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vim |
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Last update: 24. 8. 2024
Show help in top window or left window
help leader
vert help leader
change window focus
change ordering
apt install vim-gtk # vim-gtk3
ctrl+alt+v < should now work to paste stuff from other clipboard, or
middle-mouse-button < paste behaves differently
"+p < paste from other clipboard
"+gp < this horror should paste as well
"+yy < copy current line
"+y20 < copy this and 20 lines below
:help "+ < actually finds clipboard related help
Open multiple files in tabs:
vim -p one.txt two.txt three.txt
shortkeys in normal mode
gt < next
gT < previous
{i}gt < go to tab at position i
:e filename < opens file
:tabe filename < opens file in new tab
:qall < close all and exit
make each buffer appear in tab
:tab sball
:buffers or :ls < list buffers
:bi < jump to buffer i, where i is buffer number
:bn :bp < next, previous buffer
:Sexplore or :Sex < in horizontal split
:Vexplore < in vertical split
:Texplore < in new tab
?pattern < backward
n N < repeat
* < search for word under cursor
:%s/old/new/g < replace
:%s/old/new/gc < with confirmations
gg < goto start of file
G < goto end of file
end, home < end, start of line (also 0 and $)
i, o < insert or insert on next line
a < insert after selected char
dw < delete word
ci+brackets < delete stuff inside brackets
:w < write
:wq < write and quit
:q < quit
:q! < quit without saving
di( < delete inside ()
b < to go to beginning of current or previous word
w < to go the beginning of next word
e < to go to the end of current or next word
ge < to go the end of the previous word
# Try :h word-motions for more details and how to combine them with operations.
ggVG < select contents of entire file
U < selected text to UPPERCASE
u < selected text to lowercase
:retab < convert tabs to spaces
In insert mode start typing something and then
In insert mode
ctrl+t < insert indent at start of line
ctrl+d < remove indent at start of line
In normal mode
>> < indent line by shiftwidth spaces
<< < deindent line
3>> < indent 3 lines
In visual mode, select lines and >>
:split < horizontal
:vsplit < vertical
ctrl+w+j < move down a screen
ctrl+w+k < up
ctrl+w+h < left
ctrl+w+l < right
:only < close others
:0r !ls < insert output of ls before 0 line
:0r !head ~/bin/somescript < similar
:r < below the cursor
:$r !pwd < below the last line
Just insert head part of say previous file that will now act as a template
:r !head previous_file
ctrl+z, fg < will push vim to bg, fg in shell will bring it back
:shell or just :sh "do your shell stuff" then
insert output of the shell command to the current document
:r ! ls
One can also execute commands directly from the editor
:! python %
will run the active (must be saved) file with python interpreter.
vi and vim are the same, they are symbolic links to
vi and vim are the same on OSX as well.
brew install vim # brew update && brew upgrade # before that if needed
# should install in /usr/local/bin/vim
# do a softlink in user bin if defined and on $PATH, like
cd $HOME/bin
ln -s /usr/local/bin/vim vim # that should now call brew installed vim in the future sessions
q: a: Your problem with Vim is that you don't grok vi.