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AceTime User Guide

The primary purpose of AceTime classes is to convert between an integer representing the number of seconds since the AceTime Epoch (2050-01-01T00:00:00 UTC) and the equivalent human-readable components in different timezones. The epoch year is adjustable using the Epoch::currentEpochYear(year). This sets the epoch to be {year}-01-01T00:00:00 UTC

The epoch seconds is represented by an int32_t integer (instead of an int64_t used in most modern timezone libraries) to save resources on 8-bit processors. The range of a 32-bit integer is about 132 years which allows most features of the AceTime library to work across about a 100-year interval straddling the current epoch year.

The IANA TZ database is programmatically generated into the src/zonedb and src/zonedbx subdirectory from the raw IANA TZ files. The database entries are valid from the years [2000,10000). By adjusting the currentEpochYear(), the library will work across any 100 year interval across the 8000 year range of the TZ database.

Version: 2.1.0 (2023-01-29, TZDB 2022g)

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Table of Contents


The Date, Time, and TimeZone classes provide an abstraction layer to make it easier to use and manipulate date and time fields, in different time zones. It is difficult to organize the various parts of this library in the most easily digestible way, but perhaps they can be categorized into three parts:

  • Simple Date and Time classes for converting date and time fields to and from the "epoch seconds",
  • TimeZone related classes which come in 2 forms:
    • classes that extend the simple Date and Time classes that account for time zones which can be described in a time zone database (e.g. TimeZone, ZonedDateTime, ZoneProcessor)
    • classes and types that manage the TZ Database and provide access to its data (e.g. ZoneManager, ZoneInfo, ZoneId)
  • The ZoneInfo Database generated from the IANA TZ Database that contains UTC offsets and the rules for determining when DST transitions occur for a particular time zone

Date and Time Overview

First we start with LocalDate and LocalTime classes which capture the simple date and time fields respectively. They combine together to form the LocalDateTime class which contains all date and time fields.

The TimeOffset class represents a simple shift in time, for example, +1h or -4:30 hours. It can be used to represent a UTC offset, or a DST offset. The TimeOffset class combines with the LocalDateTime class to form the OffsetDateTime classes which represents a date and time that has been shifted from UTC some offset.

Both the LocalDateTime and OffsetDateTime (and later ZonedDateTime) classes provide the toEpochSeconds() method which returns the number of seconds from an epoch date, the forEpochSeconds() method which constructs the ,ate and time fields from the epoch seconds. They also provide the forComponents() method which constructs the object from the individual (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) components.

The Epoch in AceTime defaults to 2050-01-01T00:00:00 UTC, in contrast to the Epoch in Unix which is 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC. Internally, the current time is represented as "seconds from Epoch" stored as a 32-bit signed integer (acetime_t aliased to int32_t). The smallest 32-bit signed integer (-2^31) is used to indicate an internal Error condition, so the range of valid acetime_t value is -2^31+1 to 2^31-1. Therefore, the range of dates that the acetime_t type can handle is about 132 years, and the largest date is 2118-01-20T03:14:07 UTC. (In contrast, the 32-bit Unix time_t range is 1901-12-13T20:45:52 UTC to 2038-01-19T03:14:07 UTC which is the cause of the Year 2038 Problem).

The various date classes (LocalDate, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime) store the year component internally as a signed 16-bit integer valid from year 1 to year 9999. Notice that these classes can represent all dates that can be expressed by the acetime_t type, but the reverse is not true. There are date objects that cannot be converted into a valid acetime_t value.

Most timezone related functions of the library use the int32_t epochseconds for its internal calculations, so the date range should be constrained to +/- 68 years of the current epoch. The timezone calculations require some additional buffers at the edges of the range (1-3 years), so the actual range of validity is about +/- 65 years. To be very conservative, client applications are advised to limit the date range to about 100 years, in other words, about +/- 50 years from the current epoch year. Using the default epoch year of 2050, the recommended range is [2000,2100).

TimeZone Overview

The TimeZone class a real or abstract place or region whose local time is shifted from UTC by some amount. It is combined with the OffsetDateTime class to form the ZonedDateTime class. The ZonedDateTime allows conversions to other timezones using the ZonedDateTime::convertToTimeZone() method.

The TimeZone object can be defined using the data and rules defined by the IANA TZ Database. AceTime provides 2 different algorithms to process this database:

  • BasicZoneProcessor
    • simpler and smaller, but supports only about 70% of the timezones defined by the IANA TZ Database
  • ExtendedZoneProcessor
    • bigger and more complex and handles the entire TZ database

Access to the two sets data in the ZoneInfo Database is provided by:

  • BasicZoneManager:
    • contains a registry of the basic ZoneInfo data structures
    • holds a cache of BasicZoneProcessor
  • ExtendedZoneManager:
    • contains a registry of the extended ZoneInfo data structures
    • the holds a cache of ExtendedZoneProcessor

ZoneInfo Database Overview

The official IANA TZ Database is processed and converted into an internal AceTime database that we will call the ZoneInfo Database (to distinguish it from the IANA TZ Database). The ZoneInfo Database contains statically defined C++ data structures, which each timezone in the TZ Database being represented by a ZoneInfo data structure.

Two slightly different sets of ZoneInfo entries are generated, under 2 different directories, using 2 different C++ namespaces to avoid cross-contamination:

  • zonedb/zone_infos.h
    • intended for BasicZoneProcessor or BasicZoneManager
    • 266 zones and 183 links (as of version 2021a) from the year 2000 until 10000, about 70% of the full IANA TZ Database
    • contains kZone* declarations (e.g. kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles)
    • contains kZoneId* identifiers (e.g. kZoneIdAmerica_Los_Angeles)
    • slightly smaller and slightly faster
  • zonedbx/zone_infos.h
    • intended for ExtendedZoneProcessor or ExtendedZoneManager
    • all 386 zones and 207 links (as of version 2021a) in the IANA TZ Database from the year 2000 until 10000
    • contains kZone* declarations (e.g. kZoneAfrica_Casablanca)
    • contains kZoneId* identifiers (e.g. kZoneIdAfrica_Casablanca)

The internal helper classes which are used to encode the ZoneInfo Database information are defined in the following namespaces. They are not expected to be used by application developers under normal circumstances, so these are listed here for reference:

  • ace_time::basic::ZoneContext
  • ace_time::basic::ZoneEra
  • ace_time::basic::ZoneInfo
  • ace_time::basic::ZonePolicy
  • ace_time::basic::ZoneRule
  • ace_time::extended::ZoneContext
  • ace_time::extended::ZoneInfo
  • ace_time::extended::ZoneEra
  • ace_time::extended::ZonePolicy
  • ace_time::extended::ZoneRule

The ZoneInfo entries (and their associated ZoneProcessor classes) have a resolution of 1 minute, which is sufficient to represent all UTC offsets and DST shifts of all timezones after 1972 (Africa/Monrovia seems like the last timezone to conform to a one-minute resolution on Jan 7, 1972).

It is expected that most applications using AceTime will use only a small number of timezones at the same time (1 to 4 zones have been extensively tested) and that this set is known at compile-time. The C++ compiler will include only the subset of ZoneInfo entries needed to support those timezones, instead of compiling in the entire ZoneInfo Database. But on microcontrollers with enough memory, the ZoneManager can be used to load the entire ZoneInfo Database into the app and the TimeZone objects can be dynamically created as needed.

Each timezone in the ZoneInfo Database is identified by its fully qualified zone name (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles"). On small microcontroller environments, these strings can consume precious memory (e.g. 30 bytes for "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires") and are not convenient to serialize over the network or to save to EEPROM.

The AceTime library provides each timezone with an alternative zoneId identifier of type uint32_t which is guaranteed to be unique and stable. For example, the zoneId for "America/Los_Angeles" is provided by zonedb::kZoneIdAmerica_Los_Angeles or zonedbx::kZoneIdAmerica_Los_Angele which both have the value 0xb7f7e8f2. A TimeZone object can be saved as a zoneId and then recreated using the BasicZoneManager::createForZoneId() or ExtendedZoneManager::createForZoneId() method.

Headers and Namespaces

Only a single header file AceTime.h is required to use this library. To use the AceTime classes without prepending the namespace prefixes, use the following using directive:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;

To use the Basic ZoneInfo data structures needed by BasicZoneProcessor and BasicZoneManager, you will need:

using namespace ace_time::zonedb;

To use the Extended ZoneInfo data structures needed by ExtendedZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneManager, you will need:

using namespace ace_time::zonedbx;

The following C++ namespaces are usually internal implementation details which are not normally needed by the end users:

  • ace_time::basic: for creating custom zone registries for BasicZoneManager
  • ace_time::extended: for creating custom zone registries for ExtendedZoneManager
  • ace_time::internal

Date and Time Classes

Epoch Seconds Typedef

One of the fundamental types in AceTime is the acetime_t defined as:

namespace ace_time {

typedef int32_t acetime_t;


This represents the number of seconds since the Epoch. In AceTime, the Epoch is defined by default to be 2050-01-01 00:00:00 UTC time. In contrast, the Unix Epoch is defined to be 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. Since acetime_t is a 32-bit signed integer, the largest value is 2,147,483,647. Therefore, the largest date that can be represented as an epoch seconds is 2118-01-20T03:14:07 UTC. However for various reasons, client applications are recommended to stay within a 100-year interval [2000,2100).

The acetime_t is analogous to the time_t type in the standard C library, with several major differences:

  • The time_t does not exist on all Arduino platforms.
  • Some Arduino platforms and older Unix platforms use a 32-bit int32_t to represent time_t.
  • Modern implementations (e.g. ESP8266 and ESP32) use a 64-bit int64_t to represent time_t to prevent the "Year 2038" overflow problem. Unfortunately, AceTime does use 64-bit integers internally to avoid consuming flash memory on 8-bit processors.
  • Most time_t implementations uses the Unix Epoch of 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. AceTime uses an epoch of 2050-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (by default).

It is possible to convert between a time_t and an acetime_t by adding or subtracting the number of seconds between the 2 Epoch dates. This value is given by Epoch::secondsToCurrentEpochFromUnixEpoch64() which returns an int64_t value to allow epoch years greater than 2028. If the date is within +/- 50 years of the current epoch year, then the resulting epoch seconds will fit inside a int32_t integer. Helper methods are available on various classes to avoid manual conversion between these 2 epochs: forUnixSeconds64() and toUnixSeconds64().

Adjustable Epoch

Starting with v2, the AceTime epoch is an adjustable parameter which is no longer hard coded to 2000-01-01 (v1 default) or 2050-01-01 (v2 default). There are a number of static functions on the Epoch class that support this feature:

namespace ace_time {

class Epoch {
    // Get the current epoch year.
    static int16_t currentEpochYear();

    // Set the current epoch year.
    static int16_t currentEpochYear(int16_t epochYear);

    // The number of days from the converter epoch (2000-01-01T00:00:00) to
    // the current epoch ({yyyy}-01-01T00:00:00).
    static int32_t daysToCurrentEpochFromConverterEpoch();

    // The number of days from the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00)
    // to the current epoch ({yyyy}-01-01T00:00:00).
    static int32_t daysToCurrentEpochFromUnixEpoch();

    // The number of seconds from the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00)
    // to the current epoch ({yyyy}-01-01T00:00:00).
    static int64_t secondsToCurrentEpochFromUnixEpoch64();

    // Return the lower limit year which generates valid epoch seconds for the
    // current epoch.
    static int16_t epochValidYearLower();

    // Return the upper limit year which generates valid epoch seconds for the
    // current epoch.
    static int16_t epochValidYearUpper();


Normally, the current epoch year is expected to be unchanged using the default 2050, or changed just once at the initialization phase of the application. However in rare situations, it may be necessary for the client app to call Epoch::currentEpochYear() during its runtime. When this occurs, it is important to invalidate the zone processor cache, as explained in Zone Processor Cache Invalidation.

