral with methods from the d3-axis
const yAxisGenerator = d3.axisLeft().scale(yScale);
, axisRight
, axisBottom
, axisLeft
create a different structure in terms of ticks, positioned in the most appropriate side of the axis.
Once you initialize the generator function it is possible to update the DOM by calling the function with an existing element, like a group element <g>
const yAxis = bounds.append("g");
Conveniently, the library allows to call the generator function on the current selection, passing the current selection as an argument through the .call
In this manner there is no need to store a reference to the group.
The second visualization is useful to repeat the process introduced with the line chart and also illustrate the concept of a data join.
The visualization includes one circle for each data point, mapping the dew point to the x
axis, the humidity to the y
axis, and finally the cloud cover to the fill
, the color of the shape.
It is technically possible to append the circles with a for loop, for instance with a forEach
dataset.forEach((point) => {
However, the chapter introduces the concept of a data join to bind the data to DOM elements. With this binding, each element is linked to a data point and the visualization can be updated knowing which value is already included.
The binding can be implemented in at least two ways.
select, data, enter
Start by selecting every circle. As no circle is included in the visualization, d3 returns an empty selection.
With the
function, build a selection which knows the elements needed to map the data. In the specific example, a selection which describes all new elements, as no circle is already present.groupCircles.selectAll("circle").data(dataset);
With the
function, access the data points which need to be included in the visualization.groupCircles.selectAll("circle").data(dataset).enter();
Finally, include a circle element for each item of the collection.
groupCircles .selectAll("circle") .data(dataset) .enter() .append("circle") // set attributes .attr("r", 5);
While the implementation may seem convoluted, it helps to know that when you use the
function, the selection returned by D3 differentiates the elements with a_enter
key. The first type describes items which are not represented in the visualizations, data points which are not already mapped to a circle; the second type describes items which were represented, but should no longer be, circles exceeding the necessary number.const update = groupCircles.selectAll("circle").data(dataset); const enter = update.enter(); enter .append("circle") // set attributes .attr("r", 5); // const exit = update.exit();
To consider both new and existing elements, for instance to update the color of all circles, the
function unites the input selection with the current one.enter .append("circle") // set attributes .attr("r", 5) .merge(update) .attr("fill", "red");
Introduced in a later version of the
module, v1.4.0, the.join
function provides a different interface for data binding.In the specific example, it allows to draw one circle for each data point by referencing the desired shape directly.
groupCircles .selectAll("circle") .data(dataset) .join("circle") // set attributes .attr("r", 5);
In a more structured example, the
function allows to target the different selections with a series of callback functions.groupCircles .selectAll("circle") .data(dataset) .join( (enter) => enter.append("circle") /* other defining attributes */, (update) => null, (exit) => null );
It is therefore possible to manage the enter, update and exit selections separately.
Note that it is not necessary to specify the three functions, and the snippet includes the remaining callbacks just to show where the update and exit logic would go
.join( (enter) => enter .append("circle") // set attributes .attr("r", 5); );
Of note:
try to log the value returned by a function to understand what said function does.
is very useful to assess how d3 manages the selection following thedata()
function, the_enter
keys.const update = groupCircles.selectAll('circle').data(dataset); console.log(update);,
in the script I implemented data binding with the first approach, but continued exploring the concept with other instructions. The code is commented out, but effectively creates the same visualization
A linear scale is able to interpolate between numerical values, but also colors.
const colorScale = scaleLinear()
.domain(extent(dataset, colorAccessor))
.range(["skyblue", "darkslategrey"]);
makes it possible to round the values of the scale's intervals.
const xScale = scaleLinear()
.domain(extent(dataset, xAccessor))
.range([0, dimensions.boundedWidth])
Beside the axis, included with a limited set of ticks, the groups responsible for the peripherals include <text>
elements to add a label. The two elements are sibling of the nodes created automatically by D3.
The project is useful to introduce another generator function in d3.bin
, plus a couple helper functions in d3.mean
and selection.filter
The chapter is also insightful in terms of accessibility, with a first set of attributes to make the visualization accessible for screen readers and keyboard users.
The book introduces d3.histogram
to create a series of bins, a series of arrays in which D3 slots the data points. Since version 6, however, the function has been deprecated in favour of d3.bin
// const binGenerator = d3
// .histogram()
const binGenerator = d3.bin();
According to details in the migration guide, it seems d3.histogram
is preserved as an alias, but it is ultimately deprecated.
The function creates a series of bins on the basis of the domain of the horizontal scale.
const binGenerator = bin()
describes the number of bins, but the value is not forced. D3 weighs the suggestion with the number of observations and the values of the domain.
also provides a few helper functions for summary statistics, among which d3.mean
. In the visualization, the function is used to highlight the mean with a line and text label.
const mean = d3.mean(dataset, metricAccessor);
A selection can be filtered according to a function. In the project, the filter()
function is used to have the text label for the histogram bars only on the bins which have at least one observation.
const textGroups = binGroups.filter(yAccessor);
returns the length of the bin, a falsy value for empty arrays. The function works essentially as a shorthand for the following snippet.
const textGroups = binGroups.filter((d) => yAccessor(d));
Accessibility is considered with a few elements and attributes:
element introduces the visualizationwrapper.append("title").text("...");
attribute allows to have specific elements select-able through keyboardIn the individual bar chart, the idea is to focus on the SVG container, the group element wrapping around the histogram bars, and the group elements wrapping around the individual bars
wrapper.attr("tabindex", "0"); binsGroup.attr("tabindex", "0"); binGroups.attr("tabindex", "0");
attribute to identifies the purpose of the select-able elementswrapper.attr("role", "figure"); binsGroup.attr("role", "list"); binGroups.attr("role", "listitem");
attribute adds an informative labelbinsGroup.attr("aria-label", "Histogram bars"); binGroups.attr("aria-label", (d) => `...`);
set totrue
hides elements from screen readerswrapper.selectAll("text").attr("aria-hidden", "true");
In the demo the labels included on the group elements are enough to describe the bar charts, and the
elements overload screen readers with too many values. Without this precaution a screen reader would also note the ticks of the axis
is responsible for fetching the data and setting the dimensions of the visualization. The bars themselves are included in a drawHistogram
function. This structure allows to draw multiple bar charts by calling drawHistogram
with a different argument.
