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JavaScripts to provide asset selection via Media Browser in Neos Backend Modules


Install via composer:

composer require wwwision/neos-mediabrowserdialog


In the configuration of a Neos backend module, include the provided dist.js file:

            # ...
                - 'resource://Wwwision.Neos.MediaBrowserDialog/Public/dist.js'
                - 'resource://Wwwision.Neos.MediaBrowserDialog/Public/dist.css'

With that in place, the following data attributes can be added to HTML elements in the module in order to include the Neos Media Browser and/or asset preview:

Attribute Effect Allowed on elements
asset If not empty the specified asset id/s is/are used to populate preview and form fields (required) container
asset-constraints-media-types Comma separated list of allowed mediaTypes (optional) container
asset-constraints-asset-sources Comma separated list of allowed asset sources (optional) container
asset-multiple If set, multiple assets can be added (optional) container
asset-neos-uri-path Can be set if the Neos routes don't reside underneath /neos (optional) container
asset-hide-if-set Element will be hidden if an asset is selected (optional) any element within the container
asset-hide-if-missing Element will be hidden if no asset is selected (optional) any element within the container
asset-field Element value will contain the identifier of the selected field (optional) any input form field within the container, usually a hidden field
asset-preview-template Template element that will be added to the DOM, if an asset is added (optional) template element within the container
asset-preview-container Element that the asset-preview-template template will be added to, if an asset is selected (optional) any element within the container
asset-preview-label Element will contain the label of the asset, if one is selected (optional) any element within the container
asset-preview-image Element will render a preview of the asset, if one is selected (optional) any img element within the container
asset-browse Element will open the Media Browser on click (optional) any element within the container that dispatches click events
asset-replace Element will unset a previously selected asset (optional) any element within the container that dispatches click events
asset-move-up Element will move the selected asset one position up (optional, only for asset lists) any element within the container that dispatches click events
asset-move-down Element will move the selected asset one position down (optional, only for asset lists) any element within the container that dispatches click events


Simple asset selection

To render just the input field and a button to open the Media Browser:

<div data-asset>
  <input type="text" name="assetId" data-asset-field/>
  <a href="#" data-asset-browse>

Asset preview

To render a preview image and the label of a previously selected asset:

<div data-asset="{someAssetId}">
  <template data-asset-preview-template>
    <figure data-asset-hide-if-missing>
      <img style="width: 100px" data-asset-preview-image/>
      <figcaption data-asset-preview-label></figcaption>
    <span data-asset-hide-if-set>-</span>
  <div data-asset-preview-container data-asset-hide-if-missing></div>

Elements with the data-asset-hide-if-missing attribute will be hidden when no asset is selected. Elements with the data-asset-hide-if-set attribute will only be visible if no asset is selected – this allows for rendering fallbacks.

Example 01 (Single image upload, Fluid)

The following example renders a hidden field and browse button. If an asset is selected, the browse button is replaced with the label of the asset and a button to replace the asset. If the label is clicked, the Media Browser is opened allowing to inspect or replace the selected asset.

Furthermore, the Media Browser will be limited to only show documents and images of the neos and someAssetSource Asset sources (see Asset Constraints):

<div data-asset="{someAssetId}" data-asset-constraints-media-types="application/*,image/*" data-asset-constraints-asset-sources="neos,someAssetSource">
  <template data-asset-preview-template>
    <a href="#" data-asset-browse>
      <i class="fas fa-camera icon-white"></i> <span data-asset-preview-label></span>
    <a data-asset-replace href="#" class="neos-button" title="Replace asset">
      <i class="fas fa-trash icon-white"></i>
    <f:form.hidden property="someAsset" value="{someAssetId}" data="{asset-field: true}" additionalAttributes="{disabled: true}" />
  <div data-asset-preview-container data-asset-hide-if-missing></div>
  <div data-asset-hide-if-set>
    <a class="neos-button neos-button-icon" data-asset-browse>
      <i class="fas fa-camera icon-white"></i> Browse assets

Example 02 (Multiple images upload, Fluid)

The following example, renders a list of {images} as preview image. Next to every image, move buttons are shown and a delete button is shown that removes the specific asset from the list. Underneath the list, a Browse button allows to select additional images and finally the whole list can be emptied with an additional button:

<div data-asset="<f:for each='{images}' as='image'>{image.identifier},</f:for>"
  <template data-asset-preview-template>
      <h2 data-asset-preview-label></h2>
      <img data-asset-preview-image />
      <f:form.hidden name="images[]" data="{asset-field: true}" additionalAttributes="{disabled: true}" />
      <a data-asset-move-up href="#" class="neos-button" title="Move this image one position up">
        <i class="fas fa-arrow-up icon-white"></i>
      <a data-asset-move-down href="#" class="neos-button" title="Move this image one position down">
        <i class="fas fa-arrow-down icon-white"></i>
      <a data-asset-replace href="#" class="neos-button neos-button-danger" title="Remove this image">
        <i class="fas fa-eraser icon-white"></i>
  <div data-asset-preview-container data-asset-hide-if-missing></div>
  <div data-asset-hide-if-set>
    No images have been selected yet
  <div class="neos-button-group">
    <div data-asset-hide-if-missing>
      <a href="#" class="neos-button" data-asset-browse>
        <i class="fas fa-camera icon-white"></i> Add image(s)
      <a data-asset-replace href="#" class="neos-button" title="Remove all">
        <i class="fas fa-eraser icon-white"></i>
    <div data-asset-hide-if-set>
      <a class="neos-button neos-button-icon" data-asset-browse>
        <i class="fas fa-camera icon-white"></i> Add image(s)

Note: For multiple assets to be mapped correctly, you might need to explicitly allow them in the MVC controller:

class SomeController extends ActionController {

    // ...

    protected function initializeUpdateAction(): void

     * @param array<ImageInterface> $images
     * @Flow\IgnoreValidation("$images")
    public function updateAction(array $images = []): void
        // ...


The following events are dispatched on the container element (with the data-asset attribute):

Event Payload
assetChosen The asset identifier (in event.detail)
assetRemoved -


document.querySelectorAll('[data-asset]').forEach(container => {
  container.addEventListener('assetChosen', e => console.log('Asset selected: ' + e.detail));
  container.addEventListener('assetRemoved', e => console.log('Asset removed'));


The idea for this package and parts of the implementation are inspired by Alois Rietzler from brandung GmbH, thank you!


Contributions in the form of issues or pull requests are highly appreciated.