LocalDate and LocalTime

The LocalDate and LocalTime represent date and time components, without reference to a particular time zone. They are not expected to be commonly used by the end-users, but they are available if needed. The significant parts of the class definitions are:

namespace ace_time {

class LocalTime {
    static const acetime_t kInvalidSeconds = INT32_MIN;

    static LocalTime forComponents(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute,
        uint8_t second);

    static LocalTime forSeconds(acetime_t seconds);

    bool isError() const;

    uint8_t hour() const;
    void hour(uint8_t hour);

    uint8_t minute() const;
    void minute(uint8_t month);

    uint8_t second() const;
    void second(uint8_t second);

    acetime_t toSeconds() const;

    int8_t compareTo(const LocalTime& that) const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;

class LocalDate {
    static const int16_t kInvalidYear = INT16_MIN;
    static const int16_t kMinYear = 0;
    static const int16_t kMaxYear = 10000;

    static const int32_t kInvalidEpochDays = INT32_MIN;

    static const int32_t kInvalidEpochSeconds = INT32_MIN;
    static const int64_t kInvalidUnixSeconds64 = INT64_MIN;
    static const int32_t kMinEpochSeconds = INT32_MIN + 1;
    static const int32_t kMaxEpochSeconds = INT32_MAX;

    static const uint8_t kMonday = 1;
    static const uint8_t kTuesday = 2;
    static const uint8_t kWednesday = 3;
    static const uint8_t kThursday = 4;
    static const uint8_t kFriday = 5;
    static const uint8_t kSaturday = 6;
    static const uint8_t kSunday = 7;

    static LocalDate forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day);
    static LocalDate forEpochDays(int32_t epochDays);
    static LocalDate forEpochSeconds(acetime_t epochSeconds);
    static LocalDate forUnixDays(int32_t unixDays);
    static LocalDate forUnixSeconds64(int64_t unixSeconds);

    int16_t year() const;
    void year(int16_t year);

    uint8_t month() const;
    void month(uint8_t month);

    uint8_t day() const;
    void day(uint8_t day);

    uint8_t dayOfWeek() const;
    bool isError() const;

    int32_t toEpochDays() const {
    acetime_t toEpochSeconds() const {

    int32_t toUnixDays() const {
    int64_t toUnixSeconds64() const {

    int8_t compareTo(const LocalDate& that) const {
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;


You can use them like this:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;

// LocalDate that represents 2019-05-20
auto localDate = LocalDate::forComponents(2019, 5, 20);

// LocalTime that represents 13:00:00
auto localTime = LocalTime::forComponents(13, 0, 0);

You can ask the LocalDate to determine its day of the week, which returns an integer where 1=Monday and 7=Sunday per ISO 8601:

uint8_t dayOfWeek = localDate.dayOfWeek();

Date Strings

To convert the dayOfweek() numerical code to a human-readable string for debugging or display, we can use the DateStrings class:

namespace ace_time {

class DateStrings {
    static const uint8_t kBufferSize = 10;
    static const uint8_t kShortNameLength = 3;

    const char* monthLongString(uint8_t month);
    const char* monthShortString(uint8_t month);

    const char* dayOfWeekLongString(uint8_t dayOfWeek);
    const char* dayOfWeekShortString(uint8_t dayOfWeek);


The DateStrings object uses an internal buffer to hold the generated human-readable strings. That makes this class stateful, which means that we need to handle its lifecycle carefully. The recommended usage of this object is to create an instance the stack, call one of the dayOfWeek*String() or month*String() methods, copy the resulting string somewhere else (e.g. print it to Serial), then allow the DateStrings object to go out of scope and reclaimed from the stack. The class is not meant to be created and persisted for a long period of time, unless you are sure that nothing else will reuse the internal buffer between calls.

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;

auto localDate = LocalDate::forComponents(2019, 5, 20);
uint8_t dayOfWeek = localDate.dayOfWeek();

The dayOfWeekShortString() method returns the first 3 characters of the week day (i.e. "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun").

Similarly the LocalDate::month() method returns an integer code where 1=January and 12=December. This integer code can be translated into English strings using DateStrings().monthLongString():

uint8_t month = localDate.month();

The monthShortString() method returns the first 3 characters of the month (i.e. "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec").

Caveat: The DateStrings class supports only the English language. If you need to convert to another language, you need to write the conversion class yourself, possibly by copying the implementation details of the DateStrings class.


A LocalDateTime object holds both the date and time components (year, month, day, hour, minute, second). Internally, it is implemented as a combination of LocalDate and LocalTime and supports essentially all operations on those classes. It does not support the notion of timezone.

namespace ace_time {

class LocalDateTime {
    static LocalDateTime forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month,
        uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second);
    static LocalDateTime forEpochSeconds(acetime_t epochSeconds);
    static LocalDateTime forUnixSeconds64(int64_t unixSeconds);
    static LocalDateTime forDateString(const char* dateString);

    bool isError() const;

    int16_t year() const; // 1 - 9999
    void year(int16_t year);

    uint8_t month() const; // 1 - 12
    void month(uint8_t month);

    uint8_t day() const; // 1 - 31
    void day(uint8_t day);

    uint8_t hour() const; // 0 - 23
    void hour(uint8_t hour);

    uint8_t minute() const; // 0 - 59
    void minute(uint8_t minute);

    uint8_t second() const; // 0 - 59 (no leap seconds)
    void second(uint8_t second);

    uint8_t dayOfWeek() const; // 1=Monday, 7=Sunday

    const LocalDate& localDate() const;
    const LocalTime& localTime() const;

    int32_t toEpochDays() const;
    acetime_t toEpochSeconds() const;

    int32_t toUnixDays() const;
    int64_t toUnixSeconds64() const;

    int8_t compareTo(const LocalDateTime& that) const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;


Here is a sample code that extracts the number of seconds since AceTime Epoch (2050-01-01T00:00:00 UTC) using the toEpochSeconds() method:

// 2018-08-30T06:45:01-08:00
auto localDateTime = LocalDateTime::forComponents(2018, 8, 30, 6, 45, 1);
acetime_t epoch_seconds = localDateTime.toEpochSeconds();

We can go the other way and create a LocalDateTime from the Epoch Seconds:

auto localDateTime = LocalDateTime::forEpochSeconds(1514764800L);
localDateTime.printTo(Serial); // prints "2018-01-01T00:00:00"

Both printTo() and forDateString() are expected to be used only for debugging. The printTo() prints a human-readable representation of the date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss) to the given Print object. The most common Print object is the Serial object which prints on the serial port. The forDateString() parses the ISO 8601 formatted string and returns the LocalDateTime object.


The TimePeriod class can be used to represents a difference between two XxxDateTime objects, if the difference is not too large. Internally, it is implemented as 3 unsigned uint8_t integers representing the hour, minute and second components. There is a 4th signed int8_t integer that holds the sign (-1 or +1) of the time period. The largest (or smallest) time period that can be represented by this class is +/- 255h59m59s, corresponding to +/- 921599 seconds.

namespace ace_time {

class TimePeriod {
    static const int32_t kInvalidPeriodSeconds = INT32_MIN;
    static const int32_t kMaxPeriodSeconds = 921599;

    static TimePeriod forError(int8_t sign = 0);

    explicit TimePeriod(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second,
        int8_t sign = 1);
    explicit TimePeriod(int32_t seconds = 0);

    uint8_t hour() const;
    void hour(uint8_t hour);

    uint8_t minute() const;
    void minute(uint8_t minute);

    uint8_t second() const;
    void second(uint8_t second);

    int8_t sign() const;
    void sign(int8_t sign);

    int32_t toSeconds() const;

    bool isError() const;

    int8_t compareTo(const TimePeriod& that) const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;


This class was created to show the difference between 2 dates in a human-readable format, broken down by hours, minutes and seconds. For example, we can print out a countdown to a target LocalDateTime from the current LocalDateTime like this:

LocalDateTime current = ...;
LocalDateTime target = ...;
acetime_t diffSeconds = target.toEpochSeconds() - current.toEpochSeconds();
TimePeriod timePeriod(diffSeconds);

The largest absolutely value of diffSeconds supported by this class is TimePeriod::kMaxPeriodSeconds which is 921599, which corresponds to 255h59m59s. Calling the TimePeriod(int32_t) constructor outside of the +/- 921599 range will return an object whose isError() returns true.

You can check the TimePeriod::sign() method to determine which one of the 3 cases apply. The printTo() method prints the following:

  • generic error: sign() == 0, printTo() prints <Error>
  • overflow: sign() == 1, printTo() prints <+Inf>
  • underflow: sign() == -1, printTo() prints <-Inf>

It is sometimes useful to directly create a TimePeriod object that represents an error condition. The TimePeriod::forError(int8_t sign = 0) factory method uses the sign parameter to distinguish 3 different error types described above. By default with no arguments, it create a generic error object with sign == 0.

Calling TimePeriod::toSeconds() on an error object returns TimePeriod::kInvalidPeriodSeconds regardless of the sign value. However, you can call the TimePeriod::sign() method to distinguish among the 3 different error conditions.


A TimeOffset class represents an amount of time shift from a reference point. This is usually used to represent a timezone's standard UTC offset or its DST offset in the summer. The time resolution of this class changed from 15 minutes (using a single byte int8_t implementation prior to v0.7) to 1 minute (using a 2-byte int16_t implementation since v0.7). The range of an int16_t is [-32768, +32767], but -32768 is used to indicate an error condition, so the actual range is [-32767, +32767] minutes. In practice, the range of values actually used is probably within [-48, +48] hours, or [-2880, +2800] minutes

namespace ace_time {

class TimeOffset {
    static TimeOffset forHours(int8_t hours);
    static TimeOffset forMinutes(int16_t minutes);
    static TimeOffset forHourMinute(int8_t hour, int8_t minute);

    int16_t toMinutes() const;
    int32_t toSeconds() const;
    void toHourMinute(int8_t& hour, int8_t& minute) const;

    bool isZero() const;
    bool isError() const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;


A TimeOffset can be created using the factory methods:

auto offset = TimeOffset::forHours(-8); // -08:00
auto offset = TimeOffset::forMinutes(135); // +02:15
auto offset = TimeOffset::forHourMinute(-2, -30); // -02:30

If the time offset is negative, then both the hour and minute components of forHourMinute() must be negative. (The duplication of the negative sign allows the creation of UTC-00:15, UTC-00:30 and UTC-00:45.)

A TimeOffset instance can be converted into different formats:

int32_t seconds = offset.toSeconds();
int16_t minutes = offset.toMinutes();

int8_t hour;
int8_t minute;
offset.toHourMinute(&hour, &minute);

When a method in some class (e.g. OffsetDateTime or ZonedDateTime below) returns a TimeOffset, it is useful to indicate an error condition by returning the special value created by the factory method TimeOffset::forError(). This special error marker has the property that TimeOffset::isError() returns true. Internally, this is an instance whose internal integer is -32768.

The convenience method TimeOffset::isZero() returns true if the offset has a zero offset. This is often used to determine if a timezone is currently observing Daylight Saving Time (DST).


An OffsetDateTime is an object that can represent a LocalDateTime which is offset from the UTC time zone by a fixed amount. Internally the OffsetDateTime is an aggregation of LocalDateTime and TimeOffset. Use this class for creating and writing timestamps for events which are destined for logging for example. This class does not know about Daylight Saving Time transitions.

namespace ace_time {

class OffsetDateTime {
    static OffsetDateTime forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month,
        uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second,
        TimeOffset timeOffset);
    static OffsetDateTime forEpochSeconds(acetime_t epochSeconds,
        TimeOffset timeOffset);
    static OffsetDateTime forUnixSeconds64(int64_t unixSeconds,
        TimeOffset timeOffset);
    static OffsetDateTime forDateString(const char* dateString);

    bool isError() const;

    int16_t year() const;
    void year(int16_t year);

    uint8_t month() const;
    void month(uint8_t month);

    uint8_t day() const;
    void day(uint8_t day);

    uint8_t hour() const;
    void hour(uint8_t hour);

    uint8_t minute() const;
    void minute(uint8_t minute);

    uint8_t second() const;
    void second(uint8_t second);

    uint8_t dayOfWeek() const;
    const LocalDate& localDate() const;

    const LocalTime& localTime() const;
    TimeOffset timeOffset() const;

    void timeOffset(TimeOffset timeOffset);
    OffsetDateTime convertToTimeOffset(TimeOffset timeOffset) const;

    int32_t toEpochDays() const;
    acetime_t toEpochSeconds() const;

    int32_t toUnixDays() const;
    int64_t toUnixSeconds64() const;

    int8_t compareTo(const OffsetDateTime& that) const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;


We can create the object using the forComponents() method:

// 2018-01-01 00:00:00+00:15
auto offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime::forComponents(
    2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeOffset::forHourMinute(0, 15));
int32_t epochDays = offsetDateTime.toEpochDays();
acetime_t epochSeconds = offsetDateTime.toEpochSeconds();

offsetDateTime.printTo(Serial); // prints "2018-01-01 00:00:00+00:15"
Serial.println(epochDays); // prints 6574
Serial.println(epochSeconds); // prints 568079100

We can create an OffsetDateTime object from the seconds from Epoch using the forEpochSeconds() method:

auto offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds(
    568079100, TimeOffset::forHourMinute(0, 15));

Both printTo() and forDateString() are expected to be used only for debugging. The printTo() prints a human-readable representation of the date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+/-hh:mm) to the given Print object. The most common Print object is the Serial object which prints on the serial port. The forDateString() parses the ISO 8601 formatted string and returns the OffsetDateTime object.