The chapter describes three methods to smoothly change a value over time:
the native SVG element
<animate />
the CSS
property (CSS) -
In folder I chose to focus on the last approach only.
D3 provides a .transition
method to interpolate between a start and end state. Essentially, it is enough to apply a transition as follows:
.attr("transform", "scale(0)")
.attr("transform", "scale(1)");
In this instance the selected rectangle transitions to its full size.
Before introducing the transition
method in the context of a bar chart, it is important to have a discussion on the structure of the visualization, and again on the concept of a data join.
The function creating the visualization is divided between static and dynamic instructions.
Static are those lines included regardless of the state of the visualization: the object describing the dimensions of the SVG element <svg>
, the SVG wrapper itself, the group element making up the bounds.
Dynamic are those lines which change depending on the input data, and in the example the metric chosen for the histogram: the scales, the position and dimensions of the rectangles, the labels.
The concept of the data join, as introduced in the second chapter 02 - Scatterplot
, allows to bind data to DOM element, and it is here essential to have D3 manage the transition for new, existing and old elements.
begins by selecting group elements <g>
and binding the data provided by the bins.
const binGroups = binsGroup.selectAll("g").data(bins);
From this starting point, binGroups
describes the update selection, in other words those group elements <g>
which already exist. New (missing) elements are identified with the enter
function, while old (superfluous) elements with exit
const newBinGroups = binGroups.enter();
const oldBinGroups = binGroups.exit();
With this structure, it is finally possible to update the visualization. In the speficic example:
remove old elements with the
include new elements in the form of a group elements
const newBinGroups = binGroups.enter().append("g");
The groups are then used to add the desired label and rectangle
newBinGroups.filter(yAccessor).append("text"); // set attributes and properties newBinGroups.append("rect"); // set attributes and properties
modify existing element in the position and text of the labels, not to mention the position and size of the bars
binGroups.filter(yAccessor).select("text"); // modify attributes and properties binGroups.select("rect"); // modify attributes and properties
Back to the topic of the chapter, transition
is applied to a selection object creating a transition object.
.attr("y", (d) => yScale(yAccessor(d)));
The change can be customized in duration and delay with matching functions.
.attr("y", (d) => yScale(yAccessor(d)));
Multiple transitions can also be chained by using the method repeatedly.
.attr("y", (d) => yScale(yAccessor(d)))
.attr("fill", "cornflowerblue");
In this instance the rectangle reaches the new y
coordinate and then changes in color.
On its own, transition
is already useful to smoothly change attributes and properties. It is however possible to initialize a transition with d3.transition
and later reference the value as the argument of a separate transition
const updateTransition = d3.transition().duration(500).delay(100);
.attr("y", (d) => yScale(yAccessor(d)));
With this structure the necessary transitions are initialized ahead of time and can be repeated throughout the code to synchronize changes on multiple elements.
Multiple transitions can be chained to have the modifications happen in sequence.
const exitTransition = d3.transition().duration(500);
const updateTransition = exitTransition.transition().duration(1000);
In this instance updateTransition
will take place after exitTransition
The goal is to update the line chart introduced in the first chapter, 01 Line Chart
, in order to show a fixed number of days. The days are then modified to have the line progress through the year and analyze the contribution of each passing day.
The code might differ from that proposed in the book, as I attempted to create the transition on my own.
As in the demo animating the bar chart, the function creating the visualization includes static and dynamic elements. With drawDays
the idea is to receive a subset of the original dataset and modify the axis and the line accordingly.
For the axis it is enough to use the transition
method before executing the axis generator.
For the line, the transition
method produces the undesired effect of a wriggle.
line.transition(transition).attr("d", lineGenerator(data));
This is because D3 is updating the d
attribute of the line point by point. Consider the following example, where the line is described with a series of points (L
, or "line to", instructs the path element to continue the line toward a specific x
<path d="M 0 0 L 1 -5 L 2 -10 L 3 -8" />
<path d="M 0 -5 L 1 -10 L 2 -8 L 3 -2" />
Updating the line point by point, the transition results in the first point, (0, 0)
, moving upwards, to (0, -5)
. As the goal is to actually move the point to the left, the solution is add the new point, translate the entire line to the left and then remove the excess at the beginning.
while updating the
attribute, shift the entire line to the right.attr('d', lineGenerator(data)) .style('transform', `translate(${x}px, 0px)`);
With this translation, the line doesn't wriggle as the
coordinate is preserved. The last point is however outside of the chart area, to the right. -
with a transition, remove the offset to have the points move to the left
.attr('d', lineGenerator(data)) .style('transform', `translate(${x}px, 0px)`) .transition(transition) .style('transform', 'translate(0px, 0px)');
After the translation, the new point resides at the very end of the line, in its rightful
There are two important aspects I left out, but I thought of explaining the concept first before describing these details:
how much to translate the line
how to show the points only in the area described by
To tackle the first issue, the line is translated by the space between two successive points. The book picks the very last two points, to stress the importance of the new data, but ideally any pair of points would do. This is based on the assumption that the data points are all separated by one day.
const lastTwoPoints = data.slice(-2);
const pixelsBetweenLastPoints =
xScale(xAccessor(lastTwoPoints[1])) - xScale(xAccessor(lastTwoPoints[0]));
To fix the second issue it is instead necessary to introduce a new SVG element, <clipPath>
. Defined in the <defs>
element, the clip describes an area in which elements are actually shown. In the instance of the line chart, it describes a rectangle spanning the bounded width and height.
.attr("width", dimensions.boundedWidth)
.attr("height", dimensions.boundedHeight);
The clip has a specific id
later referenced in the clip-path
attribute of the to-be-clipped element.
bounds.append("defs").append("clipPath").attr("id", "bounds-clip-path");
const lineGroup = bounds
.attr("clip-path", "url(#bounds-clip-path)");
the different parts of the visualization, like the axis, the line, the rectangle, are all nested in group elements
the rectangle describing the freezing area limits the
coordinate to the bounded heightconst freezingTemperatureY = d3.min([dimensions.boundedHeight, yScale(32)]);
Without this precaution the risk is to have a negative height, as the height is computed by subtracting the
coordinate to the bounded thresholdrectangle .attr("y", freezingTemperatureY) .attr("height", dimensions.boundedHeight - freezingTemperatureY);
the horizontal scale considers the input data from the second point
const xScale = d3 .scaleTime() .domain(d3.extent(data.slice(1), xAccessor)) .range([0, dimensions.boundedWidth]);
This is to avoid removing the first point while this one is still visible. Starting with the second point, the first one is mapped to a negative
coordinate, which means it is finally removed outisde of the clip area. Comment out the clip to assess this is what actually happens.const lineGroup = bounds.append("g"); // .attr('clip-path', 'url(#bounds-clip-path)');
the vertical scale is set for the entire dataset instead of only the data passed to the
functionconst yScale = scaleLinear() .domain(extent(dataset, yAccessor)) .range([dimensions.boundedHeight, 0]);
This is a quick way to avoid the vertical jump which happens when the new point changes the domain
the interval calling
is cleared as the line reaches the end of the dataset
Of note: version 6 of the D3 library revised event handlers considerably.
