The Docker configuration is used to create automated builds on Docker Hub, which are deployed to when the build completes.
Run ArchivesSpace with MySQL, external Solr and a Web Proxy. Switch to the branch you want to build:
# if you already have running containers and want to clear them out
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm
# build the local image
docker-compose build # needed whenever the branch is changed and ready to test
docker-compose up
# running specific containers
docker-compose up db solr web
docker-compose run app bash # access app terminal
To share the build image the easiest way is to create an account on Docker Hub. Next retag the image and push to the hub account:
docker tag archivesspace_app:latest $DOCKER_ID_USER/archivesspace:$TAG
docker push $DOCKER_ID_USER/archivesspace:$TAG
To download the image: docker pull example/archivesspace:awesome-updates