TimeZone Related Classes

These classes build upon the simpler classes described above to provide functionality related to time zones. These classes bridge the gap between the information encoded in the ZoneInfo Database for the various time zones and the expected date and time fields appropriate for those time zones.


A "time zone" is often used colloquially to mean 2 different things:

  • An offset from the UTC time by a fixed amount, or
  • A geographical or political region whose local time is offset from the UTC time using various transition rules.

Both meanings of "time zone" are supported by the TimeZone class using 3 different types as defined by the value of getType():

  • TimeZone::kTypeManual (1): a fixed base offset and optional DST offset from UTC
  • BasicZoneProcessor::kTypeBasic (3): utilizes a BasicZoneProcessor which can be encoded with (relatively) simple rules from the ZoneInfo Database
  • ExtendedZoneProcessor::kTypeExtended (4): utilizes a ExtendedZoneProcessor which can handle all zones and links in the ZoneInfo Database

The class hierarchy of TimeZone is shown below, where the arrow means "is-subclass-of" and the diamond-line means "is-aggregation-of". This is an internal implementation detail of the TimeZone class that the application developer will not normally need to be aware of all the time, but maybe this helps make better sense of the usage of the TimeZone class. A TimeZone can hold a reference to:

  • nothing (kTypeManual),
  • one BasicZoneProcessor object, (kTypeBasic), or
  • one ExtendedZoneProcessor object (kTypeExtended)
TimeZone <>-------- ZoneProcessor
                   |           |
    BasicZoneProcessor       ExtendedZoneProcessor

Here is the class declaration of TimeZone:

namespace ace_time {

class TimeZone {
    static const uint8_t kTypeError = 0;
    static const uint8_t kTypeManual = 1;
    static const uint8_t kTypeReserved = 2;

    static TimeZone forTimeOffset(
        TimeOffset stdOffset,
        TimeOffset dstOffset = TimeOffset());

    static TimeZone forHours(int8_t stdHours, int8_t dstHours = 0);
    static TimeZone forMinutes(int8_t stdMinutes, int8_t dstMinutes = 0);

    static TimeZone forHourMinute(
        int8_t stdHour,
        int8_t stdMinute,
        int8_t dstHour = 0,
        int8_t dstMinute = 0);

    static TimeZone forZoneInfo(
        const basic::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo,
        BasicZoneProcessor* zoneProcessor);

    static TimeZone forZoneInfo(
        const extended::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo,
        ExtendedZoneProcessor* zoneProcessor);

    static TimeZone forUtc();

    TimeZone(); // same as forUtc()
    bool isError() const;

    uint8_t getType() const;
    uint32_t getZoneId() const;

    OffsetDateTime getOffsetDateTime(const LocalDateTime& ldt) const;
    OffsetDateTime getOffsetDateTime(acetime_t epochSeconds) const;

    ZonedExtra getZonedExtra(const LocalDateTime& ldt) const;
    ZonedExtra getZonedExtra(acetime_t epochSeconds) const;

    // for kTypeManual only
    TimeOffset getStdOffset() const;
    TimeOffset getDstOffset() const;
    void setStdOffset(TimeOffset stdOffset);
    void setDstOffset(TimeOffset offset);
    bool isUtc() const;
    bool isDst() const;

    TimeZoneData toTimeZoneData() const;

    void printTo(Print& printer) const;
    void printShortTo(Print& printer) const;


The following methods apply only to instances of the type kTypeManual:

  • forUtc()
    • create a TimeZone instance for UTC+00:00
  • forTimeOffset(stdOffset, dstOffset)
    • create a TimeZone instance using TimeOffset
  • forHours(stdHours, dstHours)
    • create a TimeZone instance using hours offset
  • forMinutes(stdMinutes, dstMinutes)
    • create a TimeZone instance using minutes offset
  • isUtc():
    • returns true if the instance is a UTC time zone instance
    • returns false if not kTypeManual
  • isDst():
    • returns true if the dstOffset is not zero
    • returns false if not kTypeManual
  • setSdtOffset(TimeOffset), setDstOffset(TimeOffset):
    • modify the std and dst offsets of the instance
    • does nothing if not kTypeManual

The following methods apply to a kTypeBasic or kTypeExtended:

  • forZoneInfo(zoneInfo, zoneProcessor)
    • Create an instance of from the given ZoneInfo* pointer (e.g. basic::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles, or extended::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles)
  • getZoneId()
    • Returns a uint32_t integer which is a unique and stable identifier for the IANA timezone. The zoneId identifier can be used to save and restore the TimeZone. See the ZoneManager subsection below.

The following methods apply to any type of TimeZone:

  • getOffsetDateTime(localDateTime)
    • Returns the best guess of the OffsetDateTime at the given local date time. This method is used by ZonedDateTime::forComponents() and is exposed mostly for debugging.
    • The fold parameter of the localDateTime will be used by the ExtendedZoneProcessor to disambiguate date-time in the gap or overlap selecting the first (0) or second (1) transition line.
    • The BasicZoneProcessor does not support the fold parameter so will ignore it.
  • getOffsetDateTime(epochSeconds)
    • Returns the OffsetDateTime that matches the given epochSeconds.
    • The OffsetDateTime::fold parameter indicates whether the date-time occurred the first time (0), or the second time (1)
  • getZonedExtra(localDateTime)
    • Returns the ZonedExtra instance at the given localDateTime.
    • ZonedExtra contains additional information about the timezone, such as the ZonedExtra::stdOffset(), ZonedExtra::dstOffset(), and the ZonedExtra::abbrev()
    • It may be more convenient to use the ZonedExtra::forLocalDateTime() factory method instead. See ZonedExtra section below.
  • getZonedExtra(epochSeconds)
    • Returns the ZonedExtra instance at the given epochSeconds.
    • It may be more convenient to use the ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds() factory method instead. See ZonedExtra section below.
  • printTo()
    • Prints the fully-qualified unique name for the time zone. For example, "UTC", "-08:00", "-08:00(DST)", "America/Los_Angeles".
  • printShortTo()
    • Similar to printTo() except that it prints the last component of the IANA TZ Database zone names.
    • In other words, "America/Los_Angeles" is printed as "Los_Angeles". This is helpful for printing on small width OLED displays.

Manual TimeZone (kTypeManual)

The default constructor creates a TimeZone in UTC time zone with no offset. This is also identical to the forUtc() method:

TimeZone tz; // UTC+00:00
auto tz = TimeZone::forUtc(); // identical to above

To create TimeZone instances with other offsets, use the forTimeOffset() factory method, or starting with v1.4, use the forHours(), forMinutes() and forHourMinute() convenience methods:

// UTC-08:00, no DST shift
auto tz = TimeZone::forTimeOffset(TimeOffset::forHours(-8));
auto tz = TimeZone::forHours(-8); // identical to above

// UTC-04:30, no DST shift
auto tz = TimeZone::forTimeOffset(TimeOffset::forHourMinute(-4, -30));
auto tz = TimeZone::forHourMinute(-4, -30); // identical to above

// UTC-03:30 with a 01:00 DST shift, so effectively UTC-02:30
auto tz = TimeZone::forTimeOffset(
    TimeOffset::forHourMinute(-3, -30),
    TimeOffset::forHourMinute(1, 0));
auto tz = TimeZone::forHourMinute(-3, -30, 1, 0); // identical to above

The TimeZone::isUtc(), TimeZone::isDst() and TimeZone::setDst(bool) methods work only if the TimeZone is a kTypeManual.

The setDstOffset() takes a TimeOffset as the argument instead of a simple bool because there are a handful of rare zones (e.g. Europe/Dublin, I think there is one other) which use a negative offset in the winter, instead of adding a positive offset in the summer.

The setStdOffset() allows the base time offset to be changed, but this method is not expected to be used often.

Basic TimeZone (kTypeBasic)

This TimeZone is created using two objects:

  • the basic::ZoneInfo data objects contained in zonedb/zone_infos.h
  • an external instance of BasicZoneProcessor needed for calculating zone transitions
BasicZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

The ZoneInfo entries were generated by a script using the IANA TZ Database. This header file is already included in <AceTime.h> so you don't have to explicitly include it. As of version 2021a of the database, it contains 266 Zone and 183 Link entries and whose time change rules are simple enough to be supported by BasicZoneProcessor. The bottom of the zone_infos.h header file lists 117 zones whose zone rules are too complicated for BasicZoneProcessor.

The zone names are normalized so that the ZoneInfo variable is a valid C++ name:

  • a + (plus) character in the zone name is replaced with _PLUS_ to avoid conflict with a - (minus) character (e.g. GMT+0 becomes GMT_PLUS_0)
  • any remaining non-alphanumeric character (0-9a-zA-Z_) are replaced with an underscore (_) (e.g. GMT-0 becomes GMT_0)

Some examples of ZoneInfo entries supported by zonedb are:

  • zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles (America/Los_Angeles)
  • zonedb::kZoneAmerica_New_York (America/New_York)
  • zonedb::kZoneAustralia_Darwin (Australia/Darwin)
  • zonedb::kZoneEurope_London (Europe/London)
  • zonedb::kZoneGMT_PLUS_10 (GMT+10)
  • zonedb::kZoneGMT_10 (GMT-10)

The following example creates a TimeZone which describes America/Los_Angeles. A TimeZone instance is normally expected to be just passed into a ZonedDateTime object through a factory method, but there are a few ways that a TimeZone object can be used directly. See the ZonedExtra section below for more information:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;

BasicZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

  // 2018-03-11T01:59:59-08:00 was still in STD time
    auto dt = OffsetDateTime::forComponents(2018, 3, 11, 1, 59, 59,
    acetime_t epochSeconds = dt.toEpochSeconds();
    ZonedExtra ze = tz.getZonedExtra(epochSeconds);
    TimeOffset offset = ze.timeOffset(); // returns -08:00

  // one second later, 2018-03-11T02:00:00-08:00 was in DST time
    auto dt = OffsetDateTime::forComponents(2018, 3, 11, 2, 0, 0,
    acetime_t epochSeconds = dt.toEpochSeconds();
    ZonedExtra ze = tz.getZonedExtra(epochSeconds);
    TimeOffset offset = ze.timeOffset(); // returns -07:00

Extended TimeZone (kTypeExtended)

This TimeZone is created using two objects:

  • the extended::ZoneInfo data objects contained in zonedbx/zone_infos.h
  • an external instance of ExtendedZoneProcessor needed for calculating zone transitions
ExtendedZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

(Notice that we use the zonedbx:: namespace instead of the zonedb:: namespace. Although the data structures in the 2 namespaces are identical currently (v1.2) but the values inside the data structure fields are not the same, and they are interpreted differently.)

As of version 2021a of the IANA TZ Database, all 386 Zone and 207 Link entries from the following TZ files are supported: africa, antarctica, asia, australasia, backward, etcetera, europe, northamerica, southamerica. There are 3 files which are not processed (backzone, systemv, factory) because they don't seem to contain anything useful.

The zone infos which can be used by ExtendedZoneProcessor are in the zonedbx:: namespace instead of the zonedb:: namespace. Some examples of the zone infos which exists in zonedbx:: but not in zonedb:: are:

  • zonedbx::kZoneAfrica_Casablanca
  • zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Argentina_San_Luis
  • zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Indiana_Petersburg
  • zonedbx::kZoneAsia_Hebron
  • zonedbx::kZoneEurope_Moscow

The following example creates a TimeZone which describes America/Los_Angeles. A TimeZone instance is normally expected to be just passed into a ZonedDateTime object through a factory method, but there are a few ways that a TimeZone object can be used directly. See the ZonedExtra section below for more information:

ExtendedZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;

void someFunction() {
  TimeZone tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

  // 2018-03-11T01:59:59-08:00 was still in STD time
    auto dt = OffsetDateTime::forComponents(2018, 3, 11, 1, 59, 59,
    acetime_t epochSeconds = dt.toEpochSeconds();
    ZonedExtra ze = tz.getZonedExtra(epochSeconds);
    TimeOffset offset = ze.timeOffset(); // returns -08:00

  // one second later, 2018-03-11T02:00:00-08:00 was in DST time
    auto dt = OffsetDateTime::forComponents(2018, 3, 11, 2, 0, 0,
    acetime_t epochSeconds = dt.toEpochSeconds();
    ZonedExtra ze = tz.getZonedExtra(epochSeconds);
    TimeOffset offset = ze.timeOffset(); // returns -07:00

TimeZone Type Recommendations

There are 3 major types of TimeZone objects:

  • kTypeManual: STD and DST offsets are fixed
  • kTypeBasic: uses BasicZoneProcessor
  • kTypeExtended: uses ExtendedZoneProcessor

The kTypeManual was added mostly for completeness and for testing purposes. I do not expect most applications to use the kTypeManual, because the primary purpose of the AceTime library to provide access to the timezones defined by the IANA TZ database, and the kTypeManual timezone does not provide that functionality.