Listen to events through the on
method. On a selection, the method specifies the event and a callback function.
selection.on("mouseenter", function () {
// do something
The function is called when the event is registered, and has knowledge of the event and the bound data.
const rectangles = bounds.selectAll("rect").data(dates).enter().append("rect");
rectangles.on("mouseenter", function (event, d) {
// do something
In this example, the function is executed as the cursor enters into the area described by each rectangle. event
provides details behind the event, like the x
, y
coordinates of the pointer, while d
describes the data bound to the specific rectangle (in the specific example a date).
Please note: prior to D3 version 6 the callback function received three values: the data bound to the selection, the index and the collection to which the element belonged.
rectangles.on("mouseenter", function (d, i, nodes) {
// do something
Again and in the rectangles' example, d
would describe the date, nodes
the collection of rectangles, and i
the index of the invoking rectangle in said collection. To know about the event, the library would have provided the global d3.event
With version 6 it is still possible to know about the index and nodes' collection, but with a different syntax.
rectangles.on("mouseenter", function (event, d) {
const nodes = rectangles.nodes();
const i = nodes.indexOf(this);
Plese note: with the function
keyword this
describes the element behind the event. The concept is useful to target the specific element.
rectangles.on("mouseenter", function (event, d) {
// update the hovered rectangle
With the ES6 arrow syntax, =>
, and since version 6, it is still possible to have a reference to the element with event.currentTarget
rectangles.on("mouseenter", (event, d) => {
// update the hovered rectangle
With the on
keyword the library attaches event handlers to the selected element. By passing null
instead of a callback function it is possible to stop listening for the event.
rectangles.on("mouseenter", null);
Finally and with the dispatch
method it is possible to execute the code of the input event handler.
rectangles.dispatch("mouseenter").on("mouseenter", null);
In this instance, the logic described in the callback function is executed once before removing the event.
The first interactive example is based on a bar chart, and I decided to use the visualization created for the third chapter, 03 Bar Charts
, as a basis.
The visualization is first updated in the stylesheet, which includes a first type of interaction through the :hover
pseudo class.
svg rect:hover {
fill: purple;
As the mouse hovers on the rectangles, the color is updated to the chosen hue.
Please note: The property overrides the value set through the fill
rectangles.attr("fill", "cornflowerblue");
Had the color been set inline and with the .style
method, the solution would not have worked (at least without the !important
keyword). This relates to CSS specificity and not to D3 itself.
// .attr('fill', 'cornflowerblue');
.style("fill", "cornflowerblue");
Past the stylistic update, d3 manages the contents and position of a tooltip as included in a <div>
container. The markup is modified from the solution created in the third chapter to nest each bar chart in a <div>
<div id="root">
<div class="wrapper"></div>
<div class="wrapper"></div>
<div class="wrapper"></div>
Based on this solution, the idea is to include a tooltip for each visualization.
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="tooltip"></div>
<!-- <svg /> -->
In so doing, the position of the tooltip is made relative to the dedicated wrapper.
.wrapper {
position: relative;
.wrapper .tooltip {
position: absolute;
In the stylesheet, the tooltip is modified with a series of properties, mostly to change the appearance of the element, but it is important to highlight the following:
makes it possible to have the tooltip reside above the sibling SVG element -
set tonone
avoids mouse events on the element. The risk is that when the tooltip is generated it blocks mouse interaction with the elements below -
to make the tooltip evident or hidden. The idea is to change the two through D3 and in the script
In the script, D3 finally manages the tooltip as the mouse enters a rectangle.
.on("mouseenter", onMouseEnter())
.on("mouseleave", onMouseLeave());
updates the tooltip modifying the text of its nested elements. For instance and in a heading element, the tooltip shows the metric of the particular bar chart.
In terms of style, the function also shows the tooltip by modifying the opacity and visibility.
tooltip.style("opacity", 1).style("visibility", "visible");
Most importantly, the function updates the position of the tooltip so that it appears above the selected rectangle. The solution is not simple, and it might help to explain the logic in steps:
refers to the center of the selected rectangle accessing the coordinates of the range described byd.x0
const x = xScale(d.x0) + (xScale(d.x1) - xScale(d.x0)) / 2;
refers to the top of the selected rectangle through the value of the rectangle itselfconst y = yScale(yAccessor(d));
are updated to consider the margin included horizontally and vertically in the wrapping<g>
elementconst x = xScale(d.x0) + (xScale(d.x1) - xScale(d.x0)) / 2 + margin.left; const y = yScale(yAccessor(d)) + margin.top;
with the
property, then, the tooltip is translated to the rightfulx
coordinatetooltip.style("transform", `translate(${x}px, ${y}px)`);
This works, but the tooltip is positioned from the top left corner
in the
property thecalc
function modifies the position to align the tooltip to achieve the desired alignmenttooltip.style( "transform", `translate(calc(-50% + ${x}px), calc(-100% + ${y}px))` );
Percentages in the
property are relative to the dimensions of the element itself, so that50%
in the first expression describes half the tooltip's width, and100%
in the second expression refers to its total height
finally hides the tooltip.
function onMouseLeave() {
tooltip.style("opacity", 0).style("visibility", "hidden");
creates a formatting function with a series of directives.
const format = d3.format(".2f");
In this instance format
can be used to describe numerical values with two numbers after the decimal point.
format(3); // 3.00
format(3.1456); // 3.14
The book explains the syntax succinctly and as follows:
: add a comma every three digits to the left of the decimal point -
: specify the number of digits to include after the decimal point -
: format with a specific notation, like fixedf
, decimalr
, or again percentage%
Refer to the d3-format
module for the comprehensive list of the possible directives.
