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python |
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print "%.4f" % f
This should also round corectly, giving 3.3466
# function
def sum_two_numbers(a, b):
return a + b
# call
x = sum_two_numbers(1,2)
print x
a placeholder pass
def somefunc():
pass #this is a null statement/placeholder
As sort of the gosub
old basic approach
def main():
# my code
def other()
def another()
def andmore()
People say yes.
# Objects are an encapsulation of variables and functions into a single entity. Objects get their variables and functions from classes. Classes are essentially a template to create your objects.
class MyClass:
variable = "blah"
def function(self):
print "This is a message inside the class."
# define object
myobjectx = MyClass() # assign the above class(template) to an object
print myobjectx.variable # the variable inside of the newly created object "myobjectx"
# another object of the same class
myobjecty = MyClass()
myobjecty.variable = "yackity" # change variable
print myobjecty.variable
phonebook = {
"John" : 938477566,
"Jack" : 938377264,
"Jill" : 947662781
# write your code here
phonebook["Jake"] = 938273443
del phonebook["Jill"]
# testing code
if "Jake" in phonebook:
print "Jake is listed in the phonebook."
if "Jill" not in phonebook:
print "Jill is not listed in the phonebook."
import urllib
# which functions are implemented in each module
# When we find the function in the module we want to use, we can read about it more using the help function, inside the Python interpreter
In this exercise, you will need to print an alphabetically sorted list of all functions in the re module, which contain the word find
import re
# Your code goes here
find_members = []
for member in dir(re):
if "find" in member:
print sorted(find_members)
find_members is a list
type of structure (something similar to array) and sorted
is a sorting thing (function).
So if i say
somelist = [9,8,7]
print sorted(somelist)
# [7, 8, 9] < should happen
Using a list comprehension, create a new list called "newlist" out of the list "numbers", which contains only the positive numbers from the list, as integers.
After quite some trouble I got this
numbers = [34.6, -203.4, 44.9, 68.3, -12.2, 44.6, 12.7]
newlist = []
for stuff in numbers:
#print stuff
stuff = int(stuff)
if stuff > 0: # this should probably be if 'stuff >= 0:'
print newlist
which does work, but the official solution is this 3 liner
numbers = [34.6, -203.4, 44.9, 68.3, -12.2, 44.6, 12.7]
newlist = [int(x) for x in numbers if x > 0] # < what is this? Yeah that is an actual 'List Comprehension'
# example
print "Result: %d" % result
The % results
part seems to be called 'string interpolation'.
v = 10
print('speed is', v, 'm/s')
print('speed is ' + str(v) + ' m/s')
print(f'speed is {v} m/s')
should all produce the same result.
var = float(input("enter the number: "))
x = var ** 2
print("result", x)
Input seems to be string, so lets convert that to float prior to math stuff.
from random import randint
i = 0
while i < 5:
var = randint(0, 1)
if var:
i = i + 1