The advantage of ExtendedZoneProcessor over BasicZoneProcessor is that ExtendedZoneProcessor will always support all time zones and links in the IANA TZ Database. The BasicZoneProcessor supports only a limited subset of zones which have certain simplifying properties. It is not uncommon for zones that used to be supported by BasicZoneProcessor to change its DST rules in a subsequent TZ DB release and becomes incompatible with the BasicZoneProcessor. The ExtendedZoneProcessor does not have this problem.

The ExtendedZoneProcessor is also more accurate than BasicZoneProcessor during DST gaps when using the forComponents() factory methods, because the zonedbx:: entries contain transition information which are missing in the zonedb:: entries due to space constraints. The ExtendedZoneProcessor provides complete control which LocalDateTime is selected during a gap or overlap using the fold parameter. The BasicZoneProcessor ignores the fold parameter and makes educated guesses when the LocalDateTime falls in a gap or an overlap.

The biggest difference between BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneProcessor is the amount of flash and static memory consumed. The ExtendedZoneProcessor consumes 4 times more static memory than BasicZoneProcessor and is a bit slower. For most 32-bit processors, this will not be an issue, so the ExtendedZoneProcessor is recommended. For 8-bit processors, the BasicZoneProcessor consumes a lot less resources, so if your timezone is supported, then it may be the appropriate choice. In most cases, I think the ExtendedZoneProcessor should be preferred unless memory resources are so constrained that BasicZoneProcessor must be used.

Instead of managing the BasicZoneProcessor or ExtendedZoneProcessor manually, you can use the ZoneManager to manage a database of ZoneInfo entries, and a cache of multiple ZoneProcessors, and bind the TimeZone to its ZoneInfo and its ZoneProcessor more dynamically through the ZoneManager. See the section ZoneManager below for more information.


A ZonedDateTime is an OffsetDateTime associated with a given TimeZone. All internal types of TimeZone are supported, the ZonedDateTime class itself does not care which one is used. You should use the ZonedDateTime when interacting with human beings, who are aware of timezones and DST transitions. It can also be used to convert time from one timezone to anther timezone.

ZonedDateTime Declaration

namespace ace_time {

class ZonedDateTime {
    static const acetime_t kInvalidEpochSeconds = LocalTime::kInvalidSeconds;

    static ZonedDateTime forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day,
        uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second, const TimeZone& timeZone);
    static ZonedDateTime forEpochSeconds(acetime_t epochSeconds,
        const TimeZone& timeZone);
    static ZonedDateTime forUnixSeconds64(int64_t unixSeconds,
        const TimeZone& timeZone);
    static ZonedDateTime forDateString(const char* dateString);

    explicit ZonedDateTime();

    bool isError() const;

    int16_t year() const;
    void year(int16_t year);

    uint8_t month() const;
    void month(uint8_t month);

    uint8_t day() const;
    void day(uint8_t day);

    uint8_t hour() const;
    void hour(uint8_t hour);

    uint8_t minute() const;
    void minute(uint8_t minute);

    uint8_t second() const;
    void second(uint8_t second);

    uint8_t dayOfWeek() const;

    TimeOffset timeOffset() const;
    const TimeZone& timeZone() const;

    ZonedDateTime convertToTimeZone(const TimeZone& timeZone) const;

    int32_t toEpochDays() const;
    acetime_t toEpochSeconds() const;

    int32_t toUnixDays() const;
    int64_t toUnixSeconds64() const;

    int8_t compareTo(const ZonedDateTime& that) const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;



ZonedDateTime Creation

There are 2 main factory methods for constructing this object:

  • ZonedDateTime::forComponents()
  • ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds()

Here is an example of how these can be used:

ExtendedZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(

  // Create instance for 2018-01-01T00:00:00-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]
  // using forComponents().
  auto zdt = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tz);
  acetime_t epochSeconds = zdt.toEpochSeconds();
  Serial.println(epochSeconds); // prints 568108800

  // Create an instance one day later using forEpochSeconds()
  acetime_t oneDayAfterSeconds = epochSeconds + 86400;
  auto zdtPlus1d = ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(oneDayAfterSeconds, tz);

  // Should print "2018-01-01T00:00:00-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]"

  // Should print "2018-01-02T00:00:00-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]"

The printTo() prints a human-readable representation of the date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+/-hh:mm) to the given Print object. The most common Print object is the Serial object which prints on the serial port. The forDateString() parses the ISO 8601 formatted string and returns the ZonedDateTime object.

The third factory method, ZonedDateTime::forDateString(), converts a human-readable ISO 8601 date format into an instance of a ZonedDateTime. However, this is intended to be used only for debugging so its functionality is limited as follows.

Caveat: The parser for forDateString() looks only at the UTC offset. It does not recognize the IANA TZ Database identifier (e.g. [America/Los_Angeles]). To handle the time zone identifier correctly, the library needs to load the entire TZ Database into memory and use the ZoneManager to manage the BasicZoneProcessor or ExtendedZoneProcessor objects dynamically. But the dataset is too large to fit on most AVR microcontrollers with only 32kB of flash memory, so we currently do not support this dynamic lookup. The ZonedDateTime::timeZone() will return Manual TimeZone whose TimeZone::getType() returns TimeZone::kTypeManual.

Conversion to Other Time Zones

You can convert a given ZonedDateTime object into a representation in a different time zone using the DateTime::convertToTimeZone() method:

static BasicZoneProcessor processorLosAngeles;
static BasicZoneProcessor processorZurich;

void someFunction() {
  auto tzLosAngeles = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(
      &zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles, &processorLosAngeles);
  auto tzZurich = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(
      &zonedb::kZoneEurope_Zurich, &processorZurich);

  // Europe/Zurich, 2018-01-01T09:20:00+01:00
  auto zurichTime = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(
      2018, 1, 1, 9, 20, 0, tzZurich);

  // Convert to America/Los_Angeles, 2018-01-01T01:20:00-08:00
  auto losAngelesTime = zurichTime.convertToTimeZone(tzLosAngeles);

The two ZonedDateTime objects will return the same value for epochSeconds() because that is not affected by the time zone. However, the various date time components (year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds) will be different.

DST Transition Caching

The conversion from an epochSeconds to date-time components using ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds() is an expensive operation that requires the computation of the relevant DST transitions for the given epochSeconds or date-time components. To improve performance, the BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneProcessor implement internal transition caching based on the year component. This optimizes the most commonly expected use case where the epochSeconds is incremented by a clock (e.g. SystemClock) every second, and is converted to human-readable date-time components once a second. According to AutoBenchmark, the cache improves performance by a factor of 2-3X (8-bit AVR) to 10-20X (32-bit processors) on consecutive calls to forEpochSeconds() with the same year.


The most important feature of the AceTime library is the conversion from epochSeconds to ZonedDateTime and vise versa. The ZonedDateTime object contains the most common parameters that is expected to be needed by the user, the Gregorian date components (provided by LocalDateTime) and the total UTC offset at the specific instance (provided by ZonedDateTime::timeOffset()).

To keep memory size of the ZonedDateTime class reasonable, it does not contain some of the less common information that the end-user may wish to know. The extra time zone parameters are contained in the ZonedExtra class, which look like this:

namespace ace_time {

class ZonedExtra {
    static const uint8_t kTypeNotFound = 0;
    static const uint8_t kTypeExact = 1;
    static const uint8_t kTypeGap = 2;
    static const uint8_t kTypeOverlap = 3;

    static ZonedExtra forError();
    static ZonedExtra forEpochSeconds(
        acetime_t epochSeconds, const TimeZone& tz);
    static ZonedExtra forLocalDateTime(
        const LocalDateTime& ldt, const TimeZone& tz);

    explicit ZonedExtra() {}
    explicit ZonedExtra(
        uint8_t type,
        int16_t stdOffsetMinutes,
        int16_t dstOffsetMinutes,
        int16_t reqStdOffsetMinutes,
        int16_t reqDstOffsetMinutes,
        const char* abbrev);

    bool isError() const {
    uint8_t type() const { return mType; }

    TimeOffset stdOffset() const;
    TimeOffset dstOffset() const;
    TimeOffset reqStdOffset() const;
    TimeOffset reqDstOffset() const;
    const char* abbrev() const;


The ZonedExtra instance is usually created through the 2 static factory methods on the ZonedExtra class:

  • ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(epochSeconds, tz)
  • ZonedExtra::forLocalDateTime(ldt, tz)

Often the ZonedDateTime will be created first from the epochSeconds, then the ZonedExtra will be created to access additional information about the time zone at that particular epochSeconds (e.g. abbreviation):

ExtendedZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;
TimeZone tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(
acetime_t epochSeconds = ...;
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(epochSeconds, tz);
ZonedExtra ze = ZonedExtra::forEpochSeconds(epochSeconds, tz);

The ZonedExtra::type() parameter identifies whether the given time instant corresponded to a DST gap, or a DST overlap, or an exact match with no duplicates.

The ZonedExtra::stdOffset() is the standard offset of the timezone at the given time instant. For example, for America/Los_Angeles this will return -08:00 (unless the standard offset is changed through something like a "permanent DST").

The ZonedExtra::dstOffset() is the DST offset that pertains to the given time instant. For example, for America/Los_Angeles this will return 01:00 during summer DST, and 00:00 during normal times.

Note that the total UTC offset corresponding to ZonedDateTime::timeOffset() is equal to stdOffset() + dstOffset().

The ZonedExtra::abbrev() is the short abbreviation that is in effect at the given time instant. For example, for America/Los_Angeles, this returns "PST" or "PDT'. The abbreviation is copied into a small char buffer inside the ZonedExtra object, so the pointer returned by abbrev() is safe to use during the life of the ZonedExtra object.

The ZonedExtra::reqStdOffset() and ZonedExtra::reqDstOffset() are relevant and different from the corresponding stdOffset() and dstOffset() only if the type() is kTypeGap. This occurs only if the getZonedExtra(LocalDateTime&) overloaded version is used. Following the algorithm described in Python PEP 495, the provided localDateTime is imaginary during a gap so must be mapped to a real local time using the LocalDateTime::fold parameter. When fold=0, the transition line before the gap is extended forward until it hits the given LocalDateTime. When fold=1, the transition line after the gap is extended backwards until it hits the given LocalDateTime. The reqStdOffset() and reqDstOffset() are then derived from the transition line that is used to convert the provided LocalDateTime instance to epochSeconds. The epochSeconds is then normalized by converting it back to LocalDateTime using the stdOffset() and dstOffset() which matches the epochSeconds.

The isError() method returns true if the given LocalDateTime or epochSeconds represents an error condition.


The TimeZone::forZoneInfo() methods are simple to use but have the disadvantage that the BasicZoneProcessor or ExtendedZoneProcessor needs to be created manually for each TimeZone instance. This works well for a single time zone, but if you have an application that needs 3 or more time zones, this can become cumbersome. Also, it is difficult to reconstruct a TimeZone dynamically, say, from its fully qualified name (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles").

The ZoneManager solves these problems by implementing 2 features:

  1. It supports a registry of ZoneInfo objects, so that a TimeZone can be created using its zoneName string, zoneInfo pointer, or zoneId integer.
  2. It supports the use of cache of ZoneProcessors that can be mapped to a particular zone as needed.