The second interactive demo relates to the scatterplot introduced in the second chapter, 02 Scatterplot
, and I decided to split the logic of the chapter in two smaller folders: Scatterplot
to focus on event handlers and Delaunay
to describe the method to facilitate the selection of the small circles.
Event handlers are included on <circle>
elements exactly like on rectangles.
.on("mouseenter", onMouseEnter)
.on("mouseleave", onMouseLeave);
On top of displaying the data points with numerical values the tooltip also includes a date, which is formatted with the d3-time-format
module. Formatted and parsed actually, as it is first necessary to convert the string describing the points to a date object. The functions work similarly to d3.format
, with a series of directives describing the format.
const parseDate = d3.timeParse("%Y-%m-%d");
In this instance timeParse
creates a date object from a string displaying the full year, month and day, separated with a hyphen, like 2018-07-23
const formatDate = d3.timeFormat("%B %A %-d, %Y");
In this instance timeFormat
formats a date object to show the entire name of the month and day, followed by the number of the day and year, like July Monday 23, 2018
Refer to the d3-time-format
module for the possible directives.
The scatter plot from the previous section is enhanced to have the mouse highlight a circle with leeway. The Delaunay triangulation works by partitioning the chart in triangles, each responsible for an individual circle. The data is then shown when hovering on the triangles, and not the smaller units.
The process is formulaic, but effective:
create the triangulation with
. The function accepts three arguments: the dataset and two accessor functions describing to thex
coordinatesconst delaunay = d3.Delaunay.from( dataset, (d) => xScale(xAccessor(d)), (d) => yScale(yAccessor(d)) );
create the voronoi diagram with the
method. The function is called on the value returned by the previous functionconst voronoi = delaunay.voronoi();
it is possible to change the area covered by the diagram, and in the project, extend the area to the bound dimensions.voronoi.xmax = dimensions.boundedWidth; voronoi.ymax = dimensions.boundedHeight;
render the triangles with
bounds .append("g") .selectAll("path") .data(dataset) .enter() .append("path") .attr("d", (d, i) => voronoi.renderCell(i));
Note that the function receives the index of the bound data
By default, the path are rendered with a solid fill, so that the scatterplot is completely hidden. By setting the value to transparent
it is possible to hide the elements and still register the mouse events
.attr('d', (d, i) => voronoi.renderCell(i))
.attr('fill', 'transparent')
As the triangles are meant to just support mouse interaction, it is unnecessary to show them. If need be, remove the comments from the lines setting a thin stroke.
// .attr('stroke', 'currentColor')
// .attr('stroke-width', 0.5)
For mouse interaction, the event handlers are finally set on the <path>
.on('mouseenter', onMouseEnter)
.on('mouseleave', onMouseLeave)
The event handlers are modified to also show a maroon circle in the place of the selected data point. The idea is to include a new circle, instead of modifying the existing shape. In so doing, it is possible to guarantee that the highlighted shape is drawn on top of the circles painted earlier.
.attr("id", "tooltipCircle")
.attr("fill", "maroon")
.attr("r", 5)
.attr("cx", x)
.attr("cy", y);
and y
are updated to refer to the coordinates of the selected data point.
The id
attribute is useful to target and remove the element as the mouse leaves the elements.
The final interactive demo provides more details for a line chart, a visualization similar to the one introduced in the first chapter, 01 Line Chart
. The biggest change is that the chart focuses on a subset of the entire data.
const data = await d3.json("../../nyc_weather_data.json");
const dataset = data.slice(0, 100);
Past this choice, the chart displays a label for the y
axis, highlighting how the vertical dimension describes the maximum temperature.
In terms of interaction, the idea is to:
consider the horizontal coordinate of the mouse to find the date
find the data point closest to the newfound date
highlight the data point in the a tooltip and with a
The final step is similar to the previous demos, so that the biggest hurdle is actually finding the data point.
For the horizontal coordinate, the script first adds an onverlay with a <rect>
element spanning the entirety of the bound dimensions.
.attr("width", dimensions.boundedWidth)
.attr("height", dimensions.boundedHeight)
.attr("fill", "transparent");
The coordinate is then retrieved following the mousemove
bounds.append("rect").on("mousemove", onMouseMove);
The book retrieves the desired value with the d3.mouse
function onMouseMove(event) {
const [xHover] = d3.mouse(event);
Since version 6, however, the library works with d3.pointer
. The method provides a more general interface for mouse and touch events.
function onMouseMove(event) {
const [xHover] = d3.pointer(event);
Since the pixel coordinate may not describe an actual observation in the line chart it is necessary to the closest value.
Compute a date with the inverse of the horizontal scale
const hoverDate = xScale.invert(xHover);
Find the nearest data point with d3.scan
, comparing the difference between the data points and the hovered date.
const i = d3.scan(/* ... */);
Note that since version 6 d3.scan
is deprecated in favour of d3.leastIndex
. Moreover, there exist d3.least
to find the data point instead of the index, so that it is not necessary to find the index first.
const d = d3.least(/* ... */);
The functions work by comparing the items of the dataset two at a time.
const d = d3.least(dataset, (a, b) => {});
The comparator function computes the difference between the points and the hover date to finally return the difference between the two.
const d = d3.least(
(a, b) =>
Math.abs(xAccessor(a) - hoverDate) - Math.abs(xAccessor(b) - hoverDate)
In this manner the function creates a collection of differences, and returns the smallest value. In this manner d3.least
identifies the data point with the date closest to the hovered point.
What is left is then finding the coordinates for the value and highlighting the specific observation in the tooltip and added circle. Exactly as for the scatterplot and the Delaunay' demos.
const date = xAccessor(d);
const value = yAccessor(d);
const x = xScale(date);
const y = yScale(value);
The goal is to plot a choropleth map to highlight population growth by applying a different color on the different countries.
geoJSON refers to the syntax necessary to draw a map. For the project the syntax is obtained as follows:
download a shapefile from Natural Earth Data. An
file provides an alternative format to represent geographic data -
convert the shapefile to GeoJSON objects. The book describes a library, but there are also tools online
The goal is to have as an output a .json
file, see world-geojson.json
in the project folder. The file is imported in the script similarly to the data in previous demos and with the d3.json
const countryShapes = await d3.json("./world-geojson.json");
On the return object take notice of the features
array, which describes a series of Feature
objects for the countries. Each feature has a geometry
and properties
field. The first one describes the coordinates making up each country, while the second one details information on the country itself, like its name or continent.
