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When you are first taught to program, you are usually shown what is called the "imperative" style. That means that you are in control of what happens when. In a command-based robot, you have to use an "event-driven" style. You must learn how to break your code up into small pieces that execute quickly and rely on the CommandScheduler to call them at the right time.

The CommandScheduler will manage commands, calling their four lifecycle methods (initialize, execute, isFinished, end). It will also call the periodic methods of your subsystems and test any triggers you may have (mostly this will be joystick buttons). It is also responsible for managing the requirements of commands, so two commands with overlapping requirements are never scheduled at the same time.

There are a number of ways to invoke the CommandScheduler:


  • This makes the CommandScheduler perform its main loop for subsystems, triggers, and commands.
  • This should be called from Robot.robotPeriodic and nowhere else.
  • Most commands will not run while the robot is disabled, so will be automatically cancelled.

Trigger methods

  • After you have bound a Command to a Trigger, the CommandScheduler will then test the trigger automatically every iteration. When the trigger activates, it will call schedule on the command.
  • You're probably already using Triggers in the form of joystick buttons.


  • Attempts to add the command to the list of scheduled commands.
  • If a scheduled command has overlapping requirements, then either the other commands will be cancelled or if the other commands are non-interruptible (rare), then the attempt will fail.
  • This should be called by Robot.automomousInit to set the autonomous command.
  • It's fairly rare for teams to call schedule in any other context. The main example is a pattern where you create a state machine by having each state be a separate command, with all of them sharing the same requirements, but it is usually better to do the scheduling indirectly via Triggers. Outside that, if you find yourself wanting to call this anywhere else, you're probably doing something wrong.
  • Calls to schedule from inside a command lifecycle method are deferred until after all the scheduled commands have been run.


  • Unschedules the command
  • May cause a default command to be scheduled
  • It is common to call cancel on the autonomous command inside Robot.teleopInit.
  • There is also `CommandScheduler.getInstance().cancelAll
  • Calls to cancel from inside a command lifecycle method are deferred until after all the scheduled commands have been run, and after all the pending schedules have been scheduled.
  • It's pretty rare to have to call this. If you find yourself wanting to call this anywhere else, you're probably doing something wrong.

Putting it all together

Workflow of CommandScheduler This shows the workflow of the CommandScheduler in Java. The C++ implemention has almost identical behaviour. This diagram dooes not show command event methods

This is a rough outline of how everything gets run.

TimedRobot.startCompetition has an endless loop which polls its time-based priority queue for callbacks that are ready to run. Runnables are added to that priority queue using TimedRobot.addPeriodic. By default, the only thing on that queue is IterativeRobotBase.loopFunc.

IterativeRobotBase.loopFunc does:

  1. Calls <oldMode>Exit and <newMode>Init if the mode is changing
  2. Calls <mode>Periodic (e.g. autoPeriodic and telopPeriodic)
  3. Calls robotPeriodic
  4. Updates SmartDashbaord and LiveWindow properties
  5. Does loop overrun reporting

By default, the only thing robotPeriodic does is to call does the following:

  1. Calls subsystem periodic methods
  2. Polls its EventLoop
  3. For all scheduled commands, call execute, isFinished and/or possibly end.
  4. Enact pending calls to schedule and cancel
  5. Schedule default commands
  6. Does its own loop overrun reporting

When EventLoop.poll is called, it runs every registered Runnable. Runnables are registered using EventLoop.bind. By default, the only way Runnables are added to the CommandScheduler's EventLoop is by calling one of the binding methods on a Trigger.

{% include note.html content="You can call Robot.addPeriodic to add your own periodic tasks, possibly with a different period. Don't rely on being able to use periods shorter than the main loop period of 20ms, because it's all running in the same thread. Periodic methods registered with addPeriodic are not subject to overrun reporting, so you may not notice if they're causing performance problems.

If you are confident about thread-safe programming, you could also use Notifiers." %}

See also