Class Hierarchy

Three implementations of the ZoneManager are provided. Prior to v1.9, they were organized into a hierarchy with a top-level ZoneManager interface with pure virtual functions. However, in v1.9, the top-level ZoneManager interface was removed and all functions became nonvirtual. This saves about 1100-1200 bytes of flash on AVR processors.

namespace ace_time{

class BasicZoneManager {
        uint16_t registrySize,
        const basic::ZoneInfo* const* zoneRegistry,
        BasicZoneProcessorCacheBase& zoneProcessorCache

    uint16_t zoneRegistrySize() const;

    TimeZone createForZoneName(const char* name);
    TimeZone createForZoneId(uint32_t id);
    TimeZone createForZoneIndex(uint16_t index);
    TimeZone createForTimeZoneData(const TimeZoneData& d);
    TimeZone createForZoneInfo(const basic::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo);

    uint16_t indexForZoneName(const char* name) const;
    uint16_t indexForZoneId(uint32_t id) const;

    BasicZoneProcessor* getZoneProcessor(const char* name);
    BasicZone getZoneForIndex(uint16_t index) const;

class ExtendedZoneManager {
        uint16_t registrySize,
        const extended::ZoneInfo* const* zoneRegistry,
        BasicZoneProcessorCacheBase& zoneProcessorCache

    uint16_t zoneRegistrySize() const;

    TimeZone createForZoneInfo(const extended::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo);
    TimeZone createForZoneId(uint32_t id);
    TimeZone createForZoneIndex(uint16_t index);
    TimeZone createForTimeZoneData(const TimeZoneData& d);
    TimeZone createForZoneInfo(const extended::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo);

    uint16_t indexForZoneName(const char* name) const;
    uint16_t indexForZoneId(uint32_t id) const;

    ExtendedZoneProcessor* getZoneProcessor(const char* name);
    ExtendedZone getZoneForIndex(uint16_t index) const;

class ManualZoneManager {
    uint16_t zoneRegistrySize() const;

    TimeZone createForTimeZoneData(const TimeZoneData& d);


Default Registries

The constructors for BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager take a zoneRegistry and its zoneRegistrySize, and optionally the linkRegistry and linkRegistrySize parameters. The AceTime library comes with a set of pre-defined default Zone and Link registries which are defined by the following header files. These header files are automatically included in the <AceTime.h> header:


The BasicZoneManager and the ExtendedZoneManager classes need to be given an instance of a BasicZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> or ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> object.

BasicZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> basicZoneProcessorCache;
ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> extendedZoneProcessorCache;

These used to be defined internally inside the BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager classes. But when they were refactored to be non-polymorphic to save flash memory, it was easier to extract the ZoneProcessorCache objects into separate classes to be passed into the ZoneManager classes.

The CACHE_SIZE template parameter is an integer that specifies the size of the internal cache. This should be set to the number of time zones that your application is expected to use at the same time. If your app never changes its time zone after initialization, then this can be <1> (although in this case, you may not even want to use the ZoneManager). If your app allows the user to dynamically change the time zone (e.g. from a menu of time zones), then this should be at least <2> (to allow the system to compare the old time zone to the new time zone selected by the user). In general, the CACHE_SIZE should be set to the number of timezones displayed to the user concurrently, plus an additional 1 if the user is able to change the timezone dynamically.

ZoneManager Creation

If you decide to use the default registries, there are 4 possible configurations of the ZoneManager constructors as shown below. The following also shows the number of zones and links supported by each configuration, as well as the flash memory consumption of each configuration, as determined by MemoryBenchmark. These numbers are correct as of v1.6 with TZDB version 2021a:

static const uint8_t CACHE_SIZE = 2; // tuned for application

BasicZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> basicZoneProcessorCache;
ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> extendedZoneProcessorCache;

// BasicZoneManager, Zones and Links
// 266 zones, 183 links
// 25.7 kB (8-bits)
// 33.2 kB (32-bits)
BasicZoneManager zoneManager(

// ExtendedZoneManager, Zones and Fat Links
// 386 Zones, 207 fat Links
// 38.2 kB (8-bits)
// 48.7 kB (32-bits)
ExtendedZoneManager zoneManager(

Once the ZoneManager is configured with the appropriate registries, you can use one of the createForXxx() methods to create a TimeZone as shown in the subsections below.

It is possible to create your own custom Zone and Link registries. See the Custom Zone Registry subsection below.


The ZoneManager allows creation of a TimeZone using the fully qualified zone name:

ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> zoneProcessorCache;
ExtendedZoneManager zoneManager(

void someFunction() {
  TimeZone tz = zoneManager.createForZoneName("America/Los_Angeles");
  if (tz.isError()) {
    // handle error

Of course, you probably wouldn't actually do this because the same functionality could be done more efficiently using the createForZoneInfo() like this:

ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> zoneProcessorCache;
ExtendedZoneManager zoneManager(

void someFunction() {
  TimeZone tz = zoneManager.createForZoneInfo(zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles);

I think the only time the createForZoneName() might be useful is if the user was allowed to type in the zone name, and you wanted to create a TimeZone from the string typed in by the user.


Each zone in the zonedb:: and zonedbx:: database is given a unique and stable zoneId. There are at least 3 ways to extract this zoneId:

  • the kZoneId{zone name} constants in src/ace_time/zonedb/zone_infos.h and src/ace_time/zonedbx/zone_infos.h:
    • const uint32_t kZoneIdAmerica_New_York = 0x1e2a7654; // America/New_York
    • const uint32_t kZoneIdAmerica_Los_Angeles = 0xb7f7e8f2; // America/Los_Angeles
    • ...
  • the TimeZone::getZoneId() method:
    • uint32_t zoneId = tz.getZoneId();
  • the ZoneInfo pointer using the BasicZone() helper object:
    • uint32_t zoneId = BasicZone(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles).zoneId();
    • uint32_t zoneId = ExtendedZone(&zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles).zoneId();

The ZoneManager::createForZoneId() method returns the TimeZone object corresponding to the given zoneId:

ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> zoneProcessorCache;
ExtendedZoneManager zoneManager(

void someFunction() {
  TimeZone tz = zoneManager.createForZoneId(kZoneIdAmerica_New_York);
  if (tz.isError() {
    // handle error

If the ZoneManager cannot find the zoneId in its internal zone registry, then the TimeZone::forError() is returned. The application developer should check for this, and substitute a reasonable default TimeZone when this happens. This situation is not unique to the zoneId. The same problem would occur if the fully qualified zone name was used.

The ZoneId is created using a hash of the fully qualified zone name. It is guaranteed to be unique and stable by the tool that generated the zonedb:: and zonedbx:: data sets. By "unique", I mean that no 2 time zones will have the same zoneId. By "stable", it means that once a zoneId has been assigned to a fully qualified zone name, it will remain unchanged forever in the database.

The zoneId has an obvious advantage over the fully qualified zoneName for storage purposes. It is far easier to save a 4-byte zoneId (e.g. 0xb7f7e8f2) rather than a variable length string (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles"). Since the zoneId is derived from just the zoneName, a TimeZone created by the BasicZoneManager has the same zoneId as one created using the ExtendedZoneManager if it has the same name. This means that a TimeZone can be saved using a BasicZoneManager but recreated using an ExtendedZoneManager. I am not able to see how this could be an issue, but let me know if you find this to be a problem.

Another useful feature of ZoneManager::createForZoneId() over createForZoneInfo() is that createForZoneId() lives at the root ZoneManager interface. In contrast, there are 2 different versions of createForZoneInfo() which live in the corresponding implementation classes (BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager) because each version needs a different ZoneInfo type (basic::ZoneInfo and extended::ZoneInfo). If your code has a reference or pointer to the top-level ZoneManager interface, then it will be far easier to create a TimeZone using createForZoneId(). You do pay a penalty in efficiency because createForZoneId() must scan the database, where as createForZoneInfo() does not perform a search since it has direct access to the ZoneInfo data structure.


The ZoneManager::createForZoneIndex() creates a TimeZone from its integer index into the Zone registry, from 0 to registrySize - 1. This is useful when you want to show the user with a menu of zones from the ZoneManager and allow the user to select one of the options.

The ZoneManager::indexForZoneName() and ZoneManager::indexForZoneId() are two useful methods to convert an arbitrary time zone reference (either by zoneName or zoneId) into an index into the registry.


The ZoneManager::createForTimeZoneDAta() creates a TimeZone from an instance of TimeZoneData. The TimeZoneData can be retrieved from TimeZone::toTimeZoneData() method. It contains the minimum set of identifiers of a TimeZone object in a format that can be serialized easily, for example, to EEPROM.


The ManualZoneManager is a type of ZoneManager that implements only the createForTimeZoneData() method, and handles only TimeZoneData::kTypeManual. In other words, it can only create TimeZone objects with fixed standard and DST offsets.

This class reduces the amount of conditional code (using #if statements) needed in applications which are normally targeted to use BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager, but are sometimes targeted to small-memory microcontrollers (typically AVR chips), for testing purposes for example. This class allows many of the function and constructor signatures to remain the same, reducing the amount of conditional code.

If an application is specifically targeted to a low-memory chip, and it is known at compile-time that only TimeZone::kTypeManual are supported, then you should not need to use the ManualZoneManager. You can use TimeZone::forTimeOffset() factory method directory.

Handling Gaps and Overlaps

(Added in v1.10)

Better control over DST gaps and overlaps was added in v1.10 using the techniques described by the PEP 495 document in Python 3.6.

  1. An additional parameter called fold was added to the LocalTime, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime, and ZonedDateTime classes.
  2. Support for the fold parameter was added to ExtendedZoneProcessor. The BasicZoneProcessor does not support the fold parameter and will ignore it.

Problems with Gaps and Overlaps

As a quick background, when a timezone changes its DST offset in the spring or fall, it creates either a gap (the UTC offset increases by one hour), or an overlap (the UTC offset decreases by one hour) in the local representation of the time. For example, in the "America/Los_Angeles" timezone (aka "US/Pacific"), the wall clock goes from 2am to 3am in the spring (spring forward) and goes back from 2am to 1am in the fall (fall back). In the spring, there are local time instances which are illegal because they never existed, and in the fall, there are local time instances which occur twice.

Different date-time libraries in different languages handle these situations slightly differently. For example,

  • Java 11 java.time package
    • returns the ZonedDateTime shifted forward by one hour during a gap
    • returns the earlier ZonedDateTime during an overlap
    • choices offered with additional methods:
      • ZonedDateTime.withEarlierOffsetAtOverlap()
      • ZonedDateTime.withLaterOffsetAtOverlap()
  • C++ Hinnant date library
    • throws an exception in a gap or overlap if a specifier choose::earliest or choose::latest is not specified
  • Noda Time
    • throws AmbiguousTimeException or SkippedTimeException
    • can specify an Offset to ZonedDateTime class to resolve ambiguity
  • Python datetime
    • uses a fold parameter to resolve ambiguous or non-existent time
    • see PEP 495

The AceTime library cannot use exceptions because the Arduino C++ environment does not support exceptions. I chose to follow the techniques described by Python PEP 495 because it is well-documented, easy to understand, and relatively simple to implement.

Classes with Fold

An optional fold parameter was added to various constructors and factory methods. The default is fold=0 if not specified. The fold() accessor and mutator methods were added to the various classes as well.

namespace ace_time {

class LocalTime {
    static LocalTime forComponents(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute,
        uint8_t second, uint8_t fold = 0);

    uint8_t fold() const;
    void fold(uint8_t fold);


class LocalDateTime {
    static LocalDateTime forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month,
        uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second,
        uint8_t fold = 0);

    uint8_t fold() const;
    void fold(uint8_t fold);


class OffsetDateTime {
    static OffsetDateTime forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month,
        uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second,
        TimeOffset timeOffset, uint8_t fold = 0) {

    uint8_t fold() const;
    void fold(uint8_t fold);


class ZonedDateTime {
    static ZonedDateTime forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day,
        uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second,
        const TimeZone& timeZone, uint8_t fold = 0) {

    uint8_t fold() const;
    void fold(uint8_t fold);



Factory Methods with Fold

There are 2 main factory methods on ZonedDateTime: forEpochSeconds() and forComponents(). The fold parameter is an output parameter for forEpochSeconds(), and an input parameter for forComponents(). The mapping functionality of these methods are described in detail in the PEP 495 document, but here is an ASCII diagram for reference:

LocalDateTime |
              |                  (overlap)   /
          2am |                      /|    /
              |                    /  |  /
          1am |                  /    |/
              |          /
              |        /
          3am |       |
              |  (gap)|
          2am |       |
              |      /
              |    /
              |  /
              spring-forward      fall-backward


The forEpochSeconds() takes the UTC/epochSeconds value and maps it to the LocalDateTime axis. It is a single-valued function which is defined for all values of epochSeconds, even with a DST shift forward or backward. The fold parameter is an output of the forEpochSeconds() function. During an overlap, a ZonedDataTime can occur twice. The earlier occurrence is returned with fold==0, and the later occurrence is returned with fold==1. For all other cases where there is only a unique occurrence, the fold parameter is set to 0.

The forComponents() takes the LocalDateTime value and maps it to the UTC/epochSeconds axis. During a gap, there are certain LocalDateTime components which do not exist and are illegal. During an overlap, there are 2 epochSeconds which can correspond to the given LocalDateTime. The fold parameter is an input parameter to the forComponents() in both cases. The impact of the fold parameter is as follows:

Normal: Not a gap or overlap. The forComponents() method ignores the fold parameter if there is no ambiguity about the local date-time components. The returned ZonedDateTime object will contain a fold() value that preserves the input fold parameter.