In the chapter the book introduces two accessor functions to retrieve the country's name and identifier.
const countryNameAccessor = (d) => d.properties["NAME"];
const countryIdAccessor = (d) => d.properties["ADM0_A3_IS"];
The name is useful to describe the country, and will become relevant in the moment the country is highlighted with a tooltip. The identifier provides a link to connect the country and the data describing the population growth.
Please note: the values retrieved from the world bank seems to differ for some countries. This is likely because the data has been updated with more accurate estimates.
Data is retrieved from the world bank and for the year 2023, looking specifically at four metrics:
population density
net migration
international tourism through receipts
The dataset is in .csv
format, but the script reads the data similarly to previous projects. The only difference is d3.csv
is used in place of d3.json
const dataset = await d3.csv("./databank_data.csv");
described an array with one item for each row. For the project at hand however, the relevant metric is just the population growth.
const metric = "Population growth (annual %)";
In light of this, a dedicated variable is set to store the necessary values in an object describing the country and population growth with key-value pairs.
/* desired structure
AFG: 2.54834664435549,
ALB: -0.0919722937442495,
I decided to use .reduce()
instead of looping through the data with a .forEach
loop as in the book, but the logic is the same: loop through the dataset, and include the country code if the item describes the chosen metric.
if (curr["Series Name"] === metric) {
acc[curr["Country Code"]] = parseFloat(curr["2023 [YR2023]"]) || 0;
allows to convert the string to a numerical value, while || 0
provides a default value for those countries for which the value value is missing.
Similarly to previous projects, the chart starts with an object describing the dimensions of the visualization.
Unlike previous projects, however, dimensions
doesn't initially set the height. The value is computed according to the chosen projection, described in the next section.
An object with a type
of 'Sphere'
is all that is necessary to eventually draw the outline of the planet.
const sphere = { type: "Sphere" };
A projection describes how the map is approximated. It is indeed necessary to distort the three dimensional shape of the globe in order to draw the world in two dimensions.
There are several projections, each with its pros and cons, but the book motivates the following guidelines:
Mercator (
) and specifically the transverse Mercator (d3.geoTransverseMercator
) for maps devoted to countries or smaller geographical units -
Winkel-Tripel (
) and Equal Earth (d3.geoEqualEarth
) for continents and the entire planet
The documentation for d3-geo
highlights the projections included in the main library, while the d3-geo-projection
module adds more types. Incidentally, d3.geoWinkel3
is available from this additional module.
In the demo the chosen projection is equal Earth.
const projection = d3.geoEqualEarth();
To have the projection consider the bound dimensions, fitWidth
receives the chosen width and the object of type 'Sphere'
(the object which describes the outline of the planet).
const projection = d3.geoEqualEarth().fitWidth(dimensions.boundedWidth, sphere);
provides a generator function similar to d3.line
as introduced in the first chapter, 01 - Line Chart
. It is initialized with the chosen projection.
const pathGenerator = d3.geoPath(projection);
It then receives a GeoJSON object to produce the necessary syntax for the d
attribute of <path>
elements. One of these objects, for instance, is the object of type 'Sphere'
introduced earlier.
console.log(pathGenerator(sphere)); // M ....
Thanks to the generator function it is possible to compute the vertical dimensions of the chart. pathGenerator.bounds
returns a two dimensional array with the bounds of the input GeoJSON object. Through the sphere, the function highlights the bounds of the entire visualization: [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]
, and finally the height of the bound area.
const y1 = pathGenerator.bounds(sphere)[1][1];
dimensions.boundedHeight = y1;
dimensions.height =
dimensions.boundedHeight + (dimensions.margin.top + dimensions.margin.bottom);
The projection takes care of the position of the countries, so that a scale is necessary only to map the population growth to a fill color. The book explains here how a linear scale can create a piece-wise scale, mapping three values to three distinct intervals.
const colorScale = d3
.domain([-maxChange, 0, maxChange])
.range(["indigo", "white", "darkgreen"]);
In this instance, -maxChange
is mapped to indigo, 0
to white and maxChange
to dark green. Any value in between is interpolated between the chosen colors.
It is important to note that maxChange
describes the greater between the minimum and maximum population growth, in absolute terms. Using this value instead of the minimum and maximum allows to compare the degree with which countries grow or recede in number.
The visualization is drawn in a <svg>
making up the wrapper and a group element <g>
making up the bounds, exactly like previous projects.
The map itself is drawn with the path generator function, and at least three types of GeoJSON objects:
the object of type
for the outline of the planetbounds .append("path") .attr("d", pathGenerator(sphere)) .attr("fill", "#e2f1f1") .attr("stroke", "none");
the object returned vt
for the lines illustrating the longitude and latitudeconst graticuleJson = d3.geoGraticule10(); bounds .append("path") .attr("d", pathGenerator(graticuleJson)) .attr("fill", "none") .attr("stroke", "#cadddd");
The function itself provides a graticule with a set of default options (
refers for instance to the degrees separating the longitude and latitude lines). The documentation has more information as to how to customize the grid. -
each object in the
array for the countriesbounds .append("g") .selectAll("path") .data(countryShapes.features) .enter() .append("path") .attr("d", pathGenerator);
works as a shorthand ford => pathGenerator(d)
, meaning the generating function receives a feature to produce the necessary SVG syntax.
To finally create the choropleth map, the fill of each country considers the color scale and the population growth.
.attr('fill', d => {
const metricData = metricDataByCountry[countryIdAccessor(d)];
return metricData ? colorScale(metricData) : 'hsl(206, 14%, 90%)`;
hsl(206, 14%, 90%)
is chosen as a default option for those countries not represented in the metricDataByCountry
is a Web API which provides detailed information regarding the user location, pending consent. In the specific project, it is used to find the longitude and latitude to then draw a circle in the matching location.
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(position => {
const { longitude, latitude } = position.coords;
The projection is here be useful as a function to find the x
and y
pixel coordinate for the two input values.
const [x, y] = projection([longitude, latitude]);
Knowing the location, it is finally possible to highlight the position of the user.
bounds.append("g").append("circle").attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y).attr("r", 6);
Instead of axis, peripherals are included in the form of a legend, with a label, a byline and a rectangle describing the color scale. Labels are included as in previous projects to describe the metric and a short description. Below these visuals, however, the legend details a rectangle to highlightc color scale. The scale is shown specifically through the fill of the rectangle and a gradient with three colors (the same colors of the range of the color sale).
