51 |
freset |
force reset area you are in |
52 |
alist |
Huh? |
52 |
antiidle |
antiidle enabled/disabled |
Some sort of keepalive? |
52 |
buglist |
lists out bugs |
52 |
classes |
lists out classes |
52 |
damdice |
give a dam dice roll |
52 |
deathmsg |
Allows you to set a custom death message? |
52 |
goto |
goes to mob or pc or room by vnum |
52 |
holylight |
Toggles holylight (basically special Imm detect all) |
52 |
immtalk |
global imm channel |
52 |
imotd |
immortal motd |
52 |
listhelp |
lists helpfiles |
Disconnects with all due to buffer overrun |
52 |
poofin |
Sets poofin message |
52 |
poofout |
sets poofout message |
52 |
praclist |
Shows praclist for character |
52 |
prefi |
can't abbreviate prefix command |
52 |
prefix |
? |
52 |
rngtest |
Hangs game while something |
high load on mysqld |
returns nothing |
52 |
smote |
emote with name not at start |
52 |
wizhelp |
lists wiz commands |
something broken with level select? |
52 |
wiznet |
connects to various messages |
don't know the options |
53 |
afk |
sets afk |
53 |
ccb |
Let's you cb to specific cabal |
53 |
crumble |
crumbles an item on a char |
53 |
demograph |
info on limited items by player |
Doesn't seem accurate? |
53 |
empower |
grants empowerment |
53 |
force |
force someone to do command |
53 |
forceremove |
forceremoves item, even if cursed |
53 |
forcewear |
forcewears an item, even if can't? |
53 |
history |
Gives history command output |
53 |
listoffer |
Shows offerings to Immortal and accepts or rejects |
53 |
noskills |
whether or not you have skills when switched into mob |
53 |
pecho |
Makes personal echo for specific character |
53 |
pktrack |
Gives pk stats |
53 |
return |
returns out of mob |
53 |
setpath |
sets paladin path |
protector or crusader |
53 |
stat |
Syntax: stat stat obj stat mob stat room stat form stat area |
53 |
switch |
switch into mob |
53 |
tattoo |
tattoo a character |
requires a brand |
53 |
untattoo |
removes tattoo |
53 |
vnum |
Syntax: vnum obj vnum mob vnum skill |
53 |
vstat |
Syntax: vstat mob [vnum] vstat obj [vnum]Default is obj. |
53 |
xlook |
look from a distance |
returns additional info |
54 |
at |
runs command at place |
54 |
createcosmetic |
createcosmetic 'wear location' createcosmetic under 'wear location' createcosmetic eqlocationscreatecosmetic wear Example 1: createcosmetic 'on earlobe' a jewel-encrusted earringwould produce 'a jewel-encrusted earring' that's Example 2: createcosmetic under arms 'as undershirt' a plain white t-shirtwould produce 'a plain white t-shirt' that's and visible only when arms are not covered.Example 3: createcosmetic eqlocations will show all valid values for |
54 |
echo |
local echo |
54 |
ghost |
Syntax: ghost <yes/no> ghost all <yes/no> ghost zone <yes/no>Ghosting persons YES makes them a ghost, out of PK range.Ghosting persons NO unghosts them, and puts them back into range.Ghosting ALL changes EVERYONE to/from a ghost.Ghosting ZONE changes everyone in your AREA to/from a ghost.NOTE: Ghosting TO a ghost lasts for 15 ticks, then wears off. |
54 |
global |
Hear all cabal channels toggle |
54 |
gold |
Riftshadow Gold System----------------------Total gold in world : 800000 (10 players)Gold held by players : 588547 (211453gp mobile held)Global inflation rate: 320.7% (gold constant 80000) |
some sort of anti-inflation thing?Not accurate |
54 |
incognito |
makes into an immortal |
54 |
multicheck |
Fix later |
Dunno |
probably related to multi-char |
54 |
peace |
stops combat? |
54 |
raffects |
room affects |
54 |
rinfo |
room info (flags) |
54 |
sockets |
connection info |
54 |
wizinvis |
makes invisible |
54 |
zecho |
zone echo |
55 |
aastrip |
area affect strip |
55 |
astrip |
strip all affects |
55 |
clone |
clone object |
55 |
ctrack |
No idea |
55 |
disconn |
disconnects a player |
55 |
extitle |
extra title |
55 |
gecho |
global echo |
55 |
givexp |
Syntax: givexp <# xp> |
55 |
load |
Syntax: load mob load obj |
55 |
memory |
memory usage report? |
Affects 19Areas 112ExDes 2917Exits 34001Helps 0Socials 198Mobs 1802(1802 new format)(in use) 4596Objs 2677(2677 new format)Resets 19826Rooms 9886Shops 0Strings 150864 strings of 0 bytes.Perms 0 blocks of 0 bytes. |
55 |
mwhere |
Special where |
55 |
nochann |
block channels from person |
55 |
noemote |
block emotes from person |
55 |
noshout |
block shouts from person |
55 |
notell |
block tells from person |
55 |
oastrip |
object affect strip |
55 |
owhere |
find object. Basically object where |
55 |
rastrip |
room affect strip |
55 |
ratings |
returns stuff about character |
Krunk's PK record:Total PKills: 0Good Kills: 0Neutral Kills: 0Evil Kills: 0PKDeaths: 0Mob Deaths: 0 |
55 |
reboo |
can't shorten reboot |
If you want to REBOOT, spell it out.Use: 'reboot nosave', if you don't want players saved at reboot. |
55 |
reboot |
reboot the game. Saves and shuts down. Doesn't actually bring it back up |