Overlap: If ZonedDateTime::forComponents() is called with during an overlap of LocalDateTime (e.g. 2:30am during a fall back from 2am to 3am), the factory method uses the user-provided fold parameter to select the following:

  • fold==0
    • Selects the earlier Transition element and returns the earlier LocalDateTime.
    • So 01:30 is interpreted as 01:30-07:00.
  • fold==1
    • Selects the later Transition element and returns the later LocalDateTime.
    • So 01:30 is interpreted as 01:30-08:00.

Gap: If ZonedDateTime::forComponents() is called with a LocalDateTime that does not exist (e.g. 2:30am during a spring forward night from 2am to 3am), the factory method normalizes the resulting ZonedDateTime object so that the components of the object are legal. The algorithm for normalization depends on the fold parameter. The 2:30am value becomes either 3:30am or 1:30am in the following, and perhaps counter-intuitive, manner:

  • fold==0
    • Selects the earlier Transition element, extended forward to apply to the given LocalDateTime,
    • Which maps to the later UTC/epochSeconds,
    • Which becomes normalized to the later ZonedDateTime which has the later UTC offset.
    • So 02:30 is interpreted as 02:30-08:00, which is normalized to 03:30-07:00, and the fold after normalization is set to 1 to indicate that the later transition was selected.
  • fold==1
    • Selects the later Transition element, extended backward to apply to the given LocalDateTime,
    • Which maps to the earlier UTC/epochSeconds,
    • Which becomes normalized to the earlier ZonedDateTime which has the earlier UTC offset.
    • So 02:30 is interpreted as 02:30-07:00, which is normalized to 01:30-08:00, and the fold after normalization is set to 0 to indicate that the earlier transition was selected.

The time shift during a gap seems to be the opposite of the shift during an overlap, but internally this is self-consistent. Just as importantly, this follows the same logic as PEP 495.

Note that the fold parameter flips its value (from 0 to 1, or vise versea) if forComponents() is called in the gap. Currently, this is the only publicly exposed mechanism for detecting that a given date-time is in the gap.

Semantic Changes with Fold

The fold parameter has no effect on most existing methods. It is ignored in all comparison operators:

  • operator==(), operator!=() ignore the fold
  • operator<(), operator>(), etc. ignore the fold
  • compareTo() ignores the fold

It impacts the behavior the factory methods of LocalTime, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime only trivially, causing the fold value to be passed into the internal holding variable:

  • LocalTime::forSeconds()
  • LocalTime::forComponents()
  • LocalDateTime::forEpochSeconds()
  • LocalDateTime::forComponents()
  • OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds()
  • OffsetDateTime::forComponents()

The fold parameter has significant impact only on the ZonedDateTime factory methods, and only if the ExtendeZoneProcessor is used:

  • ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds()
  • ZonedDateTime::forComponents()

The fold parameter is not exposed through any of the existing printTo() and printShortTo() methods. It can only be accessed and changes by the fold() accessor and mutator methods.

A more subtle, but important semantic change, is that the fold parameter preserves information during gaps and overlaps. This means that we can do round-trip conversions of ZonedDateTime properly. We can start with epochSeconds, convert to components, then back to epochSeconds, and get back the same epochSeconds. Without the fold parameter, this round-trip was not guaranteed during an overlap.

Resource Consumption with Fold

According to MemoryBenchmark, adding support for fold increased flash usage of ExtendedZoneProcessor by about 600 bytes on AVR processors and 400-600 bytes on 32-bit processors. (The BasicZoneProcessor which ignores the fold parameter increased by ~150 bytes on AVR processors, because of the overhead of copying the internal fold parameter in various objects.) The static memory footprint of various classes increased by one byte on AVR processors, and 2-4 bytes on 32-bit processors due to 32-bit alignment.

According to AutoBenchmark, the performance of various functions did not change at all, except for ZonedDataTime::forComponents(), which became 5X faster on AVR processors and 1.5-3X faster on 32-bit processors. This is because the fold parameter tells us exactly when the internal normalization process is required, which allows us to skip the normalization step in the common case outside the gap. Within the gap, the forComponents() method performs about the same as before.

Examples with Fold

Here are some examples taken from ZonedDateTimeExtendedTest:

ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<1> zoneProcessorCache;
ExtendedZoneManager extendedZoneManager(
TimeZone tz = extendedZoneManager.createForZoneInfo(

// During fall back. This is the second occurrence of this local time, so should
// print:
// 2022-11-06T01:29:00-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]
// fold=1
acetime_t epochSeconds = 721042140;
auto dt = ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(epochSeconds, tz);
Serial.printTo(dt); Serial.println();
Serial.print("fold="); Serial.println(dt.fold());

// During spring forward. In the gap, fold=0 selects earlier transition,
// so selects -08:00 offset, which gets normalized to -07:00, so should print:
// 2022-03-13T03:29:00-07:00[America/Los_Angeles]
dt = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(2022, 3, 13, 2, 29, 0, tz, 0 /*fold*/);
Serial.printTo(dt); Serial.println();

// During spring forward. In the gap, fold=1 selects later transition,
// so selects -07:00 offset, which gets normalized to -08:00, so should print:
// 2022-03-13T01:29:00-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]
dt = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(2022, 3, 13, 2, 29, 0, tz, 1 /*fold*/);
Serial.printTo(dt); Serial.println();

Zone Processor Cache Invalidation

Normally, the current epoch year will be configured using Epoch::currentEpochYear(year) only once during the lifetime of the application. In rare situations, the application may choose to change the current epoch year in the middle of its lifetime. When this happens, it is important to invalidate the time zone transition cache maintained inside the BasicZoneProcessor or ExtendedZoneProcessor classes.

If the application is using the TimeZone class directly with an associated BasicZoneProcessor or ExtendedZoneProcessor, then the following methods must be called after calling Epoch::currentEpochYear(year):

BasicZoneProcessor processor(...);

ExtendedZoneProcessor processor(...);

If the application is using the BasicZoneManager or ExtendedZoneManager class to create the TimeZone objects, then the ZoneManager::resetZoneProcessors() must be called after calling Epoch::currentEpochYear(year):

BasicZoneManager manager(...);

ExtendedZoneManager manager(...);

ZoneInfo Database

ZoneInfo Entries

Starting with v0.4, the ZoneInfo entries are stored in in flash memory instead of static RAM using the PROGMEM keyword on microcontrollers which support this feature. On an 8-bit microcontroller, the zonedb/ database consumes about 15 kB of flash memory, so it may be possible to create small programs that can dynamically access all timezones supported by BasicZoneProcessor. The zonedbx/ database consumes about 24 kB of flash memory and the addition code size from various classes will exceed the 30-32kB limit of a typical Arduino 8-bit microcontroller.

The exact format of the ZoneInfo entries (under the zonedb/ and zonedbx/ directories) are considered to be an implementation detail and may change in the future to support future timezones. Applications should not depend on the internal structure of ZoneInfo data structures.

Basic zonedb

The zonedb/ entries do not support all the timezones in the IANA TZ Database. If a zone is excluded, the reason for the exclusion can be found at the bottom of the zonedb/zone_infos.h file. The criteria for selecting the Basic zonedb entries are embedded in the script and summarized in BasicZoneProcessor.h:

  • the DST offset is a multiple of 15-minutes (all current timezones satisfy this)
  • the STDOFF offset is a multiple of 1-minute (all current timezones satisfy this)
  • the AT or UNTIL fields must occur at one-year boundaries (this is the biggest filter)
  • the LETTER field must contain only a single character
  • the UNTIL time suffix can only be 'w' (not 's' or 'u')
  • there can be only one DST transition in a single month

As of version v1.11.4 (with TZDB 2022b), this database contains 237 Zone entries and 215 Link entries, supported from the year 2000 to 2049 (inclusive).

Extended zonedbx

The goal of the zonedbx/ entries is to support all zones listed in the TZ Database. Currently, as of version 2021a of the IANA TZ Database, this goal is met from the year 2000 to 2049 inclusive. Some restrictions of this database are:

  • the DST offset is a multiple of 15-minutes ranging from -1:00 to 2:45 (all timezones from about 1972 support this)
  • the STDOFF offset is a multiple of 1-minute
  • the AT and UNTIL fields are multiples of 1-minute
  • the LETTER field can be arbitrary strings

As of version v1.11.4 (with TZDB 2022b), this database contains all 356 Zone entries and 239 Link entries, supported from the year 2000 to 2049 (inclusive).

TZ Database Version

The IANA TZ Database is updated continually. As of this writing, the latest stable version is 2021a. When a new version of the database is released, I regenerate the ZoneInfo entries under the src/ace_time/zonedb/ and src/ace_time/zonedbx/ directories.

The current TZ Database version can be programmatically accessed using the kTzDatabaseVersion constant:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;

void printVersionTzVersions() {
    Serial.print("zonedb TZ version: ");
    Serial.println(zonedb::kTzDatabaseVersion); // e.g. "2020d"

    Serial.print("zonedbx TZ version: ");
    Serial.println(zonedbx::kTzDatabaseVersion); // e.g. "2020d"

It is technically possible for the 2 versions to be different, but since they are generated by the same set of scripts, I expect they will always be the same.

ZoneInfo Year Range

As mentioned above, both the zonedb and zonedbx databases are generated with a specific startYear and untilYear range. If you try to create a ZonedDateTime object outside of the year range, the constructed object will be ZonedDateTime::forError() whose isError() method returns true.

Applications can access the valid startYear and untilYear of the zonedb or zonedbx databases through the kZoneContext data structure:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;

void printStartAndUntilYears() {
    Serial.print("zonedb: startYear: ");
    Serial.print(zonedb::kZoneContext.startYear); // e.g. 2000
    Serial.print("; untilYear: ");
    Serial.println(zonedb::kZoneContext.untilYear); // e.g. 2100

    Serial.print("zonedbx: startYear: ");
    Serial.print(zonedbx::kZoneContext.startYear); // e.g. 2000
    Serial.print("; untilYear: ");
    Serial.println(zonedbx::kZoneContext.untilYear); // e.g. 2100

I looked into supporting some sort of "graceful degradation" mode of the ZonedDateTime class, where creating instances before startYear or after untilYear would actually succeed, even though those instances would have some undefined errors due to incorrect or missing DST offsets. However, so much of the code in BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZonedProcessor depend on the intricate details of the ZoneInfo entries being in a valid state, I could not guarantee that a catastrophic situation (e.g. infinite loop) could be avoided outside of the safe zone. Therefore, attempting to create a ZonedTimeDate object outside of the supported startYear and untilYear range will always return an error object. Applications should either check the year range first before creating a ZonedDateTime object, or check the ZonedDateTime::isError() method after creation.

BasicZone and ExtendedZone

The basic::ZoneInfo and extended::ZoneInfo (and its related data structures) objects are meant to be opaque and simply passed into the TimeZone class (which in turn, passes the pointer into the BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneProcessor objects.) The internal formats of the ZoneInfo structures may change without warning, and users of this library should not access its internal data members directly.

Two helper classes, BasicZone and ExtendedZone, provide stable access to some of the internal fields:

namespace ace_time {

class BasicZone {
    BasicZone(const basic::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo);

    bool isNull() const;
    uint32_t zoneId() const;
    int16_t stdOffsetMinutes() const;
    ace_common::KString kname() const;

    void printNameTo(Print& printer) const;
    void printShortNameTo(Print& printer) const;

class ExtendedZone {
    ExtendedZone(const extended::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo);

    bool isNull() const;
    uint32_t zoneId() const;
    int16_t stdOffsetMinutes() const;
    ace_common::KString kname() const;

    void printNameTo(Print& printer) const;
    void printShortNameTo(Print& printer) const;

The isNull() method returns true if the object is a wrapper around a nullptr. This is often used to indicate an error condition, or a "Not Found" condition.

The stdOffsetMinutes() method returns the standard (i.e. normal time, not DST summer time) timezone offset of the zone for the last occurring ZoneEra record in the database. In almost all cases, this should correspond to the current standard timezone, unless the timezone is scheduled to changes its standard timezone offset in the near future. The value of this method is used by the ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName class when sorting timezones by its offset.

The kname() method returns the KString object representing the name of the zone. The KString object represents a string that has been compressed using a fragment dictionary. This object knows how to decompress the encoded form. This method is used by the ZoneSorterByName and ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName classes when sorting timezones.

The printNameTo() method prints the full zone name (e.g. America/Los_Angeles), and printShortNameTo() prints only the last component (e.g. Los_Angeles).