In SVG, the <linearGradient>
element works similarly to <clipPath>
define the element in a
block<defs> <linearGradient id="linear-gradient"> </linearGradient> </defs>
reference the element through the
attribute<rect fill="url(#linear-gradient)" />
The element itself describes the colors of the gradient with a <stop>
element and two foundational attributes: stop-color
and offset
<linearGradient id="linear-gradient">
<stop stop-color="red" offset="0%">
<stop stop-color="blue" offset="100%">
In the visualization, the <stop>
elements are included dynamically, binding the element to the colors of the scale, and specifically its range.
console.log(colorScale.range()); // ["indigo", "white", "darkgreen"]
The color is included in the stop-color
attribute, while the offset is computed on the basis of the element's index so that the [0, 100]
interval is evenly split in three parts.
.attr("stop-color", (d) => d)
.attr("offset", (d, i, { length }) => `${(i * 100) / (length - 1)}%`);
Interactions are included with a tooltip and a couple SVG shapes.
In terms of SVG, a country is shown with a <circle>
, but also a <path>
element recreating the selection. The country is rendered first, to eventually show the circle above it.
The <path>
is recreated with the path generator function.
.attr("id", "tooltipCountry")
.attr("fill", "cornflowerblue")
.attr("d", pathGenerator(d));
The circle is positioned thanks to the centroid
method, providing the center of a GeoJSON object and for a specific generator function.
console.log(pathGenerator.centroid(sphere)); // [x, y]
For the tooltip, then, the HTML element highglights the selected country and the connected metric. If the metric is not available, the paragraph displays a default message.
? `${formatMetric(metricData)}% population change`
: "Data not available"
The position of the tooltip refers to the same coordinates computed for the circle, but adjusted for the chosen margins.
As suggested in the book, mouse interaction can be improved with Delaunay's triangulation. The logic is fundamentally the same as in the interactions chapter: include a series of <path>
elements above the map and attach the mouse event to said shapes.
// bind features
.attr("d", (d, i) => voronoi.renderCell(i))
.attr("fill", "transparent")
.on("mouseenter", onMouseEnter)
.on("mouseleave", onMouseLeave);
The only difference is in the x
and y
coordinates used in the d3.Delaunay.from
function, which now refer to the center of each country.
const delaunay = d3.Delaunay.from(
(d) => pathGenerator.centroid(d)[0],
(d) => pathGenerator.centroid(d)[1]
Please note: the notes which follow are no substitute for the thorough analysis of the book. I will focus on a few concepts, but mostly try to recreate the proposed visualizations.
A data visualization is useful only as it is able to answer a question. The line chart in the first chapter describes the variability of the temperature through the year; the scatterplot from the second project focuses on the correlation between humidity and dew point; the bar charts in the third demo show the distribution and variety of multiple metrics.
When picking a particular visualization, it is helpful to start with the data being analysed:
qualitative, non numerical:
binary, representing one of two options (state of a light switch)
nominal, categories without order (weather)
ordinal, categories with natural order (wind intensity)
quantitative, numerical:
discrete, when it's not possible to interpret a value intermediate of two measurements (number of cards)
continuous, when it's possible to interpolate between two values (degrees)
The type of data influences the type of chart. Picking for instance the temperature, the continuous metric can be highlighted with a bar chart (the height of the bars), a scatterplot (the y
coordinate) or again color (the fill of circles, the gradient of a rectangle).
Please note: in the folder I created two directories for the project, showcasing the starting visualization and the redesigned version built on top.
The goal is to create a visualization highlighting how humidity changes depending on the time of the year.
Starting from a rudimentary timeline, the book illustrates how to design the line chart to answer the question with more focus and purpose.
The base visualization is updated as follows:
the line plots the data with a curve
const lineGenerator = d3 .line() .x((d) => xScale(xAccessor(d))) .y((d) => yScale(yAccessor(d))) .curve(d3.curveBasis);
instead of considering every data point, the line generator maps the average value on a weekly basis
lineGroup.append("path").attr("d", lineGenerator(downsampleData));
considers the weekly averages withd3.timeWeeks
, a function generating the weeks from the start to end dateconst weeks = d3.timeWeeks( // xAccessor(dataset[0]) possibly skips the days in the first week timeWeek.offset(xAccessor(dataset[0]), -1), xAccessor(dataset[dataset.length - 1]) );
the data points are preserved through light grey circles
axis displays fewer ticks modifying the axis generator function -
the label for the
axis is moved above the line chart, next to the topmost value -
axis is removed -
for the seasons, the line chart includes a semi-transparent rectangle and a line highlighting the mean
seasonGroup.append("rect"); seasonGroup.append("path");
The groups are bound to an object detailing the season.
const seasonsGroups = seasonsGroup .append("g") .selectAll("g") .data(seasonData) .enter() .append("g");
is built to have each data point represented by a season.d3.timeYears
are used to create an array describing one year more than necessary.const years = d3.timeYears(d3.timeMonth.offset(startDate, -13), endDate);
An additional (preceding) year is necessary to contemplate the winter season at the beginning of the dataset.
produces an array of date objects. A formatting function is then used to haveyears
describe the integer value only.const years = d3 .timeYears(d3.timeMonth.offset(startDate, -13), endDate) .map((yearDate) => parseInt(d3.timeFormat("%Y")(yearDate)));
ticks on the
axis show the seasons' averages -
custom ticks on the
axis label the seasons
The project illustrates how to include color with the d3-scale-chromatic
and d3-interpolate
It is important to note the following:
categorical scales are based on an array of distinct colors, like
. You access individual colors by index, for instanced3.schemeCategory10[0]
sequential, diverging, cyclical scales work as a scale with a domain of
[0, 1]
and a range describing the colors. Considerd3.interpolateBlues()
; you obtain a color by calling the function with a specific number, liked3.interpolateBlues(0.5)
when interpolating between two or more colors, D3 supports both the scale and array syntax.
