lets fucking go
Clothes can be collected, but cannot be applied
What is the problem is that the Retro Palette Shader, shd_pal_swapper
, doesn't support a GX.GAMES build
But with some tweaking, the HTML shader for sprites does the job
This was caused by the GameFrame Gamemaker Extension still being in use in the web port. Removing code that initalizes the GameFrame Extension from obj_screensizer
(Create) seems to fix it, but the remaining code should be forcfully set to a specific width and height to avoid possibly calling another GameFrame function (and to ensure specified width and height across the game).
- Also included some code from the Eggplant Build's
(just in case it was needed) - Other additions and removals that I will not specify here (just download the source code in the releases tab to see all changes within the code itself)
The game also has no sound, mainly because FMOD can't access the .bank files, as it looks into IndexedDB for the files instead of the server where the main game files come from
How I fixed this was by using D-Official's FMOD Script, so yeah, that's it
This was caused by missing parenthesis in scr_player_knightpepslopes
. I realized this when looking at an Eggplant Decomp by loypoll (same guy that made the noise update decomp used in this project), and saw the missing parenthesis. This was probably caused by an oversight within the noise update decomp itself, so I would probably be notifying loypoll about this issue so he can fix it in his decomp.
The problematic code line is Line 77 (
image_index = [ ]
Example of UNpatched code
if ispeppino
instance_create(x + (xscale * 40), y, obj_bumpeffect);
movespeed = 0;
vsp = -6;
sprite_index = spr_knightpepbump;
image_index = floorimage_number - 1;
state = states.knightpepbump;
fmod_event_one_shot_3d("event:/sfx/pep/groundpound", x, y);
Example of PATCHED code
if ispeppino
instance_create(x + (xscale * 40), y, obj_bumpeffect);
movespeed = 0;
vsp = -6;
sprite_index = spr_knightpepbump;
image_index = floor((image_number - 1));
state = states.knightpepbump;
fmod_event_one_shot_3d("event:/sfx/pep/groundpound", x, y);
This has been fixed for the most part. I say that as commands that take in extra instructions after the base commmand won't work, as the Caps Lock issue is still present, and the game still expects them to be lower case.
The Fix was to just make all the commands Upper-Case and into one Word (instead of underscores)
This was reported by @AJNurtnick (Issue #13), and has been fixed since Revision 5
loypoll ended up fixing it for me after I reported this issue to him, so easy fix on my part :)
- The problem ended up being him forgeting to provide a definition for the variable
in his decomp, which is the base for this port
But now he included it, so its fixed