The BasicZone and ExtendedZone objects are meant to be used transiently, created on the stack then thrown away. For example:

const basic::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo = ...;

Both BasicZone and ExtendedZone are light-weight wrapper objects around a const ZoneInfo* pointer. In fact, they are so light-weight that the C++ compiler should be able to optimize away both wrapper classes entirely, so that they are equivalent to using the const ZoneInfo* pointer directly.

If you need to copy the zone names into memory, use the PrintStr<N> class from the AceCommon library ( to print the zone name into the memory buffer, then extract the string from the buffer:

#include <AceCommon.h>
using ace_common::PrintStr;

const basic::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo = ...;
PrintStr<32> printStr; // buffer of 32 bytes on the stack

const char* name = printStr.cstr();
// do stuff with 'name', but only while 'printStr' is alive

See also the Print To String section below.

Zones and Links

The IANA TZ database contains 2 types of timezones:

  • Zones, implemented by the ZONE keyword
  • Links, implemented by the LINK keyword

A Zone entry is the canonical name of a given time zone in the IANA database (e.g. America/Los_Angeles). A Link entry is an alias, an alternate name, for a canonical entry (e.g. US/Pacific which points to America/Los_Angeles).

Unified Links

Prior to v2.1, AceTime treated Links slightly differently than Zones, providing 4 different implementations over several version. After v2.1, Links are considered to be identical to Zones, because the TZDB considers both of them to be first-class citizens. Following this merger, the kZoneAndLinkRegistry has been merged into the kZoneRegistry and the 2 registries are identical.

There are 2 methods on the TimeZone class which apply only to Links:

class TimeZone {
    bool isLink() const;
    printTargetNameTo(Print& printer) const;

The `TimeZone::isLink()` method returns `true` if the current time zone is a
Link entry instead of a Zone entry. For example `US/Pacific` is a link to

The `TimeZone::printTargetNameTo(Print&)` prints the name of the target zone if
the current time zone is a Link. Otherwise it prints nothing. For example, for
the time zone `US/Pacific` (which is a Link to `America/Los_Angeles`):

* `printTo(Print&)` prints "US/Pacific"
* `printTargetNameTo(Print&)` prints "America/Los_Angeles"

<a name="CustomZoneRegistry"></a>
#### Custom Zone Registry

On small microcontrollers, the default zone registries (`kZoneRegistry` and
`kZoneAndLinkRegistry`, which are now identical) may be too large. The
`ZoneManager` can be configured with a custom zone registry. It needs to be
given an array of `ZoneInfo` pointers when constructed. For example, here is a
`BasicZoneManager` with only 4 zones from the `zonedb::` data set:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
static const basic::ZoneInfo* const kZoneRegistry[] ACE_TIME_PROGMEM = {

static const uint16_t kZoneRegistrySize =
    sizeof(kZoneRegistry) / sizeof(basic::ZoneInfo*);

static const uint16_t CACHE_SIZE = 2;
static BasicZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> zoneProcessorCache;
static BasicZoneManager zoneManager(
    kZoneRegistrySize, kZoneRegistry, zoneProcessorCache);

Here is the equivalent ExtendedZoneManager with 4 zones from the zonedbx:: data set:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
static const extended::ZoneInfo* const kZoneRegistry[] ACE_TIME_PROGMEM = {

static const uint16_t kZoneRegistrySize =
    sizeof(kZoneRegistry) / sizeof(extended::ZoneInfo*);

static const uint16_t CACHE_SIZE = 2;
static ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<CACHE_SIZE> zoneProcessorCache;
static ExtendedZoneManager zoneManager(
    kZoneRegistrySize, kZoneRegistry, zoneProcessorCache);

The ACE_TIME_PROGMEM macro is defined in compat.h and indicates whether the ZoneInfo entries are stored in normal RAM or flash memory (i.e. PROGMEM). It must be used for custom zoneRegistries because the BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager expect to find them in static RAM or flash memory according to this macro.

See examples in various unit tests:

(TBD: I think it would be useful to create a script that can generate the C++ code representing these custom zone registries from a list of zones.)

(TBD: It might also be useful for app developers to create custom datasets with different range of years. The tools are all here, but not explicitly documented currently. Examples of how to this do exist inside the various Makefile files in the AceTimeValidation project.)

Zone Sorting

When a client application supports only a handful of zones in the ZoneManager, the order in which the zones are presented to the user may not be too important since the user can scan the entire list quickly. But when the ZoneManager contains the entire zoneInfo database (up to 594 zones and links), it becomes useful to sort the zones in a predictable way before showing them to the user.

The ZoneSorterByName and ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName are 2 classes which can sort the list of zones. They look like this:

namespace ace_time {

template <typename ZM>
class ZoneSorterByName {
    ZoneSorterByName(const ZM& zoneManager);

    void fillIndexes(uint16_t indexes[], uint16_t size) const;

    void sortIndexes(uint16_t indexes[], uint16_t size) const;
    void sortIds(uint32_t ids[], uint16_t size) const;
    void sortNames(const char* names[], uint16_t size) const;

template <typename ZM>
class ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName {
    ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName(const ZM& zoneManager);

    void fillIndexes(uint16_t indexes[], uint16_t size) const;

    void sortIndexes(uint16_t indexes[], uint16_t size) const;
    void sortIds(uint32_t ids[], uint16_t size) const;
    void sortNames(const char* names[], uint16_t size) const;


The ZoneSorterByName class sorts the given zones in ascending order by the zone's name. The ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName class sorts the zones by its UTC offset during standard time, then by the zone's name within the same UTC offset. Both of these are templatized on the BasicZoneManager or the ExtendedZoneManager classes because they require the methods implemented by those classes. The ZoneSorter classes will not compile if the ManualZoneManager class is given because it does not make sense.

To use these classes, the calling client should follow these steps:

  1. Wrap an instance of a ZoneSorterByName class or ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName class around the ZoneManager class.
  2. Create an array filled in the following manner:
    • an indexes[] array filled with the index into the zoneRegistry; or
    • an ids[] array filled with the 32-bit zone id; or
    • a names[] array filled with the const char* string of the zone name.
  3. Call one of the sortIndexes(), sortIds(), or sortNames() methods of the ZoneSorter class to sort the array.

The code will look like this:

#include <AceTime.h>

using namespace ace_time;
using namespace ace_time::zonedbx;

ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<1> zoneProcessorCache;
ExtendedZoneManager zoneManager(

// Print each zone in the form of:
// "UTC-08:00 America/Los_Angeles"
// "UTC-07:00 America/Denver"
// [...]
void printZones(uint16_t indexes[], uint16_t size) {
  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    ExtendedZone zone = zoneManager.getZoneForIndex(indexes[i]);
    TimeOffset stdOffset = TimeOffset::forMinutes(zone.stdOffsetMinutes());

    // Print "UTC-08:00 America/Los_Angeles".
    SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print(' ');

void sortAndPrintZones() {
  // Create the indexes[kZoneAndLinkRegistrySize] on the stack. This has 594
  // elements as of TZDB 2022a, so this requires a microcontroller which can
  // support at least 1188 bytes on the stack.
  uint16_t indexes[zonedbx::kZoneAndLinkRegistrySize];

  // Create the sorter.
  ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName<ExtendedZoneManager> zoneSorter(zoneManager);

  // Fill the array with indexes from 0 to 593.
  zoneSorter.fillIndexes(indexes, zonedbx::kZoneAndLinkRegistrySize);

  // Sort the indexes.
  zoneSorter.sortIndexes(indexes, zonedbx::kZoneAndLinkRegistrySize);

  // Print in human readable form.
  printZones(indexes, zonedbx::kZoneAndLinkRegistrySize);

The fillIndexes(uint16_t indexes[], uint16_t size) method is a convenience method that fills the given indexes[] array from 0 to size-1, so that it can be sorted according to the specified sorting order. In other words, it is a short hand for:

for (uint16_t i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
  indexes[i] = i;

See examples/ListZones for more examples.

The calling code can choose to sort only a subset of the zones registered into the ZoneManager. In the following example, 4 zone ids are placed into an array of 4 slots, then sorted by offset and name:

#include <AceTime.h>

using namespace ace_time;

ExtendedZoneProcessorCache<1> zoneProcessorCache;
ExtendedZoneManager zoneManager(

uint32_t zoneIds[4] = {

void sortIds() {
  ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName<ExtendedZoneManager> zoneSorter(zoneManager);
  zoneSorter.sortIds(zoneIds, 4);

Print To String

Many classes provide a printTo(Print&) method which prints a human-readable string to the given Print object. Any subclass of the Print class can be passed into these methods. The most familiar is the global the Serial object which prints to the serial port.

The AceCommon library ( provides a subclass of Print called PrintStr which allows printing to an in-memory buffer. The contents of the in-memory buffer can be retrieved as a normal c-string using the PrintStr::cstr() method.

Instances of the PrintStr object is expected to be created on the stack. The object will be destroyed automatically when the stack is unwound after returning from the function where this is used. The size of the buffer on the stack is provided as a compile-time constant. For example, PrintStr<32> creates an object with a 32-byte buffer on the stack.

An example usage looks like this:

#include <AceCommon.h>
#include <AceTime.h>

using ace_common::PrintStr;
using namespace ace_time;
  TimeZone tz = TimeZone::forTimeOffset(TimeOffset::forHours(-8));
  ZonedDateTime dt = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(
      2018, 3, 11, 1, 59, 59, tz);

  PrintStr<32> printStr; // 32-byte buffer
  const char* cstr = printStr.cstr();

  // do stuff with cstr...

  printStr.flush(); // needed only if this will be used again


Mutating the date and time classes can be tricky. In fact, many other time libraries (such as Java 11 Time, Joda-Time, and Noda Time) avoid the problem altogether by making all objects immutable. In those libraries, mutations occur by creating a new copy of the target object with a new value for the mutated parameter. Making the objects immutable is definitely cleaner, but it causes the code size to increase significantly. For the case of the WorldClock program, the code size increased by 500-700 bytes, which I could not afford because the program takes up almost the entire flash memory of an Arduino Pro Micro with only 28672 bytes of flash memory.

Most date and time classes in the AceTime library are mutable. Except for primitive mutations of setting specific fields (e.g. ZonedDateTime::year(uint16_t)), most higher-level mutation operations are not implemented within the class itself to avoid bloating the class API surface. The mutation functions live as functions in separate namespaces outside of the class definitions:

  • time_period_mutation.h
  • time_offset_mutation.h
  • local_date_time_mutation.h
  • offset_date_time_mutation.h
  • zoned_date_time_mutation.h

Additional mutation operations can be written by the application developer and added into the same namespace, since C++ allows things to be added to a namespace multiple times.

Most of these mutation functions were created to solve a particular UI problem in my various clock applications. In those clocks, the user is provided an OLED display and 2 buttons. The user can change the time by long-pressing the Select button. One of the components of the date or time will blink. The user can press the other Change button to increment the component. Pressing the Select button will move the blinking cursor to the next field. After all the fields have been set, the user can long-press the Select button again to save the new date and time into the SystemClock.

The mutation functions directly manipulate the underlying date and time components of ZonedDateTime and other target classes. No validation rules are applied. For example, the zoned_date_time_mutation::incrementDay() method will increment the ZonedDateTime::day() field from Feb 29 to Feb 30, then to Feb 31, then wrap around to Feb 1. The object will become normalized when it is converted into an Epoch seconds (using toEpochSeconds()), then converted back to a ZonedDateTime object (using forEpochSeconds()). By deferring this normalization step until the user has finished setting all the clock fields, we can reduce the size of the code in flash. (The limiting factor for many 8-bit Arduino environments is the code size, not the CPU time.)

Mutating the ZonedDateTime requires calling the ZonedDateTime::normalize() method after making the changes. See the subsection on ZonedDateTime Normalization below.

It is not clear that making the AceTime objects mutable was the best design decision. But it seems to produce far smaller code sizes (hundreds of bytes of flash memory saved for something like WorldClock), while providing the features that I need to implement the various Clock applications.