, for instance, creates a proper scale, whiled3.interpolateBlues[n]
creates an array ofn
colors in the color range -
functions from the
module allow to interpolate between two colors in a given color space. In this light, it is helpful to have a brief overview of the different formats:-
keywords like
provide a first way to describe color. It is important to also highlighttransparent
, used in a previous project to hide elements like Delaunay's<path>
s, andcurrentColor
, useful to consider the value from thecolor
property -
describes a color through its red, green and blue components.a
describes the optional alpha channel for the opacity of the color. Each component is a number in the[0, 255]
range, and colors are mixed with additive fashion, meaningrgb(255, 255, 255)
is completely white -
describes a color with a hue, saturation and lightness. The hue is a number in the[0, 360]
range going from red, 0, to green, 120, to blue, 240, back to red, 360. Saturation is a percentage going from grey, 0% to fully saturated, 100%. Lightness is a percentage going from black, 0%, to white, 100% -
describes a color with a hue, chroma and lightness. The chroma is a number in the[0, 230]
range influencing the saturation, while the lightness a number in the[0, 100]
interval. The difference from the hsl color space is that two values with the same lightness value have the same perceived lightness. In light of this, the format is useful to avoid contrasting levels of saturation
The chapter introduces a few types of data visualizations with the goal of laying the foundation for more complex projects.
Please note: in each sub-folder I try to replicate the visualizations described in the book on my own.
A candlestick chart highlights stock prices in terms of open, close, high and low value.
In terms of the D3 library take notice of the following:
considers comma separated values describing hypothetical stock prices -
provides an array of colors to distinguish gains and losses -
is used to stretch the horizontal scale one day before and one day after the actual domain. The function is useful in the context of the time scale to provide some padding around the values. A different approach would be to use a band scale, and have each observation positioned at a fraction of the available width
The goal with a timeline is to study the evolution of a metric over time. It is important to focus on the granularity of the time scale, or again the smoothness of the line connecting the individual points. It is essential, finally, to accurately describe which data is included in the line; consider for instance how the redesign in chapter seven used the weekly mean instead of daily observations, and how the visualization preserved the values through small, grey circles.
The project in the folder is fundamentally a copy of previous line charts. The visual is however focused on the points making up the line and the interpolating curve. With a <input>
element of type checkbox
it is possible to toggle the visibility of the points. With a <select>
element and a few <option>
s, it is possible to change the function used in the line generator function.
The book argues for curveMonotoneX
as a solid choice for the interpolator function, crossing through all the points. curveBasis
provides a smoother line, but doesn't guarantee the same type of precision.
Taking inspiration from the visualization highlighting profile contributions on GitHub, a heatmap displays a series of observations in a grid, and depicts a continuous or discrete metric through color.
Since the visualization relies on the color of individual cells it is useful to show trends over time. It is not as effective to describe small differences between values.
The demo itself includes a button to cycle through different metrics similarly to the bar charts developed in the fifth chapter.
In terms of D3, the project provides a good exercise with the d3-time
module, specifically d3.timeWeeks
, d3.timeMonths
and the directives included in the parsing and formatting functions.
A radar chart is useful to compare multiple metrics. While it is possible to include several polygons in the same chart, it is preferable to limit the number of overlapping shapes and differentiate them by color. With a large number of visual consider using a button to cycle through the shapes, or multiple, separate radar chart. In the demo I chose the first approach, leaning on two functions from the d3-shape
. The generator function works similarly tod3.line
, but computes thex
coordinate of the line on the basis of an angle and radiusconst lineGenerator = d3 .lineRadial(..) .angle(..) .radius(..);
. Similarly tod3.area
the function specifies two values to describe the area below the curve. The values are those for the radii instead ofy
coordinatesconst areaGenerator = d3 .areaRadial(..) .angle(..) .innerRadius(..) .outerRadius(..);
A scatterplot is useful to study the relationship between two metric values.
The demo includes a copy of the scatterplot introduced earlier in the repository. Here, however, the focus is on the type of relationship between the two metrics:
positive, between maximum and minimum temperature
negative, between wind speed and air pressure
null, between wind speed and humidity
The demo includes a line of best fit showing the correlation, if any, with a <path>
Please note: the line of best fit is computed considering the y
coordinate with two x
values, those describing the beginning and the end of the visualization. A <clipPath>
element helps to limit the <path>
element to the bound dimensions.
A pie or donut chart is useful to focus on the parts of a whole. It is difficult to interpret differences between slices, especially with small differences and numerous variables, but the type can provide a few insights. Focus on a few slices, five at most, sort the values (the pie generator function sorts the values by default), and consider adding more information with labels or accompanying visuals.
The demo introduces two functions from the d3-shape
modifies the data to assign a start and end angle for each observationconst iconPieData = pieGenerator(data);
is provided with an array of objects, and the value for the slice is included in avalue
fieldconst pieGenerator = d3 .pie() .padAngle(0.01) .value((d) => d.value);
creates the syntax for thed
attribute of<path>
elements starting from the a series of values:-
, are set immediatelyconst arcGenerator = d3 .arc() .innerRadius(radius * 0.75) .outerRadius(radius);
, already included through the pie genertor function
The resulting function is useful to fabricate the slices, but also to position the shapes with the ulterior
method -
Please note: index.html
defines a few icons which are then referenced with <use>
elements. The id
attribute of the icons matches the key used to describe the data.
Please note: the folder doesn't include a demo for the histogram, because the third chapter already implements the type for multiple variables.
A histogram is useful to analyze the variation in the values of a metric.
There are generally five types of distributions:
normal, or gaussian, where the observations are centered around the mean
skewed to the right, with a greater number of values in the upper half
skewed to the left, focused in the bottom half
bimodal, with two peaks
symmetric, with a homogeneous set of observations
With a box plot it is possible to study the distribution of a numerical variable. The median is useful to describe the tendency of the metric, while the 25th and 75th percentile, also know as 1st and 3rd quartile, provide a measure of the variability.
- median + iqr * 1.5
--- 75th percentile
| |
|---| median
| |
--- 25th percentile
- median - iqr * 1.5
For the visualization:
- outliers are those points which exceed the mean by the interquartile range, the difference between first and third quartile, multiplied by a measure of one and a half
For the D3 library:
provides the horizontal coordinate by mapping a discrete domain (an array describing the months) to a continuous range (the bounded width) -
works similarly tod3.timeWeeks
in the redesign of the timeline of the seventh chapter. The function creates an array of date objects for the months between the input dates -
in terms of data binding it is possible to bind two nested layers. Consider how the groups for the boxes are bound to
and the circles are bound to the array describing the outliers,d.outliers
A dashboard is loosely discussed as an interface for data, a display for the accurate value of metrics as weel as complex visualizations to provid more insights.
