You very likely have heard of the terms such as 'social ladder' and 'social class'. While reading a webtoon, I noticed an opportunity to classify the between-class differences in a way that describes the system of capitalism. The world of societal success can be broken down into the following:
higher ^ average but strong capital
| average but strong intellect
| average but strong physique
| average
| average but weak capital
| average but weak intellect
lower v average but weak physique
This representation is not absolute at all. This is a mere simplification of the capitalistic world we live in and abide by. Prior to the implication and further understanding of the representation, we must understand the basis of this representation.
This is not a representation of the world as a whole but rather an representation in which all members of the society are average except for the highlighted characteristics. Capital marks consumable transferable wealth. Intellect means academic acumen, social wit, and other exceptional capabilities of the mind. Physique not only means the build of a person but also the attractiveness. Those with exceptional gifts in these characteristics more likely to succeed in life. They also likely have the following occupations:
strong capital
- chairmans, directors, investors, etcstrong intellect
- judges, engineers, doctors, etcstrong physique
- celebrities, atheletes, singers, etc
The system is about power and those of whom control these power. Those with capital is almost almighty as this society accepts capital as synonymous as wealth. By the promise of transfer of wealth, those with capital are able to purchase goods and services of others to work for them including those smarter and stronger than themselves. Those with the intellect can outsmart the system for a bit, whether it is finding opportunities or loopholes, and alleviate their status until the society catches up and the playground is leveled again. Those with the physiques are put at an natural advantage as they are able to use force (strength) and are biologically admired by others (attractiveness).
However, the above explanation is not why I wrote this writing. The reason was the profoundness of the reversed ordering. Having weak capital is not as detrimental as one would expect given that having strong capital is a strong indicator for success. This is likely due to the fact that there are more out there with weak capital relative to their talent equivalent with strong capital. This goes to mean that the poorer you are, the more important intellect and physique becomes in determining your social status.
Additionally, this highlights the importance of having a minimum level of physique and intellect. Being rich means nothing if you are dead. Being rich means nothing if you cannot protect yourself from manipulations and scams.
Lastly, those who control the world control the capital. These are the governments; they have the power to influence the actions, beliefs, and behaviors of the mass. Perhaps, the saying that success in politics is the pinnacle of life has some merit after all.