TimeOffset Mutations

The TimeOffset object can be mutated with:

namespace ace_time {

void setMinutes(int16_t minutes) {

namespace time_offset_mutation {

void increment15Minutes(TimeOffset& offset);


LocalDate Mutations

The LocalDate object can be mutated with the following methods and functions:

namespace ace_time {

void LocalDate::year(int16_t year);
void LocalDate::month(uint8_t month);
void LocalDate::day(uint8_t month);

namespace local_date_mutation {

void incrementOneDay(LocalDate& ld);
void decrementOneDay(LocalDate& ld);


OffsetDateTime Mutations

The OffsetDateTime object can be mutated using the following methods and functions:

namespace ace_time {

void OffsetDateTime::year(int16_t year);
void OffsetDateTime::month(uint8_t month);
void OffsetDateTime::day(uint8_t month);
void OffsetDateTime::hour(uint8_t hour);
void OffsetDateTime::minute(uint8_t minute);
void OffsetDateTime::second(uint8_t second);
void OffsetDateTime::timeZone(const TimeZone& timeZone);

namespace zoned_date_time_mutation {

void incrementYear(OffsetDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementMonth(OffsetDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementDay(OffsetDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementHour(OffsetDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementMinute(OffsetDateTime& dateTime);



ZonedDateTime Mutations

The ZonedDateTime object can be mutated using the following methods and functions:

namespace ace_time {

void ZonedDateTime::year(int16_t year);
void ZonedDateTime::month(uint8_t month);
void ZonedDateTime::day(uint8_t month);
void ZonedDateTime::hour(uint8_t hour);
void ZonedDateTime::minute(uint8_t minute);
void ZonedDateTime::second(uint8_t second);
void ZonedDateTime::timeZone(const TimeZone& timeZone);

namespace zoned_date_time_mutation {

void incrementYear(ZonedDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementMonth(ZonedDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementDay(ZonedDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementHour(ZonedDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementMinute(ZonedDateTime& dateTime);



ZonedDateTime Normalization

When the ZonedDateTime object is mutated using the methods and functions listed above, the client code must call ZonedDateTime::normalize() before calling a method that calculates derivative information, in particular, the ZonedDateTime::toEpochSeconds() method. Otherwise, the resulting epochSeconds may be incorrect if the old ZonedDateTime and the new ZonedDatetime crosses a DST boundary. Multiple mutations can be batched before calling normalize().

For example:

TimeZone tz = ...;
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime::forComponent(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tz);

acetime_t newEpochSeconds = zdt.toEpochSeconds();

Adding this single call to normalize() seems to increase flash consumption by 220 bytes on an 8-bit AVR processor. Unfortunately, it must be called to ensure accuracy across DST boundaries.

TimePeriod Mutations

The TimePeriod can be mutated using the following methods:

namespace ace_time {

void TimePeriod::hour(uint8_t hour);
void TimePeriod::minute(uint8_t minute);
void TimePeriod::second(uint8_t second);
void TimePeriod::sign(int8_t sign);

namespace time_period_mutation {

void negate(TimePeriod& period);
void incrementHour(TimePeriod& period, uint8_t limit);
void incrementHour(TimePeriod& period);
void incrementMinute(TimePeriod& period);


Error Handling

Many features of the date and time classes have explicit or implicit range of validity in their inputs and outputs. The Arduino programming environment does not use C++ exceptions, so we handle invalid values by returning special version of various date/time objects to the caller.

Invalid Sentinels

Many methods return an return integer value. Error conditions are indicated by special constants, many of whom are defined in the LocalDate class:

  • int32_t LocalDate::kInvalidEpochDays
    • Error value returned by toEpochDays() methods
  • int32_t LocalDate::kInvalidEpochSeconds
    • Error value returned by toEpochSeconds() methods
  • int64_t LocalDate::kInvalidUnixSeconds64
    • Error value returned by toUnixSeconds64() methods

Similarly, many factory methods accept an acetime_t, int32_t, or int64_t arguments and return objects of various classes (e.g. LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime or ZonedDateTime). When these methods are given the error constants, they return an object whose isError() method returns true.

It is understandable that error checking is often neglected, since it adds to the maintenance burden. And sometimes, it is not always clear what should be done when an error occurs, especially in a microcontroller environment. However, I encourage the application to check for these errors conditions as much as practical, and try to degrade to some reasonable default behavior when an error is detected.


The isError() method on these classes will return true upon a data range error:

bool LocalDate::isError() const;
bool LocalTime::isError() const;
bool LocalDateTime::isError() const;
bool OffsetDatetime::isError() const;
bool ZonedDateTime::isError() const;
bool TimeOffset::isError() const;

A well-crafted application should check for these error conditions before writing or displaying the objects to the user.

For example, the LocalDate and LocalDateTime classes support only 4-digit year component, from [1, 9999]. The year 0 is used internally to indicate -Infinity and the year 10000 is used internally as +Infinity.

The following are examples of invalid instances, where dt.isError() will return true:

auto dt = LocalDateTime::forComponents(-1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); // invalid year

auto dt = LocalDateTime::forComponents(2000, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); // invalid month

auto dt = LocalDateTime::forComponents(2000, 1, 32, 0, 0, 0); // invalid day

auto dt = LocalDateTime::forComponents(2000, 1, 1, 24, 0, 0); // invalid hour

auto dt = LocalDateTime::forComponents(2000, 1, 1, 0, 61, 0); // invalid minute

auto dt = LocalDateTime::forComponents(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 61); // invalid second

Another example, the ZonedDateTime class uses the generated ZoneInfo Database in the zonedb:: and zonedbx:: namespaces. These data files are valid from 2000 until 10000. If you try to create a date outside of this range, an error ZonedDateTime object will returned. The following snippet will print "true":

BasicZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;
auto tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,
auto dt = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(1998, 3, 11, 1, 59, 59, tz);
Serial.println(dt.isError() ? "true" : "false");

Bugs and Limitations

  • Leap seconds
    • This library does not support leap seconds and will probably never do so.
    • The library does not implement TAI (International Atomic Time).
    • The epochSeconds is like unixSeconds in that it is unaware of leap seconds. When a leap seconds occurs, the epochSeconds is held constant over 2 seconds, just like unixSeconds.
    • The SystemClock is unaware of leap seconds so it will continue to increment epochSeconds through the leap second. In other words, the SystemClock will be 1 second ahead of UTC after the leap second occurs.
      • If the referenceClock is the NtpClock, that clock happens to be leap second aware, and the epochSeconds will bounce back one second upon the next synchronization, becoming synchronized to UTC.
      • If the referenceClock is the DS3231Clock, that clock is not leap second aware, so the epochSeconds will continue to be ahead of UTC by one second even after synchronization.
  • acetime_t
    • AceTime uses an epoch of 2050-01-01T00:00:00 UTC by default. The epoch can be changed using the Epoch::currentEpochYear(year) function.
    • The acetime_t type is a 32-bit signed integer whose smallest value is -2^31 and largest value is 2^31-1. However, the smallest value is used to indicate an internal "Error" condition, therefore the actual smallest acetime_t is -2^31+1. Therefore, the smallest and largest dates that can be represented by acetime_t is theoreticall 1981-12-13T20:45:53 UTC to 2018-01-20T03:14:07 UTC (inclusive).
    • To be conversative, users of this library should limit the range of the epoch seconds to +/- 50 years of the current epoch, in other words, [2000,2100).
  • TimeOffset
    • Implemented using int16_t in 1 minute increments.
  • LocalDate, LocalDateTime
    • The year component is valid in the range of [1, 9999].
    • The year = 0 is used internally to represent -Infinity. This should not be visible to the end-user.
    • The year = 10000 is used internally to represent +Infinity. This should not be visible to the end-user.
    • The year = INT32_MIN is used to represent an error condition.
  • forDateString()
    • Various classes provide a forDateString() method to construct the object from a human-readable string. These methods are mostly meant to be used for debugging. The parsers are not robust and do not perform very much error checking, but they may be sufficient for your needs.
    • ZonedDateTime::forDateString() cannot support TZ Database zone identifiers (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles") because the AceTime library does not load the entire TZ Database due to memory constraints of most Arduino boards.
  • TimeZone
    • It might be possible to use both a basic TimeZone created using a zonedb::ZoneInfo entry, and an extended TimeZone using a zonedbx::ZoneInfo entry, together in a single program. However, this is not a configuration that is expected to be used often, so it has not been tested well, if at all.
    • One potential problem is that the equality of two TimeZone depends only on the zoneId, so a Basic TimeZone created with a zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles will be considered equal to an Extended TimeZone created with a zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles.
  • ZonedDateTime::forComponents()
    • The ZonedDateTime::forComponents() method takes the local wall time and TimeZone instance as parameters which can be ambiguous or invalid for some values.
      • During the Standard time to DST transitions, a one-hour gap of illegal values may exist. For example, 2am (Standard) shifts to 3am (DST), therefore wall times between 02:00 and 03:00 (exclusive) are not valid.
      • During DST to Standard time transitions, a one-hour interval occurs twice. For example, 2am (DST) shifts to 1am, so all times between 01:00 and 02:00 (exclusive) occurs twice in one day.
    • The ZonedDateTime::forCommponent() methods makes an educated guess at what the user meant, but the algorithm may not be robust, is not tested as well as it could be, and the algorithm may change in the future. To keep the code size within reasonble limits of a small Arduino controller, the algorithm may be permanently sub-optimal.
  • ZonedDateTime Must Be Within +/- ~50 years of the AceTime Epoch
    • The internal time zone calculations use the same int32_t type as the acetime_t epoch seconds. This has a range of about 136 years.
    • To be safe, the ZoneDateTime objects should be restricted to about +/- 50 years of the epoch defined by Epoch::currentEpochYear().
  • BasicZoneProcessor
    • Supports 1-minute resolution for AT and UNTIL fields.
    • Supports only a 15-minute resolution for the STDOFF and DST offset fields.
    • Sufficient to support large number of timezones since the year 2000.
  • ExtendedZoneProcessor
    • Has a 1-minute resolution for AT, UNTIL and STDOFF fields.
    • Supports only a 15-minute resolution for DST field.
    • All timezones after 1974 has DST offsets in 15-minutes increments.
  • zonedb/ and zonedbx/ ZoneInfo entries
    • These statically defined data structures are loaded into flash memory using the PROGMEM keyword.
      • The vast majority of the data structure fields will stay in flash memory and not copied into RAM.
    • The ZoneInfo entries have not been compressed using bit-fields.
      • It may be possible to decrease the size of the full database using these compression techniques. However, compression will increase the size of the program file, so for applications that use only a small number of zones, it is not clear if the ZoneInfo entry compression will provide a reduction in the size of the overall program.
    • The TZ database files backzone, systemv and factory are not processed by the tool.
      • They don't seem to contain anything worthwhile.
    • TZ Database version 2019b contains the first use of the {onDayOfWeek<=onDayOfMonth} syntax that I have seen (specifically Rule Zion, FROM 2005, TO 2012, IN Apr, ON Fri<=1).
      • The actual transition date can shift into the previous month (or to the next month in the case of >=). However, shifting into the previous year or the next year is not supported.
      • The will exclude and flag the Rules which could potentially shift to a different year. As of version 2022f, no such Rule seems to exist.
  • Arduino Zero and SAMD21 Boards
    • SAMD21 boards (which all identify themselves as ARDUINO_SAMD_ZERO) are no longer fully supported because:
      • I am no longer able to upload firmware to my SAMD21 boards
      • The Arduino samd Core v1.8.10 migrated to the ArduinoCore-API. Unfortunately the ArduinoCore-API is not supported by AceTime.
    • If you are using an original Arduino Zero and using the "Native USB Port", you may encounter problems with nothing showing up on the Serial Monitor.
      • The original Arduino Zero has 2 USB ports. The Programming port is connected to Serial object and the Native port is connected to SerialUSB object. You can select either the "Arduino/Genuino Zero (Programming Port)" or the "Arduino/Genuino Zero (Native USB Port)" on the Board Manager selector in the Arduino IDEA. Unfortunately, if you select "(Native USB Port)", the SERIAL_MONITOR_PORT macro should be defined to be SerialUSB, but it continues to point to Serial, which means that nothing will show up on the Serial Monitor.
      • You may be able to fix this by setting ACE_TIME_CLOBBER_SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR to 1 in src/ace_time/common/compat.h. (I do not test this option often, so it may be broken.)
    • If you are using a SAMD21 development or breakout board, or one of the many clones called something like "Ardunio SAMD21 M0 Mini" (this is what I have), I have been unable to find a board configuration that is an exact match. You have a few choices:
      • If you are running the AceTime unit tests, you need to have a working SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR, so the "Arduino MKR ZERO" board might work better, instead of the "Arduino Zero (Native USB Port)" board.
      • If you are running an app that requires proper pin configuration, it seems that the `Arduino MKR ZERO" configuration is not correct for this clone board. You need to go back to the "Arduino/Genuino Zero (Native USB Port)" board configuration.
      • You may also try installing the SparkFun Boards and select the "SparkFun SAMD21 Mini Breakout" board. The advantage of using this configuration is that the SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR is configured properly as well as the port pin numbers. However, I have found that the USB connection can be a bit flaky.
    • The MKR Zero board generates far faster code (30%?) than the SparkFun SAMD21 Mini Breakout board. The MKR Zero could be using a different (more recent?) version of the GCC tool chain. I have not investigated this.