The first demo works to show a rudimentary dashboard for three metrics describing the wind speed, visibility and atmospheric pressure for a given day.
Instead of using <svg>
elements, I decided to bind the data to HTML elements.
The redesign works to show how the dashboard can be improved by describing the meaning of the metrics and by providing more context around the values themselves.
In practice:
the values are formatted to consider fewer decimal numbers with a fixed notation
the metrics are displayed with labels distinct from the value of the connected property.
is displayed asWind Speed
asAtmospheric pressure
each metric is accompanied by a heading displaying the unit of measure
each metric is accompanied by a small graphic highlighting the value in the context of the dataset, where the value fits in the domain
The project highlights a few methods from the D3 library:
to create a scale mapping a continuous domain to a discrete range.For the label above the gauge component, the idea is to display one of five options, from very low to very high, according to where the value fits in the domain.
d3.scaleQuantize().range(["Very low", "Low", "Average", "High", "Very high"]);
divides the domain in intervals of equal size, so that if the value falls in the first 20% of values, it is associated to theVery low
label. Between 20% and 40% to theLow
label and so forth. -
is useful to create a color which is then customized with the.darker()
In the project, the function receives a color from the
The demo for the starting point considers a few metrics connected to a news feed with the same visual designed for the weather dashboard. The focus is here on the number of views and articles connected to a hypothetical subject.
The redesign improves the visualization with an additional metric: demand. Here the goal is to show how data can be turned into insight, into an actionable metric.
The project works to show how a dashboard is able to accommodate multiple states.
In the context of a bar chart, the states are included with a rudimentary flow:
loading; here the script renders a gray-scale, semi-translucent version of the bar chart, under a label describing the loading state.
loaded, error or empty; here the bar chart is substituted with the actual visualization, or updated with an error message, or again a message describing the lack of data
The loading state is shown immediately, while the three remaining states follow after a brief timeout.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2500);
provides a promise to fetch the data. If successful the idea is to either show the empty or loaded state, according to the length of the obtained data.
d3.json("../../nyc_weather_data.json").then((dataset) => {
if (dataset.length === 0) {
} else {
If not successful, the idea is to then show the error state.
d3.json("../../nyc_weather_data.json").catch((error) => {
Please note: in its current design, the promise should always resolve, leading to the loaded state. To highlight the other states try modifying the logic of the promise. To highlight an error, for instance, have the promise look for a non-existing file.
To highlight the lack of data force the condition to handle the empty state.
if (true) {
The projects work to showcase how to handle outliers, values which vary from the mean and are prone to skew the perception of the visualization.
There is not one solution for every visualization, and it is important to consider the influence of outliers case by case. For instance, to visualize the popularity of articles in terms of views, it might be useful to preserve outliers in recent data, as to highlight potential spikes. It might be then more informative to crop the value (with an accompanying label) after an arbitrary amount of time and focus on the overall trend instead. This is exactly what happens in the demo exploring the bar chart: in the first visualization the scale considers the maximum value, while in the second visual the domain is capped at a threshold considering the mean and standard deviation.
It is important to stress that the bar chart shows one way to handle outliers, and defines an outlier with another arbitrary decision. The second demo describing a timeline proves this by plotting the number of views and articles. The number of articles is shown with a series of dots, and the number of dots is limited to a third of the bounded height. An outlier is here any observation with more articles than can fit in the chosen fraction of the height and is highlighted with a small arrow pointing upwards.
A table provides an effective layout to focus on exact values. In the first demo the data is included as-is, without much consideration in terms of design. The project is still useful to rehearse data binding with HTML elements.
In the second demo the table is redesigned both in style and function. In the stylesheet, the table is updated as follows:
the table removes the border, included as a rudimentary way to distinguish the data
whitespace is increased in the form of considerable padding
the font is updated with the
property so that numbers have the same character width. This is a feature available some typefaces which makes it easier to compare numbers in different rows -
the column dedicated to the summary is reduced in importance through the
property -
the row describing the head of the table is fixed to the top of the table with the
property set tosticky
. The same row uses a dark background and a light color for the text to create a clear disinction with the body of the table -
the rows alternate in background color to stress the distinction between observations
the rows are highlighted on hover through the color of the background
In the script, the content is updated as follows:
the columns are aligned left if they include text, right if they show numbers
the values are formatted with the
and thed3-format-time
modules to provide more readable labels -
the maximum temperature and the wind speed show the value in context with a color scale and the
property -
the UV index is represented with a series of icons instead of a numerical values
the column describing the precipitation type is substituted with one detailing the presence, or lack, of snow. Snow is signalled with an icon instead of a label
the time describing the maximum temperature is represented through the horizontal position of a line instead of a label describing the hour. Take notice that the field
details the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch and, as per d3 own documentation, it is possible to parse a date with the%s
directive. The table designed in the book seems to use theapparentTemperatureMaxTime
field, which explains the differences in the position of the line
Please note: considering the entire dataset, the risk is to having the table exceedingly wide. This is mostly due to two fields: summary and UV index. For the first field, the solution is to limit the width of the associated text. For the second field, one solution is to limit the number of icons associated with the index, and highlight a greater value with another visual.
The folder highlights how a dashboard works best when it focuses a clear message and a few metrics. The first demo shows the minimum and maximum temperature leading up to a selected day with a timeline. The second demo focuses on three metrics side by side.
The folder focuses on two questions essential to the design of a dashboard:
how familar are users with the provided data
how much time do user spend with the visualization
These issues compel a different visualization. Consider for instance how inexperienced users might benefit from a short explanation (first demo), or again how time-sensitive readers might prefer a single metric instead of an elaborate visualization (second demo).
In terms of D3, it is helpful to note how the elaborate visualization in the second demo leans on the d3-force
module to have the circles describing the observations separated from one another. With d3.simulation
, the project sets up a series of forces to have the points tend toward the desired x
.force('collision', ...)
.force('x', d3.forceX().x(d => xScale(metricAccessor(d))))
.force('y', ...)
The simulation is then run an arbitrary number of time to eventually position the circles.