This document outlines the planned features, milestones, and timeline for the development of DawnSetDial, a sunrise and sunset alarm clock application.
- Fetch sunrise and sunset times from a predefined list of locations.
- Display sunrise and sunset times for the selected location.
- Set alarms based on sunrise or sunset times.
Data Retrieval (Phase 1):
- Implement data scraping functionality using Python and BeautifulSoup.
- Set up SQL database to store location data and sunrise/sunset times.
iOS App Development (Phases 2-3):
- Create a basic iOS app using Swift with a user interface for location selection and displaying sunrise/sunset times.
- Integrate Python scripts with the iOS app to fetch data from the SQL database.
Alarm Functionality (Phase 4):
- Implement alarm setting functionality based on sunrise or sunset times.
- Include options for customizing alarm settings, snooze, etc.
Testing and Bug Fixes (Phase 5):
- Conduct thorough testing of the app's functionality and user experience.
- Address any bugs or issues identified during testing.
- Allow users to input custom coordinates for sunrise/sunset data retrieval.
- Include additional alarm customization options (e.g., repeat, sound selection).
- Implement notifications for sunrise/sunset events.
Custom Coordinates (Phase 6):
- Add functionality to input custom coordinates for fetching sunrise/sunset data.
- Update UI to support manual location entry.
Alarm Customization (Phass 7):
- Enhance alarm settings with options for repeat days, sound selection, and volume control.
- Implement snooze functionality with customizable snooze duration.
Notifications (Phase 8):
- Integrate push notifications for sunrise and sunset events.
- Allow users to receive notifications for upcoming sunrise/sunset times.
- Integration with weather APIs for enhanced data accuracy.
- Support for multiple time zones and location tracking.
- Cloud synchronization for alarms and settings across devices.
Weather API Integration (Phases 9-10):
- Integrate with weather APIs to enhance the accuracy of sunrise/sunset data.
- Update UI to display additional weather information.
Time Zones and Location Tracking (Phases 11-12):
- Implement support for multiple time zones and location tracking.
- Allow users to track sunrise/sunset times for different locations simultaneously.
Cloud Synchronization (Phase 13):
- Implement cloud synchronization for alarms, settings, and location preferences.
- Enable users to access their data across multiple devices.