Reboot the system
- Click on the toolbar (e.g., search icon).
- Click "
Customize Toolbar...
". - Replace
option on the toolbar with thePath
option in the Drag menu.
- Add the required layouts.
- Change the "
Select next source in Input menu
" to^Space
; - Turn off the "
Select the previous input source
- Check off the "
Show Spotlight search
" option; - Check off the "
Show Finder search window
" option.
- Set "Caps Lock key" to "
No Action
" for my secondary (external) keyboard.
Uncheck every option except the "Color Filters
- Schedule > Custom
- From 19:30 to 06:00
- Color temperature ->
More warm
Sign in to your Apple ID account.
Turn on iCloud sync to add device to the Apple ID account. In the iCloud section, turn on the "Sync Passwords" option.
NOTE(#1): Mac App Store apps (from mas
sections inside Brewfile) will not be loaded/installed unless you're signed in to your Apple ID account.
First things first, install:
- Brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Activate the shell:
eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)
NOTE(#2): (brew will be accessible via brew
PATH-variable after running stow .
that will symlink the .zprofile
file that includes brew activation).
- Run the command:
brew bundle
NOTE(#3): vagrant
and vagrant-vmware-utility
casks installation will fail unless VPN is turned on.
If VSCode extensions installation fails, install only the VSCode extensions:
cat Brewfile | grep ^vscode | brew bundle --file=-
Copy the config files: run the
command from the dotfiles arrangement section instructions.
Note: first zsh launch will be unsuccessful, the error will look similarly to stat /Users/$USER/.zcompdump: stat: No such file or directory
Install Terraform:
mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins
tfenv install 1.4.1
tfenv use 1.4.1
Vagrant for arm64 macs | Habr article
VMWare license keys (for test purposes only)
wget https://download3.vmware.com/software/FUS-TP2023/VMware-Fusion-e.x.p-22068932_universal.dmg
My favorite boxes:
- Obsidian
- Yandex Music
- Giphy Capture
- TinkerTool - an application that gives you access to additional preference settings Apple has built into macOS.
- UTM - open source virtualization tool with UI
- Time Out (Mac App Store) - tool for enabling periodical auto breaks from the screen to help eyes get rest
- Amethyst - Window/Tile Manager for MacOS
- Orbstack - fast containerization solution
Brewfile is a collection of casks/formulas/taps needed to set up the system for user's demands.
brew bundle dump -f
writes current system's brew state into a file, brew bundle -v
installs the dependencies listed in the Brewfile.
cp ./fonts/nerd/UbuntuMonoNerdFont-Regular.ttf /usr/local/share/fonts/
List installed Mac App Store Apps:
mas list
Get Mac App Store installed applications without mas
CLI tool installed (run from the dotfiles repository root):
cat Brewfile | grep ^mas