55 |
smite |
Smite a character |
55 |
snoop |
snoops a character session |
55 |
string |
Syntax: string char fields: name short long desc title spec string obj fields: name short long extended |
55 |
teleport |
transfer character to room by vnum |
55 |
title |
set characters title |
55 |
topbounties |
Returns bounties? Doesn't seem to work |
55 |
transfer |
transfer character to place (defaults to current location) |
56 |
favor |
gives devil/demon favor to character (possibly beyond normal abilities) |
56 |
purge |
purges items from room |
57 |
damage |
damages player directly for damage |
57 |
finger |
finger player (more info) |
FINGER INFO: [24 Planar War *] [HORDE] Grulk the Greater Combatant Align: neutral Ethos: chaotic Sex: planar Hours: 2 (d536) Age: 0 (b2523) Objs: 16 (3 L) Town: Cimar Flag: none Room: 23606 PKr: 0k/0d PKs: 0g, 0n, 0e MOBd: 1 Sect: Civilized 39.7% Wilderness 55.3% Other 5.0%LOGIN INFO: Last: Fri May 19 10:21:13 2017 (3 minutes played) |
57 |
flag |
Syntax: flag mob <+/-/=> flag char <+/-/=> flag obj <+/-/=> mob flags: act,aff,off,imm,res,vuln,form,part char flags: plr,comm,aff,imm,res,vuln obj flags: wear,extra +: add flag, -: remove flag, = set equal to otherwise flag toggles the flags listed. |
57 |
freeze |
freezes a character |
57 |
maxlimits |
max limit on an item |
57 |
pardon |
Syntax: pardon <killer |
thief>. |
57 |
renam |
If you want to RENAME an existing player your must type rename in full.rename |
57 |
rename |
rename player |
57 |
restore |
restore room, player, all to full health mana move |
57 |
sla |
goes to slash, but shouldn't |
57 |
slay |
instakill |
58 |
addapply |
Syntax for applies: addapply addapply clearApply Types: hp str dex int wis con mana ac move hitroll damroll savesSyntax for affects: addapply affect Affect Names: blind invisible detect_evil detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden detect_good sanctuary infrared curse poison protect_evil protect_good sneak hide sleep charm flying pass_door haste calm plague weaken dark_vision berserk waterbreath regeneration slow |
don't know if this is persistent |
58 |
affrem |
Syntax: affrem |
58 |
affto |
Syntax: affto Locations:Affect types:AFT_SPELL AFT_SKILL AFT_POWER AFT_MALADY AFT_COMMUNE AFT_INVIS AFT_RUNE AFT_TIMERBitvectors:blind invisible detect_evil detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden detect_good sanctuary detect_camoinfrared curse camouflage poison protection rage sneak hide sleepcharm flying pass_door haste calm plague permanent dark_vision berserkwaterbreath regeneration slow noshow darksanc |
58 |
ban |
Site By Type Date Duration Reason216.127.82.103 Carantoc Newbie 09/22/2003 7 Multicharring, gear passing, disrespectden.megapath.net Calenduil Newbie 09/10/2003 -1 CF imms!Syntax: ban <ip/host> <newbie/all> (-1 duration is permanent) unban ban show |
58 |
ccl |
No idea |
58 |
cleader |
Makes cabal leader |
58 |
clearfavors |
clears demon/devil favors |
58 |
clearquests |
clears quests? |
58 |
deny |
deny character |
58 |
divine |
Syntax: intervention Affects: hp mana move ac hitroll damroll saves |
58 |
gsnlist |
get skill number list |
58 |
interpdump |
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault._IO_vfprintf_internal (s=0x81a0aa4, format=0x81a0aa4 "north"" |
ap=0x0) at vfprintf.c:1283 |
1283 ORIENT; |
58,newlock,locks new players out,58,racedump,,Program received signal SIGSEGV |
Segmentation fault. |
_IO_vfprintf_internal (s=0x81c6b5c |
format=0x81c6b5c ""unique"" |
ap=0x81c6b5c ""unique"") at vfprintf.c:1283 |
1283 ORIENT; |
58,set,Syntax: |
set mob |
set obj |
set room |
set skill |
set sgroup |
set form <form/all> <%> |
,58,unban,remove site from ban list,58,wizlock,locks game to immortals,59,constdump,Const.c dump completed and successful.,makes a const.txt file59,iprotect,No idea,59,log,No idea,60,advance,Syntax: advance .,60,clean,Cleaning logins... |
Cleaning notes... |
Cleaning offerings... |
Cleaning pklogs... |
Autodeleting players... |
Comparing actual records in players vs pfiles.. |
Done. |
,I think this modifies the DB60,dump,No idea,# modified: area/mem.dmp |
# modified: area/mob.dmp |
# modified: area/obj.dmp |
60,forcetick,Makes tick happen now,60,heroimm,Makes character heroimm,60,immtrust,Syntax: trust .,60,lag,Syntax: lag |
0 resets target's lag to nothing. |
,60,ltrack,Syntax: ltrack <name |
date |
site> <all/new/in/out?> <#display?> |
,60,pload,Syntax: pload ,Does something |
but I dunno what." |
60 |
questmod |
No idea |
60 |
sitetrack |
ID # Site Denials Comments 1 aol.com 13 1 3 bellatlantic.net 1 1Use sitetrack to view more details.Use sitetrack comment to enter a comment on the given site.Use sitetrack add <site IP, i.e. aol.com>. Use numeric IP ONLY if it's unresolvable.Use sitetrack delcomment to delete a comment, and sitetrack delsite to delete a site. |
60 |
violate |
goto but for private rooms |