This checklist describes how to activate the Terminus contract so that projects can start using it for decentralized authorization.
export DAO_NETWORK=<desired brownie network>
export DAO_OWNER=<path to keystore file for owner account>
export DAO_OWNER_ADDRESS=$(jq -r .address $DAO_OWNER)
export GAS_PRICE="<N> gwei"
export MOONSTREAM_DIAMOND=<address of Moonstream token diamond proxy>
export TERMINUS_DIAMOND=<address of Terminus diamond proxy>
export TERMINUS_POOL_BASE_PRICE=<base price for creation of Terminus pools>
- Set pool base price:
dao terminus set-pool-base-price \
--network $DAO_NETWORK \
--sender $DAO_OWNER \
--gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
--confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS \
--new-base-price $TERMINUS_POOL_BASE_PRICE
Check pool base price:
dao terminus pool-base-price --network $DAO_NETWORK --address $TERMINUS_DIAMOND
Pool base price should be same as
Set up payment token:
dao terminus set-payment-token \
--network $DAO_NETWORK \
--sender $DAO_OWNER \
--gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
--confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS \
--new-payment-token $MOONSTREAM_DIAMOND
Check payment token:
dao terminus payment-token --network $DAO_NETWORK --address $TERMINUS_DIAMOND
Payment token should be same as